XMLVerifier Component
Properties Methods Events Config Settings Errors
The XMLVerifier component provides simplified XML signature validation capabilities.
Use this control to validate XML-SIG signatures. XMLVerifier is capable of validating the integrity of the references covered by the signature and the integrity of the signature itself, using the certificate contained in the signature or provided from the user' code.
Note that this component only validates the cryptographic aspects of the signatures, but does not perform any chain of trust validation. As such, it is the task of your code to ensure that the signing certificate is good for its purpose and is trusted in your environment.
If you are looking to validate certificate trust in addition to the cryptographic capabilities, please consider using XAdESVerifier. XAdESVerifier provides full support for advanced signature ecosystem, including revocation and Trusted List checking, timing checks, and chain of trust validation.
Property List
The following is the full list of the properties of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
AllSignaturesValid | The cumulative validity of all signatures. |
AutoValidateSignatures | Specifies whether component should validate any present signatures when the document is opened. |
Certificates | A collection of certificates included in the electronic signature. |
DataBytes | Use this property to pass the external data to component in the byte array form. |
DataFile | A file containing the external data covered by a detached signature. |
DataStream | Standalone data covered by the signature. |
DataType | Specifies the external data type. |
DataURI | Specifies a detached data resource URI. |
Encoding | Specifies XML encoding. |
FIPSMode | Reserved. |
InputBytes | Use this property to pass the input to component in byte array form. |
InputFile | A signed XML file. |
InputStream | A stream containing the signed XML document. |
KnownCertificates | Additional certificates for chain validation. |
OutputBytes | Use this property to read the output the component object has produced. |
OutputFile | The file where the modified signed document will be saved. |
OutputStream | A stream where to save the modified signed document. |
References | References covered by the signature. |
Signatures | All signatures found in the XML document. |
Method List
The following is the full list of the methods of the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
AddKnownNamespace | Adds known prefix and correspondent namespace URI. |
Close | Closes an opened document. |
Config | Sets or retrieves a configuration setting. |
DoAction | Performs an additional action. |
GetInnerXML | Get the inner XML content of the selected XML element. |
GetOuterXML | Get the outer XML content of the selected XML element. |
GetSignedData | Returns the part of the XML document that is covered by the signature. |
GetTextContent | Get the text content of the selected XML element. |
Open | Opens a document for verifying or removing signatures. |
Reset | Resets the component settings. |
Revalidate | Revalidates a signature in accordance with current settings. |
SelectInfo | Select signature information for a specific entity. |
SetInnerXML | Set the inner XML content of the selected XML element. |
SetTextContent | Set the text content of the selected XML element. |
Unsign | Deletes a signature from the document. |
Verify | Verifies a signed XML document. |
VerifyDetached | Verifies a detached signature over external XML data. |
Event List
The following is the full list of the events fired by the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
DocumentLoaded | This event is fired when the document has been loaded into memory. |
Error | Information about errors during signature verification. |
Notification | This event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event. |
ReferenceValidated | Marks the end of a reference validation. |
ResolveReference | Asks the application to resolve a reference. |
SignatureFound | Signifies the start of signature validation. |
SignatureValidated | Marks the completion of the signature validation routine. |
Config Settings
The following is a list of config settings for the component with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
AddAllDataObjectsTimestamp | Whether to add all data objects timestamp during signing. |
ClaimedRolesXML | The XML content of the claimed roles. |
ClaimedRoleText | The text of the claimed role. |
CommitmentTypeIndicationAllSignedDataObjects[Index] | Specifies the CommitmentTypeIndication's AllSignedDataObjects. |
CommitmentTypeIndicationCount | The number of the CommitmentTypeIndication elements. |
CommitmentTypeIndicationIdentifier[Index] | Specifies the CommitmentTypeIndication's CommitmentTypeId's Identifier. |
CommitmentTypeIndicationIdentifierDescription[Index] | Specifies the CommitmentTypeIndication's CommitmentTypeId's Description. |
CommitmentTypeIndicationIdentifierDocumentationReferences[Index] | Specifies the CommitmentTypeIndication's CommitmentTypeId's DocumentationReferences. |
CommitmentTypeIndicationIdentifierQualifier[Index] | Specifies the CommitmentTypeIndication's CommitmentTypeId's IdentifierQualifier. |
CommitmentTypeIndicationObjectReference[Index] | Specifies the CommitmentTypeIndication's ObjectReference. |
CommitmentTypeIndicationQualifiersXML[Index] | The XML content of the CommitmentTypeIndication's Qualifiers. |
DataObjectFormatCount | The number of the DataObjectFormat elements. |
DataObjectFormatDescription[Index] | Specifies the DataObjectFormat's Description. |
DataObjectFormatEncoding[Index] | Specifies the DataObjectFormat's Encoding. |
DataObjectFormatMimeType[Index] | Specifies the DataObjectFormat's MimeType. |
DataObjectFormatObjectIdentifier[Index] | Specifies the DataObjectFormat's ObjectIdentifier's Identifier. |
DataObjectFormatObjectIdentifierDescription[Index] | Specifies the DataObjectFormat's ObjectIdentifier's Description. |
DataObjectFormatObjectIdentifierDocumentationReferences[Index] | Specifies the DataObjectFormat's ObjectIdentifier's DocumentationReferences. |
DataObjectFormatObjectIdentifierQualifier[Index] | Specifies the DataObjectFormat's ObjectIdentifier's IdentifierQualifier. |
DataObjectFormatObjectReference[Index] | Specifies the DataObjectFormat's ObjectReference. |
DataType | Specifies the external data type. |
DetachedResourceURI | Specifies a detached resource URI. |
ExclusiveCanonicalizationPrefix | Specifies the exclusive canonicalization prefix. |
HMACKey | The key value for HMAC. |
HMACOutputLength | Sets the length of the HMAC output. |
HMACSigningUsed | Whether to use HMAC signing. |
IDAttributeName | Specifies the custom name of ID attribute. |
IDAttributeNamespaceURI | Specifies the custom namespace URI of ID attribute. |
IgnoreTimestampFailure | Whether to ignore time-stamping failure during signing. |
IncludeKey | Specifies whether to include the signing key to the signature. |
IncludeKeyValue | Specifies whether the key value must be included to the signature. |
IncludeKnownRevocationInfoToSignature | Whether to include custom revocation info to the signature. |
InclusiveNamespacesPrefixList | Specifies the InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList. |
InsertBeforeXMLElement | Defines the reference XML element for signature insertion. |
KeyInfoCustomXML | The custom XML content for KeyInfo element. |
KeyInfoDetails | Specifies the signing key info details to include to the signature. |
KeyInfoID | Specifies the ID for KeyInfo element. |
KeyName | Contains information about the key used for signing. |
ManifestCount | TBD. |
ManifestID[i] | TBD. |
ManifestObjectIndex[i] | TBD. |
ManifestXML[i] | TBD. |
NormalizeNewLine | Controls whether newline combinations should be automatically normalized. |
ObjectCount | TBD. |
ObjectEncoding[i] | TBD. |
ObjectID[i] | TBD. |
ObjectMimeType[i] | TBD. |
ObjectSignaturePropertiesCount | TBD. |
ObjectSignaturePropertiesID[i] | TBD. |
ObjectSignaturePropertiesObjectIndex[i] | TBD. |
ObjectSignaturePropertiesXML[i] | TBD. |
ObjectSignaturePropertyCount | TBD. |
ObjectSignaturePropertyID[i] | TBD. |
ObjectSignaturePropertyPropertiesIndex[i] | TBD. |
ObjectSignaturePropertyTarget[i] | TBD. |
ObjectSignaturePropertyXML[i] | TBD. |
ObjectXML[i] | TBD. |
PolicyDescription | signature policy description. |
PolicyExplicitText | The explicit text of the user notice. |
PolicyUNNumbers | The noticeNumbers part of the NoticeReference CAdES attribute. |
PolicyUNOrganization | The organization part of the NoticeReference qualifier. |
ProductionPlace | Identifies the place of the signature production. |
PSSUsed | Whether to use RSASSA-PSS algorithm. |
QualifyingPropertiesID | Specifies the ID for QualifyingProperties element. |
QualifyingPropertiesObjectID | Specifies the ID for object with QualifyingProperties element. |
QualifyingPropertiesReferenceCount | The number of the QualifyingPropertiesReference elements. |
QualifyingPropertiesReferenceID[Index] | Specifies the QualifyingPropertiesReference's ID. |
QualifyingPropertiesReferenceURI[Index] | Specifies the QualifyingPropertiesReference's URI. |
RefsTimestampType | Specifies references timestamp type to include to the signature. |
SignatureCompliance | SIgnature compliance with XMLDSig/EBICS. |
SignatureID | Specifies the ID for Signature element. |
SignaturePrefix | Specifies the signature prefix. |
SignatureValueID | Specifies the ID for SignatureValue element. |
SignedInfoID | Specifies the ID for SignedInfo element. |
SignedPropertiesID | Specifies the ID for SignedProperties element. |
SignedPropertiesReferenceCanonicalizationMethod | Specifies the canonicalization method used in SignedProperties reference. |
SignedPropertiesReferenceHashAlgorithm | Specifies the hash algorithm used in SignedProperties reference. |
SignedPropertiesReferenceID | Specifies the ID for Reference element that points to SignedProperties element. |
SignedPropertiesReferenceInclusiveNamespacesPrefixList | Specifies the InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList used in SignedProperties reference. |
SignedPropertiesReferenceIndex | Specifies the index of SignedProperties reference. |
SignedSignaturePropertiesID | Specifies the ID for SignedSignatureProperties element. |
SigningCertificatesChain | The indicator of which certificates should be/are included as the signing chain. |
SigningCertificatesHashAlgorithm | Specifies the hash algorithm used for SigningCertificates. |
SigPolicyDescription | signature policy description. |
SigPolicyExplicitText | The explicit text of the user notice. |
SigPolicyHash | The EPES policy hash. |
SigPolicyHashAlgorithm | The hash algorithm that was used to generate the EPES policy hash. |
SigPolicyID | The EPES policy ID. |
SigPolicyNoticeNumbers | The noticeNumbers part of the NoticeReference CAdES attribute. |
SigPolicyNoticeOrganization | The organization part of the NoticeReference qualifier. |
SigPolicyURI | The EPES policy URI. |
StripWhitespace | Controls whether excessive whitespace characters should be stripped off when loading the document. |
TimestampCanonicalizationMethod | Specifies canonicalization method used in timestamp. |
TimestampValidationDataDetails | Specifies timestamp validation data details to include to the signature. |
UseHMACSigning | Whether to use HMAC signing. |
UsePSS | Whether to use RSASSA-PSS algorithm. |
ValidationDataRefsDetails | Specifies validation data references details to include to the signature. |
ValidationDataRefsHashAlgorithm | Specifies the hash algorithm used in validation data references. |
ValidationDataValuesDetails | Specifies validation data values details to include to the signature. |
WriteBOM | Specifies whether byte-order mark should be written when saving the document. |
XAdESPrefix | Specifies the XAdES prefix. |
XAdESv141Prefix | Specifies the XAdES v1.4.1 prefix. |
XMLFormatting | Specifies the signature XML formatting. |
ASN1UseGlobalTagCache | Controls whether ASN.1 module should use a global object cache. |
AssignSystemSmartCardPins | Specifies whether CSP-level PINs should be assigned to CNG keys. |
CheckKeyIntegrityBeforeUse | Enables or disable private key integrity check before use. |
CookieCaching | Specifies whether a cookie cache should be used for HTTP(S) transports. |
Cookies | Gets or sets local cookies for the component. |
DefDeriveKeyIterations | Specifies the default key derivation algorithm iteration count. |
DNSLocalSuffix | The suffix to assign for TLD names. |
EnableClientSideSSLFFDHE | Enables or disables finite field DHE key exchange support in TLS clients. |
GlobalCookies | Gets or sets global cookies for all the HTTP transports. |
HardwareCryptoUsePolicy | The hardware crypto usage policy. |
HttpUserAgent | Specifies the user agent name to be used by all HTTP clients. |
HttpVersion | The HTTP version to use in any inner HTTP client components created. |
IgnoreExpiredMSCTLSigningCert | Whether to tolerate the expired Windows Update signing certificate. |
ListDelimiter | The delimiter character for multi-element lists. |
LogDestination | Specifies the debug log destination. |
LogDetails | Specifies the debug log details to dump. |
LogFile | Specifies the debug log filename. |
LogFilters | Specifies the debug log filters. |
LogFlushMode | Specifies the log flush mode. |
LogLevel | Specifies the debug log level. |
LogMaxEventCount | Specifies the maximum number of events to cache before further action is taken. |
LogRotationMode | Specifies the log rotation mode. |
MaxASN1BufferLength | Specifies the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 primitive tag data. |
MaxASN1TreeDepth | Specifies the maximal depth for processed ASN.1 trees. |
OCSPHashAlgorithm | Specifies the hash algorithm to be used to identify certificates in OCSP requests. |
OldClientSideRSAFallback | Specifies whether the SSH client should use a SHA1 fallback. |
PKICache | Specifies which PKI elements (certificates, CRLs, OCSP responses) should be cached. |
PKICachePath | Specifies the file system path where cached PKI data is stored. |
ProductVersion | Returns the version of the SecureBlackbox library. |
ServerSSLDHKeyLength | Sets the size of the TLS DHE key exchange group. |
StaticDNS | Specifies whether static DNS rules should be used. |
StaticIPAddress[domain] | Gets or sets an IP address for the specified domain name. |
StaticIPAddresses | Gets or sets all the static DNS rules. |
Tag | Allows to store any custom data. |
TLSSessionGroup | Specifies the group name of TLS sessions to be used for session resumption. |
TLSSessionLifetime | Specifies lifetime in seconds of the cached TLS session. |
TLSSessionPurgeInterval | Specifies how often the session cache should remove the expired TLS sessions. |
UseCRLObjectCaching | Specifies whether reuse of loaded CRL objects is enabled. |
UseInternalRandom | Switches between SecureBlackbox-own and platform PRNGs. |
UseLegacyAdESValidation | Enables legacy AdES validation mode. |
UseOCSPResponseObjectCaching | Specifies whether reuse of loaded OCSP response objects is enabled. |
UseOwnDNSResolver | Specifies whether the client components should use own DNS resolver. |
UseSharedSystemStorages | Specifies whether the validation engine should use a global per-process copy of the system certificate stores. |
UseSystemNativeSizeCalculation | An internal CryptoAPI access tweak. |
UseSystemOAEPAndPSS | Enforces or disables the use of system-driven RSA OAEP and PSS computations. |
UseSystemRandom | Enables or disables the use of the OS PRNG. |
XMLRDNDescriptorName[OID] | Defines an OID mapping to descriptor names for the certificate's IssuerRDN or SubjectRDN. |
XMLRDNDescriptorPriority[OID] | Specifies the priority of descriptor names associated with a specific OID. |
XMLRDNDescriptorReverseOrder | Specifies whether to reverse the order of descriptors in RDN. |
XMLRDNDescriptorSeparator | Specifies the separator used between descriptors in RDN. |
AllSignaturesValid Property (XMLVerifier Component)
The cumulative validity of all signatures.
Default Value
Use this property to check if all the signatures found in the message or document are valid.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
AutoValidateSignatures Property (XMLVerifier Component)
Specifies whether component should validate any present signatures when the document is opened.
Default Value
This setting is switched on by default. You can choose to set this property to false in order to validate the signatures manually on a later stage using the Revalidate method.
Certificates Property (XMLVerifier Component)
A collection of certificates included in the electronic signature.
public CertificateList Certificates { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property Certificates As CertificateList
This property includes a collection of certificates of the currently selected info.
This collection is indexed from 0 to count -1.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Please refer to the Certificate type for a complete list of fields.DataBytes Property (XMLVerifier Component)
Use this property to pass the external data to component in the byte array form.
Assign a byte array containing the external data to be processed to this property.
This property is not available at design time.
DataFile Property (XMLVerifier Component)
A file containing the external data covered by a detached signature.
Default Value
In the case of a detached signature, use this property to provide the external data to the component from a file. Alternatively, provide the data via DataStream.
DataStream Property (XMLVerifier Component)
Standalone data covered by the signature.
public System.IO.Stream DataStream { get; set; }
Public Property DataStream As System.IO.Stream
Default Value
When validating a detached signature, use this stream property to provide the external (detached) data.
This property is not available at design time.
DataType Property (XMLVerifier Component)
Specifies the external data type.
public XMLVerifierDataTypes DataType { get; set; }
enum XMLVerifierDataTypes { cxdtXML, cxdtBinary, cxdtBase64 }
Public Property DataType As XmlverifierDataTypes
Enum XMLVerifierDataTypes cxdtXML cxdtBinary cxdtBase64 End Enum
Default Value
Use this property to specify the type of the external data (either DataFile, DataStream or DataBytes properties) for component.
DataURI Property (XMLVerifier Component)
Specifies a detached data resource URI.
Default Value
Specifies a URI used for data being signed, usually the data filename if stored along with a detached signature.
Encoding Property (XMLVerifier Component)
Specifies XML encoding.
Default Value
Use this property to specify the encoding to apply to the XML documents.
FIPSMode Property (XMLVerifier Component)
Default Value
This property is reserved for future use.
InputBytes Property (XMLVerifier Component)
Use this property to pass the input to component in byte array form.
Assign a byte array containing the data to be processed to this property.
This property is not available at design time.
InputFile Property (XMLVerifier Component)
A signed XML file.
Default Value
Provide a path to the signed XML document in this property.
InputStream Property (XMLVerifier Component)
A stream containing the signed XML document.
public System.IO.Stream InputStream { get; set; }
Public Property InputStream As System.IO.Stream
Default Value
Use this property to pass a signed document to the component in a stream.
This property is not available at design time.
KnownCertificates Property (XMLVerifier Component)
Additional certificates for chain validation.
public CertificateList KnownCertificates { get; }
Public Property KnownCertificates As CertificateList
Use this property to supply a list of additional certificates that might be needed for chain validation. An example of a scenario where you might want to do that is when intermediary CA certificates are absent from the standard system locations (or when there are no standard system locations), and therefore should be supplied to the component manually.
The purpose of the certificates to be added to this collection is roughly equivalent to that of the Intermediate Certification Authorities system store in Windows.
Do not add trust anchors or root certificates to this collection: add them to TrustedCertificates instead.
This property is not available at design time.
Please refer to the Certificate type for a complete list of fields.OutputBytes Property (XMLVerifier Component)
Use this property to read the output the component object has produced.
Read the contents of this property after the operation has completed to read the produced output. This property will only be set if the OutputFile and OutputStream properties had not been assigned.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
OutputFile Property (XMLVerifier Component)
The file where the modified signed document will be saved.
Default Value
Provide the full path to the file where the modified signed document should be saved.
OutputStream Property (XMLVerifier Component)
A stream where to save the modified signed document.
public System.IO.Stream OutputStream { get; set; }
Public Property OutputStream As System.IO.Stream
Default Value
Use this property to specify a stream to write the modified signed document to.
This property is not available at design time.
References Property (XMLVerifier Component)
References covered by the signature.
public XMLReferenceList References { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property References As XMLReferenceList
Use this property to get the references to the data covered by the signature.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Please refer to the XMLReference type for a complete list of fields.Signatures Property (XMLVerifier Component)
All signatures found in the XML document.
public XMLSignatureList Signatures { get; }
Public ReadOnly Property Signatures As XMLSignatureList
This property contains a list of all signatures made over the XML document.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Please refer to the XMLSignature type for a complete list of fields.AddKnownNamespace Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Adds known prefix and correspondent namespace URI.
Use this method to add a known prefix and namespace URI that are used in XPath expression within XMLElement/XMLNode property, and within TargetXMLElement and XPathPrefixList properties of the references.
Close Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Closes an opened document.
Use this method to close a previously opened document. Set SaveChanges to true to apply any changes made.
Config Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.
Config is a generic method available in every component. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the component.
These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the component, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.
To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).
To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.
DoAction Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Performs an additional action.
DoAction is a generic method available in every component. It is used to perform an additional action introduced after the product major release. The list of actions is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.
The unique identifier (case insensitive) of the action is provided in the ActionID parameter.
ActionParams contains the value of a single parameter, or a list of multiple parameters for the action in the form of PARAM1=VALUE1;PARAM2=VALUE2;....
Common ActionIDs:
Action | Parameters | Returned value | Description |
ResetTrustedListCache | none | none | Clears the cached list of trusted lists. |
ResetCertificateCache | none | none | Clears the cached certificates. |
ResetCRLCache | none | none | Clears the cached CRLs. |
ResetOCSPResponseCache | none | none | Clears the cached OCSP responses. |
GetInnerXML Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Get the inner XML content of the selected XML element.
Call this method to get the inner XML content of the selected XML element.
GetOuterXML Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Get the outer XML content of the selected XML element.
Call this method to get the outer XML content of the selected XML element.
GetSignedData Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Returns the part of the XML document that is covered by the signature.
Use this method to retrieve the part of the XML document or data that is covered by the SigLabel signature and referenced by RefIndex reference.
The output can be collected in one of the following ways: either by passing the destination path or stream via OutputFile and OutputStream respectively, or by reading the resulting data bytes from the OutputBytes property after the operation completes.
GetTextContent Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Get the text content of the selected XML element.
Call this method to get the text content of the selected XML element.
Open Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Opens a document for verifying or removing signatures.
public void Open();
Public Sub Open()
Use this method to open a document for verifying or removing signatures. When finished, call Close to complete or discard the operation.
Reset Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Resets the component settings.
public void Reset();
Public Sub Reset()
Reset is a generic method available in every component.
Revalidate Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Revalidates a signature in accordance with current settings.
Use this method to re-validate a signature in the opened XML document.
SelectInfo Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Select signature information for a specific entity.
Use this method to select (or filter) signature-related information for a specific signature element.
Provide the unique label of the entity that you are interested in via the EntityLabel parameter. Use one of the following filters, or their combination, to specify what information you are interested in:
sitEntity | 1 | Select the current entity |
sitParentEntity | 2 | Select the parent entity of the current entity |
sitTimestamps | 4 | Select all timestamps covering the current entity |
sitSignatures | 8 | Select all signatures covering the current entity |
sitSigningChain | 16 | Select the signing chain of the current entity |
sitEmbeddedCertificates | 256 | Select all certificates embedded in the current entity |
sitEmbeddedCRLs | 512 | Select all CRLs embedded in the current entity |
sitEmbeddedOCSPs | 1024 | Select all OCSP responses embedded in the current entity |
sitEmbeddedRevInfo | 1792 | Select the whole pack of embedded revocation information (certificates, CRLs and OCSPs) |
sitUsedCertificates | 4096 | Select all the certificates used to validate this entity's chain |
sitUsedCRLs | 8192 | Select all the CRLs used to validate this entity's chain |
sitUsedOCSPs | 16384 | Select all the OCSP responses used to validate this entity's chain |
sitUsedRevInfo | 28672 | Select the whole pack of revocation information used to validate this entity's chain (certificates, CRLs, OCSP responses) |
sitAttributes | 65536 | Select this entity's CMS attributes |
sitReferences | 131072 | Select this entity's XML references |
sitSignedParts | 262144 | Select this entity's signed parts |
Following the call, the relevant pieces of information will be copied to the respective component properties (Certificates, CRLs, OCSPs). Note that you can accumulate information in the properties by making repeated calls to SelectInfo and keeping ClearSelection set to false.
This method is useful if you would like to read/display detailed information about a particular signature or timestamp.
SetInnerXML Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Set the inner XML content of the selected XML element.
Call this method to set the inner XML content of the selected XML element.
SetTextContent Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Set the text content of the selected XML element.
Call this method to set the text content of the selected XML element.
Unsign Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Deletes a signature from the document.
Use this method to delete an existing signature from the document. Use SigLabel parameter to specify the signature to be removed.
Verify Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Verifies a signed XML document.
public void Verify();
Public Sub Verify()
Call this method to verify the signature embedded in the document. Pass the document via InputStream or InputFile property. Use VerifyDetached to verify the external data in case of a detached signature.
VerifyDetached Method (XMLVerifier Component)
Verifies a detached signature over external XML data.
public void VerifyDetached();
Public Sub VerifyDetached()
Call this method to verify a signature over external (detached) data provided via DataStream or DataFile.
DocumentLoaded Event (XMLVerifier Component)
This event is fired when the document has been loaded into memory.
public event OnDocumentLoadedHandler OnDocumentLoaded; public delegate void OnDocumentLoadedHandler(object sender, XMLVerifierDocumentLoadedEventArgs e); public class XMLVerifierDocumentLoadedEventArgs : EventArgs { public bool Cancel { get; set; } }
Public Event OnDocumentLoaded As OnDocumentLoadedHandler Public Delegate Sub OnDocumentLoadedHandler(sender As Object, e As XMLVerifierDocumentLoadedEventArgs) Public Class XMLVerifierDocumentLoadedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs Public Property Cancel As Boolean End Class
The handler for this event is a good place to check document properties, which may be useful when preparing the signature, for example, the document format.
Set Cancel to true to terminate document processing on this stage.
Error Event (XMLVerifier Component)
Information about errors during signature verification.
public event OnErrorHandler OnError; public delegate void OnErrorHandler(object sender, XMLVerifierErrorEventArgs e); public class XMLVerifierErrorEventArgs : EventArgs { public int ErrorCode { get; } public string Description { get; } }
Public Event OnError As OnErrorHandler Public Delegate Sub OnErrorHandler(sender As Object, e As XMLVerifierErrorEventArgs) Public Class XMLVerifierErrorEventArgs Inherits EventArgs Public ReadOnly Property ErrorCode As Integer Public ReadOnly Property Description As String End Class
The event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during verification.
ErrorCode contains an error code and Description contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to XML.
Notification Event (XMLVerifier Component)
This event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.
public event OnNotificationHandler OnNotification; public delegate void OnNotificationHandler(object sender, XMLVerifierNotificationEventArgs e); public class XMLVerifierNotificationEventArgs : EventArgs { public string EventID { get; } public string EventParam { get; } }
Public Event OnNotification As OnNotificationHandler Public Delegate Sub OnNotificationHandler(sender As Object, e As XMLVerifierNotificationEventArgs) Public Class XMLVerifierNotificationEventArgs Inherits EventArgs Public ReadOnly Property EventID As String Public ReadOnly Property EventParam As String End Class
The component fires this event to let the application know about some event, occurrence, or milestone in the component. For example, it may fire to report completion of the document processing. The list of events being reported is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.
The unique identifier of the event is provided in the EventID parameter. EventParam contains any parameters accompanying the occurrence. Depending on the type of the component, the exact action it is performing, or the document being processed, one or both may be omitted.
This component can fire this event with the following EventID values:
DocumentLoaded | Notifies the application that the document has been loaded. This is a backward-compatibility-only notification. Use OnDocumentLoaded event instead. |
SignaturesLoaded | Notifies the application that the component has finished loading signatures. |
RetrieveQualifyingProperties | TBD |
BeforeTimestamp | This event is fired before a timestamp is requested from the timestamping authority. Use the event handler to modify TSA and HTTP settings. |
TimestampError | This event is only fired if the component failed to obtain a timestamp from the timestamping authority. The EventParam parameter contains extended error info. |
TimestampRequest | A timestamp is requested from the custom timestamping
authority. This event is only fired if TimestampServer was set to a
virtual:// URI. The EventParam parameter contains the
TSP request (or the plain hash, depending on the value provided to
TimestampServer), in base16, that needs to be sent to the TSA.
Use the event handler to send the request to the TSA. Upon receiving the response, assign it, in base16, to the TimestampResponse configuration property. |
ReferenceValidated Event (XMLVerifier Component)
Marks the end of a reference validation.
public event OnReferenceValidatedHandler OnReferenceValidated; public delegate void OnReferenceValidatedHandler(object sender, XMLVerifierReferenceValidatedEventArgs e); public class XMLVerifierReferenceValidatedEventArgs : EventArgs { public int ReferenceIndex { get; } public string ID { get; } public string URI { get; } public string RefType { get; } public bool DigestValid { get; } }
Public Event OnReferenceValidated As OnReferenceValidatedHandler Public Delegate Sub OnReferenceValidatedHandler(sender As Object, e As XMLVerifierReferenceValidatedEventArgs) Public Class XMLVerifierReferenceValidatedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs Public ReadOnly Property ReferenceIndex As Integer Public ReadOnly Property ID As String Public ReadOnly Property URI As String Public ReadOnly Property RefType As String Public ReadOnly Property DigestValid As Boolean End Class
The component fires this event to report completion of a reference validation. A reference is a building block of a signature as it binds signature coverage to a particular piece of the document.
ResolveReference Event (XMLVerifier Component)
Asks the application to resolve a reference.
public event OnResolveReferenceHandler OnResolveReference; public delegate void OnResolveReferenceHandler(object sender, XMLVerifierResolveReferenceEventArgs e); public class XMLVerifierResolveReferenceEventArgs : EventArgs { public int ReferenceIndex { get; } public string URI { get; } }
Public Event OnResolveReference As OnResolveReferenceHandler Public Delegate Sub OnResolveReferenceHandler(sender As Object, e As XMLVerifierResolveReferenceEventArgs) Public Class XMLVerifierResolveReferenceEventArgs Inherits EventArgs Public ReadOnly Property ReferenceIndex As Integer Public ReadOnly Property URI As String End Class
This event is fired when the control could not automatically resolve a reference and requires custom treatment.
URI contains a reference to the data.
ReferenceIndex specifies the index of the reference to process.
Based on the reference's URI the event handler should set either TargetXMLElement or TargetData property of the reference.
SignatureFound Event (XMLVerifier Component)
Signifies the start of signature validation.
public event OnSignatureFoundHandler OnSignatureFound; public delegate void OnSignatureFoundHandler(object sender, XMLVerifierSignatureFoundEventArgs e); public class XMLVerifierSignatureFoundEventArgs : EventArgs { public int Index { get; } public string EntityLabel { get; } public string IssuerRDN { get; } public byte[] SerialNumber { get; } public byte[] SubjectKeyID { get; } public bool CertFound { get; } public bool ValidateSignature { get; set; } public bool ValidateChain { get; set; } }
Public Event OnSignatureFound As OnSignatureFoundHandler Public Delegate Sub OnSignatureFoundHandler(sender As Object, e As XMLVerifierSignatureFoundEventArgs) Public Class XMLVerifierSignatureFoundEventArgs Inherits EventArgs Public ReadOnly Property Index As Integer Public ReadOnly Property EntityLabel As String Public ReadOnly Property IssuerRDN As String Public ReadOnly Property SerialNumber As Byte() Public ReadOnly Property SubjectKeyID As Byte() Public ReadOnly Property CertFound As Boolean Public Property ValidateSignature As Boolean Public Property ValidateChain As Boolean End Class
This event tells the application that signature validation is about to start, and provides the details about the signer's certificate via its IssuerRDN, SerialNumber, and SubjectKeyID parameters. It fires for every signature located in the verified document or message.
The CertFound parameter is set to True if the component has found the needed certificate in one of the known locations, and to False otherwise, in which case you must provide it manually via the KnownCertificates property.
Signature validation consists of two independent stages: cryptographic signature validation and chain validation. Separate validation results are reported for each, with the SignatureValidationResult and ChainValidationResult properties respectively.
Use the ValidateSignature and ValidateChain parameters to tell the verifier which stages to include in the validation.
SignatureValidated Event (XMLVerifier Component)
Marks the completion of the signature validation routine.
public event OnSignatureValidatedHandler OnSignatureValidated; public delegate void OnSignatureValidatedHandler(object sender, XMLVerifierSignatureValidatedEventArgs e); public class XMLVerifierSignatureValidatedEventArgs : EventArgs { public int Index { get; } public string EntityLabel { get; } public string IssuerRDN { get; } public byte[] SerialNumber { get; } public byte[] SubjectKeyID { get; } public int ValidationResult { get; } public bool Cancel { get; set; } }
Public Event OnSignatureValidated As OnSignatureValidatedHandler Public Delegate Sub OnSignatureValidatedHandler(sender As Object, e As XMLVerifierSignatureValidatedEventArgs) Public Class XMLVerifierSignatureValidatedEventArgs Inherits EventArgs Public ReadOnly Property Index As Integer Public ReadOnly Property EntityLabel As String Public ReadOnly Property IssuerRDN As String Public ReadOnly Property SerialNumber As Byte() Public ReadOnly Property SubjectKeyID As Byte() Public ReadOnly Property ValidationResult As Integer Public Property Cancel As Boolean End Class
This event is fired upon the completion of the signature validation routine, and reports the respective validation result.
Use the IssuerRDN, SerialNumber, and/or SubjectKeyID parameters to identify the signing certificate.
ValidationResult is set to 0 if the validation has been successful, or to a non-zero value in case of a validation failure.
svtValid | 0 | The signature is valid |
svtUnknown | 1 | Signature validity is unknown |
svtCorrupted | 2 | The signature is corrupted |
svtSignerNotFound | 3 | Failed to acquire the signing certificate. The signature cannot be validated. |
svtFailure | 4 | General failure |
svtReferenceCorrupted | 5 | Reference corrupted (XML-based signatures only) |
Certificate Type
Encapsulates an individual X.509 certificate.
This type keeps and provides access to X.509 certificate details.
- Bytes
- CA
- CertType
- CRLDistributionPoints
- Curve
- Fingerprint
- FriendlyName
- HashAlgorithm
- Issuer
- IssuerRDN
- KeyAlgorithm
- KeyBits
- KeyFingerprint
- KeyUsage
- KeyValid
- OCSPLocations
- OCSPNoCheck
- Origin
- PolicyIDs
- PrivateKeyBytes
- PrivateKeyExists
- PrivateKeyExtractable
- PublicKeyBytes
- Qualified
- QualifiedStatements
- Qualifiers
- SelfSigned
- SerialNumber
- SigAlgorithm
- Source
- Subject
- SubjectAlternativeName
- SubjectKeyID
- SubjectRDN
- Valid
- ValidFrom
- ValidTo
byte[] (read-only)
Default: ""
Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.
Default: False
Indicates whether the certificate has a CA capability. For the certificate to be considered a CA, it must have its Basic Constraints extension set with the CA indicator enabled.
Set this field when generating a new certificate to have its Basic Constraints extension generated automatically.
byte[] (read-only)
Default: ""
A unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's cryptographic key.
Authority Key Identifier is a certificate extension which allows identification of certificates belonging to the same issuer, but with different public keys. It is a de-facto standard to include this extension in all certificates to facilitate chain building.
This setting cannot be set when generating a certificate as it always derives from another certificate property. CertificateManager generates this setting automatically if enough information is available to it: for self-signed certificates, this value is copied from the SubjectKeyID setting, and for lower-level certificates, from the parent certificate's subject key ID extension.
CertTypes (read-only)
Default: 0
Returns the type of the entity contained in the Certificate object.
A Certificate object can contain two types of cryptographic objects: a ready-to-use X.509 certificate, or a certificate request ("an unsigned certificate"). Certificate requests can be upgraded to full certificates by signing them with a CA certificate.
Use the CertificateManager component to load or create new certificate and certificate requests objects.
Default: ""
Contains a list of locations of CRL distribution points used to check this certificate's validity. The list is taken from the respective certificate extension.
Use this field when generating a certificate to provide a list of CRL endpoints that should be made part of the new certificate.
The endpoints are provided as a list of CRLF-separated URLs. Note that this differs from the behaviour used in earlier product versions, where the "|" character was used as the location separator.
Default: ""
Specifies the elliptic curve associated with the certificate's public key. This setting only applies to certificates containing EC keys.
SB_EC_SECP112R1 | SECP112R1 | |
SB_EC_SECP112R2 | SECP112R2 | |
SB_EC_SECP128R1 | SECP128R1 | |
SB_EC_SECP128R2 | SECP128R2 | |
SB_EC_SECP160K1 | SECP160K1 | |
SB_EC_SECP160R1 | SECP160R1 | |
SB_EC_SECP160R2 | SECP160R2 | |
SB_EC_SECP192K1 | SECP192K1 | |
SB_EC_SECP192R1 | SECP192R1 | |
SB_EC_SECP224K1 | SECP224K1 | |
SB_EC_SECP224R1 | SECP224R1 | |
SB_EC_SECP256K1 | SECP256K1 | |
SB_EC_SECP256R1 | SECP256R1 | |
SB_EC_SECP384R1 | SECP384R1 | |
SB_EC_SECP521R1 | SECP521R1 | |
SB_EC_SECT113R1 | SECT113R1 | |
SB_EC_SECT113R2 | SECT113R2 | |
SB_EC_SECT131R1 | SECT131R1 | |
SB_EC_SECT131R2 | SECT131R2 | |
SB_EC_SECT163K1 | SECT163K1 | |
SB_EC_SECT163R1 | SECT163R1 | |
SB_EC_SECT163R2 | SECT163R2 | |
SB_EC_SECT193R1 | SECT193R1 | |
SB_EC_SECT193R2 | SECT193R2 | |
SB_EC_SECT233K1 | SECT233K1 | |
SB_EC_SECT233R1 | SECT233R1 | |
SB_EC_SECT239K1 | SECT239K1 | |
SB_EC_SECT283K1 | SECT283K1 | |
SB_EC_SECT283R1 | SECT283R1 | |
SB_EC_SECT409K1 | SECT409K1 | |
SB_EC_SECT409R1 | SECT409R1 | |
SB_EC_SECT571K1 | SECT571K1 | |
SB_EC_SECT571R1 | SECT571R1 | |
SB_EC_PRIME192V1 | PRIME192V1 | |
SB_EC_PRIME192V2 | PRIME192V2 | |
SB_EC_PRIME192V3 | PRIME192V3 | |
SB_EC_PRIME239V1 | PRIME239V1 | |
SB_EC_PRIME239V2 | PRIME239V2 | |
SB_EC_PRIME239V3 | PRIME239V3 | |
SB_EC_PRIME256V1 | PRIME256V1 | |
SB_EC_C2PNB163V1 | C2PNB163V1 | |
SB_EC_C2PNB163V2 | C2PNB163V2 | |
SB_EC_C2PNB163V3 | C2PNB163V3 | |
SB_EC_C2PNB176W1 | C2PNB176W1 | |
SB_EC_C2TNB191V1 | C2TNB191V1 | |
SB_EC_C2TNB191V2 | C2TNB191V2 | |
SB_EC_C2TNB191V3 | C2TNB191V3 | |
SB_EC_C2ONB191V4 | C2ONB191V4 | |
SB_EC_C2ONB191V5 | C2ONB191V5 | |
SB_EC_C2PNB208W1 | C2PNB208W1 | |
SB_EC_C2TNB239V1 | C2TNB239V1 | |
SB_EC_C2TNB239V2 | C2TNB239V2 | |
SB_EC_C2TNB239V3 | C2TNB239V3 | |
SB_EC_C2ONB239V4 | C2ONB239V4 | |
SB_EC_C2ONB239V5 | C2ONB239V5 | |
SB_EC_C2PNB272W1 | C2PNB272W1 | |
SB_EC_C2PNB304W1 | C2PNB304W1 | |
SB_EC_C2TNB359V1 | C2TNB359V1 | |
SB_EC_C2PNB368W1 | C2PNB368W1 | |
SB_EC_C2TNB431R1 | C2TNB431R1 | |
SB_EC_NISTP192 | NISTP192 | |
SB_EC_NISTP224 | NISTP224 | |
SB_EC_NISTP256 | NISTP256 | |
SB_EC_NISTP384 | NISTP384 | |
SB_EC_NISTP521 | NISTP521 | |
SB_EC_NISTB163 | NISTB163 | |
SB_EC_NISTB233 | NISTB233 | |
SB_EC_NISTB283 | NISTB283 | |
SB_EC_NISTB409 | NISTB409 | |
SB_EC_NISTB571 | NISTB571 | |
SB_EC_NISTK163 | NISTK163 | |
SB_EC_NISTK233 | NISTK233 | |
SB_EC_NISTK283 | NISTK283 | |
SB_EC_NISTK409 | NISTK409 | |
SB_EC_NISTK571 | NISTK571 | |
SB_EC_CURVE25519 | CURVE25519 | |
string (read-only)
Default: ""
Contains the fingerprint (a hash imprint) of this certificate.
While there is no formal standard defining what a fingerprint is, a SHA1 hash of the certificate's DER-encoded body is typically used.
string (read-only)
Default: ""
Contains an associated alias (friendly name) of the certificate. The friendly name is not a property of a certificate: it is maintained by the certificate media rather than being included in its DER representation. Windows certificate stores are one example of media that does support friendly names.
Default: ""
Provides means to set the hash algorithm to be used in the subsequent operation on the certificate (such as generation or key signing). It is not a property of a certificate; use SigAlgorithm to find out the hash algorithm that is part of the certificate signature.
SB_HASH_ALGORITHM_GOST_R3411_1994 | GOST1994 | |
string (read-only)
Default: ""
The common name of the certificate issuer (CA), typically a company name. This is part of a larger set of credentials available via IssuerRDN.
Default: ""
A list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate issuer.
Example: /C=US/O=Nationwide CA/CN=Web Certification Authority
Default: "0"
Specifies the public key algorithm of this certificate.
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_ID_DSA_SHA1 | id-dsa-with-sha1 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_DH_PUBLIC | dhpublicnumber | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA224_ECDSA | ecdsa-with-SHA224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA256_ECDSA | ecdsa-with-SHA256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA384_ECDSA | ecdsa-with-SHA384 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA512_ECDSA | ecdsa-with-SHA512 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_EC | id-ecPublicKey | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_GOST_R3410_1994 | id-GostR3410-94 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_GOST_R3410_2001 | id-GostR3410-2001 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_GOST_R3411_WITH_R3410_1994 | id-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-94 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_GOST_R3411_WITH_R3410_2001 | id-GostR3411-94-with-GostR3410-2001 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_ID_DSA_SHA224 | id-dsa-with-sha224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_ID_DSA_SHA256 | id-dsa-with-sha256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_224_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-sha3-224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_256_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-sha3-256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_384_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-sha3-384 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_512_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-sha3-512 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_224_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-sha3-224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_256_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-sha3-256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_384_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-sha3-384 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_512_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-sha3-512 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_224_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-sha3-224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_256_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-sha3-256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_384_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-sha3-384 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_SHA3_512_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-sha3-512 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_ID_DSA_SHA3_224 | id-dsa-with-sha3-224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_ID_DSA_SHA3_256 | id-dsa-with-sha3-256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_128_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2s128 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_160_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2s160 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_224_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2s224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_256_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2s256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_160_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2b160 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_256_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2b256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_384_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2b384 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_512_RSA_ENCRYPTION | id-rsassa-pkcs1-v1_5-with-blake2b512 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_128_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2s128 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_160_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2s160 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_224_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2s224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_256_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2s256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_160_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2b160 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_256_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2b256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_384_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2b384 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_512_ECDSA | id-ecdsa-with-blake2b512 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_128_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2s128 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_160_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2s160 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_224_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2s224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2S_256_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2s256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_160_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2b160 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_256_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2b256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_384_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2b384 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_BLAKE2B_512_ECDSA_PLAIN | id-ecdsa-plain-with-blake2b512 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_ID_DSA_BLAKE2S_224 | id-dsa-with-blake2s224 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_ID_DSA_BLAKE2S_256 | id-dsa-with-blake2s256 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_EDDSA_ED25519 | id-Ed25519 | |
SB_CERT_ALGORITHM_EDDSA_ED25519_PH | id-Ed25519ph | |
Use the KeyBits, Curve, and PublicKeyBytes fields to get more details about the key the certificate contains.
int (read-only)
Default: 0
Returns the length of the public key in bits.
This value indicates the length of the principal cryptographic parameter of the key, such as the length of the RSA modulus or ECDSA field. The key data returned by the PublicKeyBytes or PrivateKeyBytes field would typically contain auxiliary values, and therefore be longer.
string (read-only)
Default: ""
Returns a SHA1 fingerprint of the public key contained in the certificate.
Note that the key fingerprint is different from the certificate fingerprint accessible via the Fingerprint field. The key fingeprint uniquely identifies the public key, and so can be the same for multiple certificates containing the same key.
Default: 0
Indicates the purposes of the key contained in the certificate, in the form of an OR'ed flag set.
This value is a bit mask of the following values:
ckuUnknown | 0x00000 | Unknown key usage |
ckuDigitalSignature | 0x00001 | Digital signature |
ckuNonRepudiation | 0x00002 | Non-repudiation |
ckuKeyEncipherment | 0x00004 | Key encipherment |
ckuDataEncipherment | 0x00008 | Data encipherment |
ckuKeyAgreement | 0x00010 | Key agreement |
ckuKeyCertSign | 0x00020 | Certificate signing |
ckuCRLSign | 0x00040 | Revocation signing |
ckuEncipherOnly | 0x00080 | Encipher only |
ckuDecipherOnly | 0x00100 | Decipher only |
ckuServerAuthentication | 0x00200 | Server authentication |
ckuClientAuthentication | 0x00400 | Client authentication |
ckuCodeSigning | 0x00800 | Code signing |
ckuEmailProtection | 0x01000 | Email protection |
ckuTimeStamping | 0x02000 | Timestamping |
ckuOCSPSigning | 0x04000 | OCSP signing |
ckuSmartCardLogon | 0x08000 | Smartcard logon |
ckuKeyPurposeClientAuth | 0x10000 | Kerberos - client authentication |
ckuKeyPurposeKDC | 0x20000 | Kerberos - KDC |
Set this field before generating the certificate to propagate the key usage flags to the new certificate.
bool (read-only)
Default: False
Returns True if the certificate's key is cryptographically valid, and False otherwise.
Default: ""
Locations of OCSP services that can be used to check this certificate's validity in real time, as recorded by the CA.
Set this field before calling the certificate manager's Generate method to propagate it to the new certificate.
The OCSP locations are provided as a list of CRLF-separated URLs. Note that this differs from the behaviour used in earlier product versions, where the "|" character was used as the location separator.
Default: False
Accessor to the value of the certificate's ocsp-no-check extension.
int (read-only)
Default: 0
Returns the location that the certificate was taken or loaded from.
Default: ""
Contains identifiers (OIDs) of the applicable certificate policies.
The Certificate Policies extension identifies a sequence of policies under which the certificate has been issued, and which regulate its usage.
Set this field when generating a certificate to propagate the policies information to the new certificate.
The policies are provided as a list of CRLF-separated entries. Note that this differs from the behaviour used in earlier product versions, where the "|" character was used as the policy element separator.
byte[] (read-only)
Default: ""
Returns the certificate's private key in DER-encoded format. It is normal for this field to be empty if the private key is non-exportable, which, for example, is typical for certificates originating from hardware security devices.
bool (read-only)
Default: False
Indicates whether the certificate has a usable private key associated with it. If it is set to True, the certificate can be used for private key operations, such as signing or decryption.
This field is independent from PrivateKeyBytes, and can be set to True even if the former is empty. This would imply that the private key is non-exportable, but still can be used for cryptographic operations.
bool (read-only)
Default: False
Indicates whether the private key is extractable (exportable).
byte[] (read-only)
Default: ""
Contains the certificate's public key in DER format.
This typically would contain an ASN.1-encoded public key value. The exact format depends on the type of the public key contained in the certificate.
bool (read-only)
Default: False
Indicates whether the certificate is qualified.
This property is set to True if the certificate is confirmed by a Trusted List to be qualified.
Default: 0
Returns a simplified qualified status of the certificate.
string (read-only)
Default: ""
A list of qualifiers.
Contains a comma-separated list of qualifier aliases for the certificate, for example QCP-n-qscd,QCWithSSCD.
bool (read-only)
Default: False
Indicates whether the certificate is self-signed (root) or signed by an external CA.
Default: ""
Returns the certificate's serial number.
The serial number is a binary string that uniquely identifies a certificate among others issued by the same CA. According to the X.509 standard, the (issuer, serial number) pair should be globally unique to facilitate chain building.
string (read-only)
Default: ""
Indicates the algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this certificate.
A signature algorithm typically combines hash and public key algorithms together, such as sha256WithRSAEncryption or ecdsa-with-SHA256.
PKISources (read-only)
Default: 0
Returns the source (location or disposition) of a cryptographic primitive entity, such as a certificate, CRL, or OCSP response.
string (read-only)
Default: ""
The common name of the certificate holder, typically an individual's name, a URL, an e-mail address, or a company name. This is part of a larger set of credentials available via SubjectRDN.
Default: ""
Returns or sets the value of the Subject Alternative Name extension of the certificate.
Subject alternative names are used to provide additional names that are impractical to store in the main SubjectRDN field. For example, it is often used to store all the domain names that a TLS certificate is authorized to protect.
The alternative names are provided as a list of CRLF-separated entries. Note that this differs from the behaviour used in earlier product versions, where the "|" character was used as the element separator.
Default: ""
Contains a unique identifier of the certificate's cryptographic key.
Subject Key Identifier is a certificate extension which allows a specific public key to be associated with a certificate holder. Typically, subject key identifiers of CA certificates are recorded as respective CA key identifiers in the subordinate certificates that they issue, which facilitates chain building.
The SubjectKeyID and CAKeyID fields of self-signed certificates typically contain identical values, as in that specific case, the issuer and the subject are the same entity.
Default: ""
A list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate holder (subject).
Depending on the purpose of the certificate and the policies of the CA that issued it, the values included in the subject record may differ drastically and contain business or personal names, web URLs, email addresses, and other data.
Example: /C=US/O=Oranges and Apples, Inc./OU=Accounts Receivable/ with unknown OID/CN=Margaret Watkins.
bool (read-only)
Default: False
Indicates whether or not the signature over the certificate or the request is valid and matches the public key contained in the CA certificate/request.
Default: ""
The time point at which the certificate becomes valid, in UTC.
Default: ""
The time point at which the certificate expires, in UTC.
public Certificate(byte[] bytes, int startIndex, int count, string password);
Public Certificate(ByVal Bytes As Byte(), ByVal StartIndex As Integer, ByVal Count As Integer, ByVal Password As String)
Loads the X.509 certificate from a memory buffer. Bytes is a buffer containing the raw certificate data. StartIndex and Count specify the starting position and number of bytes to be read from the buffer, respectively. Password is a password encrypting the certificate.
Loads the X.509 certificate from a memory buffer.
CertBytes is a buffer containing the raw certificate data. CertStartIndex and CertCount specify the starting position and number of bytes to be read from the buffer, respectively.
KeyBytes is a buffer containing the private key data. KeyStartIndex and KeyCount specify the starting position and number of bytes to be read from the buffer, respectively.
Password is a password encrypting the certificate.
public Certificate(byte[] bytes, int startIndex, int count);
Public Certificate(ByVal Bytes As Byte(), ByVal StartIndex As Integer, ByVal Count As Integer)
Loads the X.509 certificate from a memory buffer. Bytes is a buffer containing the raw certificate data. StartIndex and Count specify the starting position and number of bytes to be read from the buffer, respectively.
public Certificate(string path, string password);
Public Certificate(ByVal Path As String, ByVal Password As String)
Loads the X.509 certificate from a file. Path specifies the full path to the file containing the certificate data. Password is a password encrypting the certificate.
public Certificate(string certPath, string keyPath, string password);
Public Certificate(ByVal CertPath As String, ByVal KeyPath As String, ByVal Password As String)
Loads the X.509 certificate from a file. CertPath specifies the full path to the file containing the certificate data. KeyPath specifies the full path to the file containing the private key. Password is a password encrypting the certificate.
public Certificate(string path);
Public Certificate(ByVal Path As String)
Loads the X.509 certificate from a file. Path specifies the full path to the file containing the certificate data.
public Certificate(System.IO.Stream stream);
Public Certificate(ByVal Stream As System.IO.Stream)
Loads the X.509 certificate from a stream. Stream is a stream containing the certificate data.
public Certificate(System.IO.Stream stream, string password);
Public Certificate(ByVal Stream As System.IO.Stream, ByVal Password As String)
Loads the X.509 certificate from a stream. Stream is a stream containing the certificate data. Password is a password encrypting the certificate.
public Certificate(System.IO.Stream certStream, System.IO.Stream keyStream, string password);
Public Certificate(ByVal CertStream As System.IO.Stream, ByVal KeyStream As System.IO.Stream, ByVal Password As String)
Loads the X.509 certificate from a stream. CertStream is a stream containing the certificate data. KeyStream is a stream containing the private key. Password is a password encrypting the certificate.
public Certificate();
Public Certificate()
Creates a new object with default field values.
XMLReference Type
Represents an XML reference element.
XMLReference specifies the digest algorithm and digest value, and, optionally: an identifier of the object being signed, the type of the object, and/or a list of transforms to be applied prior to digesting.
- AutoGenerateElementId
- CanonicalizationMethod
- CustomElementId
- DataObjectDescription
- DataObjectEncoding
- DataObjectIdentifier
- DataObjectMimeType
- DigestValue
- HasDataObjectFormat
- HashAlgorithm
- HasURI
- ID
- InclusiveNamespacesPrefixList
- ReferenceType
- TargetData
- TargetType
- TargetXMLElement
- UseBase64Transform
- UseEnvelopedSignatureTransform
- UseXPathFilter2Transform
- UseXPathTransform
- ValidationResult
- XPathExpression
- XPathFilter2Expressions
- XPathFilter2Filters
- XPathFilter2PrefixList
- XPathPrefixList
Default: False
Specifies whether the identifier (ID) attribute for a referenced (target) element should be auto-generated during signing. Used when the referenced element doesn't have an ID and CustomElementId and URI properties are empty.
Default: 0
Use this property to specify the canonicalization method for the transform of the reference. Use cxcmNone value to not to include canonicalization transform in transform chain. See XML-Signature Syntax and Processing specification for details.
cxcmNone | 0 | |
cxcmCanon | 1 | |
cxcmCanonComment | 2 | |
cxcmExclCanon | 3 | |
cxcmExclCanonComment | 4 | |
cxcmMinCanon | 5 | |
cxcmCanon_v1_1 | 6 | |
cxcmCanonComment_v1_1 | 7 |
Default: ""
Specifies a custom identifier (ID) attribute for a referenced (target) element that will be set on signing. Used when the referenced element doesn't have an ID and URI property is empty.
Default: ""
This property contains textual information related to the referenced data object, which is found in the corresponding DataObjectFormat's Description element.
Default: ""
This property contains an indication of the encoding format of the referenced data object, which is found in the corresponding DataObjectFormat's Encoding element.
Default: ""
This property contains an identifier indicating the type of the referenced data object, which is found in the corresponding DataObjectFormat's ObjectIdentifier element.
Default: ""
This property contains an indication of the MIME type of the referenced data object, which is found in the corresponding DataObjectFormat's MimeType element.
Default: ""
Use this property to get or set the value of the digest calculated over the referenced data.
This field is optional and should be set only if you don't provide the actual data via TargetData or URI. If the data is set, then you don't need to set DigestValue since it will be calculated automatically.
Default: False
Specifies whether corresponding XAdES DataObjectFormat element is created for the current reference.
Check this property to find out if the reference has an associated DataObjectFormat element.
Default: "SHA256"
Specifies the hash algorithm to be used.
Supported values:
SB_HASH_ALGORITHM_GOST_R3411_1994 | GOST1994 | |
Default: True
Specifies whether the URI is set (even when it is empty).
Default: ""
A user-defined identifier (ID) attribute of this Reference element.
Default: ""
Use this property to specify InclusiveNamespaces PrefixList for exclusive canonicalization transform of the reference. See XML-Signature Syntax and Processing specification for details.
Default: ""
The Reference's type attribute as defined in XMLDSIG specification.
Default: ""
Contains the referenced external data when the digest value is not explicitly specified.
This field is optional and should only be set if you reference the external data via URI, and you don't provide the digest value explicitly via DigestValue.
Default: 0
The reference's target type to use.
Use this property to specify the reference's target type to use when forming the signature.
Default: ""
This property specifies the referenced XML element. Used when the URI property is not set. In this case, the URI value is generated based on the ID of the referenced (target) XML element. If the URI property is set, this property is ignored until the ResolveReference event.
Supported values are:
"" | an empty string indicates the Document element. |
"#id" | indicates an XML element with specified Id. |
XPointer expression | indicates an XML element selected using XPointer expression. Use the AddKnownNamespace method to specify Prefixes and NamespaceURIs
For example: "/root/data[1]" - indicates the second "data" element under the document element with a name "root" "//ns1:data" - indicates a data element. "ns1" prefix should be defined via AddKnownNamespace method. |
Node name | indicates an XML element selected using its NodeName.
For example: "data" - indicates an XML element with node name "data". |
Default: ""
Use this property to get or set the URL which references the data. If the data is external, the application must set either TargetData or DigestValue. If TargetData is set, the digest is calculated automatically unless it is explicitly set by the application via DigestValue.
Default: False
Specifies whether Base64 transform is included in transform chain.
Default: False
Specifies whether enveloped signature transform is included in transform chain.
Default: False
Specifies whether XPath Filter 2.0 transform is included in transform chain.
Default: False
Specifies whether XPath transform is included in transform chain.
bool (read-only)
Default: False
The outcome of the cryptographic reference validation.
Default: ""
Use this property to specify XPath expression for XPath transform of the reference.
Default: ""
Use this property to specify XPointer expression(s) for XPath Filter 2.0 transform of the reference.
Default: ""
Use this property to specify XPointer filter(s) for XPath Filter 2.0 transform of the reference. The prefix list is comma-separated.
Supported values:
"intersect" | Intersect filter computes the intersection of the selected subtrees with the filter node-set. |
"subtract" | Subtract filter computes the subtraction of the selected subtrees with the filter node-set. |
"union" | Union filter computes the union of the selected subtrees with the filter node-set. |
Default: ""
Use this property to specify a prefix list for XPath Filter 2.0 transform of the reference. The prefix list is space-separated. Namespace URIs that are used are taken from XPathNamespaces property.
Default: ""
Use this property to specify a prefix list for XPath transform of the reference. The prefix list is space-separated. Namespace URIs that are used are taken from XPathNamespaces property.
public XMLReference();
Public XMLReference()
Creates a new XML reference element.
public XMLReference(string ID);
Public XMLReference(ByVal ID As String)
Creates a new XML reference element from its ID .
public XMLReference(string ID, string URI);
Public XMLReference(ByVal ID As String, ByVal URI As String)
Creates a new XML reference element from its ID and URI reference to the external data.
XMLSignature Type
The component is a container for an XML signature.
XML document may include any number of XML signatures. component stores on of them.
- CanonicalizationMethod
- CompatibilityErrors
- EntityLabel
- HashAlgorithm
- IssuerRDN
- ParentEntity
- SerialNumber
- SignatureBytes
- SignatureType
- SignatureValidationResult
- SubjectKeyID
- SubjectRDN
- XMLElement
Default: 0
The XML canonicalization method that was used for signing.
Supported canonicalization methods:
cxcmNone | 0 | |
cxcmCanon | 1 | |
cxcmCanonComment | 2 | |
cxcmExclCanon | 3 | |
cxcmExclCanonComment | 4 | |
cxcmMinCanon | 5 | |
cxcmCanon_v1_1 | 6 | |
cxcmCanonComment_v1_1 | 7 |
int (read-only)
Default: 0
Returns compatibility errors encountered during validation.
Use this property to get specific compatibility errors encountered during validation. Unlike chain validation details, compatibility errors indicate violations by the signature of the assumed signature level/profile. For example, BES signatures are required to contain the signing time attribute. A prospective BES signature without such attribute will invoke a compatibility error.
string (read-only)
Default: ""
Use this property to get the signature entity label.
This property returns a string label that uniquely identifies the signature. The label can be used to establish the signature target in the SignatureFound event or to select the signing chain via the SelectInfo method.
Default: "Unknown"
The hash algorithm used for signing.
SB_HASH_ALGORITHM_GOST_R3411_1994 | GOST1994 | |
string (read-only)
Default: ""
The Relative Distinguished Name of the signing certificate's issuer.
A collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, about the company that issued the signing certificate.
Default: ""
Use this property to get the parent signature label.
This property contains the unique entity label of the current signature's parent object - typically a higher-level signature or a timestamp.
byte[] (read-only)
Default: ""
The serial number of the signing certificate.
byte[] (read-only)
Default: ""
Returns the binary representation of the XML signature.
Default: 4
The signature type to employ when signing the document.
This property specifies the signature type to be used when signing the document.
Supported values:
cxstDetached | 1 | Specifies whether a detached signature should be produced. I.e., a signature which is kept separately from the signed document. |
cxstEnveloping | 2 | Specifies whether an enveloping signature should be produced. |
cxstEnveloped | 4 | Specifies whether an enveloped signature should be produced. |
SignatureValidities (read-only)
Default: 0
The outcome of the cryptographic signature validation.
The following signature validity values are supported:
svtValid | 0 | The signature is valid |
svtUnknown | 1 | Signature validity is unknown |
svtCorrupted | 2 | The signature is corrupted |
svtSignerNotFound | 3 | Failed to acquire the signing certificate. The signature cannot be validated. |
svtFailure | 4 | General failure |
svtReferenceCorrupted | 5 | Reference corrupted (XML-based signatures only) |
byte[] (read-only)
Default: ""
Contains the subject key identifier of the signing certificate.
Subject Key Identifier is a (non-critical) X.509 certificate extension which allows the identification of certificates containing a particular public key. In SecureBlackbox, the unique identifier is represented by a SHA-1 hash of the bit string of the subject public key.
string (read-only)
Default: ""
Contains information about the person owning the signing certificate. Only certificates with given subject information will be enumerated during the search operation. Information is stored in the form of [Object Identifier, Value] pairs.
Default: ""
Specifies the XML element where to save the signature or containing the signature.
This property specifies the XML element where to save the electronic signature or that contains the signature to be validated.
Supported values are:
"" | an empty string indicates the Document element |
"#id" | indicates an XML element with specified Id |
XPath expression | indicates an XML element selected using XPath expression. Use AddKnownNamespace method to specify Prefixes and NamespaceURIs
For example: "/root/data[1]" - indicates the second "data" element under the document element with a name "root" "//ns1:data" - indicates a data element. "ns1" prefix should be defined via AddKnownNamespace method. |
Node name | indicates an XML element selected using its NodeName.
For example: "data" - indicates an XML element with node name "data". |
public XMLSignature();
Public XMLSignature()
Creates a new XML signature object.
Config Settings (XMLVerifier Component)
The component accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the component, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.XMLVerifier Config Settings
For example, if the corresponding ds:Reference element has an Id "reference-id-1", then you should set this property to "#reference-id-1" value.
Index value could be omitted for the first DataObjectFormat element.
The following data types are supported:
"" or "XML" | an XML document (by default). | |
"data" | a binary data. |
Default value is "ec". In this case "ec:" prefix will be used.
Special values:
"#default" or "" | indicates that the prefix will be omitted. |
"#auto" | indicates that the prefix will be auto-detected based on the parent nodes. |
Supported values are:
"" | an empty string indicates the Document element |
"#id" | indicates an XML element with specified Id |
XPath expression | indicates an XML element selected using XPath expression. Use AddKnownNamespace method to specify Prefixes and NamespaceURIs
For example: "/root/data[1]" - indicates the second "data" element under the document element with a name "root" "//ns1:data" - indicates a data element. "ns1" prefix should be defined via AddKnownNamespace method. |
Node name | indicates an XML element selected using its NodeName.
For example: "data" - indicates an XML element with node name "data". |
The empty elements in the custom XML content act as a placeholder for auto-generated elements.
For example to change the order of ds:KeyValue and ds:X509Data auto-generated elements use the value: "<X509Data/><KeyValue/>"
Supported values are:
certificate | Base64-encoded [X509v3] certificate is placed to the signature | |
issuerserial | X.509 issuer distinguished name/serial number pair are placed to the signature | |
subjectname | X.509 subject distinguished name is placed to the signature | |
ski | Base64 encoded plain (i.e. non-DER-encoded) value of a X509 V.3 SubjectKeyIdentifier extension is placed to the signature | |
crl | Base64-encoded certificate revocation list (CRL) is placed to the signature |
Sample value: '{"addressCountry": "UK", "addressLocality": "London", "postalCode": "N1 7GU", "streetAddress": "20-22 Wenlock Road"}'
Supported values are:
SigAndRefs | SigAndRefs timestamp | |
RefsOnly | RefsOnly timestamp |
Supported values are:
"" | The same as "XML-DSig". | |
XML-DSig | The W3C's XMLDSig-compliant signature (by default). | |
EBICS | Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard (EBICS) compliant signature. On signing the version is autodetected based on the document element. | |
EBICS_H3 | Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard (EBICS) compliant signature. The version is H3. | |
EBICS_H4 | Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard (EBICS) compliant signature. The version is H4. | |
EBICS_H5 | Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard (EBICS) compliant signature. The version is H5. |
Default value is "ds". In this case "ds:" prefix will be used.
Special values:
"#default" or "" | indicates that the prefix will be omitted. |
"#auto" | indicates that the prefix will be auto-detected based on the parent nodes. |
cxcmNone | 0 | |
cxcmCanon | 1 | |
cxcmCanonComment | 2 | |
cxcmExclCanon | 3 | |
cxcmExclCanonComment | 4 | |
cxcmMinCanon | 5 | |
cxcmCanon_v1_1 | 6 | |
cxcmCanonComment_v1_1 | 7 |
Supported values:
SB_HASH_ALGORITHM_GOST_R3411_1994 | GOST1994 | |
The default value is empty string, in this case, the hash algorithm specified in HashAlgorithm property is used.
Supported values:
SB_HASH_ALGORITHM_GOST_R3411_1994 | GOST1994 | |
The default value is empty string, in this case, the hash algorithm specified in HashAlgorithm property is used.
cxcmNone | 0 | |
cxcmCanon | 1 | |
cxcmCanonComment | 2 | |
cxcmExclCanon | 3 | |
cxcmExclCanonComment | 4 | |
cxcmMinCanon | 5 | |
cxcmCanon_v1_1 | 6 | |
cxcmCanonComment_v1_1 | 7 |
Supported values are:
certificate | Base64-encoded [X509v3] certificates | |
crl | Base64-encoded certificate revocation lists (CRL) | |
ocsp | OCSP responses |
Supported values are:
certificate | References to X.509 certificates | |
crl | References to certificate revocation lists (CRL) | |
ocsp | References to OCSP responses |
Supported values:
SB_HASH_ALGORITHM_GOST_R3411_1994 | GOST1994 | |
The default value is empty string, in this case, the hash algorithm specified in HashAlgorithm property is used.
Supported values are:
certificate | Base64-encoded [X509v3] certificates | |
crl | Base64-encoded certificate revocation lists (CRL) | |
ocsp | OCSP responses |
Default value is "xades". In this case "xades:" prefix will be used.
Special values:
"#default" or "" | indicates that the prefix will be omitted. |
"#auto" | indicates that the prefix will be auto-detected based on the parent nodes. |
Default value is "xadesv141". In this case "xadesv141:" prefix will be used.
Special values:
"#default" or "" | indicates that the prefix will be omitted. |
"#auto" | indicates that the prefix will be auto-detected based on the parent nodes. |
Supported values:
"" or "none" | no formatting (by default). | |
"auto" | enables auto-formatting, equivalent to: "indent: 1; indent-char: tab; base64-max-length: 64; starting-level: node" |
indent | specifies indentation level (default is 1) | |
indent-char | specifies indentation character: "space" or "tab" (default) | |
base64-max-length | specifies max length of base64 encoded data, such as signature value, certificate data and etc. (default is 64) | |
starting-level | specifies starting indentation level: non-negative integer or "node" - detected based on parent node, or "root" - detected based on number of parent nodes to a document element (default is "node"). | |
indent-before-main | specifies if whitespace characters should be inserted before a main (ds:Signature) element: "auto" (default), "yes" or "no" |
Base Config Settings
You can switch this property off to improve performance if your project only uses known, good private keys.
Supported values are:
off | No caching (default) | |
local | Local caching | |
global | Global caching |
This setting only applies to sessions negotiated with TLS version 1.3.
Supported values are:
file | File | |
console | Console | |
systemlog | System Log (supported for Android only) | |
debugger | Debugger (supported for VCL for Windows and .Net) |
Supported values are:
time | Current time | |
level | Level | |
package | Package name | |
module | Module name | |
class | Class name | |
method | Method name | |
threadid | Thread Id | |
contenttype | Content type | |
content | Content | |
all | All details |
Supported filter names are:
exclude-package | Exclude a package specified in the value | |
exclude-module | Exclude a module specified in the value | |
exclude-class | Exclude a class specified in the value | |
exclude-method | Exclude a method specified in the value | |
include-package | Include a package specified in the value | |
include-module | Include a module specified in the value | |
include-class | Include a class specified in the value | |
include-method | Include a method specified in the value |
none | No flush (caching only) | |
immediate | Immediate flush (real-time logging) | |
maxcount | Flush cached entries upon reaching LogMaxEventCount entries in the cache. |
Supported values are:
none | None (by default) | |
fatal | Severe errors that cause premature termination. | |
error | Other runtime errors or unexpected conditions. | |
warning | Use of deprecated APIs, poor use of API, 'almost' errors, other runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected, but not necessarily "wrong". | |
info | Interesting runtime events (startup/shutdown). | |
debug | Detailed information on flow of through the system. | |
trace | More detailed information. |
The default value of this setting is 100.
none | No rotation | |
deleteolder | Delete older entries from the cache upon reaching LogMaxEventCount | |
keepolder | Keep older entries in the cache upon reaching LogMaxEventCount (newer entries are discarded) |
Supported Values:
certificate | Enables caching of certificates. |
crl | Enables caching of Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs). |
ocsp | Enables caching of OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) responses. |
Example (default value):
In this example, the component caches certificates, CRLs, and OCSP responses.
The default value is an empty string - no cached PKI data is stored on disk.
In this example, the cached PKI data is stored in the C:\Temp\cache directory.
Supported values are:
none | No static DNS rules (default) | |
local | Local static DNS rules | |
global | Global static DNS rules |
This setting only applies to certificates originating from a Windows system store.
The property accepts comma-separated values where the first descriptor name is used when the OID is mapped, and subsequent values act as aliases for parsing.
OID: The Object Identifier from the certificate's IssuerRDN or SubjectRDN that you want to map.
PrimaryName: The main descriptor name used in the XML signature when the OID is encountered.
Alias1, Alias2, ...: Optional alternative names recognized during parsing.
Usage Examples:
Map OID 1.2.840.113549.1.9.1 to E, with aliases EMAIL and EMAILADDRESS:
Trappable Errors (XMLVerifier Component)
XMLVerifier Errors
1048577 | Invalid parameter (SB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) |
1048578 | Invalid configuration (SB_ERROR_INVALID_SETUP) |
1048579 | Invalid state (SB_ERROR_INVALID_STATE) |
1048580 | Invalid value (SB_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE) |
1048581 | Private key not found (SB_ERROR_NO_PRIVATE_KEY) |
1048582 | Cancelled by the user (SB_ERROR_CANCELLED_BY_USER) |
1048583 | The file was not found (SB_ERROR_NO_SUCH_FILE) |
1048584 | Unsupported feature or operation (SB_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE) |
1048585 | General error (SB_ERROR_GENERAL_ERROR) |
39845889 | The input file does not exist (SB_ERROR_XML_INPUTFILE_NOT_EXISTS) |
39845890 | Data file does not exist (SB_ERROR_XML_DATAFILE_NOT_EXISTS) |
39845892 | Unsupported hash algorithm (SB_ERROR_XML_UNSUPPORTED_HASH_ALGORITHM) |
39845893 | Unsupported key type (SB_ERROR_XML_UNSUPPORTED_KEY_TYPE) |
39845895 | Unsupported encryption algorithm (SB_ERROR_XML_INVALID_ENCRYPTION_METHOD) |
39845896 | XML element not found (SB_ERROR_XML_NOT_FOUND) |
39845897 | XML element has no ID (SB_ERROR_XML_NO_ELEMENT_ID) |