SAMLIdPServer Component

Properties   Methods   Events   Config Settings   Errors  

The SAMLIdPServer component represents a SAML identity provider.




The identity provider in the SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) exchange flow represents the server that issues authentication assertions for single sign-on (SSO).

Requests received by the IdP server from known service providers (SP) are processed automatically, in accordance with known SP metadata and IdP options. If the request is correct, the client is redirected to the IdP for authentication. The authentication algorithm depends on the IdP options and may be reduced to a simple IP check, X.509 certificate authentication, or login credentials check.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ActiveTells whether the server is active and ready to process requests.
AllowIDPSSOSpecifies if IdP-initiated Single Sign-On (SSO) is allowed.
BaseDirBase directory on the server.
BindingKeyContains a private key to sign the redirect binding requests.
EncryptionCertificateThe certificate used to encrypt the assertions.
ExternalCryptoProvides access to external signing and DC parameters.
HandshakeTimeoutSpecifies the handshake timeout in milliseconds.
HostSpecifies the host address of the IdP server.
IdPServicesPopulates a list of services supported by the IdP.
IdPSettingsPopulates a list of SAML IdP entity settings.
IdPSSOPageSpecifies the relative URL of the IdP-initiated SSO page.
IdPSSOPageTemplateThe content of the IdP-initiated SSO page.
KnownCertificatesAdditional certificates for chain validation.
KnownKeysPublic keys for low-level signature validation.
LoginAttemptsLimitThe maximum number of login attempts.
MetadataURLThe IdP's metadata location.
MetaSigningCertificateSpecifies the metadata signing certificate.
OfflineModeEnables the Offline mode.
PinnedClientPopulates the pinned client details.
PinnedClientChainContains the certificate chain of the pinned client.
PortThe listening port number.
SecurityProvides access to the SAML security properties.
SenderChainContains the certificate chain of the message sender.
SigningCertificateThe certificate to be used by the IdP's for signing.
SigningChainThe signing certificate chain.
SignOnPageTemplateDefines the default authentication template (login page).
SocketSettingsManages network connection settings.
SPServicesPopulates a list of services supported by the SP.
SPSettingsPopulates a list of SAML SP entity settings.
TLSServerChainThe server's TLS certificates.
TLSSettingsManages TLS layer settings.
URLSpecifies the base URL of this IdP server.
UsersA collection of known users.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AddIdPServiceRegisters an IdP service in the IdPServices list.
AddSPRegisters an SP entity in SPSettings list.
AddSPServiceRegisters an SP service in the SPServices list.
CleanupCleans up the server environment by purging expired sessions and cleaning caches.
CompleteAuthInitiates transfer of the authentication fact (assertion) to the SP.
ConfigSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
DoActionPerforms an additional action.
DropClientTerminates a client connection.
ExportSettingsSaves the SP or IdP configuration to an XML metadata file.
GetClientBufferAcquires a piece of operation data.
GetProviderPropertyReturns the value of a custom provider property.
GetRequestBytesReturns the contents of the received HTTP request.
GetRequestHeaderReturns a request header value.
GetResponseHeaderReturns a response header value.
GetSessionPropertyReturns the value of a custom session property.
ImportSettingsLoads the metadata required for information exchange with the identity provider. Both local (IdP-side) and remote (SP-side) metadata can be loaded with this call.
InitiateArtifactResolveInitiates the artifact resolution protocol.
InitiateAuthStarts IdP-initiated SAML authentication flow.
InitiateLogoutStarts IdP-initiated SAML logout flow.
ListClientsEnumerates the connected clients.
PinClientTakes a snapshot of the connection's properties.
ProcessArtifactProcesses an artifact request received from the SP service at one of artifact receiver endpoints.
ProcessArtifactResolveRequestProcesses an artifact request received from the SP service at one of the ARS endpoints.
ProcessAttributeQueryProcesses an attribute request received from the SP service at one of the AQS endpoints.
ProcessGenericRequestProcesses a generic HTTP SAML request.
ProcessLogoutRequestProcesses logout request received from the SP service at one of the SLS endpoints.
ProcessSignOnRequestProcesses a single sign-on request received from the SP service at one of the SSO endpoints.
ProcessSignOnResponseProcesses the submission of the login form previously generated by the IdP server.
RemoveSPRemoves an SP from the list of known service providers.
ResetResets the component settings.
SetClientBufferCommits a data buffer to the connection.
SetProviderPropertySets the value of a custom provider property.
SetResponseHeaderSets a response header.
SetSessionPropertySets the value of a custom provider session property.
StartStarts the IdP server.
StopStops the IdP server.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AcceptReports an incoming connection.
ArtifactReceivedThe server fires this event upon receiving an Artifact message from the other side.
ArtifactResolveRequestPreparedThis event is fired when a new artifact resolution request message has been prepared by the component.
ArtifactResolveRequestReceivedReports receipt of ArtifactResolveRequest message.
AssertionPreparedThis event fires when a new assertion has been prepared by the IdP server.
AttributeQueryReceivedNotifies the application about receipt of an AttributeQuery.
AuthnRequestReceivedThe server fires this event upon receiving an AuthnRequest message from the other side.
ConnectReports an accepted connection.
DisconnectFires to report a disconnected client.
ErrorInformation about errors during data delivery.
ExternalSignHandles remote or external signing initiated by the server protocol.
LogoutRequestPreparedThis event is fired when a new logout request has been prepared.
LogoutRequestReceivedThe component uses this event to notify the application about an incoming SAML Logout Request message.
LogoutResponsePreparedThe component uses this event to notify the application about the Logout Response message being ready to be sent.
LogoutResponseReceivedThe component uses this event to notify the application about an incoming SAML LogoutResponse message.
NewAssertionThis event reports a new assertion initiated by the IdP server.
NotificationThis event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.
ProcessingCompletedThis event notifies the application of the completion of request or response processing.
ReadArtifactRequests content identified by an artifact from the application.
ReadAttributeRequests an attribute from the application.
ResourceCloseTells the application that it can close the opened resource.
ResourceOpenRequests the application to open the requested resource.
ResourceReadRequests the application to read from an opened resource.
ResourceRequestNotifies the application that a server resource is requested.
ResourceWriteRequests the application to write to an opened resource.
SAMLMessagePreparedThis event is fired when a SAML message has been prepared and is ready to be dispatched.
SAMLMessageReceivedThe server fires this event for every SAML message it receives.
SessionCreatedThis event is fired when a new session has been established.
SessionDestroyedThis event is fired when the IdP server has closed a session.
SessionEventNotifies the application about SAML session events.
SessionInfoNeededThis event is fired in OfflineMode to request the session ID for the current flow.
SessionStateRetrieveThis event fires to retrieve session state information from the application.
SessionStateSaveThis event passes a session state object to the application for safekeeping.
SignatureFoundNotifies the application about the start of signature validation.
SignatureValidatedReports the signature validation result.
SignOnPagePreparedThe server fires this event upon preparing the sign-on page.
SignOnResponseReceivedNotifies the application about the received response to the sign-on page.
TLSCertValidateFires when a client certificate needs to be validated.
TLSEstablishedReports the setup of a TLS session.
TLSHandshakeFires when a newly established client connection initiates a TLS handshake.
TLSPSKRequests a pre-shared key for TLS-PSK.
TLSShutdownReports closure of a TLS session.
UserAuthCompletedNotifies the application about the success of user authentication flow.
UserAuthFailedNotifies the application about failure of user authentication flow.
UserAuthStartNotifies the application about the start of user authentication flow.
UserAuthVerifyCredentialsPasses user credentials to the application for verification.
UserLogoutCompletedNotifies the application about the completion of user logout flow.
UserLogoutStartNotifies the application about the start of user logout flow.

Config Settings

The following is a list of config settings for the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AllowOptionsResponseWithoutAuthEnables unauthenticated responses to OPTIONS requests.
AssertionsOneTimeUseAdds a one-time use condition to the assertion.
AssertionsTTLThe assertions time-to-live value.
AuthDigestExpireSpecifies digest expiration time for digest authentication.
BoundPortThe port that was bound by the server.
ContactPersonThe ContactPerson entry of the provider metadata.
DefaultNameIDPolicyFormatDefault name ID policy format.
DefaultPassiveAuthnContextClassRefThe default passive authentication context class.
DualStackAllows the use of ip4 and ip6 simultaneously.
HandshakeTimeoutThe HTTPS handshake timeout.
HomePageSpecifies the home page resource name.
MaxIssueInstantTimeDiffThe maximum issue-instant time delta.
NotBeforeTimeoutThe 'not-before' timeout to use.
OrganizationDisplayNameThe OrganizationDisplayName entry of the provider metadata.
OrganizationLangThe OrganizationLang key of the provider metadata.
OrganizationNameThe OrganizationName element of the provider metadata.
OrganizationURLThe OrganizationURL element of the provider metadata.
PortRangeFromThe lower bound of allowed port scope to listen on.
PortRangeToThe higher bound of allowed port scope to listen on.
RequestFilterThe request string modifier.
ServerNameSpecifies the server name for the created responses.
SessionTimeoutThe HTTP session timeout.
SessionTTLThe SAML session time-to-live value.
SubjectConfirmationMethodSubject confirmation method.
TempPathPath for storing temporary files.
ASN1UseGlobalTagCacheControls whether ASN.1 module should use a global object cache.
AssignSystemSmartCardPinsSpecifies whether CSP-level PINs should be assigned to CNG keys.
CheckKeyIntegrityBeforeUseEnables or disable private key integrity check before use.
CookieCachingSpecifies whether a cookie cache should be used for HTTP(S) transports.
CookiesGets or sets local cookies for the component.
DefDeriveKeyIterationsSpecifies the default key derivation algorithm iteration count.
DNSLocalSuffixThe suffix to assign for TLD names.
EnableClientSideSSLFFDHEEnables or disables finite field DHE key exchange support in TLS clients.
GlobalCookiesGets or sets global cookies for all the HTTP transports.
HardwareCryptoUsePolicyThe hardware crypto usage policy.
HttpUserAgentSpecifies the user agent name to be used by all HTTP clients.
HttpVersionThe HTTP version to use in any inner HTTP client components created.
IgnoreExpiredMSCTLSigningCertWhether to tolerate the expired Windows Update signing certificate.
ListDelimiterThe delimiter character for multi-element lists.
LogDestinationSpecifies the debug log destination.
LogDetailsSpecifies the debug log details to dump.
LogFileSpecifies the debug log filename.
LogFiltersSpecifies the debug log filters.
LogFlushModeSpecifies the log flush mode.
LogLevelSpecifies the debug log level.
LogMaxEventCountSpecifies the maximum number of events to cache before further action is taken.
LogRotationModeSpecifies the log rotation mode.
MaxASN1BufferLengthSpecifies the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 primitive tag data.
MaxASN1TreeDepthSpecifies the maximal depth for processed ASN.1 trees.
OCSPHashAlgorithmSpecifies the hash algorithm to be used to identify certificates in OCSP requests.
OldClientSideRSAFallbackSpecifies whether the SSH client should use a SHA1 fallback.
ProductVersionReturns the version of the SecureBlackbox library.
ServerSSLDHKeyLengthSets the size of the TLS DHE key exchange group.
StaticDNSSpecifies whether static DNS rules should be used.
StaticIPAddress[domain]Gets or sets an IP address for the specified domain name.
StaticIPAddressesGets or sets all the static DNS rules.
TagAllows to store any custom data.
TLSSessionGroupSpecifies the group name of TLS sessions to be used for session resumption.
TLSSessionLifetimeSpecifies lifetime in seconds of the cached TLS session.
TLSSessionPurgeIntervalSpecifies how often the session cache should remove the expired TLS sessions.
UseInternalRandomSwitches between SecureBlackbox-own and platform PRNGs.
UseLegacyAdESValidationEnables legacy AdES validation mode.
UseOwnDNSResolverSpecifies whether the client components should use own DNS resolver.
UseSharedSystemStoragesSpecifies whether the validation engine should use a global per-process copy of the system certificate stores.
UseSystemNativeSizeCalculationAn internal CryptoAPI access tweak.
UseSystemOAEPAndPSSEnforces or disables the use of system-driven RSA OAEP and PSS computations.
UseSystemRandomEnables or disables the use of the OS PRNG.

Active Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Tells whether the server is active and ready to process requests.


public bool Active { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property Active As Boolean

Default Value



This property indicates whether the IdP server is in an active state.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

AllowIDPSSO Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Specifies if IdP-initiated Single Sign-On (SSO) is allowed.


public bool AllowIDPSSO { get; set; }
Public Property AllowIDPSSO As Boolean

Default Value



Set this property to true to allow IdP-initiated Single Sign-Ons. Use the IdPSSOLink parameter of AddSP method to add sign-on URLs.

BaseDir Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Base directory on the server.


public string BaseDir { get; set; }
Public Property BaseDir As String

Default Value



Use this property to specify the base directory for the SP server.

BindingKey Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Contains a private key to sign the redirect binding requests.


public CryptoKey BindingKey { get; set; }
Public Property BindingKey As CryptoKey


Use this property to set the signing key for the redirect binding object. This is used to sign the content of the redirect binding.

Note that when using the redirect binding, the outgoing SAML message must not be signed in parallel with a certificate. Any assertions may still be signed.

This property is not available at design time.

Please refer to the CryptoKey type for a complete list of fields.

EncryptionCertificate Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

The certificate used to encrypt the assertions.


public Certificate EncryptionCertificate { get; set; }
Public Property EncryptionCertificate As Certificate


Use this property to provide the certificate to be used for encrypting the assertions included into the IdP responses.

The component encrypts assertions automatically if the certificate is set.

This property is not available at design time.

Please refer to the Certificate type for a complete list of fields.

ExternalCrypto Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Provides access to external signing and DC parameters.


public ExternalCrypto ExternalCrypto { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property ExternalCrypto As ExternalCrypto


Use this property to tune-up remote cryptography settings. SecureBlackbox supports two independent types of external cryptography: synchronous (based on the ExternalSign event) and asynchronous (based on the DC protocol and the DCAuth signing component).

This property is read-only.

Please refer to the ExternalCrypto type for a complete list of fields.

FIPSMode Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)



public bool FIPSMode { get; set; }
Public Property FIPSMode As Boolean

Default Value



This property is reserved for future use.

HandshakeTimeout Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Specifies the handshake timeout in milliseconds.


public int HandshakeTimeout { get; set; }
Public Property HandshakeTimeout As Integer

Default Value



Use this property to set the TLS handshake timeout.

Host Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Specifies the host address of the IdP server.


public string Host { get; set; }
Public Property Host As String

Default Value



Use this property to specify the IP address on which to listen to incoming connections. To specify the listening port number, use Port.

IdPServices Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Populates a list of services supported by the IdP.


public SAMLServiceInfoList IdPServices { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property IdPServices As SAMLServiceInfoList


Use this property to access the list of services supported by the IdP. In the SAMLIdPServer, this is the list of services supported by the IdP. In the SAMLSPServer, this is the list of services advertised by the remote IdP server. These can be loaded from the respective IdP's metadata or set manually via AddIdPService method.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Please refer to the SAMLServiceInfo type for a complete list of fields.

IdPSettings Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Populates a list of SAML IdP entity settings.


public SAMLEntity IdPSettings { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property IdPSettings As SAMLEntity


Use this property to get or set properties of a SAML IdP entity. These properties can be adjusted manually or loaded from the respective metadata file.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Please refer to the SAMLEntity type for a complete list of fields.

IdPSSOPage Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Specifies the relative URL of the IdP-initiated SSO page.


public string IdPSSOPage { get; set; }
Public Property IdPSSOPage As String

Default Value



Use this property to specify the address of the Single Sign-On (SSO) page initiated by this Identity Provider (IdP).

IdPSSOPageTemplate Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

The content of the IdP-initiated SSO page.


public string IdPSSOPageTemplate { get; set; }
Public Property IdPSSOPageTemplate As String

Default Value



Use this property to specify the content of the Single Sign-On (SSO) page initiated by this Identity Provider (IdP).

KnownCertificates Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Additional certificates for chain validation.


public CertificateList KnownCertificates { get; }
Public Property KnownCertificates As CertificateList


Use this property to supply a list of additional certificates that might be needed for chain validation. An example of a scenario where you might want to do that is when intermediary CA certificates are absent from the standard system locations (or when there are no standard system locations), and therefore should be supplied to the component manually.

The purpose of the certificates to be added to this collection is roughly equivalent to that of the Intermediate Certification Authorities system store in Windows.

Do not add trust anchors or root certificates to this collection: add them to TrustedCertificates instead.

This property is not available at design time.

Please refer to the Certificate type for a complete list of fields.

KnownKeys Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Public keys for low-level signature validation.


public CryptoKeyList KnownKeys { get; }
Public Property KnownKeys As CryptoKeyList


Use this property to supply a list of public keys that might be needed for redirect binding signature validation.

This property is not available at design time.

Please refer to the CryptoKey type for a complete list of fields.

LoginAttemptsLimit Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

The maximum number of login attempts.


public int LoginAttemptsLimit { get; set; }
Public Property LoginAttemptsLimit As Integer

Default Value



Use this property to set the maximum number of login attempts.

MetadataURL Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

The IdP's metadata location.


public string MetadataURL { get; set; }
Public Property MetadataURL As String

Default Value



This property specifies the metadata URL of this Identity Provider (IdP).

MetaSigningCertificate Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Specifies the metadata signing certificate.


public Certificate MetaSigningCertificate { get; set; }
Public Property MetaSigningCertificate As Certificate


Use this property to specify the certificate to be used to sign the IdP's metadata.

This property is not available at design time.

Please refer to the Certificate type for a complete list of fields.

OfflineMode Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Enables the Offline mode.


public bool OfflineMode { get; set; }
Public Property OfflineMode As Boolean

Default Value



In the Offline mode the server does not open the listening port. Instead, it expects incoming requests to be routed by the application via calls to ProcessSignOnRequest, ProcessLogoutRequest, ProcessSignOnResponse, and other similar methods.

The Offline mode is a handy mechanism for attaching the server to external web engines, such as IIS or Tomcat. It lets you leave the HTTP matters to the engine, and only be responsible for handling the actual SAML requests.

PinnedClient Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Populates the pinned client details.


public TLSConnectionInfo PinnedClient { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property PinnedClient As TLSConnectionInfo


Use this property to access the details of the client connection previously pinned with PinClient method.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Please refer to the TLSConnectionInfo type for a complete list of fields.

PinnedClientChain Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Contains the certificate chain of the pinned client.


public CertificateList PinnedClientChain { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property PinnedClientChain As CertificateList


Use this property to access the certificate chain of the client connection pinned previously with a PinClient call.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Please refer to the Certificate type for a complete list of fields.

Port Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

The listening port number.


public int Port { get; set; }
Public Property Port As Integer

Default Value



Use this property to specify the port number on which the IdP server should listen for incoming connections. To specify server's IP address use Host.

Security Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Provides access to the SAML security properties.


public SAMLSecuritySettings Security { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property Security As SAMLSecuritySettings


Use this property to access the security parameters of the server.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Please refer to the SAMLSecuritySettings type for a complete list of fields.

SenderChain Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Contains the certificate chain of the message sender.


public CertificateList SenderChain { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property SenderChain As CertificateList


Use this property to access the certificate chain of the creator of the signed message or entity that is currently being processed. This property is only available from SignatureFound and SignatureValidated events.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Please refer to the Certificate type for a complete list of fields.

SigningCertificate Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

The certificate to be used by the IdP's for signing.


public Certificate SigningCertificate { get; set; }
Public Property SigningCertificate As Certificate


Use this property to specify the certificate that shall be used for signing the assertions. Note that this certificate should have a private key associated with it. Use SigningChain to supply the rest of the certificate chain for inclusion into the signature.

This property is not available at design time.

Please refer to the Certificate type for a complete list of fields.

SigningChain Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

The signing certificate chain.


public CertificateList SigningChain { get; }
Public Property SigningChain As CertificateList


Use this property to provide the chain for the signing certificate. Use the SigningCertificate property, if it is available, to provide the signing certificate itself.

This property is not available at design time.

Please refer to the Certificate type for a complete list of fields.

SignOnPageTemplate Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Defines the default authentication template (login page).


public string SignOnPageTemplate { get; set; }
Public Property SignOnPageTemplate As String

Default Value



This property contains the HTML code of the authentication form. You can use it to control the appearance of the login page.

SocketSettings Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Manages network connection settings.


public SocketSettings SocketSettings { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property SocketSettings As SocketSettings


Use this property to tune up network connection parameters.

This property is read-only.

Please refer to the SocketSettings type for a complete list of fields.

SPServices Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Populates a list of services supported by the SP.


public SAMLServiceInfoList SPServices { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property SPServices As SAMLServiceInfoList


Use this property to access the list of services supported by the SP. In the SAMLSPServer, this is the list of services supported by the SP. In the SAMLIdPServer, this is the list of services advertised by the remote SP server. These can be loaded from the respective SP's metadata or set manually via AddSPService method.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Please refer to the SAMLServiceInfo type for a complete list of fields.

SPSettings Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Populates a list of SAML SP entity settings.


public SAMLEntityList SPSettings { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property SPSettings As SAMLEntityList


Use this property to get or set properties of a SAML SP entity. These properties can be adjusted manually or loaded from the respective metadata file using ImportSettings method.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Please refer to the SAMLEntity type for a complete list of fields.

TLSServerChain Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

The server's TLS certificates.


public CertificateList TLSServerChain { get; }
Public Property TLSServerChain As CertificateList


Use this property to provide a list of TLS certificates for the server endpoint.

A TLS endpoint needs a certificate to be able to accept TLS connections. At least one of the certificates in the collection - the endpoint certificate - must have a private key associated with it.

The collection may include more than one endpoint certificate, and more than one chain. A typical usage scenario is to include two chains (ECDSA and RSA), to cater for clients with different cipher suite preferences.

This property is not available at design time.

Please refer to the Certificate type for a complete list of fields.

TLSSettings Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Manages TLS layer settings.


public TLSSettings TLSSettings { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property TLSSettings As TLSSettings


Use this property to tune up the TLS layer parameters.

This property is read-only.

Please refer to the TLSSettings type for a complete list of fields.

URL Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Specifies the base URL of this IdP server.


public string URL { get; set; }
Public Property URL As String

Default Value



Use this property to set the base URL for this Identity Provider (IdP) server.

Users Property (SAMLIdPServer Component)

A collection of known users.


public UserAccountList Users { get; }
Public Property Users As UserAccountList


This property provides access to registered user database.

This property is not available at design time.

Please refer to the UserAccount type for a complete list of fields.

AddIdPService Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Registers an IdP service in the IdPServices list.


public void AddIdPService(int service, int bindingType, string location, int priority, int index);
Public Sub AddIdPService(ByVal Service As Integer, ByVal BindingType As Integer, ByVal Location As String, ByVal Priority As Integer, ByVal Index As Integer)


Use this method to add an entry to the list of services and their locations provided by the IdP.

An identity provider can provide a variety of identity services through a selection of endpoints, each supporting one or more transports (or bindings). Typical examples are a single sign-on or a single logout service, each of which can be served independently on the same or different endpoints, via a POST or Redirect transports (or both).

Each AddIdPService call registers a single service offered via a single transport. If you would like to have the same service to be available using several different transports, you need to register each combination individually, even if the service runs at the same web endpoint:

idp.AddIdPService(spsSingleSignOnService, csbtRedirect, "/saml/sso", -1, -1); idp.AddIdPService(spsSingleSignOnService, csbtPOST, "/saml/sso", -1, -1);

Use the Service parameter to specify the service to register:

spsUnknown0The service is of unknown or unsupported type

spsAssertionConsumerService1The assertion consumer service (SP side only)

spsSingleLogoutService2The single logout service (SP or IdP sides)

spsArtifactResolutionService3The artifact resolution service (SP or IdP sides)

spsAttributeQueryService4The attribute query service (IdP side only)

spsSingleSignOnService5The single sign-on service (IdP side only)

The BindingType specifies the transport type that the service being registered should use. Note that not every kind of service supports every kind of transport. It is typical for SSO and SLO services to support POST and Redirect bindings.

The Location parameter specifies an absolute or relative path to the service within the SAML web service:

idp.AddIdPService(spsSingleSignOnService, csbtPOST, "https://idp.identityserver/saml/sso", -1, -1); // absolute path idp.AddIdPService(spsSingleSignOnService, csbtRedirect, "/saml/sso", -1, -1); // relative path

The Priority parameter is nominal as it only specifies the relative priority of the transport in the IdP metadata. The actual transport used, among those supported, depends on the choice of the external service provider / application. Pass -1 to stick with the default priority.

The Index parameter specifies the index of the endpoint, which is a unique value assigned to each endpoint. Pass -1 unless you want to provide the index explicitly.

Note that this method registers the identity provider's own service - something that the identity provider provides. This is different to AddSPService method, which registers a foreign service provider's service - something that the identity provider should be aware of.

AddSP Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Registers an SP entity in SPSettings list.


public void AddSP(string entityID, string idPSSOLink);
Public Sub AddSP(ByVal EntityID As String, ByVal IdPSSOLink As String)


This method adds an empty entry to the SPSettings list of known service providers. When registering a service provider manually (v.s. importing it from its metadata with a ImportSettings call), make sure to register all the individual SP service endpoints (assertion consumer services, single logout services, and so on) manually using the AddSPService method.

Once you have added the SP entry to the list, you can edit it using the SPSettings property.

AddSPService Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Registers an SP service in the SPServices list.


public void AddSPService(int service, int bindingType, string location, int priority, int index, string entityID);
Public Sub AddSPService(ByVal Service As Integer, ByVal BindingType As Integer, ByVal Location As String, ByVal Priority As Integer, ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal EntityID As String)


Use this method to add an entry to the list of known external SAML services and their locations.

The identity provider needs to be knowledgeable of external SP services (applications) that it provides services to. That information can either be provided in the form of a metadata file (see ImportSettings), or registered manually using this method.

When using this method, make sure to register all the services you expect to work with. Note that if the same SP service is available through several different transports (bindings), you will need to register each (service, transport) pair individually:

idp.AddSPService(spsAssertionConsumerService, csbtPOST, "", -1, -1, ""); idp.AddSPService(spsAssertionConsumerService, csbtRedirect, "", -1, -1, "");

Use the Service parameter to specify the service to register:

spsUnknown0The service is of unknown or unsupported type

spsAssertionConsumerService1The assertion consumer service (SP side only)

spsSingleLogoutService2The single logout service (SP or IdP sides)

spsArtifactResolutionService3The artifact resolution service (SP or IdP sides)

spsAttributeQueryService4The attribute query service (IdP side only)

spsSingleSignOnService5The single sign-on service (IdP side only)

The BindingType specifies the transport type that the service being registered should use. Note that not every kind of service supports every kind of transport. It is typical for ACS service to use POST binding (due to the size of assertions), and SLS to either use POST or Redirect. This information is typically provided by the service provider.

The Location parameter specifies the absolute URL of the respective SAML web endpoint.

The Priority parameter specifies the relative priority of the transport among several identical services. The actual transport used may be different to the specified priority, as the request received from the SP (such as AuthnRequest) may explicitly request a specific transport to use.

The Index parameter specifies the index of the endpoint, which is a unique value assigned to each endpoint. Pass -1 unless you want to provide the index explicitly.

The EntityID parameter provides a unique identifier of the service provider. It is common to use the URL of the provider's metadata file as the Entity ID, although that is not a requirement.

Note that this method registers a known service - something that the identity provider should be aware of. This is different to the purpose of the AddIdPService method, which registers the identity provider's own service.

Cleanup Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Cleans up the server environment by purging expired sessions and cleaning caches.


public void Cleanup();
Public Sub Cleanup()


Call this method while the server is active to clean up the environment allocated for the server by releasing unused resources and cleaning caches.

CompleteAuth Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Initiates transfer of the authentication fact (assertion) to the SP.


public int CompleteAuth(long connectionID, string sessionID, int SPServiceIndex, string relayState, string tag);
Public Function CompleteAuth(ByVal ConnectionID As Long, ByVal SessionID As String, ByVal SPServiceIndex As Integer, ByVal RelayState As String, ByVal Tag As String) As Integer


Use this method to pass a SAML assertion to a chosen SP after completion of the IdP-initiated SSO process.

Calling this method is equivalent to navigating to the SP-specific IdP link on the web server running the SAML IdP service.

This method returns the processing result as one of the values given below. Right before it returns it passes the processing results back to the caller via the ProcessingCompleted event. This event fires independently of the processing outcome (success or failure), and contains the same ConnectionID that is passed to this call.

sprUnknown0Unknown or undefined processing result

sprSuccess1The processing completed successfully. No tangible output has been generated (e.g. an artifact was resolved and acknowledged, but nothing needs to be sent to the browser).

sprSAMLMessage2The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains a new SAML message that needs to be conveyed to the other SAML party.

sprSignOnPage3The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains or redirects to a SAML login page.

sprResource4The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains, or redirects to, a generic web resource.

sprSAMLError5The processing failed due to SAML-related issue (bad sign-on parameters, unknown principal etc.). The output contains a SAML error message. This still needs to be relayed to the other SAML party.

sprTransportError6The operation could not be completed due to an issue with configuration (e.g. non-existent SAML endpoint), permissions, or network. The SAML protocol could not commence. The output contains a transport-layer (HTTP) error message which can/should be displayed to the user in the browser.

You can use this method with or without the OfflineMode.

Config Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.


public string Config(string configurationString);
Public Function Config(ByVal ConfigurationString As String) As String


Config is a generic method available in every component. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the component.

These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the component, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.

To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).

To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.

DoAction Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Performs an additional action.


public string DoAction(string actionID, string actionParams);
Public Function DoAction(ByVal ActionID As String, ByVal ActionParams As String) As String


DoAction is a generic method available in every component. It is used to perform an additional action introduced after the product major release. The list of actions is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.

The unique identifier (case insensitive) of the action is provided in the ActionID parameter.

ActionParams contains the value of a single parameter, or a list of multiple parameters for the action in the form of PARAM1=VALUE1;PARAM2=VALUE2;....

DropClient Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Terminates a client connection.


public void DropClient(long connectionId, bool forced);
Public Sub DropClient(ByVal ConnectionId As Long, ByVal Forced As Boolean)


Call this method to shut down a connected client. Forced indicates whether the connection should be closed in a graceful manner.

ExportSettings Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Saves the SP or IdP configuration to an XML metadata file.


public string ExportSettings(bool idP, int index);
Public Function ExportSettings(ByVal IdP As Boolean, ByVal Index As Integer) As String


Use this method to save the Identity Provider (IdP) or Service Provider (SP) configuration in the form of XML metadata. The IdP metadata file may then be transferred to identity providers (SP) to let them know about the IdP configuration.

When exporting IdP settings, adjust the identity provider configuration as required in IdPSettings object before calling this method. Assign MetaSigningCertificate to enforce signing of the metadata XML.

When exporting SP settings, provide the index of the service provider in the SPSettings list.

GetClientBuffer Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Acquires a piece of operation data.


public byte[] GetClientBuffer(long connectionID, string handle);
Public Function GetClientBuffer(ByVal ConnectionID As Long, ByVal Handle As String) As Byte()


Use this method to obtain a piece of data relevant to a transfer operation in a thread-safe way.

A typical place to call this method is inside the ResourceWrite event handler, when implementing customized file transfers.

GetProviderProperty Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Returns the value of a custom provider property.


public string GetProviderProperty(string name);
Public Function GetProviderProperty(ByVal Name As String) As String


This method, together with SetProviderProperty, provides an extensible way of managing the Identity Provider's settings that are not available through the primary properties of the component. As SAML usage scenarios evolve and new providers appear, the list of supported properties can be extended.

The following properties are currently supported:

  • ContactPerson
  • OrganizationName
  • OrganizationDisplayName
  • OrganizationURL
  • OrganizationLang

GetRequestBytes Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Returns the contents of the received HTTP request.


public byte[] GetRequestBytes(long connectionID, string requestFilter);
Public Function GetRequestBytes(ByVal ConnectionID As Long, ByVal RequestFilter As String) As Byte()


Use this method to get the body of the received HTTP request. Note that the body of GET and HEAD requests is empty. The method returns the requested content.

GetRequestHeader Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Returns a request header value.


public string GetRequestHeader(long connectionId, string headerName);
Public Function GetRequestHeader(ByVal ConnectionId As Long, ByVal HeaderName As String) As String


Use this method to get the value of a request header. A good place to call this method is a request-marking event, such as GetRequest or PostRequest.

GetResponseHeader Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Returns a response header value.


public string GetResponseHeader(long connectionId, string headerName);
Public Function GetResponseHeader(ByVal ConnectionId As Long, ByVal HeaderName As String) As String


Use this method to get the value of a response header. A good place to call this method is HeadersPrepared event. Call the method with empty HeaderName to get the whole response header.

GetSessionProperty Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Returns the value of a custom session property.


public string GetSessionProperty(string sessionID, string name);
Public Function GetSessionProperty(ByVal SessionID As String, ByVal Name As String) As String


This method, together with SetSessionProperty, provides an extensible way of managing the Identity Provider's session properties that are not available through the primary properties and events of the component. These methods can be called on any active browser session. Use SessionCreated and SessionDestroyed events to get notifications about session creation and disposal.

The following properties are supported for IdP sessions and can be passed to the Name parameter of this method:

  • AuthnContextClassRef: the authentication context Auth class.
  • AuthnRequestID: the AuthnRequest ID.
  • Binding: the binding type used.
  • Certificate: the certificate that signed the request (in base16 DER-encoded format).
  • CustomAuthFlow: whether the session uses a custom authentication flow.
  • Expires: the web session expiration time.
  • LoggedIn: whether the user associated with this session has successfully undergone the authentication procedures.
  • Login: the login name used by the user to authenticate themselves.
  • LoginAttempts: the number of login attempts available for the user.
  • LogoutRequestID: the LogoutRequest ID.
  • NameID: the NameID of the user.
  • NameIDFormat: the format of the NameID of the user.
  • FormattedNameID: the formatted version of the NameID.
  • NameIDPolicyFormat: the name ID policy format.
  • NameIDPolicyIdentifier: the name ID policy identifier.
  • RelayState: the current (last) relay state entry.
  • ResponseLocation: the location where the response should be sent.
  • Session: the session ID (the same as you pass as parameter).
  • SessionIndex: the cross-network session index assigned to this session.
  • SP: the entity ID of the service provider.
  • URL: the current request's URL.
  • UserData: the protocol-independent user data. Use this session property to store custom information associated with the session across contexts.

ImportSettings Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Loads the metadata required for information exchange with the identity provider. Both local (IdP-side) and remote (SP-side) metadata can be loaded with this call.


public void ImportSettings(string metadata, bool idP);
Public Sub ImportSettings(ByVal Metadata As String, ByVal IdP As Boolean)


The Service provider (SP) may have a lot of different options and requirements for interactions with the Identity provider (IdP). Usually all these options together with X.509 certificates needed for data exchange are stored in XML metadata files. Use this method to load metadata from such file generated by the service provider.

The Metadata parameter contains metadata in the form of byte array. Set IdP parameter to true to indicate that it is the Identity Provider's own settings that are being loaded.

The loaded metadata is populated in the IdPSettings or SPSettings object (depending on the value of the IdP parameter).

InitiateArtifactResolve Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Initiates the artifact resolution protocol.


public int InitiateArtifactResolve(long connectionID, string sessionID, int SPServiceIndex, string artifact, string tag);
Public Function InitiateArtifactResolve(ByVal ConnectionID As Long, ByVal SessionID As String, ByVal SPServiceIndex As Integer, ByVal Artifact As String, ByVal Tag As String) As Integer


Use this event to initiate the artifact resolution protocol for Artifact. Specify the desired SP service endpoint via the SPServiceIndex parameter.

sprUnknown0Unknown or undefined processing result

sprSuccess1The processing completed successfully. No tangible output has been generated (e.g. an artifact was resolved and acknowledged, but nothing needs to be sent to the browser).

sprSAMLMessage2The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains a new SAML message that needs to be conveyed to the other SAML party.

sprSignOnPage3The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains or redirects to a SAML login page.

sprResource4The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains, or redirects to, a generic web resource.

sprSAMLError5The processing failed due to SAML-related issue (bad sign-on parameters, unknown principal etc.). The output contains a SAML error message. This still needs to be relayed to the other SAML party.

sprTransportError6The operation could not be completed due to an issue with configuration (e.g. non-existent SAML endpoint), permissions, or network. The SAML protocol could not commence. The output contains a transport-layer (HTTP) error message which can/should be displayed to the user in the browser.

You can use this method with or without the OfflineMode.

Note: this method is currently in development and will be available in later SecureBlackbox updates.

InitiateAuth Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Starts IdP-initiated SAML authentication flow.


public int InitiateAuth(long connectionID, string sessionID, int SPServiceIndex, string tag);
Public Function InitiateAuth(ByVal ConnectionID As Long, ByVal SessionID As String, ByVal SPServiceIndex As Integer, ByVal Tag As String) As Integer


Use this method to initiate SAML authentication flow on the IdP side.

This method returns the processing result as one of the values given below. Right before it returns it passes the processing results back to the caller via the ProcessingCompleted event. This event fires independently of the processing outcome (success or failure), and contains the same ConnectionID that is passed to this call.

sprUnknown0Unknown or undefined processing result

sprSuccess1The processing completed successfully. No tangible output has been generated (e.g. an artifact was resolved and acknowledged, but nothing needs to be sent to the browser).

sprSAMLMessage2The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains a new SAML message that needs to be conveyed to the other SAML party.

sprSignOnPage3The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains or redirects to a SAML login page.

sprResource4The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains, or redirects to, a generic web resource.

sprSAMLError5The processing failed due to SAML-related issue (bad sign-on parameters, unknown principal etc.). The output contains a SAML error message. This still needs to be relayed to the other SAML party.

sprTransportError6The operation could not be completed due to an issue with configuration (e.g. non-existent SAML endpoint), permissions, or network. The SAML protocol could not commence. The output contains a transport-layer (HTTP) error message which can/should be displayed to the user in the browser.

You can use this method with or without the OfflineMode.

Once the user has been authenticated, you can use ProcessSignOnRequest to generate SAML assertions for specific SPs.

InitiateLogout Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Starts IdP-initiated SAML logout flow.


public int InitiateLogout(long connectionID, string sessionID, int SPServiceIndex, string tag);
Public Function InitiateLogout(ByVal ConnectionID As Long, ByVal SessionID As String, ByVal SPServiceIndex As Integer, ByVal Tag As String) As Integer


Use this method to initiate SAML logout flow on the IdP side. Pass the index of the logout endpoint that you want to use to the SPServiceIndex parameter.

This method returns the processing result as one of the values given below. Right before it returns it passes the processing results back to the caller via the ProcessingCompleted event. This event fires independently of the processing outcome (success or failure), and contains the same ConnectionID that is passed to this call.

sprUnknown0Unknown or undefined processing result

sprSuccess1The processing completed successfully. No tangible output has been generated (e.g. an artifact was resolved and acknowledged, but nothing needs to be sent to the browser).

sprSAMLMessage2The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains a new SAML message that needs to be conveyed to the other SAML party.

sprSignOnPage3The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains or redirects to a SAML login page.

sprResource4The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains, or redirects to, a generic web resource.

sprSAMLError5The processing failed due to SAML-related issue (bad sign-on parameters, unknown principal etc.). The output contains a SAML error message. This still needs to be relayed to the other SAML party.

sprTransportError6The operation could not be completed due to an issue with configuration (e.g. non-existent SAML endpoint), permissions, or network. The SAML protocol could not commence. The output contains a transport-layer (HTTP) error message which can/should be displayed to the user in the browser.

You can use this method with or without the OfflineMode.

ListClients Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Enumerates the connected clients.


public string ListClients();
Public Function ListClients() As String


This method enumerates the connected clients. It returns a list of strings, with each string being of 'ConnectionID|Address|Port' format, and representing a single connection.

PinClient Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Takes a snapshot of the connection's properties.


public void PinClient(long connectionId);
Public Sub PinClient(ByVal ConnectionId As Long)


Use this method to take a snapshot of a connected client. The captured properties are populated in PinnedClient and PinnedClientChain properties.

ProcessArtifact Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Processes an artifact request received from the SP service at one of artifact receiver endpoints.


public int ProcessArtifact(long connectionID, string sessionID, string request, string tag);
Public Function ProcessArtifact(ByVal ConnectionID As Long, ByVal SessionID As String, ByVal Request As String, ByVal Tag As String) As Integer


Use this method to pass a SAML artifact received at one of the artifact endpoints.

Artifact messages are typically very simple:

In response to the artifact received, the server initiates an artifact resolution protocol to retrieve the SAML message identified by the artifact. This will typically expose itself via an invocation of the ArtifactResolveRequestPrepared event, and, later on, of an event matching the type of the actual message received - such as AuthnRequestReceived.

sprUnknown0Unknown or undefined processing result

sprSuccess1The processing completed successfully. No tangible output has been generated (e.g. an artifact was resolved and acknowledged, but nothing needs to be sent to the browser).

sprSAMLMessage2The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains a new SAML message that needs to be conveyed to the other SAML party.

sprSignOnPage3The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains or redirects to a SAML login page.

sprResource4The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains, or redirects to, a generic web resource.

sprSAMLError5The processing failed due to SAML-related issue (bad sign-on parameters, unknown principal etc.). The output contains a SAML error message. This still needs to be relayed to the other SAML party.

sprTransportError6The operation could not be completed due to an issue with configuration (e.g. non-existent SAML endpoint), permissions, or network. The SAML protocol could not commence. The output contains a transport-layer (HTTP) error message which can/should be displayed to the user in the browser.

You can use this method with or without the OfflineMode.

Note: this method is currently in development and will be available in later SecureBlackbox updates.

ProcessArtifactResolveRequest Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Processes an artifact request received from the SP service at one of the ARS endpoints.


public int ProcessArtifactResolveRequest(long connectionID, string sessionID, string request, string tag);
Public Function ProcessArtifactResolveRequest(ByVal ConnectionID As Long, ByVal SessionID As String, ByVal Request As String, ByVal Tag As String) As Integer


Use this method to pass a SAML artifact request received at one of the ArtifactResolutionService endpoints.

This method returns the processing result as one of the values given below. Right before it returns it passes the processing results back to the caller via the ProcessingCompleted event. This event fires independently of the processing outcome (success or failure), and contains the same ConnectionID that is passed to this call.

sprUnknown0Unknown or undefined processing result

sprSuccess1The processing completed successfully. No tangible output has been generated (e.g. an artifact was resolved and acknowledged, but nothing needs to be sent to the browser).

sprSAMLMessage2The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains a new SAML message that needs to be conveyed to the other SAML party.

sprSignOnPage3The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains or redirects to a SAML login page.

sprResource4The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains, or redirects to, a generic web resource.

sprSAMLError5The processing failed due to SAML-related issue (bad sign-on parameters, unknown principal etc.). The output contains a SAML error message. This still needs to be relayed to the other SAML party.

sprTransportError6The operation could not be completed due to an issue with configuration (e.g. non-existent SAML endpoint), permissions, or network. The SAML protocol could not commence. The output contains a transport-layer (HTTP) error message which can/should be displayed to the user in the browser.

You can use this method with or without the OfflineMode.

Note: this method is currently in development and will be available in later SecureBlackbox updates.

ProcessAttributeQuery Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Processes an attribute request received from the SP service at one of the AQS endpoints.


public int ProcessAttributeQuery(long connectionID, string sessionID, string request, string tag);
Public Function ProcessAttributeQuery(ByVal ConnectionID As Long, ByVal SessionID As String, ByVal Request As String, ByVal Tag As String) As Integer


Use this method to pass a SAML attribute request received at one of the AttributeQueryService endpoints.

This method returns the processing result as one of the values given below. Right before it returns it passes the processing results back to the caller via the ProcessingCompleted event. This event fires independently of the processing outcome (success or failure), and contains the same ConnectionID that is passed to this call.

sprUnknown0Unknown or undefined processing result

sprSuccess1The processing completed successfully. No tangible output has been generated (e.g. an artifact was resolved and acknowledged, but nothing needs to be sent to the browser).

sprSAMLMessage2The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains a new SAML message that needs to be conveyed to the other SAML party.

sprSignOnPage3The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains or redirects to a SAML login page.

sprResource4The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains, or redirects to, a generic web resource.

sprSAMLError5The processing failed due to SAML-related issue (bad sign-on parameters, unknown principal etc.). The output contains a SAML error message. This still needs to be relayed to the other SAML party.

sprTransportError6The operation could not be completed due to an issue with configuration (e.g. non-existent SAML endpoint), permissions, or network. The SAML protocol could not commence. The output contains a transport-layer (HTTP) error message which can/should be displayed to the user in the browser.

You can use this method with or without the OfflineMode.

Note: this method is currently in development and will be available in later SecureBlackbox updates.

ProcessGenericRequest Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Processes a generic HTTP SAML request.


public byte[] ProcessGenericRequest(long connectionID, byte[] request);
Public Function ProcessGenericRequest(ByVal ConnectionID As Long, ByVal Request As Byte()) As Byte()


Use this method to process a generic well-formed HTTP SAML request obtained elsewhere. This is a handy mechanism to bind the SAML processor to an external web engine.

The Request parameter is expected to contain a full HTTP request, including the HTTP method string (GET, POST) and all the headers.

You can use this method with or without the OfflineMode.

ProcessLogoutRequest Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Processes logout request received from the SP service at one of the SLS endpoints.


public int ProcessLogoutRequest(long connectionID, string sessionID, string request, string tag);
Public Function ProcessLogoutRequest(ByVal ConnectionID As Long, ByVal SessionID As String, ByVal Request As String, ByVal Tag As String) As Integer


Use this method to pass a SAML logout request received at one of the SingleLogoutService endpoints.

An SLS endpoint may receive requests of two kinds: LogoutRequest and LogoutResponse. If Request contains a LogoutRequest, the content generated by this method will contain a corresponding LogoutResponse. If Request contains a LogoutResponse, the returned content is empty.

This method returns the processing result as one of the values given below. Right before it returns it passes the processing results back to the caller via the ProcessingCompleted event. This event fires independently of the processing outcome (success or failure), and contains the same ConnectionID that is passed to this call.

sprUnknown0Unknown or undefined processing result

sprSuccess1The processing completed successfully. No tangible output has been generated (e.g. an artifact was resolved and acknowledged, but nothing needs to be sent to the browser).

sprSAMLMessage2The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains a new SAML message that needs to be conveyed to the other SAML party.

sprSignOnPage3The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains or redirects to a SAML login page.

sprResource4The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains, or redirects to, a generic web resource.

sprSAMLError5The processing failed due to SAML-related issue (bad sign-on parameters, unknown principal etc.). The output contains a SAML error message. This still needs to be relayed to the other SAML party.

sprTransportError6The operation could not be completed due to an issue with configuration (e.g. non-existent SAML endpoint), permissions, or network. The SAML protocol could not commence. The output contains a transport-layer (HTTP) error message which can/should be displayed to the user in the browser.

You can use this method with or without the OfflineMode.

ProcessSignOnRequest Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Processes a single sign-on request received from the SP service at one of the SSO endpoints.


public int ProcessSignOnRequest(long connectionID, string sessionID, string request, string tag);
Public Function ProcessSignOnRequest(ByVal ConnectionID As Long, ByVal SessionID As String, ByVal Request As String, ByVal Tag As String) As Integer


Use this method to pass a SAML Single Sign-On request received at one of the SingleSignOnService endpoints.

This method returns the processing result as one of the values given below. Right before it returns it passes the processing results back to the caller via the ProcessingCompleted event. This event fires independently of the processing outcome (success or failure), and contains the same ConnectionID that is passed to this call.

sprUnknown0Unknown or undefined processing result

sprSuccess1The processing completed successfully. No tangible output has been generated (e.g. an artifact was resolved and acknowledged, but nothing needs to be sent to the browser).

sprSAMLMessage2The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains a new SAML message that needs to be conveyed to the other SAML party.

sprSignOnPage3The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains or redirects to a SAML login page.

sprResource4The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains, or redirects to, a generic web resource.

sprSAMLError5The processing failed due to SAML-related issue (bad sign-on parameters, unknown principal etc.). The output contains a SAML error message. This still needs to be relayed to the other SAML party.

sprTransportError6The operation could not be completed due to an issue with configuration (e.g. non-existent SAML endpoint), permissions, or network. The SAML protocol could not commence. The output contains a transport-layer (HTTP) error message which can/should be displayed to the user in the browser.

You can use this method with or without the OfflineMode.

ProcessSignOnResponse Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Processes the submission of the login form previously generated by the IdP server.


public int ProcessSignOnResponse(long connectionID, string sessionID, string response, string tag);
Public Function ProcessSignOnResponse(ByVal ConnectionID As Long, ByVal SessionID As String, ByVal Response As String, ByVal Tag As String) As Integer


Use this method to pass the login form data that was received from the user in response to the presented login form, to the IdP server. If the provided data matches the form, the credentials are passed to the application via the UserAuthVerifyCredentials event.

This method returns the processing result as one of the values given below. Right before it returns it passes the processing results back to the caller via the ProcessingCompleted event. This event fires independently of the processing outcome (success or failure), and contains the same ConnectionID that is passed to this call.

sprUnknown0Unknown or undefined processing result

sprSuccess1The processing completed successfully. No tangible output has been generated (e.g. an artifact was resolved and acknowledged, but nothing needs to be sent to the browser).

sprSAMLMessage2The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains a new SAML message that needs to be conveyed to the other SAML party.

sprSignOnPage3The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains or redirects to a SAML login page.

sprResource4The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains, or redirects to, a generic web resource.

sprSAMLError5The processing failed due to SAML-related issue (bad sign-on parameters, unknown principal etc.). The output contains a SAML error message. This still needs to be relayed to the other SAML party.

sprTransportError6The operation could not be completed due to an issue with configuration (e.g. non-existent SAML endpoint), permissions, or network. The SAML protocol could not commence. The output contains a transport-layer (HTTP) error message which can/should be displayed to the user in the browser.

You can use this method with or without the OfflineMode.

RemoveSP Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Removes an SP from the list of known service providers.


public void RemoveSP(int index);
Public Sub RemoveSP(ByVal Index As Integer)


Use this method to remove information about a service provider from the SPSettings list. The IdP server will be unable to process any further requests from this provider once it is removed.

Reset Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Resets the component settings.


public void Reset();
Public Sub Reset()


Reset is a generic method available in every component.

SetClientBuffer Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Commits a data buffer to the connection.


public void SetClientBuffer(long connectionID, string handle, byte[] value);
Public Sub SetClientBuffer(ByVal ConnectionID As Long, ByVal Handle As String, ByVal Value As Byte())


Use this method from your ResourceRead event handler to commit a chunk of file data to the server component.

SetProviderProperty Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Sets the value of a custom provider property.


public void SetProviderProperty(string name, string value);
Public Sub SetProviderProperty(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Value As String)


This method, together with GetProviderProperty, provides an extensible way of managing the Identity Provider's settings that are not available through the primary properties of the component. As SAML usage scenarios evolve and new providers appear, the list of supported properties can be extended.

The following properties are currently supported:

  • ContactPerson
  • OrganizationName
  • OrganizationDisplayName
  • OrganizationURL
  • OrganizationLang

SetResponseHeader Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Sets a response header.


public void SetResponseHeader(long connectionId, string headerName, string value);
Public Sub SetResponseHeader(ByVal ConnectionId As Long, ByVal HeaderName As String, ByVal Value As String)


Use this method to set a response header. A good place to call this method is a request-marking event, such as GetRequest or PostRequest.

SetSessionProperty Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Sets the value of a custom provider session property.


public void SetSessionProperty(string sessionID, string name, string value);
Public Sub SetSessionProperty(ByVal SessionID As String, ByVal Name As String, ByVal Value As String)


This method, together with GetSessionProperty, provides an extensible way of managing the Identity Provider's session settings that are not available through the primary properties and events of the component.

The following properties can be adjusted for each individual session:

  • AuthnContextClassRef: the authentication context Auth class.
  • AuthnRequestID: the AuthnRequest ID.
  • Certificate: the certificate that signed the request (in base16 DER-encoded format).
  • CustomAuthFlow: whether the session uses a custom authentication flow.
  • Login: the login name used by the user to authenticate themselves.
  • LoginAttempts: the number of login attempts available for the user.
  • LogoutRequestID: the LogoutRequest ID.
  • NameID: the NameID of the user.
  • NameIDPolicyFormat: the name ID policy format.
  • NameIDPolicyIdentifier: the name ID policy identifier.
  • RelayState: the current (last) relay state entry.
  • ResponseLocation: the location where the response should be sent.
  • Session: the session ID (the same as you pass as parameter).
  • SessionIndex: the cross-network session index assigned to this session.
  • URL: the current request's URL.
  • UserData: the protocol-independent user data. Use this session property to store custom information associated with the session across contexts.

Note: setting a session property invokes a call to SessionStateSave. The component does that to update the session state kept externally.

Note: changing session properties mindlessly may break the protocol flow. For example, changing AuthnRequestID to a different value may cause the Service Provider to reject the subsequent assertion message, as it will contain a now-unmatching In-Response-To entry.

Start Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Starts the IdP server.


public void Start();
Public Sub Start()


Use this method to start listening for incoming connections.

Stop Method (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Stops the IdP server.


public void Stop();
Public Sub Stop()


Call this method to stop listening for incoming connections.

Accept Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Reports an incoming connection.


public event OnAcceptHandler OnAccept;

public delegate void OnAcceptHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerAcceptEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerAcceptEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public string RemoteAddress { get; }
  public int RemotePort { get; }
  public bool Accept { get; set; }
Public Event OnAccept As OnAcceptHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnAcceptHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerAcceptEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerAcceptEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property RemoteAddress As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RemotePort As Integer
  Public Property Accept As Boolean
End Class


This event is fired when a new connection from RemoteAddress:RemotePort is ready to be accepted. Use the Accept parameter to accept or decline it.

Subscribe to Connect event to be notified of every connection that has been set up.

ArtifactReceived Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

The server fires this event upon receiving an Artifact message from the other side.


public event OnArtifactReceivedHandler OnArtifactReceived;

public delegate void OnArtifactReceivedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerArtifactReceivedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerArtifactReceivedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string RequestID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public string Artifact { get; }
  public int Action { get; set; }
Public Event OnArtifactReceived As OnArtifactReceivedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnArtifactReceivedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerArtifactReceivedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerArtifactReceivedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Artifact As String
  Public Property Action As Integer
End Class


The Artifact message is very simple and only contains the actual artifact (an opaque string). Depending on the choice of the Action parameter, the further flow may go as following:

  • fraAuto: the server will prepare an ArtifactResolve request and sent it to the other side to retrieve the artifact.
  • fraCustom: the server will acknowledge the receipt of the artifact, but it is the task of your code to request the message and pass it on to the server via ProcessGenericRequest method.
  • fraReject: the server will discard the artifact.

Note that you still can choose fraAuto to let the server proceed, but alter the flow as required in further events, such as ArtifactResolveRequestPrepared.

In OfflineMode this event would typically be fired from ProcessArtifact call.

ArtifactResolveRequestPrepared Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

This event is fired when a new artifact resolution request message has been prepared by the component.


public event OnArtifactResolveRequestPreparedHandler OnArtifactResolveRequestPrepared;

public delegate void OnArtifactResolveRequestPreparedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerArtifactResolveRequestPreparedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerArtifactResolveRequestPreparedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string RequestID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public string Artifact { get; }
Public Event OnArtifactResolveRequestPrepared As OnArtifactResolveRequestPreparedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnArtifactResolveRequestPreparedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerArtifactResolveRequestPreparedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerArtifactResolveRequestPreparedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Artifact As String
End Class


Subscribe to this event to be notified about preparation of artifact resolution requests. This is fired right after the resolution request has been prepared, and just before the component sends it out to the service provider.

ArtifactResolveRequestReceived Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Reports receipt of ArtifactResolveRequest message.


public event OnArtifactResolveRequestReceivedHandler OnArtifactResolveRequestReceived;

public delegate void OnArtifactResolveRequestReceivedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerArtifactResolveRequestReceivedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerArtifactResolveRequestReceivedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string RequestID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public bool IsEncrypted { get; }
  public bool IsSigned { get; }
  public string Artifact { get; }
  public int Action { get; set; }
Public Event OnArtifactResolveRequestReceived As OnArtifactResolveRequestReceivedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnArtifactResolveRequestReceivedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerArtifactResolveRequestReceivedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerArtifactResolveRequestReceivedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property IsEncrypted As Boolean
  Public ReadOnly Property IsSigned As Boolean
  Public ReadOnly Property Artifact As String
  Public Property Action As Integer
End Class


The component fires this event to report receipt of incoming artifact resolution request. The Artifact parameter contains the artifact identifier received.

The application can choose to accept or reject the request, or process it manually, using the Action parameter:

fraAuto1Handle the requested action automatically by the server

fraCustom2Override the action using the user code logic

fraAbort3Abort the requested action

AssertionPrepared Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

This event fires when a new assertion has been prepared by the IdP server.


public event OnAssertionPreparedHandler OnAssertionPrepared;

public delegate void OnAssertionPreparedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerAssertionPreparedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerAssertionPreparedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string RequestID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public string Body { get; }
  public string Auth { get; }
  public string NameID { get; }
  public string NameIDFormat { get; }
  public string SessionIndex { get; }
  public string Attributes { get; }
  public string ValidFrom { get; }
  public string ValidTo { get; }
Public Event OnAssertionPrepared As OnAssertionPreparedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnAssertionPreparedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerAssertionPreparedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerAssertionPreparedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Body As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Auth As String
  Public ReadOnly Property NameID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property NameIDFormat As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionIndex As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Attributes As String
  Public ReadOnly Property ValidFrom As String
  Public ReadOnly Property ValidTo As String
End Class


The component fires this event when it has prepared an assertion to be sent to the SP as part of the authentication process. This event may fire from within ProcessSignOnRequest and ProcessSignOnResponse calls when working in OfflineMode, and at any time otherwise.

The RequestID parameter contains the request ID, in response to which the assertion was created. The SP parameter contains the identifier of the service provider where the assertion will be sent to. The Body parameter contains the assertion itself in XML format. The NameID parameter contains the name identifier of the authenticated user, and SessionIndex the unique session index of the new session. The ValidFrom and ValidTo parameters specify the validity period of the assertion.

AttributeQueryReceived Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Notifies the application about receipt of an AttributeQuery.


public event OnAttributeQueryReceivedHandler OnAttributeQueryReceived;

public delegate void OnAttributeQueryReceivedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerAttributeQueryReceivedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerAttributeQueryReceivedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string RequestID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public bool IsEncrypted { get; }
  public bool IsSigned { get; }
  public string NameID { get; }
  public string NameIDFormat { get; }
  public string Attributes { get; }
  public int Action { get; set; }
Public Event OnAttributeQueryReceived As OnAttributeQueryReceivedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnAttributeQueryReceivedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerAttributeQueryReceivedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerAttributeQueryReceivedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property IsEncrypted As Boolean
  Public ReadOnly Property IsSigned As Boolean
  Public ReadOnly Property NameID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property NameIDFormat As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Attributes As String
  Public Property Action As Integer
End Class


The component fires this event to notify the application of receipt of an AttributeQuery message. The parameters of the event detail the properties included in the request. The NameID and NameIDFormat specify the subject, and the Attributes string contains a list of attributes being requested.

The application can choose to accept or reject the request, or process it manually, using the Action parameter:

fraAuto1Handle the requested action automatically by the server

fraCustom2Override the action using the user code logic

fraAbort3Abort the requested action

If the application chooses to process the request manually, the component will go ahead to fire ReadAttribute event repeatedly for each attribute in the list. The application must subscribe to the event and return the attribute parameters and values from there.

AuthnRequestReceived Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

The server fires this event upon receiving an AuthnRequest message from the other side.


public event OnAuthnRequestReceivedHandler OnAuthnRequestReceived;

public delegate void OnAuthnRequestReceivedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerAuthnRequestReceivedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerAuthnRequestReceivedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string RequestID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public bool IsEncrypted { get; }
  public bool IsSigned { get; }
  public string NameIDFormat { get; set; }
  public bool ForceAuthn { get; set; }
  public bool NonInteractive { get; set; }
  public bool Authenticated { get; set; }
  public int Action { get; set; }
Public Event OnAuthnRequestReceived As OnAuthnRequestReceivedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnAuthnRequestReceivedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerAuthnRequestReceivedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerAuthnRequestReceivedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property IsEncrypted As Boolean
  Public ReadOnly Property IsSigned As Boolean
  Public Property NameIDFormat As String
  Public Property ForceAuthn As Boolean
  Public Property NonInteractive As Boolean
  Public Property Authenticated As Boolean
  Public Property Action As Integer
End Class


The event reports the details of the received AuthnRequest message. The ForceAuthn and NonInteractive parameters contain optional suggestions included in the request. The Authenticated parameter specifies whether the user has already been authenticated within this session. All the three parameters can be adjusted in the event handler to direct the authentication logic in the required direction.

The application can choose to accept or reject the request, or process it manually, using the Action parameter:

fraAuto1Handle the requested action automatically by the server

fraCustom2Override the action using the user code logic

fraAbort3Abort the requested action

In OfflineMode this event would typically be fired from ProcessSignOnRequest call.

Connect Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Reports an accepted connection.


public event OnConnectHandler OnConnect;

public delegate void OnConnectHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerConnectEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerConnectEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionId { get; }
  public string RemoteAddress { get; }
  public int RemotePort { get; }
Public Event OnConnect As OnConnectHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnConnectHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerConnectEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerConnectEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionId As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property RemoteAddress As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RemotePort As Integer
End Class


The component fires this event to report that a new connection has been established. ConnectionId indicates the unique ID assigned to this connection. The same ID will be supplied to any other events related to this connection, such as SessionClosed or SessionEstablished.

Disconnect Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Fires to report a disconnected client.


public event OnDisconnectHandler OnDisconnect;

public delegate void OnDisconnectHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerDisconnectEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerDisconnectEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
Public Event OnDisconnect As OnDisconnectHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnDisconnectHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerDisconnectEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerDisconnectEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
End Class


The component fires this event when a connected client disconnects.

Error Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Information about errors during data delivery.


public event OnErrorHandler OnError;

public delegate void OnErrorHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerErrorEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerErrorEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public int ErrorCode { get; }
  public bool Fatal { get; }
  public bool Remote { get; }
  public string Description { get; }
Public Event OnError As OnErrorHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnErrorHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerErrorEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerErrorEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property ErrorCode As Integer
  Public ReadOnly Property Fatal As Boolean
  Public ReadOnly Property Remote As Boolean
  Public ReadOnly Property Description As String
End Class


The event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during message processing.

ErrorCode contains an error code and Description contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the section.

ExternalSign Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Handles remote or external signing initiated by the server protocol.


public event OnExternalSignHandler OnExternalSign;

public delegate void OnExternalSignHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerExternalSignEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerExternalSignEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string OperationId { get; }
  public string HashAlgorithm { get; }
  public string Pars { get; }
  public string Data { get; }
  public string SignedData { get; set; }
Public Event OnExternalSign As OnExternalSignHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnExternalSignHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerExternalSignEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerExternalSignEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property OperationId As String
  Public ReadOnly Property HashAlgorithm As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Pars As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Data As String
  Public Property SignedData As String
End Class


Assign a handler to this event if you need to delegate a low-level signing operation to an external, remote, or custom signing engine. Depending on the settings, the handler will receive a hashed or unhashed value to be signed.

The event handler must pass the value of Data to the signer, obtain the signature, and pass it back to the component via the SignedData parameter.

OperationId provides a comment about the operation and its origin. It depends on the exact component being used, and may be empty. HashAlgorithm specifies the hash algorithm being used for the operation, and Pars contains algorithm-dependent parameters.

The component uses base16 (hex) encoding for the Data, SignedData, and Pars parameters. If your signing engine uses a different input and output encoding, you may need to decode and/or encode the data before and/or after the signing.

A sample MD5 hash encoded in base16: a0dee2a0382afbb09120ffa7ccd8a152 - lower case base16 A0DEE2A0382AFBB09120FFA7CCD8A152 - upper case base16

A sample event handler that uses the .NET RSACryptoServiceProvider class may look like the following: signer.OnExternalSign += (s, e) => { var cert = new X509Certificate2("cert.pfx", "", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable); var key = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)cert.PrivateKey; var dataToSign = e.Data.FromBase16String(); var signedData = key.SignHash(dataToSign, "2.16.840."); e.SignedData = signedData.ToBase16String(); };

LogoutRequestPrepared Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

This event is fired when a new logout request has been prepared.


public event OnLogoutRequestPreparedHandler OnLogoutRequestPrepared;

public delegate void OnLogoutRequestPreparedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerLogoutRequestPreparedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerLogoutRequestPreparedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string RequestID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public string NameID { get; }
  public string NameIDFormat { get; }
  public string SessionIndex { get; }
  public string RelayState { get; set; }
Public Event OnLogoutRequestPrepared As OnLogoutRequestPreparedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnLogoutRequestPreparedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerLogoutRequestPreparedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerLogoutRequestPreparedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property NameID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property NameIDFormat As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionIndex As String
  Public Property RelayState As String
End Class


The component uses this event to report completion of the LogoutRequest preparation. The NameID, NameIDFormat, and SessionIndex parameters indicate the subject that is being logged out. The SP parameter references the service provider involved.

The RelayState contains the relay state value that is going to be passed with the LogoutRequest to the remote party and mirrored back (if the protocol supports it).

LogoutRequestReceived Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

The component uses this event to notify the application about an incoming SAML Logout Request message.


public event OnLogoutRequestReceivedHandler OnLogoutRequestReceived;

public delegate void OnLogoutRequestReceivedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerLogoutRequestReceivedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerLogoutRequestReceivedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string RequestID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public bool IsEncrypted { get; }
  public bool IsSigned { get; }
  public string NameID { get; }
  public string NameIDFormat { get; }
  public string SessionIndex { get; }
  public int Action { get; set; }
Public Event OnLogoutRequestReceived As OnLogoutRequestReceivedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnLogoutRequestReceivedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerLogoutRequestReceivedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerLogoutRequestReceivedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property IsEncrypted As Boolean
  Public ReadOnly Property IsSigned As Boolean
  Public ReadOnly Property NameID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property NameIDFormat As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionIndex As String
  Public Property Action As Integer
End Class


The SAML IdP server fires this event when a SAML logout request is received at a single logout service endpoint. The NameID, NameIDFormat, and SessionIndex parameters indicate the principal that is signing out.

The application can choose to accept or reject the request, or process it manually, using the Action parameter:

fraAuto1Handle the requested action automatically by the server

fraCustom2Override the action using the user code logic

fraAbort3Abort the requested action

LogoutResponsePrepared Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

The component uses this event to notify the application about the Logout Response message being ready to be sent.


public event OnLogoutResponsePreparedHandler OnLogoutResponsePrepared;

public delegate void OnLogoutResponsePreparedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerLogoutResponsePreparedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerLogoutResponsePreparedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string RequestID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public string Body { get; }
  public string NameID { get; }
  public string NameIDFormat { get; }
  public string SessionIndex { get; }
Public Event OnLogoutResponsePrepared As OnLogoutResponsePreparedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnLogoutResponsePreparedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerLogoutResponsePreparedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerLogoutResponsePreparedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Body As String
  Public ReadOnly Property NameID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property NameIDFormat As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionIndex As String
End Class


The IdP server fires this event when it has prepared a Logout Response message and is ready to send it out to the SP.

LogoutResponseReceived Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

The component uses this event to notify the application about an incoming SAML LogoutResponse message.


public event OnLogoutResponseReceivedHandler OnLogoutResponseReceived;

public delegate void OnLogoutResponseReceivedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerLogoutResponseReceivedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerLogoutResponseReceivedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string RequestID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public bool IsEncrypted { get; }
  public bool IsSigned { get; }
  public string NameID { get; }
  public string NameIDFormat { get; }
  public string SessionIndex { get; }
  public string RelayState { get; }
  public int Action { get; set; }
Public Event OnLogoutResponseReceived As OnLogoutResponseReceivedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnLogoutResponseReceivedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerLogoutResponseReceivedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerLogoutResponseReceivedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property IsEncrypted As Boolean
  Public ReadOnly Property IsSigned As Boolean
  Public ReadOnly Property NameID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property NameIDFormat As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionIndex As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RelayState As String
  Public Property Action As Integer
End Class


The SAML IdP server fires this event when a SAML logout response is received at a single logout service endpoint following the LogoutRequest sent earlier. The RelayState is a mirrored back value included in the request.

The NameID, NameIDFormat, and SessionIndex parameters indicate the principal that is signing out.

The application can choose to accept or reject the request, or process it manually, using the Action parameter:

fraAuto1Handle the requested action automatically by the server

fraCustom2Override the action using the user code logic

fraAbort3Abort the requested action

NewAssertion Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

This event reports a new assertion initiated by the IdP server.


public event OnNewAssertionHandler OnNewAssertion;

public delegate void OnNewAssertionHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerNewAssertionEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerNewAssertionEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string RequestID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public int Reason { get; }
  public string AuthInstant { get; set; }
  public string AuthContext { get; set; }
  public string NameID { get; set; }
  public string NameIDFormat { get; set; }
  public string SessionIndex { get; set; }
  public string Attributes { get; set; }
  public string ValidFrom { get; set; }
  public string ValidTo { get; set; }
  public bool Sign { get; set; }
  public bool Encrypt { get; set; }
Public Event OnNewAssertion As OnNewAssertionHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnNewAssertionHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerNewAssertionEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerNewAssertionEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Reason As Integer
  Public Property AuthInstant As String
  Public Property AuthContext As String
  Public Property NameID As String
  Public Property NameIDFormat As String
  Public Property SessionIndex As String
  Public Property Attributes As String
  Public Property ValidFrom As String
  Public Property ValidTo As String
  Public Property Sign As Boolean
  Public Property Encrypt As Boolean
End Class


The component fires this event when it is about to preapre an assertion to be sent to the SP as part of the authentication or attribute request process. This event may fire from within the ProcessSignOnRequest and ProcessSignOnResponse calls when working in OfflineMode, and at any time otherwise.

The RequestID parameter contains the request ID, in response to which the assertion is being created. The SP parameter contains the identifier of the service provider where the assertion will be sent to.

The Reason parameter contains the reason for the assertion to be generated. This can be an authentication request or an attribute request being received. The AuthInstant, AuthContext, NameID, SessionIndex, Attributes, ValidFrom, and ValidTo parameters indicate the initial parameters of the new assertion. Further events, such as ReadAttribute or AssertionPrepared will be fired later on to clarify the contents of the assertion.

Notification Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

This event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.


public event OnNotificationHandler OnNotification;

public delegate void OnNotificationHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerNotificationEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerNotificationEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public string EventID { get; }
  public string EventParam { get; }
Public Event OnNotification As OnNotificationHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnNotificationHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerNotificationEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerNotificationEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property EventID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property EventParam As String
End Class


The component fires this event to let the application know about some event, occurrence, or milestone in the component. For example, it may fire to report completion of the document processing. The list of events being reported is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.

The unique identifier of the event is provided in the EventID parameter. EventParam contains any parameters accompanying the occurrence. Depending on the type of the component, the exact action it is performing, or the document being processed, one or both may be omitted.

This component can fire this event with the following EventID values:

ListeningStartedNotifies the application that the server has started listening for incoming connections.
ListeningStoppedNotifies the application that the server has stopped listening to incoming connections.

ProcessingCompleted Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

This event notifies the application of the completion of request or response processing.


public event OnProcessingCompletedHandler OnProcessingCompleted;

public delegate void OnProcessingCompletedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerProcessingCompletedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerProcessingCompletedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string Tag { get; }
  public int ProcessingResult { get; }
  public string Response { get; }
  public bool Redirect { get; }
Public Event OnProcessingCompleted As OnProcessingCompletedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnProcessingCompletedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerProcessingCompletedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerProcessingCompletedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Tag As String
  Public ReadOnly Property ProcessingResult As Integer
  Public ReadOnly Property Response As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Redirect As Boolean
End Class


The component fires ProcessingCompleted to notify the application about completion of an earlier initiated processing operation. It is only fired in OfflineMode in response to calls such as ProcessSignOnRequest, ProcessSignOnResponse, or similar. The main purpose of this event is to notify the application of the outcomes of the processing and return any prepared SAML entity for subsequent relay to the browser.

This event is fired strictly once for each Process* call, with the ConnectionID matching the value passed to the Process* method.

The SessionID parameter contains the identifier of the current virtual session. It may differ to the value passed to the Process* method if the session information was provided on the fly via the SessionInfoNeeded event. The ProcessingResult indicates the type of deliverable that was created during the processing (see below for possible values). The Response parameter contains the body of the deliverable. This can take one of the forms:

  • a self-submitting form containing a SAML message.
  • a redirect URL.
  • a web page containing a login form.
  • a SOAP XML response.
  • an empty string if ProcessingResult is set to sprSuccess.

The Redirect parameter indicates whether the value of Response should be passed to the browser within the 302 Location header, or as a document body.

sprUnknown0Unknown or undefined processing result

sprSuccess1The processing completed successfully. No tangible output has been generated (e.g. an artifact was resolved and acknowledged, but nothing needs to be sent to the browser).

sprSAMLMessage2The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains a new SAML message that needs to be conveyed to the other SAML party.

sprSignOnPage3The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains or redirects to a SAML login page.

sprResource4The processing was fully or partially successful. The output contains, or redirects to, a generic web resource.

sprSAMLError5The processing failed due to SAML-related issue (bad sign-on parameters, unknown principal etc.). The output contains a SAML error message. This still needs to be relayed to the other SAML party.

sprTransportError6The operation could not be completed due to an issue with configuration (e.g. non-existent SAML endpoint), permissions, or network. The SAML protocol could not commence. The output contains a transport-layer (HTTP) error message which can/should be displayed to the user in the browser.

ReadArtifact Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Requests content identified by an artifact from the application.


public event OnReadArtifactHandler OnReadArtifact;

public delegate void OnReadArtifactHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerReadArtifactEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerReadArtifactEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string RequestID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public string Artifact { get; }
  public string Value { get; set; }
  public bool Skip { get; set; }
Public Event OnReadArtifact As OnReadArtifactHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnReadArtifactHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerReadArtifactEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerReadArtifactEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Artifact As String
  Public Property Value As String
  Public Property Skip As Boolean
End Class


The component fires this event to request the content matching Artifact from the application. This is normally happens within the artifact resolution protocol between an SP and the IdP server.

The application must provide the requested artifact content via the Value parameter. The application can choose not to provide the artifact content (for example, if it doesn't have it) by setting Skip to true.

ReadAttribute Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Requests an attribute from the application.


public event OnReadAttributeHandler OnReadAttribute;

public delegate void OnReadAttributeHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerReadAttributeEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerReadAttributeEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string RequestID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public string NameID { get; }
  public string NameIDFormat { get; }
  public string AttrName { get; set; }
  public string AttrNameFormat { get; set; }
  public string AttrFriendlyName { get; set; }
  public string Value { get; set; }
  public bool Skip { get; set; }
Public Event OnReadAttribute As OnReadAttributeHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnReadAttributeHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerReadAttributeEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerReadAttributeEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property NameID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property NameIDFormat As String
  Public Property AttrName As String
  Public Property AttrNameFormat As String
  Public Property AttrFriendlyName As String
  Public Property Value As String
  Public Property Skip As Boolean
End Class


The component fires this event to request an attribute from the application. This event can be invoked multiple times after the AttributeQueryReceived event has fired, to collect every attribute requested.

The application is expected to set the Value and, optionally, AttrNameFormat and AttrFriendlyName for every attribute requested. The AttrName mathes the name requested by the remote party, but the event handler can change it too if required.

If the application has no knowledge of or does not support the AttrName attribute, it can set Skip to true to avoid sending it.

ResourceClose Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Tells the application that it can close the opened resource.


public event OnResourceCloseHandler OnResourceClose;

public delegate void OnResourceCloseHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerResourceCloseEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerResourceCloseEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string Handle { get; }
Public Event OnResourceClose As OnResourceCloseHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnResourceCloseHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerResourceCloseEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerResourceCloseEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Handle As String
End Class


The component uses this event to notify the application that it can now close the resource opened earlier in its ResourceOpen handler.

ResourceOpen Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Requests the application to open the requested resource.


public event OnResourceOpenHandler OnResourceOpen;

public delegate void OnResourceOpenHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerResourceOpenEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerResourceOpenEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string URL { get; }
  public string HttpMethod { get; }
  public int OperationStatus { get; set; }
  public string Handle { get; set; }
Public Event OnResourceOpen As OnResourceOpenHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnResourceOpenHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerResourceOpenEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerResourceOpenEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property URL As String
  Public ReadOnly Property HttpMethod As String
  Public Property OperationStatus As Integer
  Public Property Handle As String
End Class


The component fires this event in virtualized mode if the application had returned the fraCustom modifier from the earlier ResourceRequest event call. Your code is expected to open the requested resource and be prepared to read from it in subsequent ResourceRead event calls. Check the operation status, and alter it, if needed, through the OperationStatus parameter:


ResourceRead Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Requests the application to read from an opened resource.


public event OnResourceReadHandler OnResourceRead;

public delegate void OnResourceReadHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerResourceReadEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerResourceReadEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string Handle { get; }
  public int Size { get; }
  public int OperationStatus { get; set; }
Public Event OnResourceRead As OnResourceReadHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnResourceReadHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerResourceReadEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerResourceReadEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Handle As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Size As Integer
  Public Property OperationStatus As Integer
End Class


The component fires this event in virtualized mode to request another chunk of data from the resource opened earlier. The handler of this event should read up to Size bytes from the object, and pass them to the component with a SetClientBuffer call.

Use the OperationStatus parameter to return the operation result back to the server. When the file has been read up to its end, set OperationStatus to ostEOF to tell the components that no more ResourceRead calls are needed.

Set OperationStatus to one of the following values:


ResourceRequest Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Notifies the application that a server resource is requested.


public event OnResourceRequestHandler OnResourceRequest;

public delegate void OnResourceRequestHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerResourceRequestEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerResourceRequestEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string URL { get; }
  public string HttpMethod { get; }
  public bool ResProtected { get; set; }
  public bool ResSpecial { get; set; }
  public bool AllowWriting { get; set; }
  public int Action { get; set; }
Public Event OnResourceRequest As OnResourceRequestHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnResourceRequestHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerResourceRequestEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerResourceRequestEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property URL As String
  Public ReadOnly Property HttpMethod As String
  Public Property ResProtected As Boolean
  Public Property ResSpecial As Boolean
  Public Property AllowWriting As Boolean
  Public Property Action As Integer
End Class


The component uses this event to notify the application that the connection has requested a server resource.

The URL parameter specifies the resource requested. ResProtected is set to true if the resource is protected by SAML. ResSpecial is set to true if the request is a SAML resource, such as the metadata or an Assertion Consumer Service page. ConnectionID identifies the connected client.

Set Action to fraAuto to let the server handle the request automatically, or to fraCustom to handle the request in your code ('virtualize' the request).

This event may fire more than once for one resource if the client is forced to re-submit the request with a session cookie.

Choose Action as one of the following values:

fraAuto1Handle the requested action automatically by the server

fraCustom2Override the action using the user code logic

fraAbort3Abort the requested action

ResourceWrite Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Requests the application to write to an opened resource.


public event OnResourceWriteHandler OnResourceWrite;

public delegate void OnResourceWriteHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerResourceWriteEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerResourceWriteEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string Handle { get; }
  public int OperationStatus { get; set; }
Public Event OnResourceWrite As OnResourceWriteHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnResourceWriteHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerResourceWriteEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerResourceWriteEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Handle As String
  Public Property OperationStatus As Integer
End Class


The component fires this event in virtualized mode to pass another chunk of data to a resource opened earlier. This event is called for write-enabled requests, such as POST or PUT. The handler of this event should read the pending data using the GetClientBuffer method and write them to the opened file descriptor.

Use the OperationStatus parameter to return the operation result back to the server:


SAMLMessagePrepared Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

This event is fired when a SAML message has been prepared and is ready to be dispatched.


public event OnSAMLMessagePreparedHandler OnSAMLMessagePrepared;

public delegate void OnSAMLMessagePreparedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerSAMLMessagePreparedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerSAMLMessagePreparedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string MessageID { get; }
  public string Destination { get; }
  public string IssueInstant { get; }
  public string InResponseTo { get; }
  public string RequestBody { get; }
  public string MessageType { get; }
  public string MessageBody { get; set; }
  public bool Success { get; set; }
Public Event OnSAMLMessagePrepared As OnSAMLMessagePreparedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnSAMLMessagePreparedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerSAMLMessagePreparedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerSAMLMessagePreparedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property MessageID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Destination As String
  Public ReadOnly Property IssueInstant As String
  Public ReadOnly Property InResponseTo As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestBody As String
  Public ReadOnly Property MessageType As String
  Public Property MessageBody As String
  Public Property Success As Boolean
End Class


Subscribe to this event to be notified about every SAML message that has been prepared by the server. This event is fired for every type of the outgoing message (e.g. SAMLResponse, LogoutRequest, or IdP metadata). The InResponseTo contains the ID of the message in response to which the current message is sent (if applicable). The RequestBody parameter contains the body of such request.

The MessageType parameter indicates the type of the message that has been prepared, such as SAMLResponse. The MessageBody contains the XML body of the message. The Success parameter indicates whether the message contains a positive statement or an error. Both the MessageBody and Success parameters are adjustable.

SAMLMessageReceived Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

The server fires this event for every SAML message it receives.


public event OnSAMLMessageReceivedHandler OnSAMLMessageReceived;

public delegate void OnSAMLMessageReceivedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerSAMLMessageReceivedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerSAMLMessageReceivedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string MessageID { get; }
  public string Issuer { get; }
  public string IssueInstant { get; }
  public string InResponseTo { get; }
  public string RequestBody { get; }
  public string MessageType { get; }
  public string MessageBody { get; }
  public bool IsSigned { get; }
  public int Action { get; set; }
Public Event OnSAMLMessageReceived As OnSAMLMessageReceivedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnSAMLMessageReceivedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerSAMLMessageReceivedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerSAMLMessageReceivedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property MessageID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Issuer As String
  Public ReadOnly Property IssueInstant As String
  Public ReadOnly Property InResponseTo As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestBody As String
  Public ReadOnly Property MessageType As String
  Public ReadOnly Property MessageBody As String
  Public ReadOnly Property IsSigned As Boolean
  Public Property Action As Integer
End Class


Subscribe to this event to be notified about incoming SAML messages.

The MessageType, MessageID, Issuer, and MessageBody parameters provide the details of the message received. The RequestBody and InResponseTo contain a reference to the request that this message is a response to (if any).

Set Action property as required to let the component know how to proceed.

fraAuto1Handle the requested action automatically by the server

fraCustom2Override the action using the user code logic

fraAbort3Abort the requested action

SessionCreated Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

This event is fired when a new session has been established.


public event OnSessionCreatedHandler OnSessionCreated;

public delegate void OnSessionCreatedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerSessionCreatedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerSessionCreatedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
Public Event OnSessionCreated As OnSessionCreatedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnSessionCreatedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerSessionCreatedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerSessionCreatedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
End Class


ConnectionID contains the identifier of the new session, SessionID specifies the ID of the new session.

SessionDestroyed Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

This event is fired when the IdP server has closed a session.


public event OnSessionDestroyedHandler OnSessionDestroyed;

public delegate void OnSessionDestroyedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerSessionDestroyedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerSessionDestroyedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
Public Event OnSessionDestroyed As OnSessionDestroyedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnSessionDestroyedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerSessionDestroyedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerSessionDestroyedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
End Class


ConnectionID contains the identifier of the closed session.

SessionEvent Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Notifies the application about SAML session events.


public event OnSessionEventHandler OnSessionEvent;

public delegate void OnSessionEventHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerSessionEventEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerSessionEventEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string EventText { get; }
Public Event OnSessionEvent As OnSessionEventHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnSessionEventHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerSessionEventEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerSessionEventEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property EventText As String
End Class


component uses this event to notify your code about events that happen within the lifeline of a SAML session. Handling it may be useful for development, logging, and monitoring purposes.

The SessionID parameter specifies the session ID, and the EventText parameter describes the event that happened. Below are a few typical examples of what EventText you can expect to get:

  • Start
  • IdPSSOReceived
  • AuthnRequestReceived
  • ChallengePrepared
  • CredentialsReceived
  • ResponsePrepared
  • LoggedIn
  • LogoutRequestReceived
  • LogoutResponsePrepared
  • ArtifactResolveReceived
  • ArtifactResponsePrepared
  • AttributeQueryReceived
  • AttributeResponsePrepared
  • Finish

SessionInfoNeeded Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

This event is fired in OfflineMode to request the session ID for the current flow.


public event OnSessionInfoNeededHandler OnSessionInfoNeeded;

public delegate void OnSessionInfoNeededHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerSessionInfoNeededEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerSessionInfoNeededEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; set; }
Public Event OnSessionInfoNeeded As OnSessionInfoNeededHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnSessionInfoNeededHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerSessionInfoNeededEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerSessionInfoNeededEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public Property SessionID As String
End Class


SAML protocol is stateful, which means that SAML services need to keep session-related information between connections. When used in online mode - where the components listen and serve connections automatically - the components can use HTTP cookies to track connecting clients and maintain the session store at the background. However, when used in offline mode, the components do not have access to the HTTP layer and live too short for the session store to survive. That is why in offline mode the components rely on the application code to keep the session information for them.

The components use a collection of Session* events to exchange session information with the application:

  • SessionCreated is called when the component establishes a new session. In offline mode, the application should associate the session ID with the connected user, for example by returning it as a cookie.
  • SessionStateSave : the component passes the session state to the application and expects that the application saves it somewhere to return it back to the component at its request at some point in the future. The session state is an opaque string. The application can use a hash table to store a collection of (SessionID, SessionState) pairs over the lifetime of the SAML service. The server may fire SessionStateSave multiple times for the same SessionID. If this happens, the existing SessionID entry should be overwritten with the fresh session data.
  • SessionStateRetrieve : the component passes a session ID to the application and expects it to return the session state saved in the hash table earlier. The application should not delete the state from the hash table, as it may be needed again.
  • SessionInfoNeeded (this event): the component expects the application to return the session ID corresponding to the connection ID back to them. This event fires, for example, if the application calls ProcessLogoutRequest but passes an empty SessionID as a parameter.
  • SessionDestroyed is called when a session is destroyed. The component can remove the session from the hash table upon receiving this event.

SessionStateRetrieve Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

This event fires to retrieve session state information from the application.


public event OnSessionStateRetrieveHandler OnSessionStateRetrieve;

public delegate void OnSessionStateRetrieveHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerSessionStateRetrieveEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerSessionStateRetrieveEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string SessionState { get; set; }
Public Event OnSessionStateRetrieve As OnSessionStateRetrieveHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnSessionStateRetrieveHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerSessionStateRetrieveEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerSessionStateRetrieveEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public Property SessionState As String
End Class


The component fires this event to request a session state that was previously provided to the application via the SessionStateSave call.

See the SessionInfoNeeded topic for more details about session management in offline mode.

SessionStateSave Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

This event passes a session state object to the application for safekeeping.


public event OnSessionStateSaveHandler OnSessionStateSave;

public delegate void OnSessionStateSaveHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerSessionStateSaveEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerSessionStateSaveEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string SessionState { get; }
Public Event OnSessionStateSave As OnSessionStateSaveHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnSessionStateSaveHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerSessionStateSaveEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerSessionStateSaveEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionState As String
End Class


The component fires this event to pass a session state to the application. The application is expected to save the state object (which is an opaque string) in a hash table, and be ready to return it back to the component when it requests it using a SessionStateRetrieve call.

See the SessionInfoNeeded topic for more details about session management in offline mode.

SignatureFound Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Notifies the application about the start of signature validation.


public event OnSignatureFoundHandler OnSignatureFound;

public delegate void OnSignatureFoundHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerSignatureFoundEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerSignatureFoundEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public int Scope { get; }
  public string Signer { get; }
  public string TargetID { get; }
  public string TargetType { get; }
  public string IssuerRDN { get; }
  public byte[] SerialNumber { get; }
  public byte[] SubjectKeyID { get; }
  public string SigMethod { get; }
  public string DigestMethod { get; }
  public bool CertFound { get; }
  public bool Validate { get; set; }
Public Event OnSignatureFound As OnSignatureFoundHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnSignatureFoundHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerSignatureFoundEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerSignatureFoundEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Scope As Integer
  Public ReadOnly Property Signer As String
  Public ReadOnly Property TargetID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property TargetType As String
  Public ReadOnly Property IssuerRDN As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SerialNumber As Byte()
  Public ReadOnly Property SubjectKeyID As Byte()
  Public ReadOnly Property SigMethod As String
  Public ReadOnly Property DigestMethod As String
  Public ReadOnly Property CertFound As Boolean
  Public Property Validate As Boolean
End Class


This event tells the application that signature validation is about to start, and provides the details about the signer's certificate via its IssuerRDN, SerialNumber, and SubjectKeyID parameters. It fires for every signature located in the verified message.

The Scope parameter specifies the subject of the signature. This can be the outermost SAML message or an embedded assertion. The TargetID and TargetType provide additional details.

sssUnknown0The scope of signature is unknown

sssMessage1The signature covers the entire SAML message

sssAssertion2The signature covers an assertion

sssBinding3The signature covers the binding

The details of the reported signature are populated in the Security object. For assertion signatures, you can update the details by pinning the assertion.

The CertFound is set to True if the component has found the needed certificate in one of the known locations, and to False otherwise, in which case you must provide it manually via KnownCertificates property.

Signature validation consists of two independent stages: cryptographic signature validation and chain validation. SAMLReader only supports signature validation. To validate the chain, grab the signing certificate from the SigningCertificate property and the associated certificates from the Certificates collection, and pass them to the CertificateValidator component to validate its chain.

Use the Validate parameter to tell the reader whether it should validate the signature.

SignatureValidated Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Reports the signature validation result.


public event OnSignatureValidatedHandler OnSignatureValidated;

public delegate void OnSignatureValidatedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerSignatureValidatedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerSignatureValidatedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public int Scope { get; }
  public string Signer { get; }
  public string TargetID { get; }
  public string TargetType { get; }
  public string IssuerRDN { get; }
  public byte[] SerialNumber { get; }
  public byte[] SubjectKeyID { get; }
  public string SigMethod { get; }
  public string DigestMethod { get; }
  public int ValidationResult { get; set; }
Public Event OnSignatureValidated As OnSignatureValidatedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnSignatureValidatedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerSignatureValidatedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerSignatureValidatedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Scope As Integer
  Public ReadOnly Property Signer As String
  Public ReadOnly Property TargetID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property TargetType As String
  Public ReadOnly Property IssuerRDN As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SerialNumber As Byte()
  Public ReadOnly Property SubjectKeyID As Byte()
  Public ReadOnly Property SigMethod As String
  Public ReadOnly Property DigestMethod As String
  Public Property ValidationResult As Integer
End Class


This event is fired when the signature validation process is completed.

The Scope parameter specifies the subject of the signature. This can be the outermost SAML message or an embedded assertion. The TargetID and TargetType parameters provide the details.

sssUnknown0The scope of signature is unknown

sssMessage1The signature covers the entire SAML message

sssAssertion2The signature covers an assertion

sssBinding3The signature covers the binding

Signing certificates are typically identified either by an (IssuerRDN, SerialNumber) pair, or via their unique SubjectKeyID. Use these parameters to look for the signing certificate if it is not available in the signature. The ValidationResult parameter specifies whether the signature is established to be valid or not. You can alter it in the event handler to override the built-in validation outcome.
svtValid0The signature is valid

svtUnknown1Signature validity is unknown

svtCorrupted2The signature is corrupted

svtSignerNotFound3Failed to acquire the signing certificate. The signature cannot be validated.

svtFailure4General failure

svtReferenceCorrupted5Reference corrupted (XML-based signatures only)

SignOnPagePrepared Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

The server fires this event upon preparing the sign-on page.


public event OnSignOnPagePreparedHandler OnSignOnPagePrepared;

public delegate void OnSignOnPagePreparedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerSignOnPagePreparedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerSignOnPagePreparedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string RequestID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public string Request { get; }
  public string PageData { get; set; }
  public bool Redirect { get; set; }
Public Event OnSignOnPagePrepared As OnSignOnPagePreparedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnSignOnPagePreparedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerSignOnPagePreparedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerSignOnPagePreparedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Request As String
  Public Property PageData As String
  Public Property Redirect As Boolean
End Class


The IdP server fires this event to notify the application that the sign-on page (login form) has been formed and is ready to be flushed. Use SignOnPageTemplate to assign the sign-on page template.

The form body is returned via the PageData parameter. You can adjust it in the event handler as required. The Redirect parameter advises whether the form should be returned as a Location header of the HTTP response with the 302 status, or as an HTTP body of text/html type.

SignOnResponseReceived Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Notifies the application about the received response to the sign-on page.


public event OnSignOnResponseReceivedHandler OnSignOnResponseReceived;

public delegate void OnSignOnResponseReceivedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerSignOnResponseReceivedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerSignOnResponseReceivedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string RequestID { get; }
  public string ResponseData { get; set; }
  public int Action { get; set; }
Public Event OnSignOnResponseReceived As OnSignOnResponseReceivedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnSignOnResponseReceivedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerSignOnResponseReceivedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerSignOnResponseReceivedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property RequestID As String
  Public Property ResponseData As String
  Public Property Action As Integer
End Class


The component uses this event to report that the login form previously generated by the component has been filled in and returned by the user. ResponseData contains the content submitted by the user (the URL-encoded form fields, or any authentication data if the custom authentication flow is used). The application that chose to use custom authentication process can use this data to authenticate the user.

The application can choose to accept or reject the request, or process it manually, using the Action parameter:

fraAuto1Handle the requested action automatically by the server

fraCustom2Override the action using the user code logic

fraAbort3Abort the requested action

TLSCertValidate Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Fires when a client certificate needs to be validated.


public event OnTLSCertValidateHandler OnTLSCertValidate;

public delegate void OnTLSCertValidateHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerTLSCertValidateEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerTLSCertValidateEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public bool Accept { get; set; }
Public Event OnTLSCertValidate As OnTLSCertValidateHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnTLSCertValidateHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerTLSCertValidateEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerTLSCertValidateEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public Property Accept As Boolean
End Class


The component fires this event to notify the application of an authenticating client. Use the event handler to validate the certificate and pass your decision back to the server component via the Accept parameter.

TLSEstablished Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Reports the setup of a TLS session.


public event OnTLSEstablishedHandler OnTLSEstablished;

public delegate void OnTLSEstablishedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerTLSEstablishedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerTLSEstablishedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
Public Event OnTLSEstablished As OnTLSEstablishedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnTLSEstablishedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerTLSEstablishedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerTLSEstablishedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
End Class


Subscribe to this event to be notified about the setup of a TLS connection by a connected client.

TLSHandshake Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Fires when a newly established client connection initiates a TLS handshake.


public event OnTLSHandshakeHandler OnTLSHandshake;

public delegate void OnTLSHandshakeHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerTLSHandshakeEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerTLSHandshakeEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string ServerName { get; }
  public bool Abort { get; set; }
Public Event OnTLSHandshake As OnTLSHandshakeHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnTLSHandshakeHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerTLSHandshakeEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerTLSHandshakeEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property ServerName As String
  Public Property Abort As Boolean
End Class


Use this event to get notified about the initiation of the TLS handshake by the remote client. The ServerName parameter specifies the requested host from the client hello message.

TLSPSK Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Requests a pre-shared key for TLS-PSK.


public event OnTLSPSKHandler OnTLSPSK;

public delegate void OnTLSPSKHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerTLSPSKEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerTLSPSKEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string Identity { get; }
  public string PSK { get; set; }
  public string Ciphersuite { get; set; }
Public Event OnTLSPSK As OnTLSPSKHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnTLSPSKHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerTLSPSKEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerTLSPSKEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property Identity As String
  Public Property PSK As String
  Public Property Ciphersuite As String
End Class


The component fires this event to report that a client has requested a TLS-PSK negotiation. ConnectionId indicates the unique connection ID that requested the PSK handshake.

Use Identity to look up for the corresponding pre-shared key in the server's database, then assign the key to the PSK parameter. If TLS 1.3 PSK is used, you will also need to assign the Ciphersuite parameter with the cipher suite associated with that identity and their key.

TLSShutdown Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Reports closure of a TLS session.


public event OnTLSShutdownHandler OnTLSShutdown;

public delegate void OnTLSShutdownHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerTLSShutdownEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerTLSShutdownEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
Public Event OnTLSShutdown As OnTLSShutdownHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnTLSShutdownHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerTLSShutdownEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerTLSShutdownEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
End Class


The component fires this event when a connected client closes their TLS session gracefully. This event is typically followed by a Disconnect, which marks the closure of the underlying TCP session.

UserAuthCompleted Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Notifies the application about the success of user authentication flow.


public event OnUserAuthCompletedHandler OnUserAuthCompleted;

public delegate void OnUserAuthCompletedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerUserAuthCompletedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerUserAuthCompletedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public string Auth { get; }
  public string Username { get; }
  public string NameID { get; set; }
  public string NameIDFormat { get; set; }
  public string SessionIndex { get; set; }
  public int AssertionTTL { get; set; }
Public Event OnUserAuthCompleted As OnUserAuthCompletedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnUserAuthCompletedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerUserAuthCompletedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerUserAuthCompletedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Auth As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Username As String
  Public Property NameID As String
  Public Property NameIDFormat As String
  Public Property SessionIndex As String
  Public Property AssertionTTL As Integer
End Class


Subscribe to this event to get notified about completion of user authentication flow. The NameID, NameIDFormat, SessionIndex, and AssertionTTL parameters contain the proposed session parameters. You can alter them in your event handler as required.

UserAuthFailed Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Notifies the application about failure of user authentication flow.


public event OnUserAuthFailedHandler OnUserAuthFailed;

public delegate void OnUserAuthFailedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerUserAuthFailedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerUserAuthFailedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public string Auth { get; }
  public string Username { get; }
  public bool CanRetry { get; }
  public bool TryAgain { get; set; }
Public Event OnUserAuthFailed As OnUserAuthFailedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnUserAuthFailedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerUserAuthFailedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerUserAuthFailedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Auth As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Username As String
  Public ReadOnly Property CanRetry As Boolean
  Public Property TryAgain As Boolean
End Class


The component fires this event to notify the application about failed user authentication step - for example, if a wrong password was supplied.

The CanRetry parameter indicates whether another attempt of the same type can be performed. If you would like to use that opportunity, set TryAgain to true to restart the process.

UserAuthStart Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Notifies the application about the start of user authentication flow.


public event OnUserAuthStartHandler OnUserAuthStart;

public delegate void OnUserAuthStartHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerUserAuthStartEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerUserAuthStartEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public string SupportedAuths { get; }
  public string SelectedAuth { get; set; }
  public int Action { get; set; }
Public Event OnUserAuthStart As OnUserAuthStartHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnUserAuthStartHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerUserAuthStartEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerUserAuthStartEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SupportedAuths As String
  Public Property SelectedAuth As String
  Public Property Action As Integer
End Class


Set Action to Auto to proceed with the default sign on page based on SignOnPageTemplate, or to Custom to supply (or redirect to) your own authentication landing. The SupportedAuths parameter contains the list of authentication methods supported by the server. If you are looking to use a particular authentication method, return it to the server via SelectedAuth parameter.

The application can choose to accept or reject the request, or process it manually, using the Action parameter:

fraAuto1Handle the requested action automatically by the server

fraCustom2Override the action using the user code logic

fraAbort3Abort the requested action

UserAuthVerifyCredentials Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Passes user credentials to the application for verification.


public event OnUserAuthVerifyCredentialsHandler OnUserAuthVerifyCredentials;

public delegate void OnUserAuthVerifyCredentialsHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerUserAuthVerifyCredentialsEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerUserAuthVerifyCredentialsEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public string ClaimedUsername { get; }
  public string ClaimedPassword { get; }
  public string ClaimedBody { get; }
  public bool Accept { get; set; }
  public string Username { get; set; }
Public Event OnUserAuthVerifyCredentials As OnUserAuthVerifyCredentialsHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnUserAuthVerifyCredentialsHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerUserAuthVerifyCredentialsEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerUserAuthVerifyCredentialsEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property ClaimedUsername As String
  Public ReadOnly Property ClaimedPassword As String
  Public ReadOnly Property ClaimedBody As String
  Public Property Accept As Boolean
  Public Property Username As String
End Class


Subscribe to this event to be notified about authentication attempts and adjust the acceptance result as required. This event fires after the user credentials have been validated against the configured database, and the value of the Accept parameter reflects the outcome of the validation.

The Username and Password parameters contain the provided credentials, and the Body parameter contains the unparsed form data.

UserLogoutCompleted Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Notifies the application about the completion of user logout flow.


public event OnUserLogoutCompletedHandler OnUserLogoutCompleted;

public delegate void OnUserLogoutCompletedHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerUserLogoutCompletedEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerUserLogoutCompletedEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public string Username { get; }
  public string NameID { get; }
  public string SessionIndex { get; }
  public bool Partial { get; }
Public Event OnUserLogoutCompleted As OnUserLogoutCompletedHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnUserLogoutCompletedHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerUserLogoutCompletedEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerUserLogoutCompletedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Username As String
  Public ReadOnly Property NameID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionIndex As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Partial As Boolean
End Class


Subscribe to this event to be notified about the logout flow completion.

UserLogoutStart Event (SAMLIdPServer Component)

Notifies the application about the start of user logout flow.


public event OnUserLogoutStartHandler OnUserLogoutStart;

public delegate void OnUserLogoutStartHandler(object sender, SAMLIdPServerUserLogoutStartEventArgs e);

public class SAMLIdPServerUserLogoutStartEventArgs : EventArgs {
  public long ConnectionID { get; }
  public string SessionID { get; }
  public string SP { get; }
  public string Username { get; }
  public string NameID { get; }
  public string SessionIndex { get; }
  public bool Secondary { get; }
  public int Action { get; set; }
Public Event OnUserLogoutStart As OnUserLogoutStartHandler

Public Delegate Sub OnUserLogoutStartHandler(sender As Object, e As SAMLIdPServerUserLogoutStartEventArgs)

Public Class SAMLIdPServerUserLogoutStartEventArgs Inherits EventArgs
  Public ReadOnly Property ConnectionID As Long
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SP As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Username As String
  Public ReadOnly Property NameID As String
  Public ReadOnly Property SessionIndex As String
  Public ReadOnly Property Secondary As Boolean
  Public Property Action As Integer
End Class


The component uses this event to notify the application about the start of user logout flow. The Secondary parameter indicates that the logout is initiated in response to request received from a remote party.

The application can choose to accept or reject the request, or process it manually, using the Action parameter:

fraAuto1Handle the requested action automatically by the server

fraCustom2Override the action using the user code logic

fraAbort3Abort the requested action

Certificate Type

Encapsulates an individual X.509 certificate.


This type keeps and provides access to X.509 certificate details.

The following fields are available:


byte[] (read-only)

Default: ""

Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.


Default: False

Indicates whether the certificate has a CA capability. For the certificate to be considered a CA, it must have its Basic Constraints extension set with the CA indicator enabled.

Set this field when generating a new certificate to have its Basic Constraints extension generated automatically.

byte[] (read-only)

Default: ""

A unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's cryptographic key.

Authority Key Identifier is a certificate extension which allows identification of certificates belonging to the same issuer, but with different public keys. It is a de-facto standard to include this extension in all certificates to facilitate chain building.

This setting cannot be set when generating a certificate as it always derives from another certificate property. CertificateManager generates this setting automatically if enough information is available to it: for self-signed certificates, this value is copied from the SubjectKeyID setting, and for lower-level certificates, from the parent certificate's subject key ID extension.

CertTypes (read-only)

Default: 0

Returns the type of the entity contained in the Certificate object.

A Certificate object can contain two types of cryptographic objects: a ready-to-use X.509 certificate, or a certificate request ("an unsigned certificate"). Certificate requests can be upgraded to full certificates by signing them with a CA certificate.

Use the CertificateManager component to load or create new certificate and certificate requests objects.


Default: ""

Contains a list of locations of CRL distribution points used to check this certificate's validity. The list is taken from the respective certificate extension.

Use this field when generating a certificate to provide a list of CRL endpoints that should be made part of the new certificate.

The endpoints are provided as a list of CRLF-separated URLs. Note that this differs from the behaviour used in earlier product versions, where the "|" character was used as the location separator.


Default: ""

Specifies the elliptic curve associated with the certificate's public key. This setting only applies to certificates containing EC keys.


string (read-only)

Default: ""

Contains the fingerprint (a hash imprint) of this certificate.

While there is no formal standard defining what a fingerprint is, a SHA1 hash of the certificate's DER-encoded body is typically used.

string (read-only)

Default: ""

Contains an associated alias (friendly name) of the certificate. The friendly name is not a property of a certificate: it is maintained by the certificate media rather than being included in its DER representation. Windows certificate stores are one example of media that does support friendly names.


Default: ""

Provides means to set the hash algorithm to be used in the subsequent operation on the certificate (such as generation or key signing). It is not a property of a certificate; use SigAlgorithm to find out the hash algorithm that is part of the certificate signature.