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TElCustomSimpleSSLClient     See also     

Filter: C#  VB.NET  Pascal  C++  PHP  Java  

Specifies the allowed SSL/TLS versions.


    TSBVersions Versions;

    Property Versions As TSBVersions

    property Versions : TSBVersions;

    TSBVersions get_Versions();
    void set_Versions(TSBVersions Value);

    integer get_Versions()
    void set_Versions(integer $Value)

    short getVersions();
    void setVersions(short Value);

TSBVersions values


    This property defines which SSL/TLS versions are allowed to be used during SSL/TLS session. By default all versions are allowed. The application can disable undesired versions. It is not possible to disable SSL3 if TLS1 and SSL2 are both enabled.
    The default value is [sbSSL2, sbSSL3, sbTLS1, sbTLS11].
    Note, if you set Versions to [sbSSL3, sbTLS1] and connect to Java 2 server which supports only TLS1, Java server will crash. This is a bug in Java 2 server.
   Note, protocol version assigning differs in VCL and .NET versions. To enable some SSL versions in .NET use bitwise OR operation, for example ‘sbSSL2 | sbSSL3 | sbTLS1’.

    Example:  The following shows how to set the property for different SecureBlackbox editions:

    TElSimpleSSLClient.Versions = SBSSLConstants.Unit.sbTLS11 | SBSSLConstants.Unit.sbTLS12;

    TElSimpleSSLClient.Versions = SBSSLConstants.Unit.sbTLS11 Or SBSSLConstants.Unit.sbTLS12

    TElSimpleSSLClient.Versions = sbTLS11 or sbTLS12;

See also:     CipherSuites    

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