PDFSigner Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Config Settings   Errors  

The PDFSigner class signs PDF documents digitally.


class secureblackbox.PDFSigner


PDFSigner can sign PDF documents in accordance with a selection of PDF and PAdES signature standards.

Standards and technologies supported

PDFSigner can create PDF signatures that match the following baseline standards:

  • Generic PDF signatures (ISO 32000)
  • PAdES: all profiles are supported (BES, EPES, T, LTV, B-B, B-T, and others) (ETSI EN 319 142-1 and others)
  • Signature and document timestamps using external TSAs.
  • All industry-standard cryptographic algorithms (RSA, ECDSA, SHA256-512, and many others).

Configuring the signature spec

Configuring PDFSigner to produce signatures of the right type is one of the most important questions you need to address. Normally the service or software you will be communicating your PDF documents to will provide you with the list of requirements that your signatures should match.

Typically, those will dictate the following key aspects of the signatures:

  • Level (BES, T, or LTV). This can be adjusted with the property (Note: when creating EPES signatures you need to provide the signature and properties).
  • Timestamp requirement: provide the address of your online TSA service via timestamp_server property.
  • When creating LTV signatures, tune up validation parameters via revocation_check, offline_mode, and ignore_chain_validation_errors properties.
  • To create a document timestamp, sign your document first, and then sign the result again with set to pslDocumentTimestamp and timestamp_server pointing to the TSA URL.

Signing certificates

PDFSigner can use certificates residing on different media. Besides generic certificates stored in PFX or PEM files (A1), it can operate with non-exportable certificates residing on hardware media (A3) or in the cloud.

Non-exportable certificates can be accessed transparently via a Windows CSP or a PKCS#11 driver, if supplied by the certificate issuer. Proprietary interfaces can be plugged in with the external signing feature (see below).

You can use CertificateManager and CertificateStorage components to load the signing certificate. Assign the certificate to signing_certificate property, and optionally provide the remainder of its chain via signing_chain property.

Note: If signing with a non-exportable key (such as residing on a hardware device or in the cloud), please make sure you keep the original CertificateStorage object open until the signing is completed. This is because the storage component provides a 'bridge' to the private key. If the storage is closed prematurely, this bridge is destroyed, and the private key can't be used.

You don't need to provide a signing certificate or chain when creating document timestamp signatures, since this type of signatures is done with a TSA's certificate.

Widget adjustment

PDFSigner provides means to customize the look of the signature widget to be shown on the document page. Create your very own signatures in the form of your company's logo, a handwritten signature, or a wet seal.

Alternatively, you can choose not to associate any widget with your signature by setting to true.

Please check out this self-describing PDF document for good guidance on widget positioning, background styles, and text formatting.

Signing the document

Now that you have set up all signature, certificate, and widget properties, it is time to sign. You can provide the input document in one of the following forms: as a file (assign the path to input_file property), as a stream (assign to input_stream property), or as a byte array (assign to input_bytes). Similarly, the output can be collected in one of the same forms, either by passing the destination path or stream via output_file and output_stream respectively, or by reading the resulting document bytes from the output_bytes property after the signing.

Having set up the input and output, call the component's sign method. This will initiate the signing process. Depending on the settings, the signing may be as straightforward as calculating the document hash and signing it with the private key (e.g. in PAdES-BES signing variant), or it may involve advanced chain validation routines (PAdES-LTV). During the latter the component may contact a number of external revocation information sources (CRL and OCSP servers) to establish the validity of the signing certificate.

If a TSA server was provided via the timestamp_server property, the component will contact it too to timestamp the new signature.

During the signing PDFSigner may fire events to let your code know of certain conditions. If the input document is encrypted but no decryption parameters were found in password and decryption_certificate properties, the component would fire on_decryption_info_needed event to tell your code that it needs decryption information to be able to continue with the signing. It may fire on_tls_cert_validate if one of the HTTP endpoints involved during the operation (which may be a CRL, OCSP, or TSA service) works over TLS and needs its certificate to be validated.

External signing and DCAuth

PDFSigner, like many other components offered by the product, supports two methods of signing with external keys. These methods are fully independent of each other: you can choose the one that suits your usage scenario best.

Synchronous method: ExternalSign

This is a simpler method that basically lets you infiltrate into the heart of the signing routine by taking care of the hash signing operation. The component does the rest of the job (hash calculation, preparation of signature objects, CRL/OCSP retrieval).

To initiate this method, call sign_external instead of sign. When the hash is ready, it will be passed back to your code with on_external_sign event. Your event handler needs to sign the hash with the private key and return the created signature back to the component - which will embed it into the document.

You don't need your signing certificate to contain an associated private key when using this method. The certificate itself (its public copy) may be needed though, as it is often included in the hash calculation.

This method is synchronous, meaning sign_external provides you the results immediately upon its completion.

Asynchronous method: DCAuth

DCAuth is a SecureBlackbox know-how technology. This protocol was designed to allow sharing of private keys across environments, allowing the signer and the private key to reside on different systems. It works in the following way:

  • The signing party - such as PDFSigner - initiates the operation using sign_async_begin call. This produces two outcomes: a pre-signed document (a document with a blank signature placeholder), and a request state (an object containing a hash that needs to be signed). At this point the PDFSigner instance can be released, and the process itself terminated (which may be useful when run as part of a web page).
  • The request state is passed to the private key holder party. The private key holder passes the request state to a DCAuth object, which parses the request state, extracts the hash, and signs it. The output of DCAuth processing is another object, response state, which contains the signature. The private key holder then sends the response state back to the signing party.
  • The signing party re-creates the controls, and passes the response state, together with the pre-signed version of the document, to the signer's sign_async_end method. sign_async_end extracts the signature from the response state and incorporates it into the pre-signed document.

This method is asynchronous in that sense that, from the signing party's viewpoint, it splits the signing operation into the pre-signing and completion stages which can be performed independently from each other and in different execution contexts. This makes this method particularly helpful for use in web pages and other scenarios where the signing key is not available in real time.

Fine-grained chain validation setup

Chain validation is a sophisticated, multi-faceted procedure that involves a lot of variables. Depending on the configuration of your operating environment, the specifics of the PKI framework being used, and the validation policy you need to follow, you may want to tune up your chain validation parameters so they fit them best. Below is given a summary of such parameters.

  • revocation_check property lets you choose between and/or prioritize revocation origins. OCSP sources are often preferred to CRL because of their real-time capability and the smaller size of validation tokens they produce.
  • offline_mode is a master switch that stops class from looking for any validation tokens online. If this property is switched on, the component will only use known_certificates, trusted_certificates, known_crls, and known_ocsps collections to look for the missing validation material.
  • ignore_chain_validation_errors makes the component ignore any major validation issues it encounters (such us an untrusted chain or missing CRL). This option is handy for debugging and for creating signatures in the environments where the signing certificate is not trusted.
  • known_certificates, known_crls, and known_ocsps let you provide your own validation material. This may be useful when working in offline_mode, where the signer has no access to the validation sources, or where the validation material has already been collected.
  • trusted_certificates lets you provide a list of trust anchors, either as a complement to the system's or as an alternative for it.
  • blocked_certificates lets you provide a list of blocked/distrusted certificates. Any CA certificate contained in it will be deemed untrusted/invalid.

The following parameters are not directly related to chain validation, but may have an implicit effect on it.

  • proxy, socket_settings, and tls_settings let you tune up the connectivity and TLS options in accordance with local preferences.
  • tls_client_chain lets you provide the client certificate and its chain for TLS client authentication.
  • Subscribe to on_tls_cert_validate to validate any TLS certificates of the services involved in chain validation.

The results of the chain validation procedure, upon its completion, are published in the following properties:

  • chain_validation_result contains the primary result of the chain validation routine: valid, valid but untrusted, invalid, or undefined.
  • chain_validation_details provides the details of the factors that contributed to the chain validation result, such as an outdated certificate, a missing CRL, or a missing CA certificate.
  • validation_log contains the detailed chain validation log. The log can often be very helpful in nailing down various validation issues.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

attached_file_countThe number of records in the AttachedFiles arrays.
attached_files_content_subtypeContains the content subtype of the attachment.
attached_files_content_typeContain the content type of the attachment.
attached_files_creation_dateThe creation date.
attached_files_dataThe content of the attachment.
attached_files_descriptionTextual description of the attachment.
attached_files_filenameSpecifies the name of the attachment file.
attached_files_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
attached_files_idContains the attachment's unique identifier.
attached_files_modification_dateSpecifies the date and time of the file's last modification.
attached_files_read_dateSpecifies the file's last read date.
attached_files_sizeAttachment's size in bytes.
auto_validate_signaturesSpecifies whether PDFSigner should validate any present signatures when the document is opened.
blocked_cert_countThe number of records in the BlockedCert arrays.
blocked_cert_bytesReturns raw certificate data in DER format.
blocked_cert_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
cert_countThe number of records in the Cert arrays.
cert_bytesReturns raw certificate data in DER format.
cert_caIndicates whether the certificate has a CA capability (a setting in BasicConstraints extension).
cert_ca_key_idA unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's private key.
cert_crl_distribution_pointsLocations of the CRL (Certificate Revocation List) distribution points used to check this certificate's validity.
cert_curveSpecifies the elliptic curve of the EC public key.
cert_fingerprintContains the fingerprint (a hash imprint) of this certificate.
cert_friendly_nameContains an associated alias (friendly name) of the certificate.
cert_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
cert_issuerThe common name of the certificate issuer (CA), typically a company name.
cert_issuer_rdnA collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, uniquely identifying the certificate issuer.
cert_key_algorithmSpecifies the public key algorithm of this certificate.
cert_key_bitsReturns the length of the public key.
cert_key_fingerprintReturns a fingerprint of the public key contained in the certificate.
cert_key_usageIndicates the purposes of the key contained in the certificate, in the form of an OR'ed flag set.
cert_key_validReturns True if the certificate's key is cryptographically valid, and False otherwise.
cert_ocsp_locationsLocations of OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) services that can be used to check this certificate's validity, as recorded by the CA.
cert_policy_i_dsContains identifiers (OIDs) of the applicable certificate policies.
cert_public_key_bytesContains the certificate's public key in DER format.
cert_self_signedIndicates whether the certificate is self-signed (root) or signed by an external CA.
cert_serial_numberReturns the certificate's serial number.
cert_sig_algorithmIndicates the algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this certificate.
cert_subjectThe common name of the certificate holder, typically an individual's name, a URL, an e-mail address, or a company name.
cert_subject_key_idContains a unique identifier (fingerprint) of the certificate's private key.
cert_subject_rdnA collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, uniquely identifying the certificate holder (subject).
cert_valid_fromThe time point at which the certificate becomes valid, in UTC.
cert_valid_toThe time point at which the certificate expires, in UTC.
crl_countThe number of records in the CRL arrays.
crl_bytesReturns raw CRL data in DER format.
crl_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
crl_issuerThe common name of the CRL issuer (CA), typically a company name.
crl_issuer_rdnA collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, uniquely identifying the CRL issuer.
crl_locationThe URL that the CRL was downloaded from.
crl_next_updateThe planned time and date of the next version of this CRL to be published.
crl_this_updateThe date and time at which this version of the CRL was published.
decryption_certificate_bytesReturns raw certificate data in DER format.
decryption_certificate_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
document_info_encryption_algorithmThe symmetric algorithm used to encrypt the document.
document_info_encryption_typeThe document encryption type.
document_info_metadata_encryptedIndicates if the document metadata is encrypted.
document_info_permissionsContains the document permissions associated with the encryption.
empty_field_indexSpecifies the index of the empty signature field to sign.
external_crypto_async_document_idSpecifies an optional document ID for SignAsyncBegin() and SignAsyncEnd() calls.
external_crypto_custom_paramsCustom parameters to be passed to the signing service (uninterpreted).
external_crypto_dataAdditional data to be included in the async state and mirrored back by the requestor.
external_crypto_external_hash_calculationSpecifies whether the message hash is to be calculated at the external endpoint.
external_crypto_hash_algorithmSpecifies the request's signature hash algorithm.
external_crypto_key_idThe ID of the pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.
external_crypto_key_secretThe pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.
external_crypto_methodSpecifies the asynchronous signing method.
external_crypto_modeSpecifies the external cryptography mode.
external_crypto_public_key_algorithmProvide public key algorithm here if the certificate is not available on the pre-signing stage.
ignore_chain_validation_errorsMakes the class tolerant to chain validation errors.
input_bytesUse this property to pass the input to class in the byte array form.
input_fileThe PDF file to be signed or updated.
known_cert_countThe number of records in the KnownCert arrays.
known_cert_bytesReturns raw certificate data in DER format.
known_cert_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
known_crl_countThe number of records in the KnownCRL arrays.
known_crl_bytesReturns raw CRL data in DER format.
known_crl_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
known_ocsp_countThe number of records in the KnownOCSP arrays.
known_ocsp_bytesBuffer containing raw OCSP response data.
known_ocsp_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
new_sig_allowed_changesThe changes to the document are allowed by the signature.
new_sig_author_nameA human-readable signer name.
new_sig_certificate_indexReturns the index of the signing certificate in the Certificates collection Use this property to look up the signing certificate in the Certificates collection.
new_sig_certificationSpecifies whether this is a Certification (MDP) signature.
new_sig_chain_validation_detailsThe details of a certificate chain validation outcome.
new_sig_chain_validation_resultThe outcome of a certificate chain validation routine.
new_sig_claimed_signing_timeReturns or sets signature's creation time.
new_sig_contact_infoContains signer's contact information.
new_sig_coverage_ends_atIndicates the offset in the PDF file where signature coverage ends.
new_sig_custom_dataA uninterpreted custom data to save with the signature.
new_sig_empty_fieldIndicates whether or not the signature created/read is an empty property (a signature placeholder).
new_sig_filter_nameThe signature filter name.
new_sig_full_signature_nameSpecifies the full name of the signature property.
new_sig_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
new_sig_hash_algorithmSpecifies the hash algorithm to be used for signing.
new_sig_heightSpecifies the height of the signature widget.
new_sig_levelSpecifies the signature kind and level.
new_sig_locationSpecifies the host name or the physical location of the signing entity.
new_sig_offsetxSpecifies the signature widget offset from the left-hand page border.
new_sig_offsetySpecifies the signature widget offset from the bottom page border.
new_sig_pageIndicates the index of the page on which the signature is placed.
new_sig_policy_hashThe signature policy hash value for EPES signatures.
new_sig_policy_hash_algorithmThe algorithm that was used to calculate the signature policy hash.
new_sig_policy_idThe policy ID to be included into the signature.
new_sig_reasonSpecifies the reason for signing.
new_sig_signature_bytesReturns the binary representation of the underlying PKCS7 signature blob.
new_sig_signature_nameSpecifies the unique signature identifier to use.
new_sig_signature_validation_resultThe outcome of the cryptographic signature validation.
new_sig_subject_rdnContains the RDN of the owner of the signing certificate.
new_sig_timestampedUse this property to establish whether the signature contains an embedded timestamp.
new_sig_validated_signing_timeContains the certified signing time.
new_sig_validation_logContains the signing certificate's chain validation log.
new_sig_widthSpecifies the width of the signature widget.
ocsp_countThe number of records in the OCSP arrays.
ocsp_bytesBuffer containing raw OCSP response data.
ocsp_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
ocsp_issuerIndicates the issuer of this response (a CA or its authorized representative).
ocsp_issuer_rdnIndicates the RDN of the issuer of this response (a CA or its authorized representative).
ocsp_locationLocation of the OCSP responder.
ocsp_produced_atSpecifies the time when the response was produced, in UTC.
offline_modeSwitches the class to the offline mode.
output_bytesUse this property to read the output the class object has produced.
output_fileThe file to save the signed or updated document to.
page_countThe number of records in the Page arrays.
page_crop_llxSpecifies the lower-left X coordinate of the page crop area.
page_crop_llySpecifies the lower-left Y coordinate of the page crop area.
page_crop_urxSpecifies the upper-right X coordinate of the page crop area.
page_crop_urySpecifies the upper-right Y coordinate of the page crop area.
page_heightSpecifies the height of the page.
page_media_llxSpecifies the lower-left X coordinate of the page media area.
page_media_llySpecifies the lower-left Y coordinate of the page media area.
page_media_urxSpecifies the upper-right X coordinate of the page media area.
page_media_urySpecifies the upper-right Y coordinate of the page media area.
page_rotateSpecifies the rotation angle of the page in degrees.
page_widthSpecifies the width of the page.
passwordThe decryption password.
profileSpecifies a pre-defined profile to apply when creating the signature.
proxy_addressThe IP address of the proxy server.
proxy_authenticationThe authentication type used by the proxy server.
proxy_passwordThe password to authenticate to the proxy server.
proxy_portThe port on the proxy server to connect to.
proxy_proxy_typeThe type of the proxy server.
proxy_request_headersContains HTTP request headers for WebTunnel and HTTP proxy.
proxy_response_bodyContains the HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy response body.
proxy_response_headersContains response headers received from an HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy server.
proxy_use_ipv6Specifies whether IPv6 should be used when connecting through the proxy.
proxy_use_proxyEnables or disables proxy-driven connection.
proxy_usernameSpecifies the username credential for proxy authentication.
revocation_checkSpecifies the kind(s) of revocation check to perform.
signature_countThe number of records in the Signature arrays.
signature_allowed_changesThe changes to the document are allowed by the signature.
signature_author_nameA human-readable signer name.
signature_certificate_indexReturns the index of the signing certificate in the Certificates collection Use this property to look up the signing certificate in the Certificates collection.
signature_certificationSpecifies whether this is a Certification (MDP) signature.
signature_chain_validation_detailsThe details of a certificate chain validation outcome.
signature_chain_validation_resultThe outcome of a certificate chain validation routine.
signature_claimed_signing_timeReturns or sets signature's creation time.
signature_contact_infoContains signer's contact information.
signature_coverage_ends_atIndicates the offset in the PDF file where signature coverage ends.
signature_custom_dataA uninterpreted custom data to save with the signature.
signature_empty_fieldIndicates whether or not the signature created/read is an empty property (a signature placeholder).
signature_filter_nameThe signature filter name.
signature_full_signature_nameSpecifies the full name of the signature property.
signature_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
signature_hash_algorithmSpecifies the hash algorithm to be used for signing.
signature_heightSpecifies the height of the signature widget.
signature_levelSpecifies the signature kind and level.
signature_locationSpecifies the host name or the physical location of the signing entity.
signature_offsetxSpecifies the signature widget offset from the left-hand page border.
signature_offsetySpecifies the signature widget offset from the bottom page border.
signature_pageIndicates the index of the page on which the signature is placed.
signature_policy_hashThe signature policy hash value for EPES signatures.
signature_policy_hash_algorithmThe algorithm that was used to calculate the signature policy hash.
signature_policy_idThe policy ID to be included into the signature.
signature_reasonSpecifies the reason for signing.
signature_signature_bytesReturns the binary representation of the underlying PKCS7 signature blob.
signature_signature_nameSpecifies the unique signature identifier to use.
signature_signature_validation_resultThe outcome of the cryptographic signature validation.
signature_subject_rdnContains the RDN of the owner of the signing certificate.
signature_timestampedUse this property to establish whether the signature contains an embedded timestamp.
signature_validated_signing_timeContains the certified signing time.
signature_validation_logContains the signing certificate's chain validation log.
signature_widthSpecifies the width of the signature widget.
signing_cert_bytesReturns raw certificate data in DER format.
signing_cert_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
signing_chain_countThe number of records in the SigningChain arrays.
signing_chain_bytesReturns raw certificate data in DER format.
signing_chain_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
socket_dns_modeSelects the DNS resolver to use: the class's (secure) built-in one, or the one provided by the system.
socket_dns_portSpecifies the port number to be used for sending queries to the DNS server.
socket_dns_query_timeoutThe timeout (in milliseconds) for each DNS query.
socket_dns_serversThe addresses of DNS servers to use for address resolution, separated by commas or semicolons.
socket_dns_total_timeoutThe timeout (in milliseconds) for the whole resolution process.
socket_incoming_speed_limitThe maximum number of bytes to read from the socket, per second.
socket_local_addressThe local network interface to bind the socket to.
socket_local_portThe local port number to bind the socket to.
socket_outgoing_speed_limitThe maximum number of bytes to write to the socket, per second.
socket_timeoutThe maximum period of waiting, in milliseconds, after which the socket operation is considered unsuccessful.
socket_use_ipv6Enables or disables IP protocol version 6.
timestamp_countThe number of records in the Timestamp arrays.
timestamp_accuracyThis property indicates the accuracy of the included time mark, in microseconds.
timestamp_bytesReturns raw timestamp data in DER format.
timestamp_certificate_indexReturns the index of the TSA certificate in the Certificates collection Use this property to look up the TSA certificate in the Certificates collection.
timestamp_chain_validation_detailsThe details of a certificate chain validation outcome.
timestamp_chain_validation_resultThe outcome of a certificate chain validation routine.
timestamp_serial_numberReturns the timestamp's serial number.
timestamp_signature_indexReturns the index of the owner signature, if applicable.
timestamp_timeThe time point incorporated into the timestamp.
timestamp_timestamp_typeReturns the type of the timestamp.
timestamp_tsa_nameThis value uniquely identifies the Timestamp Authority (TSA).
timestamp_validation_logContains the TSA certificate chain validation log.
timestamp_validation_resultContains timestamp validation outcome.
timestamp_serverThe address of the timestamping server.
tls_client_cert_countThe number of records in the TLSClientCert arrays.
tls_client_cert_bytesReturns raw certificate data in DER format.
tls_client_cert_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
tls_server_cert_countThe number of records in the TLSServerCert arrays.
tls_server_cert_bytesReturns raw certificate data in DER format.
tls_server_cert_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
tls_auto_validate_certificatesSpecifies whether server-side TLS certificates should be validated automatically using internal validation rules.
tls_base_configurationSelects the base configuration for the TLS settings.
tls_ciphersuitesA list of ciphersuites separated with commas or semicolons.
tls_ec_curvesDefines the elliptic curves to enable.
tls_extensionsProvides access to TLS extensions.
tls_force_resume_if_destination_changesWhether to force TLS session resumption when the destination address changes.
tls_pre_shared_identityDefines the identity used when the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) key-exchange mechanism is negotiated.
tls_pre_shared_keyContains the pre-shared for the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) key-exchange mechanism, encoded with base16.
tls_pre_shared_key_ciphersuiteDefines the ciphersuite used for PSK (Pre-Shared Key) negotiation.
tls_renegotiation_attack_prevention_modeSelects renegotiation attack prevention mechanism.
tls_revocation_checkSpecifies the kind(s) of revocation check to perform.
tls_ssl_optionsVarious SSL (TLS) protocol options, set of cssloExpectShutdownMessage 0x001 Wait for the close-notify message when shutting down the connection cssloOpenSSLDTLSWorkaround 0x002 (DEPRECATED) Use a DTLS version workaround when talking to very old OpenSSL versions cssloDisableKexLengthAlignment 0x004 Do not align the client-side PMS by the RSA modulus size.
tls_tls_modeSpecifies the TLS mode to use.
tls_use_extended_master_secretEnables Extended Master Secret Extension, as defined in RFC 7627.
tls_use_session_resumptionEnables or disables TLS session resumption capability.
tls_versionsThe SSL/TLS versions to enable by default.
trusted_cert_countThe number of records in the TrustedCert arrays.
trusted_cert_bytesReturns raw certificate data in DER format.
trusted_cert_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
validation_momentThe time point at which signature validity is to be established.
widget_algorithm_captionCaption of the signature widget property with information about the signature algorithm.
widget_algorithm_infoInformation about the algorithm to be shown on the signature widget.
widget_background_dataContains/takes the data of the signature widget background bitmap.
widget_background_heightUse this property to manually adjust the size of the stretched background picture in the vertical direction.
widget_background_image_heightThe height of the background image in pixels.
widget_background_image_typeThe type of the image contained in BackgroundData .
widget_background_image_widthThe width of the background image in pixels.
widget_background_maskContains the background image mask.
widget_background_positionThe position of the widget background.
widget_background_styleThe style of the signature widget background.
widget_background_widthUse this property to manually adjust the horizontal size of the stretched background picture.
widget_compress_widget_dataWhether the signature widget data should be compressed before saving.
widget_custom_appearanceContains custom widget description in raw PDF graphic operators format.
widget_custom_background_content_streamSpecifies custom custom background content stream for pwbsCustom BackgroundStyle .
widget_custom_visual_status_matrixDefines the custom visual status matrix.
widget_date_formatThe format string used to display the signing date and time in the signature widget.
widget_font_nameSpecifies the font name for the signature text.
widget_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
widget_headerSpecifies the header text to put on the signature widget.
widget_hide_default_textSwitches off generation of any headers for the signature widget.
widget_ignore_existing_appearanceTells the class to discard any existing widget parameters when signing empty signature properties.
widget_invert_maskSpecifies whether BackgroundMask should be inverted.
widget_invisibleControls whether the signature widget is visible on the page.
widget_pages_to_place_onPage numbers on which the signature is shown.
widget_position_anchorThe anchor to bind the position of the widget to.
widget_render_optionsThis setting is a container for a selection of rendering options.
widget_rotateSpecifies the rotation angle of the signature widget in degrees.
widget_show_dateWhether to display the signing date and time details on the widget.
widget_show_visual_statusSpecifies whether to show the signature's status icon.
widget_signer_captionSpecifies the caption for the signer section on the signature widget.
widget_signer_infoProvides custom signer information to put on the signature widget.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

add_widget_custom_dataAdds a custom data to the signature widget.
add_widget_textAdds a text block to the signature widget.
add_widget_text_exAdds a text block to the signature widget.
attach_bytesAdds an attachment to the PDF document.
attach_fileAdds an attachment to the PDF document.
closeCloses an opened document.
configSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
do_actionPerforms an additional action.
extract_async_dataExtracts user data from the DC signing service response.
get_attached_bytesSaves a PDF attachment to a byte array.
get_attached_fileSaves a PDF attachment to a file.
openOpens a document for signing or updating.
revalidateRevalidates a signature in accordance with current settings.
signSigns a PDF document.
sign_async_beginInitiates the asynchronous signing operation.
sign_async_endCompletes the asynchronous signing operation.
sign_externalSigns the document using an external signing facility.
updateUpdates a signature.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

on_chain_element_downloadFires when there is a need to download a chain element from an online source.
on_chain_element_neededFires when an element required to validate the chain was not located.
on_chain_validatedReports the completion of a certificate chain validation.
on_chain_validation_progressThis event is fired multiple times during chain validation to report various stages of the validation procedure.
on_document_loadedThis event is fired when the document has been loaded into memory.
on_encryptedNotifies the application that the document is encrypted and provides recipient certificate details if asymmetric encryption was used to encrypt the document.
on_errorInformation about errors during signing/validation.
on_external_decryptHandles remote or external decryption.
on_external_signHandles remote or external signing initiated by the SignExternal method or other source.
on_notificationThis event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.
on_pre_render_widgetFires when a signature widget is ready to be written to the document.
on_signature_foundSignifies the start of signature validation.
on_signature_validatedMarks the completion of the signature validation routine.
on_timestamp_foundSignifies the start of a timestamp validation routine.
on_timestamp_requestFires when the class is ready to request a timestamp from an external TSA.
on_timestamp_validatedReports the completion of the timestamp validation routine.
on_tls_cert_neededFires when a remote TLS party requests a client certificate.
on_tls_cert_validateThis event is fired upon receipt of the TLS server's certificate, allowing the user to control its acceptance.
on_tls_establishedFires when a TLS handshake with Host successfully completes.
on_tls_handshakeFires when a new TLS handshake is initiated, before the handshake commences.
on_tls_shutdownReports the graceful closure of a TLS connection.

Config Settings

The following is a list of config settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AddOutputIntentsSpecifies output intents to be added to the document.
AssemblyOptionsSpecifies the assembly options.
AutoCollectRevocationInfoWhether revocation info should be collected automatically.
AutoReshapeArabicSymbolsSpecifies whether to auto-reshape Arabic symbols.
AutoReverseRTLTextSpecifies whether to auto reverse RTL text.
AutoRotateSignatureSpecifies whether to auto-rotate signature widget.
BackgroundImageBitsPerComponentSpecifies number of bits per color class.
BackgroundImageColorSpaceSpecifies the background image color space.
BackgroundImageInterpolateSpecifies the background image interpolation flag.
BuildApplicationNameSpecifies the application name used to create the signature.
BuildApplicationVersionSpecifies the application version used to create the signature.
BuildPropertiesSpecifies the build properties of the signature.
CollectRevInfoForTimestampsWhether revocation info for timestamps should be collected automatically.
CustomTextCountThe number of custom text block on the signature widget.
CustomTextFontResourceName[Index]The font resource name to use for the custom text block.
CustomTextFontSizeX[Index]The horizontal font size scale.
CustomTextFontSizeY[Index]The vertical font size scale.
CustomTextText[Index]A text to show on a custom signature widget text block.
CustomTextX[Index]The horizontal offset of the text block.
CustomTextY[Index]The vertical offset of the text block.
DateFontSizeThe font size of date/time text on the signature widget.
DeepValidationWhether a complete validation should be performed.
DislikeOpenEndedOCSPsTells the class to discourage OCSP responses without an explicit NextUpdate parameter.
EmptyFullFieldNameSpecifies the full name of the empty signature field to sign.
EmptySignatureFieldAddRevInfo[Index]Specifies if revocation checking should be performed.
EmptySignatureFieldAlternateName[Index]Contains an alternate field name.
EmptySignatureFieldCountThe number of empty signature form fields.
EmptySignatureFieldFlags[Index]The field flags of the signature form field.
EmptySignatureFieldHeight[Index]The Height of the empty signature form field.
EmptySignatureFieldInvisible[Index]The visibility status of the field.
EmptySignatureFieldLegalAttestations[Index]Specifies the legal attestations that are associated with the signature.
EmptySignatureFieldMappingName[Index]The mapping name to be used when exporting form field data from the document.
EmptySignatureFieldName[Index]Textual field name.
EmptySignatureFieldOffsetX[Index]The field's offset from the left page border.
EmptySignatureFieldOffsetY[Index]The field's offset from the bottom page border.
EmptySignatureFieldPage[Index]The index of the form field's page in the document.
EmptySignatureFieldRequiredAllowedChanges[Index]Specifies the changes allowed by the signature.
EmptySignatureFieldRequiredConstraints[Index]Specifies the required Seed Value Dictionary (SVD) constraints.
EmptySignatureFieldRequiredDigestAlgorithms[Index]Specifies the required digest algorithms.
EmptySignatureFieldRequiredFilter[Index]Specifies the required filter.
EmptySignatureFieldRequiredLockAction[Index]Indicates which set of fields shall be locked.
EmptySignatureFieldRequiredLockFields[Index]Indicates the fields that shall be locked on signing.
EmptySignatureFieldRequiredReasons[Index]Specifies the required reasons.
EmptySignatureFieldRequiredSubfilters[Index]Specifies the required subfilters.
EmptySignatureFieldTimestampRequired[Index]Specifies if the signature should be time-stamped.
EmptySignatureFieldTSPURL[Index]URL for a TSP server.
EmptySignatureFieldWidth[Index]The Width of the empty signature form field.
EncryptionHandlerNameSpecifies the custom security handler PDF-name.
ExtensionIdentifierModeSpecifies the extension identifier mode.
ExtraSpaceAllows the allocation of extra zero character space in the document behind the signature.
FontPathsSpecifies font search paths.
ForceCompleteChainValidationWhether to check issuer (CA) certificates when signing certificate is invalid.
ForceCompleteChainValidationForTrustedWhether to continue with the full validation up to the root CA certificate for mid-level trust anchors.
GracePeriodSpecifies a grace period to apply during revocation information checks.
HardenedKeyGenerationSpecifies if hardened Key generation should be used.
IgnoreChainLoopsWhether chain loops should be ignored.
IgnoreOCSPNoCheckExtensionWhether OCSP NoCheck extension should be ignored.
IgnoreSystemTrustWhether trusted Windows Certificate Stores should be treated as trusted.
IgnoreTimestampFailureWhether to ignore time-stamping failure during signing.
ImplicitlyTrustSelfSignedCertificatesWhether to trust self-signed certificates.
IncludeKnownRevocationInfoToSignatureWhether to include custom revocation info to the signature.
IncludeRevocationInfoToAdbeAttributeWhether to save revocation info in PDF-compliant form.
LastSignatureWidgetSpecifies that it is the last signature widget to be added.
PAdESOptionsSpecifies the PAdES options.
PageInfoCountThe number of pages.
PageInfoCropBoxEmpty[Index]Check if the page's crop box is empty or not.
PageInfoCropLLX[Index]Defines the X coordinate of the lower left corner of the crop box.
PageInfoCropLLY[Index]Defines the Y coordinate of the lower left corner of the crop box.
PageInfoCropURX[Index]Defines the X coordinate of the upper right corner of the crop box.
PageInfoCropURY[Index]Defines the Y coordinate of the upper right corner of the crop box.
PageInfoHeight[Index]The Height of the page.
PageInfoMediaLLX[Index]Defines the X coordinate of the lower left corner of the media box.
PageInfoMediaLLY[Index]Defines the Y coordinate of the lower left corner of the media box.
PageInfoMediaURX[Index]Defines the X coordinate of the upper right corner of the media box.
PageInfoMediaURY[Index]Defines the Y coordinate of the upper right corner of the media box.
PageInfoRotate[Index]The Rotate value of the page.
PageInfoUserUnit[Index]Defines the size of default user space units.
PageInfoWidth[Index]The Width of the page.
PolicyExplicitTextThe explicit text of the user notice.
PolicyUNNumbersThe noticeNumbers part of the NoticeReference PAdES-EPES attribute.
PolicyUNOrganizationThe organization part of the NoticeReference qualifier.
PolicyURIThe URI of the signature policy.
PredefinedSignatureSizeUser-defined size of the signature.
PromoteLongOCSPResponsesWhether long OCSP responses are requested.
RC4KeyBitsSpecifies the number of key bits used for RC4 algorithm.
SchemeParamsThe algorithm scheme parameters to employ.
SectionTextFontSizeThe font size of general text on the signature widget.
SectionTitleFontSizeThe font size of section title on the signature widget.
SignatureCountThe number of signatures.
SignatureHeight[Index]The Height of the signature widget.
SignatureInvisible[Index]The visibility status of the signature.
SignatureName[Index]Textual signature name.
SignatureOffsetX[Index]The siganture widget's offset from the left page border.
SignatureOffsetY[Index]The signature widget's offset from the bottom page border.
SignatureOptionsSpecifies the signature options.
SignaturePage[Index]The index of the signature widget's page in the document.
SignatureSizeEstimationStrategyWhich mechanism to use to estimate the size of a PAdES signature.
SignatureWidth[Index]The Width of the signature widget.
TempPathLocation where the temporary files are stored.
TextObjEncodingThe encoding to apply to string objects stored with the signature.
TitleFontSizeThe font size of the main title on the signature widget.
TLSChainValidationDetailsContains the advanced details of the TLS server certificate validation.
TLSChainValidationResultContains the result of the TLS server certificate validation.
TLSClientAuthRequestedIndicates whether the TLS server requests client authentication.
TLSValidationLogContains the log of the TLS server certificate validation.
TolerateMinorChainIssuesWhether to tolerate minor chain issues.
TspAttemptCountSpecifies the number of timestamping request attempts.
TspHashAlgorithmSets a specific hash algorithm for use with the timestamping service.
TspReqPolicySets a request policy ID to include in the timestamping request.
UpdateKindAdjusts the scope of modifications that are made to the signature with the Update method.
UseLegacyVisualStyleSpecifies whether to use legacy signature visual style.
UseMicrosoftCTLEnables or disables automatic use of Microsoft online certificate trust list.
UsePSSWhether to use RSASSA-PSS algorithm.
UseSystemCertificatesEnables or disables the use of the system certificates.
UseValidationCacheEnables or disable the use of the product-wide certificate chain validation cache.
WidgetHeightSpecifies the height of the signature widget.
WidgetOffsetXSpecifies the signature widget offset from the left-hand page border.
WidgetOffsetYSpecifies the signature widget offset from the bottom page border.
WidgetWidthSpecifies the width of the signature widget.
CheckKeyIntegrityBeforeUseEnables or disable private key integrity check before use.
CookieCachingSpecifies whether a cookie cache should be used for HTTP(S) transports.
CookiesGets or sets local cookies for the class.
DefDeriveKeyIterationsSpecifies the default key derivation algorithm iteration count.
EnableClientSideSSLFFDHEEnables or disables finite field DHE key exchange support in TLS clients.
GlobalCookiesGets or sets global cookies for all the HTTP transports.
HttpUserAgentSpecifies the user agent name to be used by all HTTP clients.
LogDestinationSpecifies the debug log destination.
LogDetailsSpecifies the debug log details to dump.
LogFileSpecifies the debug log filename.
LogFiltersSpecifies the debug log filters.
LogFlushModeSpecifies the log flush mode.
LogLevelSpecifies the debug log level.
LogMaxEventCountSpecifies the maximum number of events to cache before further action is taken.
LogRotationModeSpecifies the log rotation mode.
MaxASN1BufferLengthSpecifies the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 primitive tag data.
MaxASN1TreeDepthSpecifies the maximal depth for processed ASN.1 trees.
OCSPHashAlgorithmSpecifies the hash algorithm to be used to identify certificates in OCSP requests.
StaticDNSSpecifies whether static DNS rules should be used.
StaticIPAddress[domain]Gets or sets an IP address for the specified domain name.
StaticIPAddressesGets or sets all the static DNS rules.
TagAllows to store any custom data.
TLSSessionGroupSpecifies the group name of TLS sessions to be used for session resumption.
TLSSessionLifetimeSpecifies lifetime in seconds of the cached TLS session.
TLSSessionPurgeIntervalSpecifies how often the session cache should remove the expired TLS sessions.
UseOwnDNSResolverSpecifies whether the client classes should use own DNS resolver.
UseSharedSystemStoragesSpecifies whether the validation engine should use a global per-process copy of the system certificate stores.
UseSystemOAEPAndPSSEnforces or disables the use of system-driven RSA OAEP and PSS computations.
UseSystemRandomEnables or disables the use of the OS PRNG.

attached_file_count Property

The number of records in the AttachedFiles arrays.


def get_attached_file_count() -> int: ...

attached_file_count = property(get_attached_file_count, None)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at attached_file_count - 1.

This property is read-only.

attached_files_content_subtype Property

Contains the content subtype of the attachment.


def get_attached_files_content_subtype(attached_file_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains the content subtype of the attachment.

The attached_file_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the attached_file_count property.

This property is read-only.

attached_files_content_type Property

Contain the content type of the attachment.


def get_attached_files_content_type(attached_file_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contain the content type of the attachment.

The attached_file_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the attached_file_count property.

This property is read-only.

attached_files_creation_date Property

The creation date.


def get_attached_files_creation_date(attached_file_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The creation date.

The attached_file_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the attached_file_count property.

This property is read-only.

attached_files_data Property

The content of the attachment.


def get_attached_files_data(attached_file_index: int) -> bytes: ...


The content of the attachment.

The attached_file_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the attached_file_count property.

This property is read-only.

attached_files_description Property

Textual description of the attachment.


def get_attached_files_description(attached_file_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Textual description of the attachment.

This property maps to the Content-Description e-mail header field. Although the field is optional, the ability to associate descriptive information with a given body is often desirable. One example is specifying the title of an image using this property.

The attached_file_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the attached_file_count property.

This property is read-only.

attached_files_filename Property

Specifies the name of the attachment file.


def get_attached_files_filename(attached_file_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the name of the attachment file.

The attached_file_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the attached_file_count property.

This property is read-only.

attached_files_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_attached_files_handle(attached_file_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The attached_file_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the attached_file_count property.

This property is read-only.

attached_files_id Property

Contains the attachment's unique identifier.


def get_attached_files_id(attached_file_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains the attachment's unique identifier.

The attached_file_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the attached_file_count property.

This property is read-only.

attached_files_modification_date Property

Specifies the date and time of the file's last modification.


def get_attached_files_modification_date(attached_file_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the date and time of the file's last modification.

The attached_file_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the attached_file_count property.

This property is read-only.

attached_files_read_date Property

Specifies the file's last read date.


def get_attached_files_read_date(attached_file_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the file's last read date.

The attached_file_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the attached_file_count property.

This property is read-only.

attached_files_size Property

Attachment's size in bytes.


def get_attached_files_size(attached_file_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Attachment's size in bytes.

The attached_file_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the attached_file_count property.

This property is read-only.

auto_validate_signatures Property

Specifies whether PDFSigner should validate any present signatures when the document is opened.


def get_auto_validate_signatures() -> bool: ...
def set_auto_validate_signatures(value: bool) -> None: ...

auto_validate_signatures = property(get_auto_validate_signatures, set_auto_validate_signatures)

Default Value



This setting is switched off by default to speed up document processing. Even if the document is loaded with this property set to false, you can validate the signatures manually on a later stage using the revalidate method.

blocked_cert_count Property

The number of records in the BlockedCert arrays.


def get_blocked_cert_count() -> int: ...
def set_blocked_cert_count(value: int) -> None: ...

blocked_cert_count = property(get_blocked_cert_count, set_blocked_cert_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at blocked_cert_count - 1.

blocked_cert_bytes Property

Returns raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_blocked_cert_bytes(blocked_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns raw certificate data in DER format.

The blocked_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the blocked_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

blocked_cert_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_blocked_cert_handle(blocked_cert_index: int) -> int: ...
def set_blocked_cert_handle(blocked_cert_index: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The blocked_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the blocked_cert_count property.

cert_count Property

The number of records in the Cert arrays.


def get_cert_count() -> int: ...

cert_count = property(get_cert_count, None)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at cert_count - 1.

This property is read-only.

cert_bytes Property

Returns raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_cert_bytes(cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns raw certificate data in DER format.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_ca Property

Indicates whether the certificate has a CA capability (a setting in BasicConstraints extension).


def get_cert_ca(cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether the certificate has a CA capability (a setting in BasicConstraints extension).

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_ca_key_id Property

A unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's private key.


def get_cert_ca_key_id(cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


A unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's private key.

Authority Key Identifier is a (non-critical) X.509 certificate extension which allows the identification of certificates produced by the same issuer, but with different public keys.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_crl_distribution_points Property

Locations of the CRL (Certificate Revocation List) distribution points used to check this certificate's validity.


def get_cert_crl_distribution_points(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Locations of the CRL (Certificate Revocation List) distribution points used to check this certificate's validity.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_curve Property

Specifies the elliptic curve of the EC public key.


def get_cert_curve(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the elliptic curve of the EC public key.


The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_fingerprint Property

Contains the fingerprint (a hash imprint) of this certificate.


def get_cert_fingerprint(cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Contains the fingerprint (a hash imprint) of this certificate.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_friendly_name Property

Contains an associated alias (friendly name) of the certificate.


def get_cert_friendly_name(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains an associated alias (friendly name) of the certificate.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_cert_handle(cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_hash_algorithm Property



def get_cert_hash_algorithm(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the hash algorithm to be used in the operations on the certificate (such as key signing)


The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_issuer Property

The common name of the certificate issuer (CA), typically a company name.


def get_cert_issuer(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The common name of the certificate issuer (CA), typically a company name.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_issuer_rdn Property

A collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, uniquely identifying the certificate issuer.


def get_cert_issuer_rdn(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



A collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, uniquely identifying the certificate issuer.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_key_algorithm Property

Specifies the public key algorithm of this certificate.


def get_cert_key_algorithm(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the public key algorithm of this certificate.


The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_key_bits Property

Returns the length of the public key.


def get_cert_key_bits(cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the length of the public key.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_key_fingerprint Property

Returns a fingerprint of the public key contained in the certificate.


def get_cert_key_fingerprint(cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns a fingerprint of the public key contained in the certificate.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_key_usage Property

Indicates the purposes of the key contained in the certificate, in the form of an OR'ed flag set.


def get_cert_key_usage(cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Indicates the purposes of the key contained in the certificate, in the form of an OR'ed flag set.

This value is a bit mask of the following values:

ckuUnknown0x00000Unknown key usage

ckuDigitalSignature0x00001Digital signature


ckuKeyEncipherment0x00004Key encipherment

ckuDataEncipherment0x00008Data encipherment

ckuKeyAgreement0x00010Key agreement

ckuKeyCertSign0x00020Certificate signing

ckuCRLSign0x00040Revocation signing

ckuEncipherOnly0x00080Encipher only

ckuDecipherOnly0x00100Decipher only

ckuServerAuthentication0x00200Server authentication

ckuClientAuthentication0x00400Client authentication

ckuCodeSigning0x00800Code signing

ckuEmailProtection0x01000Email protection


ckuOCSPSigning0x04000OCSP signing

ckuSmartCardLogon0x08000Smartcard logon

ckuKeyPurposeClientAuth0x10000Kerberos - client authentication

ckuKeyPurposeKDC0x20000Kerberos - KDC

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_key_valid Property

Returns True if the certificate's key is cryptographically valid, and False otherwise.


def get_cert_key_valid(cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Returns True if the certificate's key is cryptographically valid, and False otherwise.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_ocsp_locations Property

Locations of OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) services that can be used to check this certificate's validity, as recorded by the CA.


def get_cert_ocsp_locations(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Locations of OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) services that can be used to check this certificate's validity, as recorded by the CA.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_policy_i_ds Property

Contains identifiers (OIDs) of the applicable certificate policies.


def get_cert_policy_i_ds(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains identifiers (OIDs) of the applicable certificate policies.

The Certificate Policies extension identifies a sequence of policies under which the certificate has been issued, and which regulate its usage.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_public_key_bytes Property

Contains the certificate's public key in DER format.


def get_cert_public_key_bytes(cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Contains the certificate's public key in DER format.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_self_signed Property

Indicates whether the certificate is self-signed (root) or signed by an external CA.


def get_cert_self_signed(cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether the certificate is self-signed (root) or signed by an external CA.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_serial_number Property

Returns the certificate's serial number.


def get_cert_serial_number(cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the certificate's serial number.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_sig_algorithm Property

Indicates the algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this certificate.


def get_cert_sig_algorithm(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Indicates the algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this certificate.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_subject Property

The common name of the certificate holder, typically an individual's name, a URL, an e-mail address, or a company name.


def get_cert_subject(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The common name of the certificate holder, typically an individual's name, a URL, an e-mail address, or a company name.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_subject_key_id Property

Contains a unique identifier (fingerprint) of the certificate's private key.


def get_cert_subject_key_id(cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Contains a unique identifier (fingerprint) of the certificate's private key.

Subject Key Identifier is a (non-critical) X.509 certificate extension which allows the identification of certificates containing a particular public key. In SecureBlackbox, the unique identifier is represented with a SHA1 hash of the bit string of the subject public key.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_subject_rdn Property

A collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, uniquely identifying the certificate holder (subject).


def get_cert_subject_rdn(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



A collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, uniquely identifying the certificate holder (subject).

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_valid_from Property

The time point at which the certificate becomes valid, in UTC.


def get_cert_valid_from(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The time point at which the certificate becomes valid, in UTC.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_valid_to Property

The time point at which the certificate expires, in UTC.


def get_cert_valid_to(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The time point at which the certificate expires, in UTC.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_count Property

The number of records in the CRL arrays.


def get_crl_count() -> int: ...

crl_count = property(get_crl_count, None)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at crl_count - 1.

This property is read-only.

crl_bytes Property

Returns raw CRL data in DER format.


def get_crl_bytes(crl_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns raw CRL data in DER format.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_crl_handle(crl_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_issuer Property

The common name of the CRL issuer (CA), typically a company name.


def get_crl_issuer(crl_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The common name of the CRL issuer (CA), typically a company name.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_issuer_rdn Property

A collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, uniquely identifying the CRL issuer.


def get_crl_issuer_rdn(crl_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



A collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, uniquely identifying the CRL issuer.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_location Property

The URL that the CRL was downloaded from.


def get_crl_location(crl_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The URL that the CRL was downloaded from.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_next_update Property

The planned time and date of the next version of this CRL to be published.


def get_crl_next_update(crl_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The planned time and date of the next version of this CRL to be published.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_this_update Property

The date and time at which this version of the CRL was published.


def get_crl_this_update(crl_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The date and time at which this version of the CRL was published.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

decryption_certificate_bytes Property

Returns raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_decryption_certificate_bytes() -> bytes: ...

decryption_certificate_bytes = property(get_decryption_certificate_bytes, None)


Returns raw certificate data in DER format.

This property is read-only.

decryption_certificate_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_decryption_certificate_handle() -> int: ...
def set_decryption_certificate_handle(value: int) -> None: ...

decryption_certificate_handle = property(get_decryption_certificate_handle, set_decryption_certificate_handle)

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

document_info_encryption_algorithm Property

The symmetric algorithm used to encrypt the document.


def get_document_info_encryption_algorithm() -> str: ...

document_info_encryption_algorithm = property(get_document_info_encryption_algorithm, None)

Default Value



The symmetric algorithm used to encrypt the document.

This property contains the encryption algorithm that was used to encrypt the PDF document.

Supported values:


This property is read-only.

document_info_encryption_type Property

The document encryption type.


def get_document_info_encryption_type() -> int: ...

document_info_encryption_type = property(get_document_info_encryption_type, None)

Default Value



The document encryption type.

This property indicates the kind of encryption that was used to encrypt the PDF document.

Supported values:

petPassword1The document is encrypted with a password.
petCertificate2The document is encrypted with a certificate (or many certificates).

This property is read-only.

document_info_metadata_encrypted Property

Indicates if the document metadata is encrypted.


def get_document_info_metadata_encrypted() -> bool: ...

document_info_metadata_encrypted = property(get_document_info_metadata_encrypted, None)

Default Value



Indicates if the document metadata is encrypted.

Use this property to check if document metadata is encrypted.

Metadata contains additional information about document such as its name and author.

This property is read-only.

document_info_permissions Property

Contains the document permissions associated with the encryption.


def get_document_info_permissions() -> int: ...

document_info_permissions = property(get_document_info_permissions, None)

Default Value



Contains the document permissions associated with the encryption.

Use this property to check permissions protected by this encryption. PDF specification expects applications to comply with these permissions when handling encrypted documents. Contains a bit mask of the following flags:

pepAnnotations0x0001Annotating is allowed

pepAssemble0x0002Assembling a new document on the basis of the processed one is allowed

pepExtract0x0004Extraction/copying of the pictures and text from the document is allowed

pepExtractAcc0x0008Content extraction is allowed for accessibility purposes only

pepFillInForms0x0010Filling forms in is allowed

pepHighQualityPrint0x0020High quality printing is allowed

pepLowQualityPrint0x0040Low quality printing is allowed

pepModify0x0080Modifications are allowed

This property is read-only.

empty_field_index Property

Specifies the index of the empty signature field to sign.


def get_empty_field_index() -> int: ...
def set_empty_field_index(value: int) -> None: ...

empty_field_index = property(get_empty_field_index, set_empty_field_index)

Default Value



Use this property to specify the empty form field that should be signed. If the default value of -1 is assigned to this property, a new signature field will be created.

external_crypto_async_document_id Property

Specifies an optional document ID for SignAsyncBegin() and SignAsyncEnd() calls.


def get_external_crypto_async_document_id() -> str: ...
def set_external_crypto_async_document_id(value: str) -> None: ...

external_crypto_async_document_id = property(get_external_crypto_async_document_id, set_external_crypto_async_document_id)

Default Value



Specifies an optional document ID for SignAsyncBegin() and SignAsyncEnd() calls.

Use this property when working with multi-signature DCAuth requests and responses to uniquely identify documents signed within a larger batch. On the completion stage, this value helps the signing component identify the correct signature in the returned batch of responses.

If using batched requests, make sure to set this property to the same value on both pre-signing (SignAsyncBegin) and completion (SignAsyncEnd) stages.

external_crypto_custom_params Property

Custom parameters to be passed to the signing service (uninterpreted).


def get_external_crypto_custom_params() -> str: ...
def set_external_crypto_custom_params(value: str) -> None: ...

external_crypto_custom_params = property(get_external_crypto_custom_params, set_external_crypto_custom_params)

Default Value



Custom parameters to be passed to the signing service (uninterpreted).

external_crypto_data Property

Additional data to be included in the async state and mirrored back by the requestor.


def get_external_crypto_data() -> str: ...
def set_external_crypto_data(value: str) -> None: ...

external_crypto_data = property(get_external_crypto_data, set_external_crypto_data)

Default Value



Additional data to be included in the async state and mirrored back by the requestor

external_crypto_external_hash_calculation Property

Specifies whether the message hash is to be calculated at the external endpoint.


def get_external_crypto_external_hash_calculation() -> bool: ...
def set_external_crypto_external_hash_calculation(value: bool) -> None: ...

external_crypto_external_hash_calculation = property(get_external_crypto_external_hash_calculation, set_external_crypto_external_hash_calculation)

Default Value



Specifies whether the message hash is to be calculated at the external endpoint. Please note that this mode is not supported by all components. In particular, components operating with larger objects (PDFSigner, CAdESSigner, XAdESSigner) do not support it.

external_crypto_hash_algorithm Property

Specifies the request's signature hash algorithm.


def get_external_crypto_hash_algorithm() -> str: ...
def set_external_crypto_hash_algorithm(value: str) -> None: ...

external_crypto_hash_algorithm = property(get_external_crypto_hash_algorithm, set_external_crypto_hash_algorithm)

Default Value



Specifies the request's signature hash algorithm.


external_crypto_key_id Property

The ID of the pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.


def get_external_crypto_key_id() -> str: ...
def set_external_crypto_key_id(value: str) -> None: ...

external_crypto_key_id = property(get_external_crypto_key_id, set_external_crypto_key_id)

Default Value



The ID of the pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.

Asynchronous DCAuth-driven communication requires that parties authenticate each other with a secret pre-shared cryptographic key. This provides extra protection layer for the protocol and diminishes the risk of private key becoming abused by foreign parties. Use this property to provide the pre-shared key identifier, and use external_crypto_key_secret to pass the key itself.

The same KeyID/KeySecret pair should be used on the DCAuth side for the signing requests to be accepted.

Note: The KeyID/KeySecret scheme is very similar to the AuthKey scheme used in various Cloud service providers to authenticate users.

Example: signer.ExternalCrypto.KeyID = "MainSigningKey"; signer.ExternalCrypto.KeySecret = "abcdef0123456789";

external_crypto_key_secret Property

The pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.


def get_external_crypto_key_secret() -> str: ...
def set_external_crypto_key_secret(value: str) -> None: ...

external_crypto_key_secret = property(get_external_crypto_key_secret, set_external_crypto_key_secret)

Default Value



The pre-shared key used for DC request authentication. This key must be set and match the key used by the DCAuth counterpart for the scheme to work.

Read more about configuring authentication in the external_crypto_key_id topic.

external_crypto_method Property

Specifies the asynchronous signing method.


def get_external_crypto_method() -> int: ...
def set_external_crypto_method(value: int) -> None: ...

external_crypto_method = property(get_external_crypto_method, set_external_crypto_method)

Default Value



Specifies the asynchronous signing method. This is typically defined by the DC server capabilities and setup.

Available options:


external_crypto_mode Property

Specifies the external cryptography mode.


def get_external_crypto_mode() -> int: ...
def set_external_crypto_mode(value: int) -> None: ...

external_crypto_mode = property(get_external_crypto_mode, set_external_crypto_mode)

Default Value



Specifies the external cryptography mode.

Available options:

ecmDefaultThe default value (0)
ecmDisabledDo not use DC or external signing (1)
ecmGenericGeneric external signing with OnExternalSign event (2)
ecmDCAuthDCAuth signing (3)
ecmDCAuthJSONDCAuth signing in JSON format (4)

external_crypto_public_key_algorithm Property

Provide public key algorithm here if the certificate is not available on the pre-signing stage.


def get_external_crypto_public_key_algorithm() -> str: ...
def set_external_crypto_public_key_algorithm(value: str) -> None: ...

external_crypto_public_key_algorithm = property(get_external_crypto_public_key_algorithm, set_external_crypto_public_key_algorithm)

Default Value



Provide public key algorithm here if the certificate is not available on the pre-signing stage.


fips_mode Property



def get_fips_mode() -> bool: ...
def set_fips_mode(value: bool) -> None: ...

fips_mode = property(get_fips_mode, set_fips_mode)

Default Value



This property is reserved for future use.

ignore_chain_validation_errors Property

Makes the class tolerant to chain validation errors.


def get_ignore_chain_validation_errors() -> bool: ...
def set_ignore_chain_validation_errors(value: bool) -> None: ...

ignore_chain_validation_errors = property(get_ignore_chain_validation_errors, set_ignore_chain_validation_errors)

Default Value



If this property is set to True, any errors emerging during certificate chain validation will be ignored. This setting may be handy if the purpose of validation is the creation of an LTV signature, and the validation is performed in an environment that doesn't trust the signer's certificate chain.

input_bytes Property

Use this property to pass the input to class in the byte array form.


def get_input_bytes() -> bytes: ...
def set_input_bytes(value: bytes) -> None: ...

input_bytes = property(get_input_bytes, set_input_bytes)


Assign a byte array containing the data to be processed to this property.

input_file Property

The PDF file to be signed or updated.


def get_input_file() -> str: ...
def set_input_file(value: str) -> None: ...

input_file = property(get_input_file, set_input_file)

Default Value



Use this property to provide a path to the PDF document to be signed or updated, or to the pre-signed copy expected by sign_async_end.

known_cert_count Property

The number of records in the KnownCert arrays.


def get_known_cert_count() -> int: ...
def set_known_cert_count(value: int) -> None: ...

known_cert_count = property(get_known_cert_count, set_known_cert_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at known_cert_count - 1.

known_cert_bytes Property

Returns raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_known_cert_bytes(known_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns raw certificate data in DER format.

The known_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the known_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

known_cert_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_known_cert_handle(known_cert_index: int) -> int: ...
def set_known_cert_handle(known_cert_index: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The known_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the known_cert_count property.

known_crl_count Property

The number of records in the KnownCRL arrays.


def get_known_crl_count() -> int: ...
def set_known_crl_count(value: int) -> None: ...

known_crl_count = property(get_known_crl_count, set_known_crl_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at known_crl_count - 1.

known_crl_bytes Property

Returns raw CRL data in DER format.


def get_known_crl_bytes(known_crl_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns raw CRL data in DER format.

The known_crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the known_crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

known_crl_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_known_crl_handle(known_crl_index: int) -> int: ...
def set_known_crl_handle(known_crl_index: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The known_crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the known_crl_count property.

known_ocsp_count Property

The number of records in the KnownOCSP arrays.


def get_known_ocsp_count() -> int: ...
def set_known_ocsp_count(value: int) -> None: ...

known_ocsp_count = property(get_known_ocsp_count, set_known_ocsp_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at known_ocsp_count - 1.

known_ocsp_bytes Property

Buffer containing raw OCSP response data.


def get_known_ocsp_bytes(known_ocsp_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Buffer containing raw OCSP response data.

The known_ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the known_ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

known_ocsp_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_known_ocsp_handle(known_ocsp_index: int) -> int: ...
def set_known_ocsp_handle(known_ocsp_index: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The known_ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the known_ocsp_count property.

new_sig_allowed_changes Property

The changes to the document are allowed by the signature.


def get_new_sig_allowed_changes() -> int: ...
def set_new_sig_allowed_changes(value: int) -> None: ...

new_sig_allowed_changes = property(get_new_sig_allowed_changes, set_new_sig_allowed_changes)

Default Value



The changes to the document are allowed by the signature.

This property is only applicable to MDP/certification signatures and has no effect for any other kinds of signatures (regular or document timestamps).

psacNone0No changes are allowed by the signature
psacFillInForms1Only form fill-in is allowed
psacComment2Commenting is allowed
psacAll3Form fill-in and commenting are allowed

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_author_name Property

A human-readable signer name.


def get_new_sig_author_name() -> str: ...
def set_new_sig_author_name(value: str) -> None: ...

new_sig_author_name = property(get_new_sig_author_name, set_new_sig_author_name)

Default Value



A human-readable signer name. This is a PDF document property.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_certificate_index Property

Returns the index of the signing certificate in the Certificates collection Use this property to look up the signing certificate in the Certificates collection.


def get_new_sig_certificate_index() -> int: ...

new_sig_certificate_index = property(get_new_sig_certificate_index, None)

Default Value



Returns the index of the signing certificate in the Certificates collection

Use this property to look up the signing certificate in the Certificates collection.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

This property is read-only.

new_sig_certification Property

Specifies whether this is a Certification (MDP) signature.


def get_new_sig_certification() -> bool: ...
def set_new_sig_certification(value: bool) -> None: ...

new_sig_certification = property(get_new_sig_certification, set_new_sig_certification)

Default Value



Specifies whether this is a Certification (MDP) signature.

Certification signatures is a feature that was used by earlier Acrobat versions. It has little use these days.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_chain_validation_details Property

The details of a certificate chain validation outcome.


def get_new_sig_chain_validation_details() -> int: ...

new_sig_chain_validation_details = property(get_new_sig_chain_validation_details, None)

Default Value



The details of a certificate chain validation outcome. They may often suggest what reasons that contributed to the overall validation result.

Returns a bit mask of the following options:

cvrBadData0x0001One or more certificates in the validation path are malformed

cvrRevoked0x0002One or more certificates are revoked

cvrNotYetValid0x0004One or more certificates are not yet valid

cvrExpired0x0008One or more certificates are expired

cvrInvalidSignature0x0010A certificate contains a non-valid digital signature

cvrUnknownCA0x0020A CA certificate for one or more certificates has not been found (chain incomplete)

cvrCAUnauthorized0x0040One of the CA certificates are not authorized to act as CA

cvrCRLNotVerified0x0080One or more CRLs could not be verified

cvrOCSPNotVerified0x0100One or more OCSP responses could not be verified

cvrIdentityMismatch0x0200The identity protected by the certificate (a TLS endpoint or an e-mail addressee) does not match what is recorded in the certificate

cvrNoKeyUsage0x0400A mandatory key usage is not enabled in one of the chain certificates

cvrBlocked0x0800One or more certificates are blocked

cvrFailure0x1000General validation failure

cvrChainLoop0x2000Chain loop: one of the CA certificates recursively signs itself

cvrWeakAlgorithm0x4000A weak algorithm is used in one of certificates or revocation elements

cvrUserEnforced0x8000The chain was considered invalid following intervention from a user code

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

This property is read-only.

new_sig_chain_validation_result Property

The outcome of a certificate chain validation routine.


def get_new_sig_chain_validation_result() -> int: ...

new_sig_chain_validation_result = property(get_new_sig_chain_validation_result, None)

Default Value



The outcome of a certificate chain validation routine.

Available options:

cvtValid0The chain is valid

cvtValidButUntrusted1The chain is valid, but the root certificate is not trusted

cvtInvalid2The chain is not valid (some of certificates are revoked, expired, or contain an invalid signature)

cvtCantBeEstablished3The validity of the chain cannot be established because of missing or unavailable validation information (certificates, CRLs, or OCSP responses)

Use the ValidationLog property to access the detailed validation log.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

This property is read-only.

new_sig_claimed_signing_time Property

Returns or sets signature's creation time.


def get_new_sig_claimed_signing_time() -> str: ...
def set_new_sig_claimed_signing_time(value: str) -> None: ...

new_sig_claimed_signing_time = property(get_new_sig_claimed_signing_time, set_new_sig_claimed_signing_time)

Default Value



Returns or sets signature's creation time.

Use this property to get or set the signature creation time from the signer's computer. The claimed time, unlike new_sig_validated_signing_time does not originate from a trusted TSA and may be forfeited or wrong.

The time is provided in UTC.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_contact_info Property

Contains signer's contact information.


def get_new_sig_contact_info() -> str: ...
def set_new_sig_contact_info(value: str) -> None: ...

new_sig_contact_info = property(get_new_sig_contact_info, set_new_sig_contact_info)

Default Value



Contains signer's contact information. This is a PDF document property.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_coverage_ends_at Property

Indicates the offset in the PDF file where signature coverage ends.


def get_new_sig_coverage_ends_at() -> int: ...

new_sig_coverage_ends_at = property(get_new_sig_coverage_ends_at, None)

Default Value



Indicates the offset in the PDF file where signature coverage ends.

PDF generators often use incremental updates to make changes in the documents. This may result in the signature only covering a part of the document (one of the past revisions), but not the subsequent changes.

Use this property to identify the offset where the signature coverage ends. One option is to compare it to the length of the whole document. Alternatively, use the GetSignedVersion() method of the PDFVerifier class to extract the exact revision that was signed.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

This property is read-only.

new_sig_custom_data Property

A uninterpreted custom data to save with the signature.


def get_new_sig_custom_data() -> bytes: ...
def set_new_sig_custom_data(value: bytes) -> None: ...

new_sig_custom_data = property(get_new_sig_custom_data, set_new_sig_custom_data)


A uninterpreted custom data to save with the signature.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_empty_field Property

Indicates whether or not the signature created/read is an empty property (a signature placeholder).


def get_new_sig_empty_field() -> bool: ...
def set_new_sig_empty_field(value: bool) -> None: ...

new_sig_empty_field = property(get_new_sig_empty_field, set_new_sig_empty_field)

Default Value



Indicates whether or not the signature created/read is an empty field (a signature placeholder).

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_filter_name Property

The signature filter name.


def get_new_sig_filter_name() -> str: ...
def set_new_sig_filter_name(value: str) -> None: ...

new_sig_filter_name = property(get_new_sig_filter_name, set_new_sig_filter_name)

Default Value



The signature filter name.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_full_signature_name Property

Specifies the full name of the signature property.


def get_new_sig_full_signature_name() -> str: ...

new_sig_full_signature_name = property(get_new_sig_full_signature_name, None)

Default Value



Specifies the full name of the signature field.

This is an internal identifier of a signature (such as Signature1) and is not meant to be human-readable.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

This property is read-only.

new_sig_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_new_sig_handle() -> int: ...
def set_new_sig_handle(value: int) -> None: ...

new_sig_handle = property(get_new_sig_handle, set_new_sig_handle)

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_hash_algorithm Property

Specifies the hash algorithm to be used for signing.


def get_new_sig_hash_algorithm() -> str: ...
def set_new_sig_hash_algorithm(value: str) -> None: ...

new_sig_hash_algorithm = property(get_new_sig_hash_algorithm, set_new_sig_hash_algorithm)

Default Value



Specifies the hash algorithm to be used for signing.


The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_height Property

Specifies the height of the signature widget.


def get_new_sig_height() -> int: ...
def set_new_sig_height(value: int) -> None: ...

new_sig_height = property(get_new_sig_height, set_new_sig_height)

Default Value



Specifies the height of the signature widget.

Use this property to set the height of the signature widget in points.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_level Property

Specifies the signature kind and level.


def get_new_sig_level() -> int: ...
def set_new_sig_level(value: int) -> None: ...

new_sig_level = property(get_new_sig_level, set_new_sig_level)

Default Value



Specifies the signature kind and level.

pslLegacy0Legacy Adobe signature (adbe.pkcs7.detached or adbe.pkcs7.sha1)
pslBES1PAdES-BES signature (ETSI.CAdES.detached)
pslEPES2PAdES-EPES signature (ETSI.CAdES.detached + embedded policy)
pslLTV3PAdES-LTV signature (ETSI.CAdES.detached + revocation info)
pslDocumentTimestamp4Document timestamp (ETSI.RFC3161)
Note that when validating a signature, the LTV modifier may be affected by the validation settings. These include OfflineMode (set it to true to obtain the clean LTV capability) and certificate caching (switch it off to stop earlier validations from affecting the current validation).

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_location Property

Specifies the host name or the physical location of the signing entity.


def get_new_sig_location() -> str: ...
def set_new_sig_location(value: str) -> None: ...

new_sig_location = property(get_new_sig_location, set_new_sig_location)

Default Value



Specifies the host name or the physical location of the signing entity. This is a PDF property.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_offsetx Property

Specifies the signature widget offset from the left-hand page border.


def get_new_sig_offsetx() -> int: ...
def set_new_sig_offsetx(value: int) -> None: ...

new_sig_offsetx = property(get_new_sig_offsetx, set_new_sig_offsetx)

Default Value



Specifies the signature widget offset from the left-hand page border.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_offsety Property

Specifies the signature widget offset from the bottom page border.


def get_new_sig_offsety() -> int: ...
def set_new_sig_offsety(value: int) -> None: ...

new_sig_offsety = property(get_new_sig_offsety, set_new_sig_offsety)

Default Value



Specifies the signature widget offset from the bottom page border.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_page Property

Indicates the index of the page on which the signature is placed.


def get_new_sig_page() -> int: ...

new_sig_page = property(get_new_sig_page, None)

Default Value



Indicates the index of the page on which the signature is placed. The value "-1" indicates an invisible signature.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

This property is read-only.

new_sig_policy_hash Property

The signature policy hash value for EPES signatures.


def get_new_sig_policy_hash() -> str: ...
def set_new_sig_policy_hash(value: str) -> None: ...

new_sig_policy_hash = property(get_new_sig_policy_hash, set_new_sig_policy_hash)

Default Value



The signature policy hash value for EPES signatures.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_policy_hash_algorithm Property

The algorithm that was used to calculate the signature policy hash.


def get_new_sig_policy_hash_algorithm() -> str: ...
def set_new_sig_policy_hash_algorithm(value: str) -> None: ...

new_sig_policy_hash_algorithm = property(get_new_sig_policy_hash_algorithm, set_new_sig_policy_hash_algorithm)

Default Value



The algorithm that was used to calculate the signature policy hash.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_policy_id Property

The policy ID to be included into the signature.


def get_new_sig_policy_id() -> str: ...
def set_new_sig_policy_id(value: str) -> None: ...

new_sig_policy_id = property(get_new_sig_policy_id, set_new_sig_policy_id)

Default Value



The policy ID to be included into the signature.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_reason Property

Specifies the reason for signing.


def get_new_sig_reason() -> str: ...
def set_new_sig_reason(value: str) -> None: ...

new_sig_reason = property(get_new_sig_reason, set_new_sig_reason)

Default Value



Specifies the reason for signing. This is a PDF document property.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_signature_bytes Property

Returns the binary representation of the underlying PKCS7 signature blob.


def get_new_sig_signature_bytes() -> bytes: ...

new_sig_signature_bytes = property(get_new_sig_signature_bytes, None)


Returns the binary representation of the underlying PKCS7 signature blob.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

This property is read-only.

new_sig_signature_name Property

Specifies the unique signature identifier to use.


def get_new_sig_signature_name() -> str: ...
def set_new_sig_signature_name(value: str) -> None: ...

new_sig_signature_name = property(get_new_sig_signature_name, set_new_sig_signature_name)

Default Value



Specifies the unique signature identifier to use.

This is an internal identifier of a signature (such as Signature1) and is not meant to be human-readable.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

new_sig_signature_validation_result Property

The outcome of the cryptographic signature validation.


def get_new_sig_signature_validation_result() -> int: ...

new_sig_signature_validation_result = property(get_new_sig_signature_validation_result, None)

Default Value



The outcome of the cryptographic signature validation.

The following signature validity values are supported:

svtValid0The signature is valid

svtUnknown1Signature validity is unknown

svtCorrupted2The signature is corrupted

svtSignerNotFound3Failed to acquire the signing certificate. The signature cannot be validated.

svtFailure4General failure

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

This property is read-only.

new_sig_subject_rdn Property

Contains the RDN of the owner of the signing certificate.


def get_new_sig_subject_rdn() -> str: ...

new_sig_subject_rdn = property(get_new_sig_subject_rdn, None)

Default Value



Contains the RDN of the owner of the signing certificate.

RDN is a number of OID=Value pairs declared in the certificate and providing the owner's details.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

This property is read-only.

new_sig_timestamped Property

Use this property to establish whether the signature contains an embedded timestamp.


def get_new_sig_timestamped() -> bool: ...

new_sig_timestamped = property(get_new_sig_timestamped, None)

Default Value



Use this property to establish whether the signature contains an embedded timestamp.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

This property is read-only.

new_sig_validated_signing_time Property

Contains the certified signing time.


def get_new_sig_validated_signing_time() -> str: ...

new_sig_validated_signing_time = property(get_new_sig_validated_signing_time, None)

Default Value



Contains the certified signing time.

Use this property to obtain the signing time as certified by a timestamp from a trusted timestamping authority. This property is only non-empty if there was a valid timestamp included in the signature.

ClaimedSigningTime returns a non-trusted signing time from the signer's computer.

Both times are in UTC.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

This property is read-only.

new_sig_validation_log Property

Contains the signing certificate's chain validation log.


def get_new_sig_validation_log() -> str: ...

new_sig_validation_log = property(get_new_sig_validation_log, None)

Default Value



Contains the signing certificate's chain validation log. This information may be very useful in investigating chain validation failures.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

This property is read-only.

new_sig_width Property

Specifies the width of the signature widget.


def get_new_sig_width() -> int: ...
def set_new_sig_width(value: int) -> None: ...

new_sig_width = property(get_new_sig_width, set_new_sig_width)

Default Value



Specifies the width of the signature widget.

Note that the dimensions of the widget are provided in document-specific points, not pixels.

The parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the new_sig_count property.

ocsp_count Property

The number of records in the OCSP arrays.


def get_ocsp_count() -> int: ...

ocsp_count = property(get_ocsp_count, None)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at ocsp_count - 1.

This property is read-only.

ocsp_bytes Property

Buffer containing raw OCSP response data.


def get_ocsp_bytes(ocsp_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Buffer containing raw OCSP response data.

The ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

ocsp_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_ocsp_handle(ocsp_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

ocsp_issuer Property

Indicates the issuer of this response (a CA or its authorized representative).


def get_ocsp_issuer(ocsp_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Indicates the issuer of this response (a CA or its authorized representative).

The ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

ocsp_issuer_rdn Property

Indicates the RDN of the issuer of this response (a CA or its authorized representative).


def get_ocsp_issuer_rdn(ocsp_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Indicates the RDN of the issuer of this response (a CA or its authorized representative).

The ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

ocsp_location Property

Location of the OCSP responder.


def get_ocsp_location(ocsp_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Location of the OCSP responder.

The ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

ocsp_produced_at Property

Specifies the time when the response was produced, in UTC.


def get_ocsp_produced_at(ocsp_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the time when the response was produced, in UTC.

The ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

offline_mode Property

Switches the class to the offline mode.


def get_offline_mode() -> bool: ...
def set_offline_mode(value: bool) -> None: ...

offline_mode = property(get_offline_mode, set_offline_mode)

Default Value



When working in offline mode, the component restricts itself from using any online revocation information sources, such as CRL or OCSP responders.

Offline mode may be useful if there is a need to verify the completeness of validation information included within the signature or provided via known_certificates, known_crls, and other related properties.

output_bytes Property

Use this property to read the output the class object has produced.


def get_output_bytes() -> bytes: ...

output_bytes = property(get_output_bytes, None)


Read the contents of this property after the operation is completed to read the produced output. This property will only be set if output_file and output_stream properties had not been assigned.

This property is read-only.

output_file Property

The file to save the signed or updated document to.


def get_output_file() -> str: ...
def set_output_file(value: str) -> None: ...

output_file = property(get_output_file, set_output_file)

Default Value



Use this property to provide a path where the resulting PDF document should be saved to.

page_count Property

The number of records in the Page arrays.


def get_page_count() -> int: ...

page_count = property(get_page_count, None)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at page_count - 1.

This property is read-only.

page_crop_llx Property

Specifies the lower-left X coordinate of the page crop area.


def get_page_crop_llx(page_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the lower-left X coordinate of the page crop area.

Specifies the lower-left X coordinate of the page crop area rectangle.

The page_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the page_count property.

This property is read-only.

page_crop_lly Property

Specifies the lower-left Y coordinate of the page crop area.


def get_page_crop_lly(page_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the lower-left Y coordinate of the page crop area.

Specifies the lower-left Y coordinate of the page crop area rectangle.

The page_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the page_count property.

This property is read-only.

page_crop_urx Property

Specifies the upper-right X coordinate of the page crop area.


def get_page_crop_urx(page_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the upper-right X coordinate of the page crop area.

Specifies the upper-right X coordinate of the page crop area rectangle.

The page_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the page_count property.

This property is read-only.

page_crop_ury Property

Specifies the upper-right Y coordinate of the page crop area.


def get_page_crop_ury(page_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the upper-right Y coordinate of the page crop area.

Specifies the upper-right Y coordinate of the page crop area rectangle.

The page_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the page_count property.

This property is read-only.

page_height Property

Specifies the height of the page.


def get_page_height(page_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the height of the page.

Returns the height of the page.

The page_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the page_count property.

This property is read-only.

page_media_llx Property

Specifies the lower-left X coordinate of the page media area.


def get_page_media_llx(page_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the lower-left X coordinate of the page media area.

Specifies the lower-left X coordinate of the page media area rectangle.

The page_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the page_count property.

This property is read-only.

page_media_lly Property

Specifies the lower-left Y coordinate of the page media area.


def get_page_media_lly(page_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the lower-left Y coordinate of the page media area.

Specifies the lower-left Y coordinate of the page media area rectangle.

The page_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the page_count property.

This property is read-only.

page_media_urx Property

Specifies the upper-right X coordinate of the page media area.


def get_page_media_urx(page_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the upper-right X coordinate of the page media area.

Specifies the upper-right X coordinate of the page media area rectangle.

The page_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the page_count property.

This property is read-only.

page_media_ury Property

Specifies the upper-right Y coordinate of the page media area.


def get_page_media_ury(page_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the upper-right Y coordinate of the page media area.

Specifies the upper-right Y coordinate of the page media area rectangle.

The page_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the page_count property.

This property is read-only.

page_rotate Property

Specifies the rotation angle of the page in degrees.


def get_page_rotate(page_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the rotation angle of the page in degrees. Values of 0, 90, 180, and 270 are allowed.

The page_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the page_count property.

This property is read-only.

page_width Property

Specifies the width of the page.


def get_page_width(page_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the width of the page.

Returns the width of the page.

The page_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the page_count property.

This property is read-only.

password Property

The decryption password.


def get_password() -> str: ...
def set_password(value: str) -> None: ...

password = property(get_password, set_password)

Default Value



Use this property to provide the decryption password.

profile Property

Specifies a pre-defined profile to apply when creating the signature.


def get_profile() -> str: ...
def set_profile(value: str) -> None: ...

profile = property(get_profile, set_profile)

Default Value



Advanced signatures come in many variants, which are often defined by parties that needs to process them or by local standards. SecureBlackbox profiles are sets of pre-defined configurations which correspond to particular signature variants. By specifying a profile, you are pre-configuring the component to make it produce the signature that matches the configuration corresponding to that profile.

Supported profiles:

"BR.AD_RB_v1_0"Brazilian signature with Basic Reference (AD-RB) version 1.0
"BR.AD_RB_v1_1"Brazilian signature with Basic Reference (AD-RB) version 1.1
"BR.AD_RT_v1_0"Brazilian signature with Time Reference (AD-RT) version 1.0
"BR.AD_RT_v1_1"Brazilian signature with Time Reference (AD-RT) version 1.1
"BR.AD_RC_v1_1"Brazilian signature with Complete References (AD-RC) version 1.1
"BR.AD_RC_v1_2"Brazilian signature with Complete References (AD-RC) version 1.2
"BR.AD_RA_v1_1"Brazilian signature with References for Archiving (AD-RA) version 1.1
"BR.AD_RA_v1_2"Brazilian signature with References for Archiving (AD-RA) version 1.2
"PAdES.BASELINE-B"PAdES B-B level (ETSI TS 103 172 v2.1.1 Baseline Profile)

"PAdES.BASELINE-B" profile equivalent to the following settings: Signer.Signature.Level = PDFSignatureLevels.pslBES; Signer.Config("AutoCollectRevocationInfo=false"); This code uses PAdES-BES form (signature that do not incorporate signature-policy-identifier). Alternatively, you can use PAdES-EPES form (signature that do incorporate signature-policy-identifier) with the following code modification: Signer.Signature.Level = PDFSignatureLevels.pslEPES;

"PAdES.BASELINE-T" profile extends "PAdES.BASELINE-B" profile with the following settings: Signer.TimestampServer = "https://freetsa.org/tsr";

"PAdES.BASELINE-LT.Update" profile is applied in update method. It extends the signature created using PAdES B-T level ("PAdES.BASELINE-T" profile). Signer.Config("AutoCollectRevocationInfo=true");

"PAdES.BASELINE-LTA.Update" profile is applied in update method. It extends the signature created using PAdES B-T level ("PAdES.BASELINE-T" profile). Signer.Config("AutoCollectRevocationInfo=true"); Signer.TimestampServer = "https://freetsa.org/tsr";

proxy_address Property

The IP address of the proxy server.


def get_proxy_address() -> str: ...
def set_proxy_address(value: str) -> None: ...

proxy_address = property(get_proxy_address, set_proxy_address)

Default Value



The IP address of the proxy server.

proxy_authentication Property

The authentication type used by the proxy server.


def get_proxy_authentication() -> int: ...
def set_proxy_authentication(value: int) -> None: ...

proxy_authentication = property(get_proxy_authentication, set_proxy_authentication)

Default Value



The authentication type used by the proxy server.


proxy_password Property

The password to authenticate to the proxy server.


def get_proxy_password() -> str: ...
def set_proxy_password(value: str) -> None: ...

proxy_password = property(get_proxy_password, set_proxy_password)

Default Value



The password to authenticate to the proxy server.

proxy_port Property

The port on the proxy server to connect to.


def get_proxy_port() -> int: ...
def set_proxy_port(value: int) -> None: ...

proxy_port = property(get_proxy_port, set_proxy_port)

Default Value



The port on the proxy server to connect to.

proxy_proxy_type Property

The type of the proxy server.


def get_proxy_proxy_type() -> int: ...
def set_proxy_proxy_type(value: int) -> None: ...

proxy_proxy_type = property(get_proxy_proxy_type, set_proxy_proxy_type)

Default Value



The type of the proxy server.

The WebTunnel proxy is also known as HTTPS proxy. Unlike HTTP proxy, HTTPS proxy (WebTunnel) provides end-to-end security.


proxy_request_headers Property

Contains HTTP request headers for WebTunnel and HTTP proxy.


def get_proxy_request_headers() -> str: ...
def set_proxy_request_headers(value: str) -> None: ...

proxy_request_headers = property(get_proxy_request_headers, set_proxy_request_headers)

Default Value



Contains HTTP request headers for WebTunnel and HTTP proxy.

proxy_response_body Property

Contains the HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy response body.


def get_proxy_response_body() -> str: ...
def set_proxy_response_body(value: str) -> None: ...

proxy_response_body = property(get_proxy_response_body, set_proxy_response_body)

Default Value



Contains the HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy response body.

proxy_response_headers Property

Contains response headers received from an HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy server.


def get_proxy_response_headers() -> str: ...
def set_proxy_response_headers(value: str) -> None: ...

proxy_response_headers = property(get_proxy_response_headers, set_proxy_response_headers)

Default Value



Contains response headers received from an HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy server.

proxy_use_ipv6 Property

Specifies whether IPv6 should be used when connecting through the proxy.


def get_proxy_use_ipv6() -> bool: ...
def set_proxy_use_ipv6(value: bool) -> None: ...

proxy_use_ipv6 = property(get_proxy_use_ipv6, set_proxy_use_ipv6)

Default Value



Specifies whether IPv6 should be used when connecting through the proxy.

proxy_use_proxy Property

Enables or disables proxy-driven connection.


def get_proxy_use_proxy() -> bool: ...
def set_proxy_use_proxy(value: bool) -> None: ...

proxy_use_proxy = property(get_proxy_use_proxy, set_proxy_use_proxy)

Default Value



Enables or disables proxy-driven connection.

proxy_username Property

Specifies the username credential for proxy authentication.


def get_proxy_username() -> str: ...
def set_proxy_username(value: str) -> None: ...

proxy_username = property(get_proxy_username, set_proxy_username)

Default Value



Specifies the username credential for proxy authentication.

revocation_check Property

Specifies the kind(s) of revocation check to perform.


def get_revocation_check() -> int: ...
def set_revocation_check(value: int) -> None: ...

revocation_check = property(get_revocation_check, set_revocation_check)

Default Value



Revocation checking is necessary to ensure the integrity of the chain and obtain up-to-date certificate validity and trustworthiness information.

Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) and Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responses serve the same purpose of ensuring that the certificate had not been revoked by the Certificate Authority (CA) at the time of use. Depending on your circumstances and security policy requirements, you may want to use either one or both of the revocation information source types.

crcNone0No revocation checking
crcAuto1Automatic mode selection. Currently this maps to crcAnyOCSPOrCRL, but it may change in the future.
crcAllCRL2Check all provided CRL endpoints for all chain certificates.
crcAllOCSP3Check all provided OCSP endpoints for all chain certificates.
crcAllCRLAndOCSP4Check all CRL and OCSP endpoints for all chain certificates.
crcAnyCRL5At least one CRL check for every certificate in the chain must succeed.
crcAnyOCSP6At least one OCSP check for every certificate in the chain must succeed.
crcAnyCRLOrOCSP7At least one CRL or OCSP check for every certificate in the chain must succeed. CRL endpoints are checked first.
crcAnyOCSPOrCRL8At least one CRL or OCSP check for every certificate in the chain must succeed. OCSP endpoints are checked first.

This setting controls the way the revocation checks are performed. Typically certificates come with two types of revocation information sources: CRL (certificate revocation lists) and OCSP responders. CRLs are static objects periodically published by the CA at some online location. OCSP responders are active online services maintained by the CA that can provide up-to-date information on certificate statuses in near real time.

There are some conceptual differences between the two. CRLs are normally larger in size. Their use involves some latency because there is normally some delay between the time when a certificate was revoked and the time the subsequent CRL mentioning that is published. The benefits of CRL is that the same object can provide statuses for all certificates issued by a particular CA, and that the whole technology is much simpler than OCSP (and thus is supported by more CAs).

This setting lets you adjust the validation course by including or excluding certain types of revocation sources from the validation process. The crcAnyOCSPOrCRL setting (give preference to faster OCSP route and only demand one source to succeed) is a good choice for most of typical validation environments. The "crcAll*" modes are much stricter, and may be used in scenarios where bulletproof validity information is essential.

signature_count Property

The number of records in the Signature arrays.


def get_signature_count() -> int: ...

signature_count = property(get_signature_count, None)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at signature_count - 1.

This property is read-only.

signature_allowed_changes Property

The changes to the document are allowed by the signature.


def get_signature_allowed_changes(signature_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



The changes to the document are allowed by the signature.

This property is only applicable to MDP/certification signatures and has no effect for any other kinds of signatures (regular or document timestamps).

psacNone0No changes are allowed by the signature
psacFillInForms1Only form fill-in is allowed
psacComment2Commenting is allowed
psacAll3Form fill-in and commenting are allowed

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_author_name Property

A human-readable signer name.


def get_signature_author_name(signature_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



A human-readable signer name. This is a PDF document property.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_certificate_index Property

Returns the index of the signing certificate in the Certificates collection Use this property to look up the signing certificate in the Certificates collection.


def get_signature_certificate_index(signature_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the index of the signing certificate in the Certificates collection

Use this property to look up the signing certificate in the Certificates collection.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_certification Property

Specifies whether this is a Certification (MDP) signature.


def get_signature_certification(signature_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Specifies whether this is a Certification (MDP) signature.

Certification signatures is a feature that was used by earlier Acrobat versions. It has little use these days.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_chain_validation_details Property

The details of a certificate chain validation outcome.


def get_signature_chain_validation_details(signature_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



The details of a certificate chain validation outcome. They may often suggest what reasons that contributed to the overall validation result.

Returns a bit mask of the following options:

cvrBadData0x0001One or more certificates in the validation path are malformed

cvrRevoked0x0002One or more certificates are revoked

cvrNotYetValid0x0004One or more certificates are not yet valid

cvrExpired0x0008One or more certificates are expired

cvrInvalidSignature0x0010A certificate contains a non-valid digital signature

cvrUnknownCA0x0020A CA certificate for one or more certificates has not been found (chain incomplete)

cvrCAUnauthorized0x0040One of the CA certificates are not authorized to act as CA

cvrCRLNotVerified0x0080One or more CRLs could not be verified

cvrOCSPNotVerified0x0100One or more OCSP responses could not be verified

cvrIdentityMismatch0x0200The identity protected by the certificate (a TLS endpoint or an e-mail addressee) does not match what is recorded in the certificate

cvrNoKeyUsage0x0400A mandatory key usage is not enabled in one of the chain certificates

cvrBlocked0x0800One or more certificates are blocked

cvrFailure0x1000General validation failure

cvrChainLoop0x2000Chain loop: one of the CA certificates recursively signs itself

cvrWeakAlgorithm0x4000A weak algorithm is used in one of certificates or revocation elements

cvrUserEnforced0x8000The chain was considered invalid following intervention from a user code

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_chain_validation_result Property

The outcome of a certificate chain validation routine.


def get_signature_chain_validation_result(signature_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



The outcome of a certificate chain validation routine.

Available options:

cvtValid0The chain is valid

cvtValidButUntrusted1The chain is valid, but the root certificate is not trusted

cvtInvalid2The chain is not valid (some of certificates are revoked, expired, or contain an invalid signature)

cvtCantBeEstablished3The validity of the chain cannot be established because of missing or unavailable validation information (certificates, CRLs, or OCSP responses)

Use the ValidationLog property to access the detailed validation log.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_claimed_signing_time Property

Returns or sets signature's creation time.


def get_signature_claimed_signing_time(signature_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Returns or sets signature's creation time.

Use this property to get or set the signature creation time from the signer's computer. The claimed time, unlike signature_validated_signing_time does not originate from a trusted TSA and may be forfeited or wrong.

The time is provided in UTC.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_contact_info Property

Contains signer's contact information.


def get_signature_contact_info(signature_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains signer's contact information. This is a PDF document property.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_coverage_ends_at Property

Indicates the offset in the PDF file where signature coverage ends.


def get_signature_coverage_ends_at(signature_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Indicates the offset in the PDF file where signature coverage ends.

PDF generators often use incremental updates to make changes in the documents. This may result in the signature only covering a part of the document (one of the past revisions), but not the subsequent changes.

Use this property to identify the offset where the signature coverage ends. One option is to compare it to the length of the whole document. Alternatively, use the GetSignedVersion() method of the PDFVerifier class to extract the exact revision that was signed.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_custom_data Property

A uninterpreted custom data to save with the signature.


def get_signature_custom_data(signature_index: int) -> bytes: ...


A uninterpreted custom data to save with the signature.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_empty_field Property

Indicates whether or not the signature created/read is an empty property (a signature placeholder).


def get_signature_empty_field(signature_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether or not the signature created/read is an empty field (a signature placeholder).

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_filter_name Property

The signature filter name.


def get_signature_filter_name(signature_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The signature filter name.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_full_signature_name Property

Specifies the full name of the signature property.


def get_signature_full_signature_name(signature_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the full name of the signature field.

This is an internal identifier of a signature (such as Signature1) and is not meant to be human-readable.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_signature_handle(signature_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_hash_algorithm Property

Specifies the hash algorithm to be used for signing.


def get_signature_hash_algorithm(signature_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the hash algorithm to be used for signing.


The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_height Property

Specifies the height of the signature widget.


def get_signature_height(signature_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the height of the signature widget.

Use this property to set the height of the signature widget in points.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_level Property

Specifies the signature kind and level.


def get_signature_level(signature_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the signature kind and level.

pslLegacy0Legacy Adobe signature (adbe.pkcs7.detached or adbe.pkcs7.sha1)
pslBES1PAdES-BES signature (ETSI.CAdES.detached)
pslEPES2PAdES-EPES signature (ETSI.CAdES.detached + embedded policy)
pslLTV3PAdES-LTV signature (ETSI.CAdES.detached + revocation info)
pslDocumentTimestamp4Document timestamp (ETSI.RFC3161)
Note that when validating a signature, the LTV modifier may be affected by the validation settings. These include OfflineMode (set it to true to obtain the clean LTV capability) and certificate caching (switch it off to stop earlier validations from affecting the current validation).

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_location Property

Specifies the host name or the physical location of the signing entity.


def get_signature_location(signature_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the host name or the physical location of the signing entity. This is a PDF property.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_offsetx Property

Specifies the signature widget offset from the left-hand page border.


def get_signature_offsetx(signature_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the signature widget offset from the left-hand page border.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_offsety Property

Specifies the signature widget offset from the bottom page border.


def get_signature_offsety(signature_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the signature widget offset from the bottom page border.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_page Property

Indicates the index of the page on which the signature is placed.


def get_signature_page(signature_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Indicates the index of the page on which the signature is placed. The value "-1" indicates an invisible signature.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_policy_hash Property

The signature policy hash value for EPES signatures.


def get_signature_policy_hash(signature_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The signature policy hash value for EPES signatures.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_policy_hash_algorithm Property

The algorithm that was used to calculate the signature policy hash.


def get_signature_policy_hash_algorithm(signature_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The algorithm that was used to calculate the signature policy hash.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_policy_id Property

The policy ID to be included into the signature.


def get_signature_policy_id(signature_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The policy ID to be included into the signature.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_reason Property

Specifies the reason for signing.


def get_signature_reason(signature_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the reason for signing. This is a PDF document property.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_signature_bytes Property

Returns the binary representation of the underlying PKCS7 signature blob.


def get_signature_signature_bytes(signature_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the binary representation of the underlying PKCS7 signature blob.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_signature_name Property

Specifies the unique signature identifier to use.


def get_signature_signature_name(signature_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the unique signature identifier to use.

This is an internal identifier of a signature (such as Signature1) and is not meant to be human-readable.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_signature_validation_result Property

The outcome of the cryptographic signature validation.


def get_signature_signature_validation_result(signature_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



The outcome of the cryptographic signature validation.

The following signature validity values are supported:

svtValid0The signature is valid

svtUnknown1Signature validity is unknown

svtCorrupted2The signature is corrupted

svtSignerNotFound3Failed to acquire the signing certificate. The signature cannot be validated.

svtFailure4General failure

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_subject_rdn Property

Contains the RDN of the owner of the signing certificate.


def get_signature_subject_rdn(signature_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains the RDN of the owner of the signing certificate.

RDN is a number of OID=Value pairs declared in the certificate and providing the owner's details.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_timestamped Property

Use this property to establish whether the signature contains an embedded timestamp.


def get_signature_timestamped(signature_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Use this property to establish whether the signature contains an embedded timestamp.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_validated_signing_time Property

Contains the certified signing time.


def get_signature_validated_signing_time(signature_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains the certified signing time.

Use this property to obtain the signing time as certified by a timestamp from a trusted timestamping authority. This property is only non-empty if there was a valid timestamp included in the signature.

ClaimedSigningTime returns a non-trusted signing time from the signer's computer.

Both times are in UTC.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_validation_log Property

Contains the signing certificate's chain validation log.


def get_signature_validation_log(signature_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains the signing certificate's chain validation log. This information may be very useful in investigating chain validation failures.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signature_width Property

Specifies the width of the signature widget.


def get_signature_width(signature_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the width of the signature widget.

Note that the dimensions of the widget are provided in document-specific points, not pixels.

The signature_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signature_count property.

This property is read-only.

signing_cert_bytes Property

Returns raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_signing_cert_bytes() -> bytes: ...

signing_cert_bytes = property(get_signing_cert_bytes, None)


Returns raw certificate data in DER format.

This property is read-only.

signing_cert_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_signing_cert_handle() -> int: ...
def set_signing_cert_handle(value: int) -> None: ...

signing_cert_handle = property(get_signing_cert_handle, set_signing_cert_handle)

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

signing_chain_count Property

The number of records in the SigningChain arrays.


def get_signing_chain_count() -> int: ...
def set_signing_chain_count(value: int) -> None: ...

signing_chain_count = property(get_signing_chain_count, set_signing_chain_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at signing_chain_count - 1.

signing_chain_bytes Property

Returns raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_signing_chain_bytes(signing_chain_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns raw certificate data in DER format.

The signing_chain_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signing_chain_count property.

This property is read-only.

signing_chain_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_signing_chain_handle(signing_chain_index: int) -> int: ...
def set_signing_chain_handle(signing_chain_index: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The signing_chain_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the signing_chain_count property.

socket_dns_mode Property

Selects the DNS resolver to use: the class's (secure) built-in one, or the one provided by the system.


def get_socket_dns_mode() -> int: ...
def set_socket_dns_mode(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_dns_mode = property(get_socket_dns_mode, set_socket_dns_mode)

Default Value



Selects the DNS resolver to use: the component's (secure) built-in one, or the one provided by the system.


socket_dns_port Property

Specifies the port number to be used for sending queries to the DNS server.


def get_socket_dns_port() -> int: ...
def set_socket_dns_port(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_dns_port = property(get_socket_dns_port, set_socket_dns_port)

Default Value



Specifies the port number to be used for sending queries to the DNS server.

socket_dns_query_timeout Property

The timeout (in milliseconds) for each DNS query.


def get_socket_dns_query_timeout() -> int: ...
def set_socket_dns_query_timeout(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_dns_query_timeout = property(get_socket_dns_query_timeout, set_socket_dns_query_timeout)

Default Value



The timeout (in milliseconds) for each DNS query. The value of 0 indicates the infinite timeout.

socket_dns_servers Property

The addresses of DNS servers to use for address resolution, separated by commas or semicolons.


def get_socket_dns_servers() -> str: ...
def set_socket_dns_servers(value: str) -> None: ...

socket_dns_servers = property(get_socket_dns_servers, set_socket_dns_servers)

Default Value



The addresses of DNS servers to use for address resolution, separated by commas or semicolons.

socket_dns_total_timeout Property

The timeout (in milliseconds) for the whole resolution process.


def get_socket_dns_total_timeout() -> int: ...
def set_socket_dns_total_timeout(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_dns_total_timeout = property(get_socket_dns_total_timeout, set_socket_dns_total_timeout)

Default Value



The timeout (in milliseconds) for the whole resolution process. The value of 0 indicates the infinite timeout.

socket_incoming_speed_limit Property

The maximum number of bytes to read from the socket, per second.


def get_socket_incoming_speed_limit() -> int: ...
def set_socket_incoming_speed_limit(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_incoming_speed_limit = property(get_socket_incoming_speed_limit, set_socket_incoming_speed_limit)

Default Value



The maximum number of bytes to read from the socket, per second.

socket_local_address Property

The local network interface to bind the socket to.


def get_socket_local_address() -> str: ...
def set_socket_local_address(value: str) -> None: ...

socket_local_address = property(get_socket_local_address, set_socket_local_address)

Default Value



The local network interface to bind the socket to.

socket_local_port Property

The local port number to bind the socket to.


def get_socket_local_port() -> int: ...
def set_socket_local_port(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_local_port = property(get_socket_local_port, set_socket_local_port)

Default Value



The local port number to bind the socket to.

socket_outgoing_speed_limit Property

The maximum number of bytes to write to the socket, per second.


def get_socket_outgoing_speed_limit() -> int: ...
def set_socket_outgoing_speed_limit(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_outgoing_speed_limit = property(get_socket_outgoing_speed_limit, set_socket_outgoing_speed_limit)

Default Value



The maximum number of bytes to write to the socket, per second.

socket_timeout Property

The maximum period of waiting, in milliseconds, after which the socket operation is considered unsuccessful.


def get_socket_timeout() -> int: ...
def set_socket_timeout(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_timeout = property(get_socket_timeout, set_socket_timeout)

Default Value



The maximum period of waiting, in milliseconds, after which the socket operation is considered unsuccessful.

If Timeout is set to 0, a socket operation will expire after the system-default timeout (2 hrs 8 min for TCP stack).

socket_use_ipv6 Property

Enables or disables IP protocol version 6.


def get_socket_use_ipv6() -> bool: ...
def set_socket_use_ipv6(value: bool) -> None: ...

socket_use_ipv6 = property(get_socket_use_ipv6, set_socket_use_ipv6)

Default Value



Enables or disables IP protocol version 6.

timestamp_count Property

The number of records in the Timestamp arrays.


def get_timestamp_count() -> int: ...

timestamp_count = property(get_timestamp_count, None)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at timestamp_count - 1.

This property is read-only.

timestamp_accuracy Property

This property indicates the accuracy of the included time mark, in microseconds.


def get_timestamp_accuracy(timestamp_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



This field indicates the accuracy of the included time mark, in microseconds.

The timestamp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the timestamp_count property.

This property is read-only.

timestamp_bytes Property

Returns raw timestamp data in DER format.


def get_timestamp_bytes(timestamp_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns raw timestamp data in DER format.

The timestamp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the timestamp_count property.

This property is read-only.

timestamp_certificate_index Property

Returns the index of the TSA certificate in the Certificates collection Use this property to look up the TSA certificate in the Certificates collection.


def get_timestamp_certificate_index(timestamp_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the index of the TSA certificate in the Certificates collection

Use this property to look up the TSA certificate in the Certificates collection.

The timestamp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the timestamp_count property.

This property is read-only.

timestamp_chain_validation_details Property

The details of a certificate chain validation outcome.


def get_timestamp_chain_validation_details(timestamp_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



The details of a certificate chain validation outcome. They may often suggest what reasons that contributed to the overall validation result.

Returns a bit mask of the following options:

cvrBadData0x0001One or more certificates in the validation path are malformed

cvrRevoked0x0002One or more certificates are revoked

cvrNotYetValid0x0004One or more certificates are not yet valid

cvrExpired0x0008One or more certificates are expired

cvrInvalidSignature0x0010A certificate contains a non-valid digital signature

cvrUnknownCA0x0020A CA certificate for one or more certificates has not been found (chain incomplete)

cvrCAUnauthorized0x0040One of the CA certificates are not authorized to act as CA

cvrCRLNotVerified0x0080One or more CRLs could not be verified

cvrOCSPNotVerified0x0100One or more OCSP responses could not be verified

cvrIdentityMismatch0x0200The identity protected by the certificate (a TLS endpoint or an e-mail addressee) does not match what is recorded in the certificate

cvrNoKeyUsage0x0400A mandatory key usage is not enabled in one of the chain certificates

cvrBlocked0x0800One or more certificates are blocked

cvrFailure0x1000General validation failure

cvrChainLoop0x2000Chain loop: one of the CA certificates recursively signs itself

cvrWeakAlgorithm0x4000A weak algorithm is used in one of certificates or revocation elements

cvrUserEnforced0x8000The chain was considered invalid following intervention from a user code

The timestamp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the timestamp_count property.

This property is read-only.

timestamp_chain_validation_result Property

The outcome of a certificate chain validation routine.


def get_timestamp_chain_validation_result(timestamp_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



The outcome of a certificate chain validation routine.

Available options:

cvtValid0The chain is valid

cvtValidButUntrusted1The chain is valid, but the root certificate is not trusted

cvtInvalid2The chain is not valid (some of certificates are revoked, expired, or contain an invalid signature)

cvtCantBeEstablished3The validity of the chain cannot be established because of missing or unavailable validation information (certificates, CRLs, or OCSP responses)

Use the ValidationLog property to access the detailed validation log.

The timestamp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the timestamp_count property.

This property is read-only.

timestamp_hash_algorithm Property



def get_timestamp_hash_algorithm(timestamp_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Returns the timestamp's hash algorithm


The timestamp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the timestamp_count property.

This property is read-only.

timestamp_serial_number Property

Returns the timestamp's serial number.


def get_timestamp_serial_number(timestamp_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the timestamp's serial number.

The timestamp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the timestamp_count property.

This property is read-only.

timestamp_signature_index Property

Returns the index of the owner signature, if applicable.


def get_timestamp_signature_index(timestamp_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the index of the owner signature, if applicable.

Use this property to establish the index of the associated signature object in the signature collection.

The timestamp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the timestamp_count property.

This property is read-only.

timestamp_time Property

The time point incorporated into the timestamp.


def get_timestamp_time(timestamp_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The time point incorporated into the timestamp.

The timestamp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the timestamp_count property.

This property is read-only.

timestamp_timestamp_type Property

Returns the type of the timestamp.


def get_timestamp_timestamp_type(timestamp_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the type of the timestamp.

Available options:

tstLegacy1Supported by: Authenticode components

tstTrusted2Supported by: Authenticode components

tstGeneric3Supported by: CAdES components

tstESC4Supported by: CAdES components

tstContent5Supported by: CAdES components

tstCertsAndCRLs6Supported by: CAdES components

tstArchive7Archive timestamp. Supported by: ASiC, CAdES, JAdES, Office, SOAP, XAdES components

tstArchive28Archive v2 timestamp. Supported by: ASiC, CAdES components

tstArchive39Archive v3 timestamp. Supported by: ASiC, CAdES components

tstIndividualDataObjects10Individual data objects timetamp. Supported by: ASiC, Office, SOAP, XAdES components

tstAllDataObjects11All data objects timestamp. Supported by: ASiC, Office, SOAP, XAdES components

tstSignature12Signature timestamp. Supported by: ASiC, JAdES, Office, SOAP, XAdES components

tstRefsOnly13RefsOnly timestamp. Supported by: ASiC, JAdES, Office, SOAP, XAdES components

tstSigAndRefs14SigAndRefs timestamp. Supported by: ASiC, JAdES, Office, SOAP, XAdES components

tstSignedData15SignedData timestamp. Supported by: JAdES components

tstArchive14116Archive timestamp v1.4.1. Supported by: ASiC, Office, SOAP, XAdES components

Not all of the above timestamp types can be supported by a specific signature technology used (CAdES, PDF, XAdES).

The timestamp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the timestamp_count property.

This property is read-only.

timestamp_tsa_name Property

This value uniquely identifies the Timestamp Authority (TSA).


def get_timestamp_tsa_name(timestamp_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



This value uniquely identifies the Timestamp Authority (TSA).

This property provides information about the entity that manages the TSA.

The timestamp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the timestamp_count property.

This property is read-only.

timestamp_validation_log Property

Contains the TSA certificate chain validation log.


def get_timestamp_validation_log(timestamp_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains the TSA certificate chain validation log. This information is extremely useful if the timestamp validation fails.

The timestamp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the timestamp_count property.

This property is read-only.

timestamp_validation_result Property

Contains timestamp validation outcome.


def get_timestamp_validation_result(timestamp_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Contains timestamp validation outcome.

Use this property to check the result of the most recent timestamp validation.

svtValid0The signature is valid

svtUnknown1Signature validity is unknown

svtCorrupted2The signature is corrupted

svtSignerNotFound3Failed to acquire the signing certificate. The signature cannot be validated.

svtFailure4General failure

The timestamp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the timestamp_count property.

This property is read-only.

timestamp_server Property

The address of the timestamping server.


def get_timestamp_server() -> str: ...
def set_timestamp_server(value: str) -> None: ...

timestamp_server = property(get_timestamp_server, set_timestamp_server)

Default Value



Use this property to set the address of the TSA (Time Stamping Authority) server to use for timestamping the signature (normal signing) or the document (LTV update).

If your timestamping service enforces credential-based user authentication (basic or digest), you can provide the credentials in the same URL:


For TSAs using certificate-based TLS authentication, provide the client certificate via the tls_client_chain property.

tls_client_cert_count Property

The number of records in the TLSClientCert arrays.


def get_tls_client_cert_count() -> int: ...
def set_tls_client_cert_count(value: int) -> None: ...

tls_client_cert_count = property(get_tls_client_cert_count, set_tls_client_cert_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at tls_client_cert_count - 1.

tls_client_cert_bytes Property

Returns raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_tls_client_cert_bytes(tls_client_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns raw certificate data in DER format.

The tls_client_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_client_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_client_cert_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_tls_client_cert_handle(tls_client_cert_index: int) -> int: ...
def set_tls_client_cert_handle(tls_client_cert_index: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The tls_client_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_client_cert_count property.

tls_server_cert_count Property

The number of records in the TLSServerCert arrays.


def get_tls_server_cert_count() -> int: ...

tls_server_cert_count = property(get_tls_server_cert_count, None)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at tls_server_cert_count - 1.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_bytes Property

Returns raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_tls_server_cert_bytes(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns raw certificate data in DER format.

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_tls_server_cert_handle(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_auto_validate_certificates Property

Specifies whether server-side TLS certificates should be validated automatically using internal validation rules.


def get_tls_auto_validate_certificates() -> bool: ...
def set_tls_auto_validate_certificates(value: bool) -> None: ...

tls_auto_validate_certificates = property(get_tls_auto_validate_certificates, set_tls_auto_validate_certificates)

Default Value



Specifies whether server-side TLS certificates should be validated automatically using internal validation rules.

tls_base_configuration Property

Selects the base configuration for the TLS settings.


def get_tls_base_configuration() -> int: ...
def set_tls_base_configuration(value: int) -> None: ...

tls_base_configuration = property(get_tls_base_configuration, set_tls_base_configuration)

Default Value



Selects the base configuration for the TLS settings. Several profiles are on offer, tuned up for different purposes, such as high security or higher compatibility.


tls_ciphersuites Property

A list of ciphersuites separated with commas or semicolons.


def get_tls_ciphersuites() -> str: ...
def set_tls_ciphersuites(value: str) -> None: ...

tls_ciphersuites = property(get_tls_ciphersuites, set_tls_ciphersuites)

Default Value



A list of ciphersuites separated with commas or semicolons. Each ciphersuite in the list may be prefixed with a minus sign (-) to indicate that the ciphersuite should be disabled rather than enabled. Besides the specific ciphersuite modifiers, this property supports the all (and -all) aliases that allow to blanketly enable or disable all ciphersuites at once.

Note: the list of ciphersuites provided to this property alters the baseline list of ciphersuites as defined by BaseConfiguration. Remember to start your ciphersuite string with -all; if you need to only enable a specific fixed set of ciphersuites. The list of supported ciphersuites is provided below:

  • RSA_RC4_MD5
  • RSA_RC2_MD5
  • RSA_3DES_MD5
  • RSA_AES128_SHA
  • RSA_AES256_SHA
  • PSK_AES128_SHA
  • PSK_AES256_SHA
  • RSA_AES128_SHA256
  • RSA_AES256_SHA256
  • DH_DSS_AES128_SHA256
  • DH_RSA_AES128_SHA256
  • DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA256
  • DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA256
  • DH_DSS_AES256_SHA256
  • DH_RSA_AES256_SHA256
  • DHE_DSS_AES256_SHA256
  • DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA256
  • DH_ANON_AES128_SHA256
  • DH_ANON_AES256_SHA256
  • RSA_AES128_GCM_SHA256
  • RSA_AES256_GCM_SHA384
  • DH_RSA_AES128_GCM_SHA256
  • DH_RSA_AES256_GCM_SHA384
  • DH_DSS_AES128_GCM_SHA256
  • DH_DSS_AES256_GCM_SHA384
  • ECDH_RSA_AES128_SHA256
  • ECDH_RSA_AES256_SHA384
  • PSK_AES128_GCM_SHA256
  • PSK_AES256_GCM_SHA384
  • PSK_AES128_SHA256
  • PSK_AES256_SHA384
  • DHE_PSK_AES128_SHA256
  • DHE_PSK_AES256_SHA384
  • RSA_PSK_AES128_SHA256
  • RSA_PSK_AES256_SHA384
  • DH_anon_CAMELLIA128_GCM_SHA256
  • DH_anon_CAMELLIA256_GCM_SHA384
  • PSK_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
  • AES128_GCM_SHA256
  • AES256_GCM_SHA384
  • CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
  • AES128_CCM_SHA256
  • AES128_CCM8_SHA256

tls_ec_curves Property

Defines the elliptic curves to enable.


def get_tls_ec_curves() -> str: ...
def set_tls_ec_curves(value: str) -> None: ...

tls_ec_curves = property(get_tls_ec_curves, set_tls_ec_curves)

Default Value



Defines the elliptic curves to enable.

tls_extensions Property

Provides access to TLS extensions.


def get_tls_extensions() -> str: ...
def set_tls_extensions(value: str) -> None: ...

tls_extensions = property(get_tls_extensions, set_tls_extensions)

Default Value



Provides access to TLS extensions.

tls_force_resume_if_destination_changes Property

Whether to force TLS session resumption when the destination address changes.


def get_tls_force_resume_if_destination_changes() -> bool: ...
def set_tls_force_resume_if_destination_changes(value: bool) -> None: ...

tls_force_resume_if_destination_changes = property(get_tls_force_resume_if_destination_changes, set_tls_force_resume_if_destination_changes)

Default Value



Whether to force TLS session resumption when the destination address changes.

tls_pre_shared_identity Property

Defines the identity used when the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) key-exchange mechanism is negotiated.


def get_tls_pre_shared_identity() -> str: ...
def set_tls_pre_shared_identity(value: str) -> None: ...

tls_pre_shared_identity = property(get_tls_pre_shared_identity, set_tls_pre_shared_identity)

Default Value



Defines the identity used when the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) key-exchange mechanism is negotiated.

tls_pre_shared_key Property

Contains the pre-shared for the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) key-exchange mechanism, encoded with base16.


def get_tls_pre_shared_key() -> str: ...
def set_tls_pre_shared_key(value: str) -> None: ...

tls_pre_shared_key = property(get_tls_pre_shared_key, set_tls_pre_shared_key)

Default Value



Contains the pre-shared for the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) key-exchange mechanism, encoded with base16.

tls_pre_shared_key_ciphersuite Property

Defines the ciphersuite used for PSK (Pre-Shared Key) negotiation.


def get_tls_pre_shared_key_ciphersuite() -> str: ...
def set_tls_pre_shared_key_ciphersuite(value: str) -> None: ...

tls_pre_shared_key_ciphersuite = property(get_tls_pre_shared_key_ciphersuite, set_tls_pre_shared_key_ciphersuite)

Default Value



Defines the ciphersuite used for PSK (Pre-Shared Key) negotiation.

tls_renegotiation_attack_prevention_mode Property

Selects renegotiation attack prevention mechanism.


def get_tls_renegotiation_attack_prevention_mode() -> int: ...
def set_tls_renegotiation_attack_prevention_mode(value: int) -> None: ...

tls_renegotiation_attack_prevention_mode = property(get_tls_renegotiation_attack_prevention_mode, set_tls_renegotiation_attack_prevention_mode)

Default Value



Selects renegotiation attack prevention mechanism.

The following options are available:

crapmCompatible0TLS 1.0 and 1.1 compatibility mode (renegotiation indication extension is disabled).
crapmStrict1Renegotiation attack prevention is enabled and enforced.
crapmAuto2Automatically choose whether to enable or disable renegotiation attack prevention.

tls_revocation_check Property

Specifies the kind(s) of revocation check to perform.


def get_tls_revocation_check() -> int: ...
def set_tls_revocation_check(value: int) -> None: ...

tls_revocation_check = property(get_tls_revocation_check, set_tls_revocation_check)

Default Value



Specifies the kind(s) of revocation check to perform.

Revocation checking is necessary to ensure the integrity of the chain and obtain up-to-date certificate validity and trustworthiness information.

crcNone0No revocation checking
crcAuto1Automatic mode selection. Currently this maps to crcAnyOCSPOrCRL, but it may change in the future.
crcAllCRL2Check all provided CRL endpoints for all chain certificates.
crcAllOCSP3Check all provided OCSP endpoints for all chain certificates.
crcAllCRLAndOCSP4Check all CRL and OCSP endpoints for all chain certificates.
crcAnyCRL5At least one CRL check for every certificate in the chain must succeed.
crcAnyOCSP6At least one OCSP check for every certificate in the chain must succeed.
crcAnyCRLOrOCSP7At least one CRL or OCSP check for every certificate in the chain must succeed. CRL endpoints are checked first.
crcAnyOCSPOrCRL8At least one CRL or OCSP check for every certificate in the chain must succeed. OCSP endpoints are checked first.

This setting controls the way the revocation checks are performed. Typically certificates come with two types of revocation information sources: CRL (certificate revocation lists) and OCSP responders. CRLs are static objects periodically published by the CA at some online location. OCSP responders are active online services maintained by the CA that can provide up-to-date information on certificate statuses in near real time.

There are some conceptual differences between the two. CRLs are normally larger in size. Their use involves some latency because there is normally some delay between the time when a certificate was revoked and the time the subsequent CRL mentioning that is published. The benefits of CRL is that the same object can provide statuses for all certificates issued by a particular CA, and that the whole technology is much simpler than OCSP (and thus is supported by more CAs).

This setting lets you adjust the validation course by including or excluding certain types of revocation sources from the validation process. The crcAnyOCSPOrCRL setting (give preference to faster OCSP route and only demand one source to succeed) is a good choice for most of typical validation environments. The "crcAll*" modes are much stricter, and may be used in scenarios where bulletproof validity information is essential.

tls_ssl_options Property

Various SSL (TLS) protocol options, set of cssloExpectShutdownMessage 0x001 Wait for the close-notify message when shutting down the connection cssloOpenSSLDTLSWorkaround 0x002 (DEPRECATED) Use a DTLS version workaround when talking to very old OpenSSL versions cssloDisableKexLengthAlignment 0x004 Do not align the client-side PMS by the RSA modulus size.


def get_tls_ssl_options() -> int: ...
def set_tls_ssl_options(value: int) -> None: ...

tls_ssl_options = property(get_tls_ssl_options, set_tls_ssl_options)

Default Value



Various SSL (TLS) protocol options, set of

cssloExpectShutdownMessage0x001Wait for the close-notify message when shutting down the connection

cssloOpenSSLDTLSWorkaround0x002(DEPRECATED) Use a DTLS version workaround when talking to very old OpenSSL versions

cssloDisableKexLengthAlignment0x004Do not align the client-side PMS by the RSA modulus size. It is unlikely that you will ever need to adjust it.

cssloForceUseOfClientCertHashAlg0x008Enforce use of client certificate hash algorithm. It is unlikely that you will ever need to adjust it.

cssloAutoAddServerNameExtension0x010Automatically add server name extension when known

cssloAcceptTrustedSRPPrimesOnly0x020Accept trusted SRP primes only

cssloDisableSignatureAlgorithmsExtension0x040Disable (not send) signature algorithms extension. It is unlikely that you will ever need to adjust it.

cssloIntolerateHigherProtocolVersions0x080(server option) Do not allow fallback from TLS versions higher than currently enabled

cssloStickToPrefCertHashAlg0x100Stick to preferred certificate hash algorithms

cssloNoImplicitTLS12Fallback0x200Disable implicit TLS 1.3 to 1.2 fallbacks

cssloUseHandshakeBatches0x400Send handshake message as large batches rather than individually

tls_tls_mode Property

Specifies the TLS mode to use.


def get_tls_tls_mode() -> int: ...
def set_tls_tls_mode(value: int) -> None: ...

tls_tls_mode = property(get_tls_tls_mode, set_tls_tls_mode)

Default Value



Specifies the TLS mode to use.

smNoTLS1Do not use TLS
smExplicitTLS2Connect to the server without any encryption and then request an SSL session.
smImplicitTLS3Connect to the specified port, and establish the SSL session at once.
smMixedTLS4Connect to the specified port, and establish the SSL session at once, allow plain data.

tls_use_extended_master_secret Property

Enables Extended Master Secret Extension, as defined in RFC 7627.


def get_tls_use_extended_master_secret() -> bool: ...
def set_tls_use_extended_master_secret(value: bool) -> None: ...

tls_use_extended_master_secret = property(get_tls_use_extended_master_secret, set_tls_use_extended_master_secret)

Default Value



Enables Extended Master Secret Extension, as defined in RFC 7627.

tls_use_session_resumption Property

Enables or disables TLS session resumption capability.


def get_tls_use_session_resumption() -> bool: ...
def set_tls_use_session_resumption(value: bool) -> None: ...

tls_use_session_resumption = property(get_tls_use_session_resumption, set_tls_use_session_resumption)

Default Value



Enables or disables TLS session resumption capability.

tls_versions Property

The SSL/TLS versions to enable by default.


def get_tls_versions() -> int: ...
def set_tls_versions(value: int) -> None: ...

tls_versions = property(get_tls_versions, set_tls_versions)

Default Value



The SSL/TLS versions to enable by default.

csbSSL20x01SSL 2

csbSSL30x02SSL 3

csbTLS10x04TLS 1.0

csbTLS110x08TLS 1.1

csbTLS120x10TLS 1.2

csbTLS130x20TLS 1.3

trusted_cert_count Property

The number of records in the TrustedCert arrays.


def get_trusted_cert_count() -> int: ...
def set_trusted_cert_count(value: int) -> None: ...

trusted_cert_count = property(get_trusted_cert_count, set_trusted_cert_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at trusted_cert_count - 1.

trusted_cert_bytes Property

Returns raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_trusted_cert_bytes(trusted_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns raw certificate data in DER format.

The trusted_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the trusted_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

trusted_cert_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_trusted_cert_handle(trusted_cert_index: int) -> int: ...
def set_trusted_cert_handle(trusted_cert_index: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The trusted_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the trusted_cert_count property.

validation_moment Property

The time point at which signature validity is to be established.


def get_validation_moment() -> str: ...
def set_validation_moment(value: str) -> None: ...

validation_moment = property(get_validation_moment, set_validation_moment)

Default Value



Use this property to specify the moment in time at which signature validity should be established. The time is in UTC. Leave the setting empty to stick to the default moment (either signature creation time, or current time).

The validity of the same signature may differ depending on the time point chosen due to temporal changes in chain validities, revocation statuses, and timestamp times.

widget_algorithm_caption Property

Caption of the signature widget property with information about the signature algorithm.


def get_widget_algorithm_caption() -> str: ...
def set_widget_algorithm_caption(value: str) -> None: ...

widget_algorithm_caption = property(get_widget_algorithm_caption, set_widget_algorithm_caption)

Default Value



Caption of the signature widget field with information about the signature algorithm.

widget_algorithm_info Property

Information about the algorithm to be shown on the signature widget.


def get_widget_algorithm_info() -> str: ...
def set_widget_algorithm_info(value: str) -> None: ...

widget_algorithm_info = property(get_widget_algorithm_info, set_widget_algorithm_info)

Default Value



Information about the algorithm to be shown on the signature widget.

This property contains information about the algorithm to be displayed in the signature widget. Keep this property set to #auto to make the component generate the algorithm text automatically, in the form of "Algorithm/Key size", e.g. "RSA/1024 bits".

widget_background_data Property

Contains/takes the data of the signature widget background bitmap.


def get_widget_background_data() -> bytes: ...
def set_widget_background_data(value: bytes) -> None: ...

widget_background_data = property(get_widget_background_data, set_widget_background_data)


Contains/takes the data of the signature widget background bitmap.

Assign the widget background data (in form of JPEG or JPEG2000 bytes) to this property.

widget_background_height Property

Use this property to manually adjust the size of the stretched background picture in the vertical direction.


def get_widget_background_height() -> str: ...
def set_widget_background_height(value: str) -> None: ...

widget_background_height = property(get_widget_background_height, set_widget_background_height)

Default Value



Use this property to manually adjust the size of the stretched background picture in the vertical direction.

widget_background_image_height Property

The height of the background image in pixels.


def get_widget_background_image_height() -> int: ...
def set_widget_background_image_height(value: int) -> None: ...

widget_background_image_height = property(get_widget_background_image_height, set_widget_background_image_height)

Default Value



The height of the background image in pixels.

It is important that this property matches the exact size of the image when custom background is used.

widget_background_image_type Property

The type of the image contained in BackgroundData .


def get_widget_background_image_type() -> int: ...
def set_widget_background_image_type(value: int) -> None: ...

widget_background_image_type = property(get_widget_background_image_type, set_widget_background_image_type)

Default Value



The type of the image contained in widget_background_data. JPEG and JPEG2000 format are currently supported.

pwitJPEG20000JPEG 2000 format (supports transparency)
pwitJPEG1standard JPEG format (does not support transparency)
pwitCustom2Custom background format

widget_background_image_width Property

The width of the background image in pixels.


def get_widget_background_image_width() -> int: ...
def set_widget_background_image_width(value: int) -> None: ...

widget_background_image_width = property(get_widget_background_image_width, set_widget_background_image_width)

Default Value



The width of the background image in pixels.

It is important that this property matches the exact size of the image when custom background is used. The width and height of the background image have no direct relation to the dimensions of the signature widget on the document page, and are only used to indicate the parameters of the image to the PDF processor. Big images will ultimately be squeezed to fit in the widget, and smaller ones stretched.

widget_background_mask Property

Contains the background image mask.


def get_widget_background_mask() -> bytes: ...
def set_widget_background_mask(value: bytes) -> None: ...

widget_background_mask = property(get_widget_background_mask, set_widget_background_mask)


Contains the background image mask.

Masks provide means for marking transparent areas on your signature widgets. Specifically, a transparency mask tells PDF viewing apps which pixels of the signature widget should be kept visible and which should be rendered transparent instead.

In most cases, you will need a unique mask that is tailored for your signature widget image. This is something that you will need to create yourself basing on your preferences and the actual image design.

A mask is effectively a matrix of bits, with each bit corresponding to a pixel on your background bitmap. A bit is set to 1 if the corresponding pixel needs to be made transparent, or to 0 if it needs to be opaque.

To create the mask that can be passed to BackgroundMask, please follow the below procedure:

Go through the bitmap of your signature widget bitmap row to row, processing each row of pixels from left to right. For each row,

1. Start with an empty bit string.

2. For every pixel in a row, add '1' bit if you want it to be transparent, or '0' bit if you want it to be opaque.

3. Upon reaching the end of the row, append '0' bits to your bit string until the number of bits in it is a multiple of 8. This is because each row of pixels needs to be represented with a whole number of bytes.

4. Convert the bit string to a byte array by grouping every 8 bits into a byte.

Do the same for every row of pixels, and then concatenate the received byte arrays together. Pass the created byte array to SetSigBackgroundMask().

A small example. Imagine your image is 19 pixels wide and 3 pixels tall. Imagine you want to make it 'semi-transparent' by using a 'mesh' pattern. The mask will therefore look like this:

10101010 10101010 10100000 // first row

01010101 01010101 01000000 // second row

10101010 10101010 10100000 // third row

Note that the last 5 bits of each row are padding '0' bits and are ignored: you only need them to make each row contain a whole number of bytes. When converted to a byte string, this would look like

0xAA 0xAA 0xA0

0x55 0x55 0x40

0xAA 0xAA 0xA0

, or, if written as a byte array, (0xAA, 0xAA, 0xA0, 0x55, 0x55, 0x40, 0xAA, 0xAA, 0xA0): this is what you need to pass to SetSigBackgroundMask().

widget_background_position Property

The position of the widget background.


def get_widget_background_position() -> str: ...
def set_widget_background_position(value: str) -> None: ...

widget_background_position = property(get_widget_background_position, set_widget_background_position)

Default Value



The position of the widget background.

Specifies the position of the background image.

The value may be:

The keyword value "center", which centers the image.

A pair of coordinates ("10 5.5"), in which one value defines X and the other defines Y starting from the bottom-left corner.

widget_background_style Property

The style of the signature widget background.


def get_widget_background_style() -> int: ...
def set_widget_background_style(value: int) -> None: ...

widget_background_style = property(get_widget_background_style, set_widget_background_style)

Default Value



The style of the signature widget background.

pwbsDefault uses the default image, pwbsNoBackground doesn't use background image at all, and pwbsCustom expects the application to provide a custom background image.

pwbsDefault0The default widget background
pwbsNoBackground1No (empty) background
pwbsCustom2Custom background (picture or vector)

widget_background_width Property

Use this property to manually adjust the horizontal size of the stretched background picture.


def get_widget_background_width() -> str: ...
def set_widget_background_width(value: str) -> None: ...

widget_background_width = property(get_widget_background_width, set_widget_background_width)

Default Value



Use this property to manually adjust the horizontal size of the stretched background picture.

widget_compress_widget_data Property

Whether the signature widget data should be compressed before saving.


def get_widget_compress_widget_data() -> bool: ...
def set_widget_compress_widget_data(value: bool) -> None: ...

widget_compress_widget_data = property(get_widget_compress_widget_data, set_widget_compress_widget_data)

Default Value



Whether the signature widget data should be compressed before saving.

widget_custom_appearance Property

Contains custom widget description in raw PDF graphic operators format.


def get_widget_custom_appearance() -> bytes: ...
def set_widget_custom_appearance(value: bytes) -> None: ...

widget_custom_appearance = property(get_widget_custom_appearance, set_widget_custom_appearance)


Contains custom widget description in raw PDF graphic operators format.

Use this property to provide a PDF stream describing the widget appearance.

widget_custom_background_content_stream Property

Specifies custom custom background content stream for pwbsCustom BackgroundStyle .


def get_widget_custom_background_content_stream() -> str: ...
def set_widget_custom_background_content_stream(value: str) -> None: ...

widget_custom_background_content_stream = property(get_widget_custom_background_content_stream, set_widget_custom_background_content_stream)

Default Value



Specifies custom custom background content stream for pwbsCustom widget_background_style.

widget_custom_visual_status_matrix Property

Defines the custom visual status matrix.


def get_widget_custom_visual_status_matrix() -> str: ...
def set_widget_custom_visual_status_matrix(value: str) -> None: ...

widget_custom_visual_status_matrix = property(get_widget_custom_visual_status_matrix, set_widget_custom_visual_status_matrix)

Default Value



Defines the custom visual status matrix.

Use of this property makes sense only if a visual status icon is displayed over the signature (widget_show_visual_status). Prior to Acrobat 6, signature's visual appearance was modified with a status icon, e.g., "valid" or "invalid". The visual status matrix is used to position the icon in the signature widget. If CustomVisualStatusMatrix is empty, the value of '0.25 0 0 0.25 0 0' is used.

widget_date_format Property

The format string used to display the signing date and time in the signature widget.


def get_widget_date_format() -> str: ...
def set_widget_date_format(value: str) -> None: ...

widget_date_format = property(get_widget_date_format, set_widget_date_format)

Default Value



The format string used to display the signing date and time in the signature widget.

Leave this property empty (default value) to use the default formatting.

Use "L" value to convert UTC time to local time and use the default formatting or use "L:" prefix with a custom date time formatting string.

widget_font_name Property

Specifies the font name for the signature text.


def get_widget_font_name() -> str: ...
def set_widget_font_name(value: str) -> None: ...

widget_font_name = property(get_widget_font_name, set_widget_font_name)

Default Value



Specifies the font name for the signature text.

Use this property to specify Type 1 or TrueType font name for the signature text.

PDF format supports 14 standard Type 1 fonts, specifically: "Times-Roman", "Helvetica", "Courier", "Symbol", "Times-Bold", "Helvetica-Bold", "Courier-Bold", "ZapfDingbats", "Times-Italic", "Helvetica-Oblique", "Courier-Oblique", "Times-BoldItalic", "Helvetica-BoldOblique", "Courier-BoldOblique".

For TrueType font name the component supports a full font name (e.g. "Times New Roman", "Arial Bold Italic"), its filename (e.g. "times.ttf", "arialbi.ttf"), or a full file name.

If TrueType font is used, then a font subset is embedded into a PDF document.

The list of system TrueType font names that the component supports could be obtained using do_action method with "GetSystemFontNames" action ID.

Use FontPaths configuration setting (accessed via config) to specify font search paths in case the TrueType font filename is provided.

widget_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_widget_handle() -> int: ...
def set_widget_handle(value: int) -> None: ...

widget_handle = property(get_widget_handle, set_widget_handle)

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

widget_header Property

Specifies the header text to put on the signature widget.


def get_widget_header() -> str: ...
def set_widget_header(value: str) -> None: ...

widget_header = property(get_widget_header, set_widget_header)

Default Value



Specifies the header text to put on the signature widget. Keep this property set to #auto to make the component generate the header automatically.

widget_hide_default_text Property

Switches off generation of any headers for the signature widget.


def get_widget_hide_default_text() -> bool: ...
def set_widget_hide_default_text(value: bool) -> None: ...

widget_hide_default_text = property(get_widget_hide_default_text, set_widget_hide_default_text)

Default Value



Switches off generation of any headers for the signature widget.

widget_ignore_existing_appearance Property

Tells the class to discard any existing widget parameters when signing empty signature properties.


def get_widget_ignore_existing_appearance() -> bool: ...
def set_widget_ignore_existing_appearance(value: bool) -> None: ...

widget_ignore_existing_appearance = property(get_widget_ignore_existing_appearance, set_widget_ignore_existing_appearance)

Default Value



Tells the component to discard any existing widget parameters when signing empty signature fields.

IgnoreExistingAppearance only makes sense for signatures created by signing existing empty signature properties with pre-defined widget descriptions.

widget_invert_mask Property

Specifies whether BackgroundMask should be inverted.


def get_widget_invert_mask() -> bool: ...
def set_widget_invert_mask(value: bool) -> None: ...

widget_invert_mask = property(get_widget_invert_mask, set_widget_invert_mask)

Default Value



Specifies whether widget_background_mask should be inverted.

Set this property to flip all the bits in the mask, by making opaque all the bits declared by the mask as transparent, and making transparent all the bits declared as opaque.

widget_invisible Property

Controls whether the signature widget is visible on the page.


def get_widget_invisible() -> bool: ...
def set_widget_invisible(value: bool) -> None: ...

widget_invisible = property(get_widget_invisible, set_widget_invisible)

Default Value



Controls whether the signature widget is visible on the page.

widget_pages_to_place_on Property

Page numbers on which the signature is shown.


def get_widget_pages_to_place_on() -> str: ...
def set_widget_pages_to_place_on(value: str) -> None: ...

widget_pages_to_place_on = property(get_widget_pages_to_place_on, set_widget_pages_to_place_on)

Default Value



Page numbers on which the signature is shown. This field supports a variety of syntaxes:

  • A single page number: 3
  • A comma-separated list of page numbers: 1,2,5,7
  • The star character (*) indicates that the widget should be placed on all pages in the document
  • The first and last placeholders specify that the signature should be placed on the respective page, independently of its number.

widget_position_anchor Property

The anchor to bind the position of the widget to.


def get_widget_position_anchor() -> int: ...
def set_widget_position_anchor(value: int) -> None: ...

widget_position_anchor = property(get_widget_position_anchor, set_widget_position_anchor)

Default Value



The anchor to bind the position of the widget to.

Supported values are:

ppaDefault0The signature's OffsetX and OffsetY properties specify the position of the bottom left widget corner starting from the page's physical bottom left corner (doesn't take into account page rotation).
ppaBottomLeft1The signature's OffsetX and OffsetY properties specify the position of the bottom left widget corner starting from the page's bottom left corner according to the viewer's perspective (take into account page rotation).
ppaBottomRight2The signature's OffsetX and OffsetY properties specify the position of the bottom right widget corner starting from the page's bottom right corner according to the viewer's perspective (take into account page rotation).
ppaTopLeft3The signature's OffsetX and OffsetY properties specify the position of the top left widget corner starting from the page's top left corner according to the viewer's perspective (take into account page rotation).
ppaTopRight4The signature's OffsetX and OffsetY properties specify the position of the top right widget corner starting from the page's top right corner according to the viewer's perspective (take into account page rotation).
ppaCenter5The signature's OffsetX and OffsetY properties specify the position of the widget center starting from the page's center according to the viewer's perspective.

widget_render_options Property

This setting is a container for a selection of rendering options.


def get_widget_render_options() -> int: ...
def set_widget_render_options(value: int) -> None: ...

widget_render_options = property(get_widget_render_options, set_widget_render_options)

Default Value



This setting is a container for a selection of rendering options. OR or NOT an option to include or exclude it from the bit mask.

wroUnknown0x00000Unknown, unsupported, or uninitialized set of options

wroNoRotate0x00001Enabling this option prevents the signature widget from being rotated when the containing document is rotated in a viewing app.

wroNoView0x00002Enabling this option prevents the widget from being displayed when the document is viewed in an app (the widget will still be printed, if configured).

wroNoZoom0x00004Keeps the widget at the same size when the document is zoomed in our out.

wroPrint0x00008Makes the widget printable.

wroReadOnly0x00010Controls the ReadOnly flag of the widget object.

wroToggleNoView0x00020If set, the signature widget will only be displayed when the viewer hovers a mouse pointer over it.

widget_rotate Property

Specifies the rotation angle of the signature widget in degrees.


def get_widget_rotate() -> int: ...
def set_widget_rotate(value: int) -> None: ...

widget_rotate = property(get_widget_rotate, set_widget_rotate)

Default Value



Specifies the rotation angle of the signature widget in degrees. Values of 0, 90, 180, and 270 are allowed.

widget_show_date Property

Whether to display the signing date and time details on the widget.


def get_widget_show_date() -> bool: ...
def set_widget_show_date(value: bool) -> None: ...

widget_show_date = property(get_widget_show_date, set_widget_show_date)

Default Value



Whether to display the signing date and time details on the widget.

widget_show_visual_status Property

Specifies whether to show the signature's status icon.


def get_widget_show_visual_status() -> bool: ...
def set_widget_show_visual_status(value: bool) -> None: ...

widget_show_visual_status = property(get_widget_show_visual_status, set_widget_show_visual_status)

Default Value



Specifies whether to show the signature's status icon.

It is a good idea to avoid using the visual status icon, as described below:

According to the Digital Signature Appearances Adobe Acrobat SDK (May 2015), "Prior to Acrobat 6.0, signature appearances were manipulated at run-time in order to display the validity of the signature. The validity was shown as a graphic icon and with an additional, optional text message. The manipulated portions of the signature appearance were contained in layers n1, n3 and n4. Beginning with version 6, Acrobat does not maintain support for signature appearances that can be manipulated, though legacy signatures with these appearances may continue to display correctly. Use of layers n1, n3, and n4 is not recommended."

widget_signer_caption Property

Specifies the caption for the signer section on the signature widget.


def get_widget_signer_caption() -> str: ...
def set_widget_signer_caption(value: str) -> None: ...

widget_signer_caption = property(get_widget_signer_caption, set_widget_signer_caption)

Default Value



Specifies the caption for the signer section on the signature widget.

The default value, which is used if the property is set to #auto, is "Signer: ".

widget_signer_info Property

Provides custom signer information to put on the signature widget.


def get_widget_signer_info() -> str: ...
def set_widget_signer_info(value: str) -> None: ...

widget_signer_info = property(get_widget_signer_info, set_widget_signer_info)

Default Value



Provides custom signer information to put on the signature widget.

The standard signature widget allows for several short strings separated by CRLF. Keep this property set to #auto to make the component generate the signer text automatically.

add_widget_custom_data Method

Adds a custom data to the signature widget.


def add_widget_custom_data(custom_data: str) -> int: ...


Use this method to quickly add a custom data block that contains PDF graphics operators to your signature widget.

The method returns the index of the new custom text in the CustomText collection (accessed via config).

add_widget_text Method

Adds a text block to the signature widget.


def add_widget_text(text: str, x: int, y: int, font_size: str) -> int: ...


Use this method to quickly add a custom text block to your signature widget.

The method returns the index of the new custom text in the CustomText collection (accessed via config).

add_widget_text_ex Method

Adds a text block to the signature widget.


def add_widget_text_ex(text: str, settings: str) -> int: ...


Use this method to add a custom text block to your signature widget.

The Text represent the text string to add. The Settings contains a list of parameters in the form of PARAM1=VALUE1;PARAM2=VALUE2;... or in JSON format.

The following parameters are supported:

"X"The text offset from the left-hand signature widget border.
"Y"The text offset from the bottom signature widget border.
"FontSize"The font size of the text (single value, or two value separated with space character that represent horizontal and vertical font sizes).
"FontSizeX"The horizontal font size of the text.
"FontSizeY"The vertical font size of the text.
"FontName"The font name or TrueType filename. It supports the same values as Widget.FontName property.

The method returns the index of the new custom text in the CustomText collection (accessed via config).

attach_bytes Method

Adds an attachment to the PDF document.


def attach_bytes(data: bytes, obj_name: str, file_name: str, description: str, sub_type: str, c_date: str, m_date: str) -> None: ...


Use this method to add an attachment (embedded file) to a PDF document.

attach_file Method

Adds an attachment to the PDF document.


def attach_file(path: str, obj_name: str, file_name: str, description: str, sub_type: str, c_date: str, m_date: str) -> None: ...


Use this method to add an attachment (embedded file) to a PDF document.

close Method

Closes an opened document.


def close(save_changes: bool) -> None: ...


Use this method to close a previously opened document. Set SaveChanges to true to apply any changes made.

config Method

Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.


def config(configuration_string: str) -> str: ...


config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.

These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the config method.

To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).

To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.

do_action Method

Performs an additional action.


def do_action(action_id: str, action_params: str) -> str: ...


do_action is a generic method available in every class. It is used to perform an additional action introduced after the product major release. The list of actions is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.

The unique identifier (case insencitive) of the action is provided in the ActionID parameter.

ActionParams contains the value of a single parameter, or a list of multiple parameters for the action in the form of PARAM1=VALUE1;PARAM2=VALUE2;....

Supported ActionIDs:

"AddImage"Adds an image to the foreground layer.
"GetTextWidth"Calculates the width of the given text for a specific font.
"GetSystemFontNames"Gets the list of system font names.
"IsAllGlyphsAvailable"Checks if all glyphs from the given text are available for a specific font.

Use "AddImage" action to add an image to the foreground layer. The following parameters are supported:

"ImageData"The image data in hex or base64 encoding. To use base64 encoding prepend an encoded data with "base64:" prefix.
"ImageWidth"The width of the image in pixels.
"ImageHeight"The height of the image in pixels.
"ImageType"The type of the image contained in ImageData parameter. Supported values: "jpeg", "jpeg2000", "custom".
"ImageBitsPerComponent"The number of bits per color space component for the image.
"ImageColorSpace"The image color space. Supported values: "RGB", "CMYK" and "Gray".
"ImageInterpolate"Specifies whether an image interpolation shall be performed by a conforming reader.
"X"The image offset from the left-hand signature widget border.
"Y"The image offset from the bottom signature widget border.
"Width"The width of the image in points.
"Height"The height of the image in points.

Parameters ImageData, ImageWidth, ImageHeight, ImageType, X, Y, Width and Height are required.

Sample code to add a JPEG image of size 100px x 100px and place it in position (10, 10) with an image size (30, 30): Signer.DoAction("AddImage", "ImageData=" + Utils.HexEncode(BinaryImageData) + "; ImageWidth=100; ImageHeight=100; ImageType=jpeg; X=10; Y=10; Width=30; Height=30");

Use "GetTextWidth" action to calculate the width of the given text for a specific font. The following parameters are supported:

"Text"Represent the text string for which you want to determine the width.
"FontName"The font name or TrueType filename. It supports the same values as Widget.FontName property.
"FontSize"The horizontal font size of the text. If omitted, the width of the text returned in units, and the width for a specific font size could be calculated by the formula: (Width / 1000) * FontSize

Sample code: Signer.DoAction("GetTextWidth", "Text=Lorem Ipsum; FontSize=10; FontName=Arial Bold Italic");

Use "GetSystemFontNames" action to get a CRLF-separated list of system TrueType font names that the component supports.

Use "IsAllGlyphsAvailable" action to check if all glyphs that correspond to the given text are available for a specific font. The following parameters are required:

"Text"Represent the text string that you want to check.
"FontName"The font name or TrueType filename. It supports the same values as Widget.FontName property.

For standard Type 1 fonts this action always returns a "true" value.

extract_async_data Method

Extracts user data from the DC signing service response.


def extract_async_data(async_reply: str) -> str: ...


Call this method before finalizing the asynchronous signing process to extract the data passed to the ExternalCrypto.Data property on the pre-signing stage.

The Data parameter can be used to pass some state or document identifier along with the signing request from the pre-signing to completion async stage.

get_attached_bytes Method

Saves a PDF attachment to a byte array.


def get_attached_bytes(index: int) -> bytes: ...


Use this method to retrieve the contents of an attached file as a byte array.

get_attached_file Method

Saves a PDF attachment to a file.


def get_attached_file(index: int, path: str) -> None: ...


Use this method to retrieve the contents of an attached file and save it to a file.

open Method

Opens a document for signing or updating.


def open() -> None: ...


Use this method to open a document for signing or updating. When finished, call close to complete or discard the operation.

revalidate Method

Revalidates a signature in accordance with current settings.


def revalidate(index: int) -> None: ...


Use this method to re-validate a signature in the opened PDF document.

sign Method

Signs a PDF document.


def sign() -> None: ...


Call this method to sign the document referenced by input_file (or input_stream) property. The document will be signed with signing_certificate as configured in signature, and saved in output_file (output_stream).

Use trusted_certificates, known_certificates, revocation_check, offline_mode and other properties of class to adjust chain validation parameters. After the signing, the chain validation log will be available in validation_log property.

sign_async_begin Method

Initiates the asynchronous signing operation.


def sign_async_begin() -> str: ...


When using the DC framework, call this method to initiate the asynchronous signing process. Upon completion, a pre-signed copy of the document will be saved in output_file (or output_stream). Keep the pre-signed copy somewhere local, and pass the returned string ('the request state') to the DC processor for handling.

Upon receiving the response state from the DC processor, assign the path to the pre-signed copy to input_file (or input_stream), and call sign_async_end to finalize the signing.

Note that depending on the signing method and DC configuration used, you may still need to provide the public part of the signing certificate via the signing_certificate property.

Use the ExternalCrypto.AsyncDocumentID property to supply a unique document ID to include in the request. This is helpful when creating batches of multiple async requests, as it allows you to pass the whole response batch to sign_async_end and expect it to recover the correct response from the batch automatically.

AsyncState is a message of the distributed cryptography (DC) protocol. DC protocol is based on exchange of async states between a DC client (an application that wants to sign a PDF, XML, or Office document) and a DC server (an application that controls access to the private key). An async state can carry one or more signing requests, comprised of document hashes, or one or more signatures produced over those hashes.

In a typical scenario you get a client-side async state from the sign_async_begin method. This state contains document hashes to be signed on the DC server side. You then send the async state to the DC server (often represented by the DCAuth control), which processes it and produces a matching signatures state. The async state produced by the server is then passed to the sign_async_end method.

There are some conditions that should be met when signing PDF documents asynchronously. The advanced PDF signature levels, specifically, BES, EPES, and LTV, require that the 'signingCertificate' attribute is included in the signature. This can only be satisfied if either external_crypto is configured to use asmdPKCS7 method, or the public copy of the signing certificate is provided on the pre-signing stage.

Please note that you will still be able to sign a document with asmdPKCS1 method and no public copy of the certificate provided (resulting in omission of the 'signingCertificate' attribute from the signature), however, most of the modern PDF processors will reject such signatures as invalid or non-compliant.

sign_async_end Method

Completes the asynchronous signing operation.


def sign_async_end(async_reply: str) -> None: ...


When using the DC framework, call this method upon receiving the response state from the DC processor to complete the asynchronous signing process.

Before calling this method, assign the path to the pre-signed copy of the document obtained from prior sign_async_begin call to input_file (or input_stream). The method will embed the signature into the pre-signed document, and save the complete signed document to output_file (or output_stream).

Note that depending on the signing method and DC configuration used, you may still need to provide the public part of the signing certificate via the signing_certificate property.

Use the ExternalCrypto.AsyncDocumentID parameter to pass a specific document ID if using batched AsyncReply. If used, it should match the value provided on the pre-signing (sign_async_begin) stage.

AsyncState is a message of the distributed cryptography (DC) protocol. DC protocol is based on exchange of async states between a DC client (an application that wants to sign a PDF, XML, or Office document) and a DC server (an application that controls access to the private key). An async state can carry one or more signing requests, comprised of document hashes, or one or more signatures produced over those hashes.

In a typical scenario you get a client-side async state from the sign_async_begin method. This state contains document hashes to be signed on the DC server side. You then send the async state to the DC server (often represented by the DCAuth control), which processes it and produces a matching signatures state. The async state produced by the server is then passed to the sign_async_end method.

sign_external Method

Signs the document using an external signing facility.


def sign_external() -> None: ...


Use this method to create a PDF signature using an external signing facility for the cryptographic computations. SignExternal delegates the low-level signing operation to an external, remote, or custom signing engine. This method is useful if the signature has to be made by a device accessible through a custom or non-standard signing interface.

When all preparations are done and the hash is computed, the class fires on_external_sign event which allows to pass the hash value for signing.

update Method

Updates a signature.


def update(sig_index: int) -> None: ...


PDF signature may be updated from time to time by embedding newer/missing revocation information. The update approach is typically used to extend validity of an LTV signature. Set SigIndex to the index of the signature field to update.

Updating is typically accompanied with a document timestamping operation. Set timestamp_server to have the class obtain and embed a document timestamp for you.

Before calling this method, provide the signed document via input_file (or input_stream) property. The updated document will be saved to output_file (or output_stream).

on_chain_element_download Event

Fires when there is a need to download a chain element from an online source.


class PDFSignerChainElementDownloadEventParams(object):
  def kind() -> int: ...

  def cert_rdn() -> str: ...

  def ca_cert_rdn() -> str: ...

  def location() -> str: ...

  def action() -> int: ...
  def action(value) -> None: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_chain_element_download() -> Callable[[PDFSignerChainElementDownloadEventParams], None]: ...
def on_chain_element_download(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerChainElementDownloadEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


Subscribe to this event to be notified about validation element retrievals. Use Action parameter to suppress the download if required.

veaAuto0Handle the action automatically (the default behaviour)

veaContinue1Accept the request implied by the event (accept the certificate, allow the object retrieval)

veaReject2Reject the request implied by the event (reject the certificate, disallow the object retrieval)

veaAcceptNow3Accept the validated certificate immediately

veaAbortNow4Abort the validation, reject the certificate

on_chain_element_needed Event

Fires when an element required to validate the chain was not located.


class PDFSignerChainElementNeededEventParams(object):
  def kind() -> int: ...

  def cert_rdn() -> str: ...

  def ca_cert_rdn() -> str: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_chain_element_needed() -> Callable[[PDFSignerChainElementNeededEventParams], None]: ...
def on_chain_element_needed(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerChainElementNeededEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


Subscribe to this event to be notified about missing validation elements. Use the known_crls, known_certificates, and known_ocsps properties in the event handler to provide the missing piece.

on_chain_validated Event

Reports the completion of a certificate chain validation.


class PDFSignerChainValidatedEventParams(object):
  def index() -> int: ...

  def subject_rdn() -> str: ...

  def validation_result() -> int: ...

  def validation_details() -> int: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_chain_validated() -> Callable[[PDFSignerChainValidatedEventParams], None]: ...
def on_chain_validated(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerChainValidatedEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event is fired when a certificate chain validation routine completes. SubjectRDN identifies the owner of the validated certificate.

ValidationResult set to 0 (zero) indicates successful chain validation.

cvtValid0The chain is valid

cvtValidButUntrusted1The chain is valid, but the root certificate is not trusted

cvtInvalid2The chain is not valid (some of certificates are revoked, expired, or contain an invalid signature)

cvtCantBeEstablished3The validity of the chain cannot be established because of missing or unavailable validation information (certificates, CRLs, or OCSP responses)

Any other value reports a failure, and ValidationDetails provides more details on its reasons.
cvrBadData0x0001One or more certificates in the validation path are malformed

cvrRevoked0x0002One or more certificates are revoked

cvrNotYetValid0x0004One or more certificates are not yet valid

cvrExpired0x0008One or more certificates are expired

cvrInvalidSignature0x0010A certificate contains a non-valid digital signature

cvrUnknownCA0x0020A CA certificate for one or more certificates has not been found (chain incomplete)

cvrCAUnauthorized0x0040One of the CA certificates are not authorized to act as CA

cvrCRLNotVerified0x0080One or more CRLs could not be verified

cvrOCSPNotVerified0x0100One or more OCSP responses could not be verified

cvrIdentityMismatch0x0200The identity protected by the certificate (a TLS endpoint or an e-mail addressee) does not match what is recorded in the certificate

cvrNoKeyUsage0x0400A mandatory key usage is not enabled in one of the chain certificates

cvrBlocked0x0800One or more certificates are blocked

cvrFailure0x1000General validation failure

cvrChainLoop0x2000Chain loop: one of the CA certificates recursively signs itself

cvrWeakAlgorithm0x4000A weak algorithm is used in one of certificates or revocation elements

cvrUserEnforced0x8000The chain was considered invalid following intervention from a user code

on_chain_validation_progress Event

This event is fired multiple times during chain validation to report various stages of the validation procedure.


class PDFSignerChainValidationProgressEventParams(object):
  def event_kind() -> str: ...

  def cert_rdn() -> str: ...

  def ca_cert_rdn() -> str: ...

  def action() -> int: ...
  def action(value) -> None: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_chain_validation_progress() -> Callable[[PDFSignerChainValidationProgressEventParams], None]: ...
def on_chain_validation_progress(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerChainValidationProgressEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


Subscribe to this event to be notified about chain validation progress. Use Action parameter to alter the validation flow.

The EventKind parameter reports the nature of the event being reported. The CertRDN and CACertRDN report the distinguished names of the certificates that are relevant for the event invocation (one or both can be empty, depending on EventKind. Use Action parameter to adjust the validation flow.

veaAuto0Handle the action automatically (the default behaviour)

veaContinue1Accept the request implied by the event (accept the certificate, allow the object retrieval)

veaReject2Reject the request implied by the event (reject the certificate, disallow the object retrieval)

veaAcceptNow3Accept the validated certificate immediately

veaAbortNow4Abort the validation, reject the certificate

on_document_loaded Event

This event is fired when the document has been loaded into memory.


class PDFSignerDocumentLoadedEventParams(object):
  def cancel() -> bool: ...
  def cancel(value) -> None: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_document_loaded() -> Callable[[PDFSignerDocumentLoadedEventParams], None]: ...
def on_document_loaded(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerDocumentLoadedEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The handler for this event is a good place to check the document structure, which may be useful when preparing the signature. For example, you can use the pages information to find the optimal position for the signature widget.

Set Cancel to true to terminate document processing on this stage.

on_encrypted Event

Notifies the application that the document is encrypted and provides recipient certificate details if asymmetric encryption was used to encrypt the document.


class PDFSignerEncryptedEventParams(object):
  def cert_used() -> bool: ...

  def issuer_rdn() -> str: ...

  def serial_number() -> bytes: ...

  def subject_key_id() -> bytes: ...

  def need_credential() -> bool: ...

  def skip_this() -> bool: ...
  def skip_this(value) -> None: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_encrypted() -> Callable[[PDFSignerEncryptedEventParams], None]: ...
def on_encrypted(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerEncryptedEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The class fires this event when processing encrypted documents to report the fact of encryption and pass certificate parameters to the user.

This event fires repeatedly for each encryption mechanism used in the document until the user provides the correct credential via the decryption_certificate or password property (depending on encryption method used), or sets SkipThis to true.

The CertUsed parameter specifies the encryption method used. If set to true, it indicates that the document uses asymmetric (certificate-based) encryption. In that case the IssuerRDN, SerialNumber, and SubjectKeyID parameters provide the details of the encryption certificate. Note that the document can be encrypted with more than one certificate (or have "more than one recipient"), in which case each certificate will invoke its own OnEncrypted event loop.

CertUsed set to false indicates that the document uses password encryption. In this case, provide the password via the password property.

The NeedCredential parameter specifies whether the correct credential is already available to the class or still needs to be set. One example where NeedCredential would be set to false is where it had been provided by the application prior to processing the document (e.g. by setting the password property to a known pre-defined value). If NeedCredential is set to true, you must provide the valid credential for the decryption process to succeed.

on_error Event

Information about errors during signing/validation.


class PDFSignerErrorEventParams(object):
  def error_code() -> int: ...

  def description() -> str: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_error() -> Callable[[PDFSignerErrorEventParams], None]: ...
def on_error(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerErrorEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during PDF processing.

ErrorCode contains an error code and Description contains a textual description of the error.

on_external_decrypt Event

Handles remote or external decryption.


class PDFSignerExternalDecryptEventParams(object):
  def operation_id() -> str: ...

  def algorithm() -> str: ...

  def pars() -> str: ...

  def encrypted_data() -> str: ...

  def data() -> str: ...
  def data(value) -> None: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_external_decrypt() -> Callable[[PDFSignerExternalDecryptEventParams], None]: ...
def on_external_decrypt(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerExternalDecryptEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


Assign a handler to this event if you need to delegate a low-level decryption operation to an external, remote, or custom decryption engine. The handler receives a encrypted value in the EncryptedData parameter, and is expected to decrypt it and place the decrypted value into the Data parameter.

OperationId provides a comment about the operation and its origin. It depends on the exact component being used, and may be empty. Algorithm specifies the encryption algorithm being used, and Pars contain algorithm-dependent parameters.

The component uses base16 (hex) encoding for EncryptedData, Data, and Pars parameters. If your decryption engine uses a different input and output encoding, you may need to decode and/or encode the data before and/or after the decryption.

A sample data encoded in base16: a0dee2a0382afbb09120ffa7ccd8a152 - lower case base16 A0DEE2A0382AFBB09120FFA7CCD8A152 - upper case base16

on_external_sign Event

Handles remote or external signing initiated by the SignExternal method or other source.


class PDFSignerExternalSignEventParams(object):
  def operation_id() -> str: ...

  def hash_algorithm() -> str: ...

  def pars() -> str: ...

  def data() -> str: ...

  def signed_data() -> str: ...
  def signed_data(value) -> None: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_external_sign() -> Callable[[PDFSignerExternalSignEventParams], None]: ...
def on_external_sign(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerExternalSignEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


Assign a handler to this event if you need to delegate a low-level signing operation to an external, remote, or custom signing engine. Depending on the settings, the handler will receive a hashed or unhashed value to be signed.

The event handler must pass the value of Data to the signer, obtain the signature, and pass it back to the component via SignedData parameter.

OperationId provides a comment about the operation and its origin. It depends on the exact component being used, and may be empty. HashAlgorithm specifies the hash algorithm being used for the operation, and Pars contain algorithm-dependent parameters.

The component uses base16 (hex) encoding for Data, SignedData, and Pars parameters. If your signing engine uses a different input and output encoding, you may need to decode and/or encode the data before and/or after the signing.

A sample MD5 hash encoded in base16: a0dee2a0382afbb09120ffa7ccd8a152 - lower case base16 A0DEE2A0382AFBB09120FFA7CCD8A152 - upper case base16

A sample event handler that uses a .NET RSACryptoServiceProvider class may look like the following: signer.OnExternalSign += (s, e) => { var cert = new X509Certificate2("cert.pfx", "", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable); var key = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)cert.PrivateKey; var dataToSign = e.Data.FromBase16String(); var signedData = key.SignHash(dataToSign, "2.16.840."); e.SignedData = signedData.ToBase16String(); };

on_notification Event

This event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.


class PDFSignerNotificationEventParams(object):
  def event_id() -> str: ...

  def event_param() -> str: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_notification() -> Callable[[PDFSignerNotificationEventParams], None]: ...
def on_notification(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerNotificationEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The class fires this event to let the application know about some event, occurrence, or milestone in the component. For example, it may fire to report completion of the document processing. The list of events being reported is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.

The unique identifier of the event is provided in EventID parameter. EventParam contains any parameters accompanying the occurrence. Depending on the type of the component, the exact action it is performing, or the document being processed, one or both may be omitted.

This class can fire this event with the following EventID values:

DocumentLoadedReports the completion of PDF document processing by the component. Use the event handler to access document-related information, such as page number and document file details. The EventParam value passed with this EventID is empty.
BeforeTimestampThis event is fired before timestamp is requested from the timestamping authority. Use the event handler to modify TSA and HTTP settings.
TimestampErrorThis event is only fired if failed to obtain a timestamp from the timestamping authority. The EventParam parameter contains extended error info.
TimestampRequestA timestamp is requested from the custom timestamping authority. This event is only fired if timestamp_server was set to a virtual:// URI. The EventParam parameter contains the TSP request (or the plain hash, depending on the value provided to timestamp_server), in base16, that needs to be sent to the TSA.

Use the event handler to send the request to the TSA. Upon receiving the response, assign it, in base16, to the TimestampResponse configuration property.

SignatureWidgetPrepareAnother copy of the signature widget needs to be configured. Use the event handler to configure individual widgets when creating multi-widget signatures. The on_notification event with this event ID will be fired repeatedly until the LastSignatureWidget configuration property is set to true.

The EventParam value passed with this EventID is empty.

on_pre_render_widget Event

Fires when a signature widget is ready to be written to the document.


class PDFSignerPreRenderWidgetEventParams(object):
  def add_another() -> bool: ...
  def add_another(value) -> None: ...

  def reset_another() -> bool: ...
  def reset_another(value) -> None: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_pre_render_widget() -> Callable[[PDFSignerPreRenderWidgetEventParams], None]: ...
def on_pre_render_widget(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerPreRenderWidgetEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The class fires this event when it is ready to insert a new instance of the signature widget to the document. This event is fired repeatedly until the event handler sets the AddAnother parameter to false, allowing your application to create as many copies of the signature widget as required.

You can use this event handler to adjust the look of each widget copy. Set the ResetAnother parameter to true to automatically clean up all the existing widget settings after the current widget is saved. Setting ResetAnother to true will let you start every new widget from scratch. Keeping it set to false would result in every new widget being of the same look as the previous one.

on_signature_found Event

Signifies the start of signature validation.


class PDFSignerSignatureFoundEventParams(object):
  def index() -> int: ...

  def issuer_rdn() -> str: ...

  def serial_number() -> bytes: ...

  def subject_key_id() -> bytes: ...

  def cert_found() -> bool: ...

  def validate_signature() -> bool: ...
  def validate_signature(value) -> None: ...

  def validate_chain() -> bool: ...
  def validate_chain(value) -> None: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_signature_found() -> Callable[[PDFSignerSignatureFoundEventParams], None]: ...
def on_signature_found(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerSignatureFoundEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event tells the application that signature validation is about to start, and provides the details about the signer's certificate via its IssuerRDN, SerialNumber, and SubjectKeyID parameters. It fires for every signature located in the verified document or message.

The CertFound is set to True if the class has found the needed certificate in one of the known locations, and to False otherwise, in which case you must provide it manually via KnownCertificates property.

Signature validation consists of two independent stages: cryptographic signature validation and chain validation. Separate validation results are reported for each, with signature_validation_result and chain_validation_result properties respectively.

Use the ValidateSignature and ValidateChain parameters to tell the verifier which stages to include in the validation.

on_signature_validated Event

Marks the completion of the signature validation routine.


class PDFSignerSignatureValidatedEventParams(object):
  def index() -> int: ...

  def issuer_rdn() -> str: ...

  def serial_number() -> bytes: ...

  def subject_key_id() -> bytes: ...

  def validation_result() -> int: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_signature_validated() -> Callable[[PDFSignerSignatureValidatedEventParams], None]: ...
def on_signature_validated(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerSignatureValidatedEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event is fired upon the completion of the signature validation routine, and reports the respective validation result.

Use the IssuerRDN, SerialNumber, and/or SubjectKeyID parameters to identify the signing certificate.

ValidationResult is set to 0 if the validation has been successful, or to a non-zero value in case of a validation failure.

svtValid0The signature is valid

svtUnknown1Signature validity is unknown

svtCorrupted2The signature is corrupted

svtSignerNotFound3Failed to acquire the signing certificate. The signature cannot be validated.

svtFailure4General failure

on_timestamp_found Event

Signifies the start of a timestamp validation routine.


class PDFSignerTimestampFoundEventParams(object):
  def index() -> int: ...

  def issuer_rdn() -> str: ...

  def serial_number() -> bytes: ...

  def subject_key_id() -> bytes: ...

  def cert_found() -> bool: ...

  def validate_timestamp() -> bool: ...
  def validate_timestamp(value) -> None: ...

  def validate_chain() -> bool: ...
  def validate_chain(value) -> None: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_timestamp_found() -> Callable[[PDFSignerTimestampFoundEventParams], None]: ...
def on_timestamp_found(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerTimestampFoundEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event fires for every timestamp identified during signature processing, and reports the details about the signer's certificate via its IssuerRDN, SerialNumber, and SubjectKeyID parameters.

The CertFound is set to True if the class has found the needed certificate in one of the known locations, and to False otherwise, in which case you must provide it manually via KnownCertificates property.

Just like with signature validation, timestamp validation consists of two independent stages: cryptographic signature validation and chain validation. Separate validation results are reported for each, with signature_validation_result and chain_validation_result properties respectively.

Use the ValidateSignature and ValidateChain parameters to tell the verifier which stages to include in the validation.

on_timestamp_request Event

Fires when the class is ready to request a timestamp from an external TSA.


class PDFSignerTimestampRequestEventParams(object):
  def tsa() -> str: ...

  def timestamp_request() -> str: ...

  def timestamp_response() -> str: ...
  def timestamp_response(value) -> None: ...

  def suppress_default() -> bool: ...
  def suppress_default(value) -> None: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_timestamp_request() -> Callable[[PDFSignerTimestampRequestEventParams], None]: ...
def on_timestamp_request(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerTimestampRequestEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


Subscribe to this event to be intercept timestamp requests. You can use it to override timestamping requests and perform them in your code.

The TSA parameter indicates the timestamping service being used. It matches the value passed to timestamp_server property. Set SuppressDefault parameter to false if you would like to stop the built-in TSA request from going ahead. The built-in TSA request is also not performed if the returned TimestampResponse parameter is not empty.

on_timestamp_validated Event

Reports the completion of the timestamp validation routine.


class PDFSignerTimestampValidatedEventParams(object):
  def index() -> int: ...

  def issuer_rdn() -> str: ...

  def serial_number() -> bytes: ...

  def subject_key_id() -> bytes: ...

  def time() -> str: ...

  def validation_result() -> int: ...

  def chain_validation_result() -> int: ...

  def chain_validation_details() -> int: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_timestamp_validated() -> Callable[[PDFSignerTimestampValidatedEventParams], None]: ...
def on_timestamp_validated(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerTimestampValidatedEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event is fired upon the completion of the timestamp validation routine, and reports the respective validation result.

ValidationResult is set to 0 if the validation has been successful, or to a non-zero value in case of a failure.

svtValid0The signature is valid

svtUnknown1Signature validity is unknown

svtCorrupted2The signature is corrupted

svtSignerNotFound3Failed to acquire the signing certificate. The signature cannot be validated.

svtFailure4General failure

on_tls_cert_needed Event

Fires when a remote TLS party requests a client certificate.


class PDFSignerTLSCertNeededEventParams(object):
  def host() -> str: ...

  def ca_names() -> str: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_tls_cert_needed() -> Callable[[PDFSignerTLSCertNeededEventParams], None]: ...
def on_tls_cert_needed(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerTLSCertNeededEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event fires to notify the implementation that a remote TLS server has requested a client certificate. The Host parameter identifies the host that makes a request, and the CANames (optional, according to the TLS spec) advises on the accepted issuing CAs.

Use the tls_client_chain property in response to this event to provide the requested certificate. Please make sure the client certificate includes the associated private key. Note that you may set the certificates before the connection without waiting for this event to fire.

This event is preceded by the on_tls_handshake event for the given host and, if the certificate was accepted, succeeded by the on_tls_established event.

on_tls_cert_validate Event

This event is fired upon receipt of the TLS server's certificate, allowing the user to control its acceptance.


class PDFSignerTLSCertValidateEventParams(object):
  def server_host() -> str: ...

  def server_ip() -> str: ...

  def accept() -> bool: ...
  def accept(value) -> None: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_tls_cert_validate() -> Callable[[PDFSignerTLSCertValidateEventParams], None]: ...
def on_tls_cert_validate(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerTLSCertValidateEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event is fired during a TLS handshake. Use TLSServerChain property to access the certificate chain. In general case, components may contact a number of TLS endpoints during their work, depending on their configuration.

Accept is assigned in accordance with the outcome of the internal validation check performed by the component, and can be adjusted if needed.

on_tls_established Event

Fires when a TLS handshake with Host successfully completes.


class PDFSignerTLSEstablishedEventParams(object):
  def host() -> str: ...

  def version() -> str: ...

  def ciphersuite() -> str: ...

  def connection_id() -> bytes: ...

  def abort() -> bool: ...
  def abort(value) -> None: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_tls_established() -> Callable[[PDFSignerTLSEstablishedEventParams], None]: ...
def on_tls_established(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerTLSEstablishedEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The class uses this event to notify the application about successful completion of a TLS handshake.

The Version, Ciphersuite, and ConnectionId parameters indicate security parameters of the new connection. Use the Abort parameter if you need to terminate the connection at this stage.

on_tls_handshake Event

Fires when a new TLS handshake is initiated, before the handshake commences.


class PDFSignerTLSHandshakeEventParams(object):
  def host() -> str: ...

  def abort() -> bool: ...
  def abort(value) -> None: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_tls_handshake() -> Callable[[PDFSignerTLSHandshakeEventParams], None]: ...
def on_tls_handshake(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerTLSHandshakeEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The class uses this event to notify the application about the start of a new TLS handshake to Host. If the handshake is successful, this event will be followed with on_tls_established event. If the server chooses to request a client certificate, on_tls_cert_needed event will also be fired.

on_tls_shutdown Event

Reports the graceful closure of a TLS connection.


class PDFSignerTLSShutdownEventParams(object):
  def host() -> str: ...

# In class PDFSigner:
def on_tls_shutdown() -> Callable[[PDFSignerTLSShutdownEventParams], None]: ...
def on_tls_shutdown(event_hook: Callable[[PDFSignerTLSShutdownEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event notifies the application about the closure of an earlier established TLS connection. Note that only graceful connection closures are reported.

PDFSigner Config Settings

The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the config method.

PDFSigner Config Settings

AddOutputIntents:   Specifies output intents to be added to the document.

Contains a comma-separated list of values that specifies output intent that should be added to the document if they are not present.

Supported values are:

GTS_PDFA1.sRGBGTS_PDFA1 corresponding to the PDF/A standard as defined by ISO 19005. sRGB IEC61966-2.1 is a standard color space.
GTS_PDFX.sRGBGTS_PDFX corresponding to the PDF/X format standard specified in ISO 15930. sRGB IEC61966-2.1 is a standard color space.

An output intent describes the final destination device you will use to reproduce the color in the PDF, such as the separations printing device. Output intents override working spaces during viewing and printing, but they do not convert the colors in the PDF.

AssemblyOptions:   Specifies the assembly options.

Contains a comma-separated list of values that specifies assembly options of the PDF document.

Supported values are:

AcrobatFriendlyAcroFormAcrobat reader friendly form
AdjustTimesToUTCAsserts that all the time properties are set in local time and should be adjusted to UTC when writing to the document

AutoCollectRevocationInfo:   Whether revocation info should be collected automatically.

Specifies whether revocation info should be collected automatically.

AutoReshapeArabicSymbols:   Specifies whether to auto-reshape Arabic symbols.

Set this property to True to auto-reshape Arabic symbols in the signature widget. In this case the appearance of a symbol can change depending on its position, and the symbols around it. When disabled the Arabic symbols are written in isolated form.

AutoReverseRTLText:   Specifies whether to auto reverse RTL text.

Set this property to True to automatically detect and reverse RTL text to ensure proper visual presentation in the signature widget.

AutoRotateSignature:   Specifies whether to auto-rotate signature widget.

Set this property to True to auto-rotate signature widget based on page rotation.

BackgroundImageBitsPerComponent:   Specifies number of bits per color component.

Specifies the number of bits per color space component for the background image.

The default value is 0, which means that BitsPerComponent is set automatically according to widget's BackgroundImageType field.

BackgroundImageColorSpace:   Specifies the background image color space.

Specifies the background image color space.

Supported values are:

""The default value is empty string or "none". If widget's BackgroundImageType field is JPEG or Custom format then the default value is "RGB".
RGBDeviceRGB (3-component) color space that controls the intensities of red, green, and blue light, the three additive primary colors used in displays.
CMYKDeviceCMYK (4-component) color space that controls the concentrations of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks, the four subtractive process colors used in printing.
GrayDeviceGray (1-component) color space that controls the intensity of achromatic light, on a scale from black to white.

BackgroundImageInterpolate:   Specifies the background image interpolation flag.

Specifies whether background image interpolation shall be performed by a conforming reader.

BuildApplicationName:   Specifies the application name used to create the signature.

Use this property to set the application name used to create the signature.

For advanced settings of the build properties use BuildProperties configuration setting.

BuildApplicationVersion:   Specifies the application version used to create the signature.

Use this property to set the application version used to create the signature.

For advanced settings of the build properties use BuildProperties configuration setting.

BuildProperties:   Specifies the build properties of the signature.

Use this property to set the build properties of the signature in JSON format. Names of JSON fields correspond to the entries names in Adobe's Digital Signature Build Dictionary Specification.

Sample value: { "App":{ "Name":"TestApp", "REx":"8.0.0" } }

The above value set application name and version used to create the signature. The same result could be achieved using BuildApplicationName and BuildApplicationVersion configuration settings.

Sample value 2: { "App":{ "Name":"TestApp", "REx":"8.0.0", "R":524288, "Date":"2023-01-01 00:01", "OS":[ "Win" ], "TrustedMode":true }, "Filter":{ "Name":"TestFilter", "R":131101, "Date":"2023-01-01 00:02", "PreRelease":true }, "PubSec":{ "R":13102, "Date":"2023-01-01 00:03", "PreRelease":true, "NonEFontNoWarn":true } }

CollectRevInfoForTimestamps:   Whether revocation info for timestamps should be collected automatically.

Specifies whether revocation info for timestamps should be collected automatically.

CustomTextCount:   The number of custom text block on the signature widget.

Use this property to set or get the number of custom text blocks on the signature widget.

CustomTextFontResourceName[Index]:   The font resource name to use for the custom text block.

This indexed setting specifies the font resource name to use for the custom text block.

CustomTextFontSizeX[Index]:   The horizontal font size scale.

This indexed setting provides access to the horizontal compound of the custom text font size.

CustomTextFontSizeY[Index]:   The vertical font size scale.

This indexed setting provides access to the vertical compound of the custom text font size.

CustomTextText[Index]:   A text to show on a custom signature widget text block.

This indexed setting provides access to the text to be placed on a specific signature widget text block. CustomTextText[0] specifies the text on the first block, CustomTextText[1] on the second block, and so on. Use CustomTextCount property to get or set the number of custom text blocks.

CustomTextX[Index]:   The horizontal offset of the text block.

This indexed setting provides access to the horizontal offset of the custom text block on the widget.

CustomTextY[Index]:   The vertical offset of the text block.

This indexed setting provides access to the vertical offset of the custom text block on the widget.

DateFontSize:   The font size of date/time text on the signature widget.

Use this property to specify the font size to be used for date/time text on the signature widget.

DeepValidation:   Whether a complete validation should be performed.

If this property is switched on, a "deep" signature validation is performed, i.e., all certificate chains are validated, and all revocation checks are performed.

DislikeOpenEndedOCSPs:   Tells the component to discourage OCSP responses without an explicit NextUpdate parameter.

When this property is set to True, the validation engine treats OCSP response without a NextUpdate field as 'substandard' and tries to obtain some further revocation material for the certificate in question (a different OCSP or a CRL, even if the component is configured to prefer the OCSP route). This is to work around Adobe Reader's intolerance to such OCSPs when classifying signed documents as LTV (as of August 2022).

EmptyFullFieldName:   Specifies the full name of the empty signature field to sign.

Use this property to specify the empty form field that should be signed. If the default value of "" is assigned to this property and for empty_field_index property the default value of -1 is assigned, then a new signature field will be created.

EmptySignatureFieldAddRevInfo[Index]:   Specifies if revocation checking should be performed.

This property contains the True value if the viewing application should check the signing certificate revocation info, and include the revocation information within the signature value.

EmptySignatureFieldAlternateName[Index]:   Contains an alternate field name.

This property contains an alternate field name to be used in place of the actual field name wherever the field must be identified in the user interface.

EmptySignatureFieldCount:   The number of empty signature form fields.

Returns the number of the empty signature form fields available.

EmptySignatureFieldFlags[Index]:   The field flags of the signature form field.

This property contains the empty signature form field flags ("Ff" entry in the signature field dictionary).

EmptySignatureFieldHeight[Index]:   The Height of the empty signature form field.

This property contains the height of the empty signature form field.

EmptySignatureFieldInvisible[Index]:   The visibility status of the field.

This property contains the True value if the empty signature form field is visible.

EmptySignatureFieldLegalAttestations[Index]:   Specifies the legal attestations that are associated with the signature.

This property contains the legal attestations that are associated with the signature.

EmptySignatureFieldMappingName[Index]:   The mapping name to be used when exporting form field data from the document.

This property contains the name to be used when exporting form field data from the document.

EmptySignatureFieldName[Index]:   Textual field name.

This property contains the empty signature field name.

EmptySignatureFieldOffsetX[Index]:   The field's offset from the left page border.

This property contains the horizontal offset of the empty signature form field.

EmptySignatureFieldOffsetY[Index]:   The field's offset from the bottom page border.

This property contains the vertical offset of the empty signature form field.

EmptySignatureFieldPage[Index]:   The index of the form field's page in the document.

This property contains the index of the empty signature form field's page in the document.

EmptySignatureFieldRequiredAllowedChanges[Index]:   Specifies the changes allowed by the signature.

This property contains which changes are allowed to the document when the signature field is signed.

EmptySignatureFieldRequiredConstraints[Index]:   Specifies the required Seed Value Dictionary (SVD) constraints.

This property contains the required SVD constraints. If certain bit in RequiredConstraints is switched on, the corresponding data item is constrained.

EmptySignatureFieldRequiredDigestAlgorithms[Index]:   Specifies the required digest algorithms.

This property contains the list of the digest algorithms used for signature generation.

EmptySignatureFieldRequiredFilter[Index]:   Specifies the required filter.

This property contains the required filter (name of the preferred signature handler) to use for signature generation.

EmptySignatureFieldRequiredLockAction[Index]:   Indicates which set of fields shall be locked.

This property contains a set of form fields that shall be locked when the current signature field is signed.

EmptySignatureFieldRequiredLockFields[Index]:   Indicates the fields that shall be locked on signing.

This property contains the list of form field names that shall be locked when the current signature field is signed. Whether this list shall be included or excluded is defined by EmptySignatureFieldRequiredLockAction[Index] property.

EmptySignatureFieldRequiredReasons[Index]:   Specifies the required reasons.

This property contains the required reasons used for signature generation.

EmptySignatureFieldRequiredSubfilters[Index]:   Specifies the required subfilters.

This property contains the list of subfilters required by the signature. A subfilter represents the encoding to use when signing the PDF form.

EmptySignatureFieldTimestampRequired[Index]:   Specifies if the signature should be time-stamped.

This property contains the True value if the signature should be time-stamped.

EmptySignatureFieldTSPURL[Index]:   URL for a TSP server.

This property contains the TSP server URL.

EmptySignatureFieldWidth[Index]:   The Width of the empty signature form field.

This property contains the width of the empty signature form field.

EncryptionHandlerName:   Specifies the custom security handler PDF-name.

Specifies the custom security handler PDF-name for encryption handler.

ExtensionIdentifierMode:   Specifies the extension identifier mode.

Specifies the extension modifier mode that controls which Extension Level should be added to PDF document while signing.

Supported values are:

noneNo extensions
ESICESIC Extension Level 2
ADBEAdobe Extension Level 8
ADBEIfNotPresentAdobe Extension Level 8 if not present
BothBoth (ESIC and Adobe) extensions

ExtraSpace:   Allows the allocation of extra zero character space in the document behind the signature.

Use this property to allocate extra zero character space in the document behind the signature. The allocated space can be used in future to place a timestamp.

FontPaths:   Specifies font search paths.

Use this property to provide a CRLF-separated list of paths where TrueType font files should be searched. The default value is system font search paths.

ForceCompleteChainValidation:   Whether to check issuer (CA) certificates when signing certificate is invalid.

Specifies whether to check issuer (CA) certificates when signing certificate is invalid.

ForceCompleteChainValidationForTrusted:   Whether to continue with the full validation up to the root CA certificate for mid-level trust anchors.

Set this property to True to enable full chain validation for explicitly trusted intermediary or end-entity certificates. This may be useful when creating signatures to enforce completeness of the collected revocation information. It often makes sense to set this property to false when validating signatures to reduce validation time and avoid issues with badly configured environments.

GracePeriod:   Specifies a grace period to apply during revocation information checks.

Use this property to specify a grace period (in seconds). Grace period applies to certain subprotocols, such as OCSP, and caters to the inaccuracy and/or missynchronization of clocks on different participating systems. Any time deviations within the grace period will be tolerated.

HardenedKeyGeneration:   Specifies if hardened Key generation should be used.

Specifies if hardened Key generation should be used when an AES-256 encryption algorithm and password encryption are used.

IgnoreChainLoops:   Whether chain loops should be ignored.

Set this property to True to make the validation engine ignore chain loops. This may be an option when you need to process chains from buggy CAs that happen to include subchains that sign themselves.

IgnoreOCSPNoCheckExtension:   Whether OCSP NoCheck extension should be ignored.

Set this property to True to make the validation engine ignore the OCSP no-check extension. You would normally need to set this property when validating severely non-compliant chains that misuse the extension, causing chain loops or other validation issues.

IgnoreSystemTrust:   Whether trusted Windows Certificate Stores should be treated as trusted.

Specifies whether, during chain validation, the component should respect the trust to CA certificates as configured in the operating system. In Windows this effectively defines whether the component should trust the certificates residing in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.

If IgnoreSystemTrust is True, certificates residing in the trusted root store are treated as if they are known, rather than trusted. Only certificates provided via other means (such as trusted_certificates property) are considered trusted.

IgnoreTimestampFailure:   Whether to ignore time-stamping failure during signing.

Specifies whether to ignore time-stamping failure during signing.

ImplicitlyTrustSelfSignedCertificates:   Whether to trust self-signed certificates.

Set this property to True to implicitly trust all self-signed certificates. Use it with care as trusting just about every self-signed certificate is unwise. One exceptional reason where this property may be handy is where a chain is validated in an environment that is not supposed to trust it (for example, a signing, rather than verifying environment, or a QA server). Trusting all self-signing certificates (which are normally trusted) allows to emulate the verifying environment without actually changing its security settings.

IncludeKnownRevocationInfoToSignature:   Whether to include custom revocation info to the signature.

This property specifies whether revocation pieces provided via KnownCertificates, KnownCRLs, and KnownOCSPs properties should be included into the signature. This property lets you include custom validation elements to the signature in addition to the ones comprising the signing chain.

IncludeRevocationInfoToAdbeAttribute:   Whether to save revocation info in PDF-compliant form.

The format of revocation info in AdES signatures does not comply with PDF standards. If this property is switched on, the revocation info will be saved in PDF-compliant form.

LastSignatureWidget:   Specifies that it is the last signature widget to be added.

Set this property to False to add one more signature widget along with the signature.

This setting is used by on_notification event in case EventID parameter is "SignatureWidgetPrepare" to allow support for multi-widget signatures.

PAdESOptions:   Specifies the PAdES options.

Contains a comma-separated list of values that specifies PAdES options.

Supported values are:

UseSigningCertificateV2When this flag is set, signing certificates V2 will be used.
IncludeAllRevInfoToDSSWhen this flag is set, full set of revocation information will be included to the DSS dictionary.
CreateVRIDictionariesWhen this flag is set, VRI dictionaries will be created. A VRI dictionary references all the validation data that has been used for validating one specific signature.
UseUndefBEREncodingWhen this flag is set, use of ASN.1 tags with undefined size is allowed in the signature.
CompressDSSWhen this flag is set, content in DSS dictionary will be compressed.
CreatePBADCompatibleSignatureWhen this flag is set, the PBAD.PAdES compatible signature is created.

PageInfoCount:   The number of pages.

Returns the number of the page infos available.

PageInfoCropBoxEmpty[Index]:   Check if the page's crop box is empty or not.

This property contains True if the crop box is empty, and False otherwise. The crop box defines the region to which the contents of the page shall be clipped (cropped) when displayed or printed.

PageInfoCropLLX[Index]:   Defines the X coordinate of the lower left corner of the crop box.

This property contains the X coordinate of the lower left corner of the crop box of the page. The crop box defines the region to which the contents of the page shall be clipped (cropped) when displayed or printed.

PageInfoCropLLY[Index]:   Defines the Y coordinate of the lower left corner of the crop box.

This property contains the Y coordinate of the lower left corner of the crop box of the page. The crop box defines the region to which the contents of the page shall be clipped (cropped) when displayed or printed.

PageInfoCropURX[Index]:   Defines the X coordinate of the upper right corner of the crop box.

This property contains the X coordinate of the upper right corner of the crop box of the page. The crop box defines the region to which the contents of the page shall be clipped (cropped) when displayed or printed.

PageInfoCropURY[Index]:   Defines the Y coordinate of the upper right corner of the crop box.

This property contains the Y coordinate of the upper right corner of the crop box of the page. The crop box defines the region to which the contents of the page shall be clipped (cropped) when displayed or printed.

PageInfoHeight[Index]:   The Height of the page.

This property contains the page height value.

PageInfoMediaLLX[Index]:   Defines the X coordinate of the lower left corner of the media box.

This property contains the X coordinate of the lower left corner of the media box of the page. The media box defines the boundaries of the physical medium on which the page is to be printed.

PageInfoMediaLLY[Index]:   Defines the Y coordinate of the lower left corner of the media box.

This property contains the Y coordinate of the lower left corner of the media box of the page. The media box defines the boundaries of the physical medium on which the page is to be printed.

PageInfoMediaURX[Index]:   Defines the X coordinate of the upper right corner of the media box.

This property contains the X coordinate of the upper right corner of the media box of the page. The media box defines the boundaries of the physical medium on which the page is to be printed.

PageInfoMediaURY[Index]:   Defines the Y coordinate of the upper right corner of the media box.

This property contains the Y coordinate of the upper right corner of the media box of the page. The media box defines the boundaries of the physical medium on which the page is to be printed.

PageInfoRotate[Index]:   The Rotate value of the page.

This property contains the page rotation angle.

PageInfoUserUnit[Index]:   Defines the size of default user space units.

This property contains a positive number that shall give the size of default user space units, in multiples of 1/72 inch. The default value is 1.0 (user space unit is 1/72 inch).

PageInfoWidth[Index]:   The Width of the page.

This property contains the page width value.

PolicyExplicitText:   The explicit text of the user notice.

Use this property to specify the explicit text of the user notice to be displayed when the PAdES-EPES signature is verified.

PolicyUNNumbers:   The noticeNumbers part of the NoticeReference PAdES-EPES attribute.

Defines the "noticeNumbers" part of the NoticeReference signature policy qualifier for PAdES-EPES.

PolicyUNOrganization:   The organization part of the NoticeReference qualifier.

Defines the "organization" part of the NoticeReference signature policy qualifier for PAdES-EPES.

PolicyURI:   The URI of the signature policy.

Specifies the web URI pointing to the signature policy.

PredefinedSignatureSize:   User-defined size of the signature.

User-defined size of the signature.

PromoteLongOCSPResponses:   Whether long OCSP responses are requested.

Set this property to True to force the class to publish 'long' form of OCSP responses. Otherwise, only BasicOCSPResponse blobs are promoted.

RC4KeyBits:   Specifies the number of key bits used for RC4 algorithm.

Specifies the number of key bits used for RC4 encryption algorithm.

SchemeParams:   The algorithm scheme parameters to employ.

Use this property to specify the parameters of the algorithm scheme if needed.

This setting is used to provide parameters for some cryptographic schemes. Use the Name1=Value1;Name2=Value2;... syntax to encode the parameters. For example: Scheme=PSS;SaltSize=32;TrailerField=1.

SectionTextFontSize:   The font size of general text on the signature widget.

Use this property to specify the font size to be used for general text on the signature widget.

SectionTitleFontSize:   The font size of section title on the signature widget.

Use this property to specify the font size to be used for section title text on the signature widget.

SignatureCount:   The number of signatures.

Returns the number of the signatures available.

SignatureHeight[Index]:   The Height of the signature widget.

This property contains the height of the signature widget.

SignatureInvisible[Index]:   The visibility status of the signature.

This property contains the True value if the signature widget is visible.

SignatureName[Index]:   Textual signature name.

This property contains the signature name.

SignatureOffsetX[Index]:   The siganture widget's offset from the left page border.

This property contains the horizontal offset of the signature widget.

SignatureOffsetY[Index]:   The signature widget's offset from the bottom page border.

This property contains the vertical offset of the signature widget.

SignatureOptions:   Specifies the signature options.

Contains a comma-separated list of values that specifies signature options.

Supported values are:

SuppressEmptyAuthorNameWhen this flag is not set, author name in the signature is set to "Not specified".
AddAnnotationForInvisibleSignatureWhen this flag is set, the annotation object is added for invisible signature.

SignaturePage[Index]:   The index of the signature widget's page in the document.

This property contains the index of the signature widget's page in the document.

SignatureSizeEstimationStrategy:   Which mechanism to use to estimate the size of a PAdES signature.

What mechanism should be used to estimate the size of a PAdES signature. Possible values: 0 - a very rough estimate: 16384 bytes for the signature, plus extra 16384 bytes if adbe-revInfoArchival attribute is included; 1 - sum the sizes of the certificate, revocation information, signer info and adds 8192 bytes for a timestamp; 2 - in addition to the sizes of the certificate and revocation data, estimate the exact size of the timestamp; 3 - user-defined size.

SignatureWidth[Index]:   The Width of the signature widget.

This property contains the width of the signature widget.

TempPath:   Location where the temporary files are stored.

This setting specifies an absolute path to the location on disk where temporary files are stored.

TextObjEncoding:   The encoding to apply to string objects stored with the signature.

This property controls the way the string elements of the signature are encoded. The following values are supported: 0 (default), 1 (binary), 2 (hexadecimal). Non-ASCII elements often require the hexadecimal encoding to be used.

TitleFontSize:   The font size of the main title on the signature widget.

Use this property to specify the font size to be used for the main title on the signature widget.

TLSChainValidationDetails:   Contains the advanced details of the TLS server certificate validation.

Check this property in TLSCertValidate event handler to access the TLS certificate validation details.

TLSChainValidationResult:   Contains the result of the TLS server certificate validation.

Check this property in TLSCertValidate event handler to obtain the TLS certificate validation result.

TLSClientAuthRequested:   Indicates whether the TLS server requests client authentication.

Check this property in TLSCertValidate event handler to find out whether the TLS server requests the client to provide the authentication certificate. If this property is set to true, provide your certificate via TLSClientChain property. Note that the component may fire this event more than once during each operation, as more than one TLS-enabled server may need to be contacted.

TLSValidationLog:   Contains the log of the TLS server certificate validation.

Check this property in TLSCertValidate event handler to retrieve the validation log of the TLS server.

TolerateMinorChainIssues:   Whether to tolerate minor chain issues.

This parameter controls whether the chain validator should tolerate minor technical issues when validating the chain. Those are:

  • CA, revocation source, TLS key usage requirements are not mandated
  • Violation of OCSP issuer requirements are ignored
  • AuthorityKeyID extension in CRL and certificate issuing CAs are ignored (helps with incorrectly renewed certificates)
  • Basic constraints and name constraints of CA certificates are ignored
  • Some weaker algorithms are tolerated
TspAttemptCount:   Specifies the number of timestamping request attempts.

Use this property to specify a number of timestamping request attempts.

In case of timestamping failure provide new TSA and HTTP settings inside the on_notification event handler ('BeforeTimestamp' and 'TimestampError' event ids).

TspHashAlgorithm:   Sets a specific hash algorithm for use with the timestamping service.

In its default configuration PDFSigner uses the same hash algorithm for the main signature and any associated timestamps. Use this property to specify a different hash algorithm for the timestamp.

TspReqPolicy:   Sets a request policy ID to include in the timestamping request.

Use this property to provide a specific request policy OID to include in the timestamping request. Use the standard human-readable OID notation (

UpdateKind:   Adjusts the scope of modifications that are made to the signature with the Update method.

This property adjusts the kind of modifications to the document that Update() call makes.

With this property set to the default setting (default), Update() refreshes the validation details included in the signature using any available revocation information sources. It also seals the added elements with a Document Timestamp if the TSA is provided through the TimestampServer property.

The only alternative setting is TimestampOnly, which instructs Update() to only timestamp the updated non-timestamped signature with a signature timestamp. No validation information collection is performed and no Document Timestamp is added. The TimestampOnly variant requires the TimestampServer property to be set.

UseLegacyVisualStyle:   Specifies whether to use legacy signature visual style.

Set this property to False to use new signature visual style.

UseMicrosoftCTL:   Enables or disables automatic use of Microsoft online certificate trust list.

Enable this property to make the chain validation module automatically look up missing CA certificates in the public Windows Update repository.

UsePSS:   Whether to use RSASSA-PSS algorithm.

Although the RSASSA-PSS algorithm provides better security than a classic RSA scheme (PKCS#1-1.5), please take into account that RSASSA-PSS is a relatively new algorithm which may not be understood by older implementations.

UseSystemCertificates:   Enables or disables the use of the system certificates.

Use this property to tell chain validation module automatically look up missing CA certificates in the system certificates. In many cases it is beneficial to switch this property on, as the operating system certificate configuration provides a representative trust framework.

UseValidationCache:   Enables or disable the use of the product-wide certificate chain validation cache.

Use this property to enable or disable the use of the global chain validation cache. If enabled, the component will consult the product-wide validation cache when validating the signing chains. Also, the outcomes of any new chain validations performed by the component, both interim and final, will be saved in the cache and available for re-use by any future validations. Disable this property to ignore the cache and always perform the validation from the fresh start.

WidgetHeight:   Specifies the height of the signature widget.

Use this property to set the height of the signature widget in points. Supported integer and float values.

This property extends new_sig_height property to allow to specify the height of the signature widget in fractional points.

WidgetOffsetX:   Specifies the signature widget offset from the left-hand page border.

Use this property to set the signature widget offset from the left-hand page border. Supported integer and float values.

This property extends new_sig_offsetx property to allow to specify the offset of the signature widget in fractional points.

WidgetOffsetY:   Specifies the signature widget offset from the bottom page border.

Use this property to set the signature widget offset from the bottom page border. Supported integer and float values.

This property extends new_sig_offsety property to allow to specify the offset of the signature widget in fractional points.

WidgetWidth:   Specifies the width of the signature widget.

Use this property to set the width of the signature widget in points. Supported integer and float values.

This property extends new_sig_width property to allow to specify the width of the signature widget in fractional points.

Base Config Settings

CheckKeyIntegrityBeforeUse:   Enables or disable private key integrity check before use.

This global property enables or disables private key material check before each signing operation. This slows down performance a bit, but prevents a selection of attacks on RSA keys where keys with unknown origins are used.

You can switch this property off to improve performance if your project only uses known, good private keys.

CookieCaching:   Specifies whether a cookie cache should be used for HTTP(S) transports.

Set this property to enable or disable cookies caching for the class.

Supported values are:

offNo caching (default)
localLocal caching
globalGlobal caching

Cookies:   Gets or sets local cookies for the class.

Use this property to get cookies from the internal cookie storage of the class and/or restore them back between application sessions.

DefDeriveKeyIterations:   Specifies the default key derivation algorithm iteration count.

This global property sets the default number of iterations for all supported key derivation algorithms. Note that you can provide the required number of iterations by using properties of the relevant key generation component; this global setting is used in scenarios where specific iteration count is not or cannot be provided.

EnableClientSideSSLFFDHE:   Enables or disables finite field DHE key exchange support in TLS clients.

This global property enables or disables support for finite field DHE key exchange methods in TLS clients. FF DHE is a slower algorithm if compared to EC DHE; enabling it may result in slower connections.

This setting only applies to sessions negotiated with TLS version 1.3.

GlobalCookies:   Gets or sets global cookies for all the HTTP transports.

Use this property to get cookies from the GLOBAL cookie storage or restore them back between application sessions. These cookies will be used by all the classes that have its CookieCaching property set to "global".

HttpUserAgent:   Specifies the user agent name to be used by all HTTP clients.

This global setting defines the User-Agent field of the HTTP request provides information about the software that initiates the request. This value will be used by all the HTTP clients including the ones used internally in other classes.

LogDestination:   Specifies the debug log destination.

Contains a comma-separated list of values that specifies where debug log should be dumped.

Supported values are:

systemlogSystem Log (supported for Android only)
debuggerDebugger (supported for VCL for Windows and .Net)

LogDetails:   Specifies the debug log details to dump.

Contains a comma-separated list of values that specifies which debug log details to dump.

Supported values are:

timeCurrent time
packagePackage name
moduleModule name
classClass name
methodMethod name
threadidThread Id
contenttypeContent type
allAll details

LogFile:   Specifies the debug log filename.

Use this property to provide a path to the log file.

LogFilters:   Specifies the debug log filters.

Contains a comma-separated list of value pairs ("name:value") that describe filters.

Supported filter names are:

exclude-packageExclude a package specified in the value
exclude-moduleExclude a module specified in the value
exclude-classExclude a class specified in the value
exclude-methodExclude a method specified in the value
include-packageInclude a package specified in the value
include-moduleInclude a module specified in the value
include-classInclude a class specified in the value
include-methodInclude a method specified in the value

LogFlushMode:   Specifies the log flush mode.

Use this property to set the log flush mode. The following values are defined:

noneNo flush (caching only)
immediateImmediate flush (real-time logging)
maxcountFlush cached entries upon reaching LogMaxEventCount entries in the cache.

LogLevel:   Specifies the debug log level.

Use this property to provide the desired debug log level.

Supported values are:

noneNone (by default)
fatalSevere errors that cause premature termination.
errorOther runtime errors or unexpected conditions.
warningUse of deprecated APIs, poor use of API, 'almost' errors, other runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected, but not necessarily "wrong".
infoInteresting runtime events (startup/shutdown).
debugDetailed information on flow of through the system.
traceMore detailed information.

LogMaxEventCount:   Specifies the maximum number of events to cache before further action is taken.

Use this property to specify the log event number threshold. This threshold may have different effects, depending on the rotation setting and/or the flush mode.

The default value of this setting is 100.

LogRotationMode:   Specifies the log rotation mode.

Use this property to set the log rotation mode. The following values are defined:

noneNo rotation
deleteolderDelete older entries from the cache upon reaching LogMaxEventCount
keepolderKeep older entries in the cache upon reaching LogMaxEventCount (newer entries are discarded)

MaxASN1BufferLength:   Specifies the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 primitive tag data.

This global property limits the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 tag data for non-content-carrying structures, such as certificates, CRLs, or timestamps. It does not affect structures that can carry content, such as CMS/CAdES messages. This is a security property aiming at preventing DoS attacks.

MaxASN1TreeDepth:   Specifies the maximal depth for processed ASN.1 trees.

This global property limits the maximal depth of ASN.1 trees that the component can handle without throwing an error. This is a security property aiming at preventing DoS attacks.

OCSPHashAlgorithm:   Specifies the hash algorithm to be used to identify certificates in OCSP requests.

This global setting defines the hash algorithm to use in OCSP requests during chain validation. Some OCSP responders can only use older algorithms, in which case setting this property to SHA1 may be helpful.

StaticDNS:   Specifies whether static DNS rules should be used.

Set this property to enable or disable static DNS rules for the class. Works only if UseOwnDNSResolver is set to true.

Supported values are:

noneNo static DNS rules (default)
localLocal static DNS rules
globalGlobal static DNS rules

StaticIPAddress[domain]:   Gets or sets an IP address for the specified domain name.

Use this property to get or set an IP address for the specified domain name in the internal (of the class) or global DNS rules storage depending on the StaticDNS value. The type of the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) is determined automatically. If both addresses are available, they are devided by the | (pipe) character.

StaticIPAddresses:   Gets or sets all the static DNS rules.

Use this property to get static DNS rules from the current rules storage or restore them back between application sessions. If StaticDNS of the class is set to "local", the property returns/restores the rules from/to the internal storage of the class. If StaticDNS of the class is set to "global", the property returns/restores the rules from/to the GLOBAL storage. The rules list is returned and accepted in JSON format.

Tag:   Allows to store any custom data.

Use this config property to store any custom data.

TLSSessionGroup:   Specifies the group name of TLS sessions to be used for session resumption.

Use this property to limit the search of chached TLS sessions to the specified group. Sessions from other groups will be ignored. By default, all sessions are cached with an empty group name and available to all the classes.

TLSSessionLifetime:   Specifies lifetime in seconds of the cached TLS session.

Use this property to specify how much time the TLS session should be kept in the session cache. After this time, the session expires and will be automatically removed from the cache. Default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

TLSSessionPurgeInterval:   Specifies how often the session cache should remove the expired TLS sessions.

Use this property to specify the time interval of purging the expired TLS sessions from the session cache. Default value is 60 seconds (1 minute).

UseOwnDNSResolver:   Specifies whether the client components should use own DNS resolver.

Set this global property to false to force all the client components to use the DNS resolver provided by the target OS instead of using own one.

UseSharedSystemStorages:   Specifies whether the validation engine should use a global per-process copy of the system certificate stores.

Set this global property to false to make each validation run use its own copy of system certificate stores.

UseSystemOAEPAndPSS:   Enforces or disables the use of system-driven RSA OAEP and PSS computations.

This global setting defines who is responsible for performing RSA-OAEP and RSA-PSS computations where the private key is stored in a Windows system store and is exportable. If set to true, SBB will delegate the computations to Windows via a CryptoAPI call. Otherwise, it will export the key material and perform the computations using its own OAEP/PSS implementation.

This setting only applies to certificates originating from a Windows system store.

UseSystemRandom:   Enables or disables the use of the OS PRNG.

Use this global property to enable or disable the use of operating system-driven pseudorandom number generation.

PDFSigner Errors

PDFSigner Errors

1048577   Invalid parameter value (SB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
1048578   Class is configured incorrectly (SB_ERROR_INVALID_SETUP)
1048579   Operation cannot be executed in the current state (SB_ERROR_INVALID_STATE)
1048580   Attempt to set an invalid value to a property (SB_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE)
1048581   Certificate does not have its private key loaded (SB_ERROR_NO_PRIVATE_KEY)
1048581   Cancelled by the user (SB_ERROR_CANCELLED_BY_USER) 
26214401   Input file does not exist (SB_ERROR_PDF_INPUTFILE_NOT_EXISTS)
26214402   Document is encrypted (SB_ERROR_PDF_ENCRYPTED)
26214403   Document not encrypted (SB_ERROR_PDF_NOT_ENCRYPTED)
26214404   Unknown certificate type (SB_ERROR_PDF_UNKNOWN_ENCRYPTION_TYPE)
26214405   Invalid password (SB_ERROR_PDF_INVALID_PASSWORD)
26214406   Decryption failed (SB_ERROR_PDF_DECRYPTION_FAILED)
26214407   Document is signed (SB_ERROR_PDF_SIGNED)
26214408   Document is not signed (SB_ERROR_PDF_NOT_SIGNED)
26214409   Inappropriate signature (SB_ERROR_PDF_INAPPROPRIATE_SIGNATURE)
26214410   Not supported (SB_ERROR_PDF_NOT_SUPPORTED)