KMIPServer Module
Properties Methods Events Config Settings Errors
The KMIPServer module provides server-side functionality for Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP).
The Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) is an OASIS standard for communication between key management servers and clients. KMIP servers are typically responsible for managing cryptographic keys and providing access to them to remote client applications.
Property List
The following is the full list of the properties of the module with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Active | Indicates if the KMIP server is active and listening to incoming connections. |
AllowKeepAlive | Enables or disables keep-alive mode. |
AuthRealm | Specifies authentication realm for digest and NTLM authentication. |
AuthTypes | Defines allowed HTTP authentication types. |
BoundPort | Indicates the bound listening port. |
CACertificate | The default CA certificate. |
Certificate | Contains the certificate that has just been generated or added. |
CompressionLevel | The default compression level to use. |
ExternalCrypto | Provides access to external signing and DC parameters. |
FIPSMode | Reserved. |
HandshakeTimeout | Specifies the handshake timeout in milliseconds. |
Host | Specifies the host name of the KMIP server. |
Key | Contains the key that has just been generated or added. |
PinnedClient | Populates the pinned client details. |
PinnedClientChain | Contains the certificate chain of the pinned client. |
Port | A port to listen for connections on. |
ReadOnly | Controls whether the server works in read-only mode. |
SessionTimeout | Specifies the default session timeout value in milliseconds. |
SocketSettings | Manages network connection settings. |
StorageFileName | A path to the KMIP object database. |
TLSServerChain | The server's TLS certificates. |
TLSSettings | Manages TLS layer settings. |
UseChunkedTransfer | Enables chunked transfer. |
UseCompression | Enables or disables server-side compression. |
UseHTTP | Specifies whether the server should use HTTP instead of KMIP-over-TCP/TLS. |
Users | A database of registered users. |
Method List
The following is the full list of the methods of the module with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Cleanup | Cleans up the server environment by purging expired sessions and cleaning caches. |
Config | Sets or retrieves a configuration setting. |
DoAction | Performs an additional action. |
DropClient | Terminates a client connection. |
GetClientCert | Populates the per-connection certificate object. |
GetClientKey | Populates the per-connection key object. |
GetRequestHeader | Returns a request header value. |
GetResponseHeader | Returns a response header value. |
ListClients | Enumerates the connected clients. |
PinClient | Takes a snapshot of the connection's properties. |
ProcessGenericRequest | Processes a generic HTTP request. |
Reset | Resets the module settings. |
SetClientBytes | Commits a data buffer to the connection. |
SetClientCert | Commits the per-connection certificate object to the connection context. |
SetClientKey | Commits the per-connection key object to the connection context. |
SetResponseHeader | Sets a response header. |
Start | Start the KMIP server. |
Stop | Stops the KMIP server. |
Event List
The following is the full list of the events fired by the module with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Accept | Reports an incoming connection. |
ActivateObject | Notifies the application about the object activation request. |
Add | Passes the certificate import request to the application. |
AddKey | Expects the application to handle the key import request. |
AfterAdd | Notifies the application about completion of the certificate import operation. |
AfterAddKey | Reports the completion of the key import procedure. |
AfterBrowse | KMIP server uses this event to notify the application about the completion of the browsing (attribute request) operation. |
AfterDecrypt | Notifies the application about completion of the decryption call. |
AfterDeriveKey | Notifies the application about completion of the key derivation request. |
AfterEdit | Notifies the application of completion of the object editing operation. |
AfterEncrypt | Notifies the application about the completion of the encryption call. |
AfterGenerate | Signifies completion of certificate generation. |
AfterGenerateKey | Notifies the application of the completion of key generation procedure. |
AfterGenerateKeyPair | Notifies the application of the completion of keypair generation. |
AfterHash | Notifies the application about completion of the hashing call. |
AfterList | Notifies the application about completion of the list command. |
AfterObtainLease | Reports the completion of lease allocation operation. |
AfterReadObject | Notifies the application of the completion of the read operation on the object. |
AfterReCertify | Notifies the application about the completion of the re-certify operation. |
AfterReKey | Notifies the application about the completion of the re-key operation. |
AfterRekeyKeyPair | Notifies the application about the completion of the re-key keypair operation. |
AfterRemoveObject | Notifies the application about completion of the object removal request. |
AfterSign | Notifies the application of completion of a signing operation. |
AfterVerify | Notifies the application about completion of the Verify operation. |
AfterVerifyHash | Notifies the application about completion of the hash verification. |
ArchiveObject | Notifies the application about the received object archival request. |
AuthAttempt | Fires when a connected client makes an authentication attempt. |
BeforeAdd | Fires when a certificate import request is received from a client. |
BeforeAddKey | Fires when a key import request is received from the client. |
BeforeBrowse | Notifies the application about the browse request being received. |
BeforeDecrypt | Notifies the application about the initiation of the decryption operation. |
BeforeDeriveKey | Fires when a derive key request is received. |
BeforeEdit | Notifies the application about the start of the object editing operation. |
BeforeEncrypt | Notifies the application about the initiation of an encryption operation. |
BeforeGenerate | Fires when a certificate generation request is received. |
BeforeGenerateKey | Fires when a key generation request is received. |
BeforeGenerateKeyPair | Fires when a key generation request is received. |
BeforeHash | Notifies the application about the initiation of the hashing operation. |
BeforeList | Notifies the application about the initiation of the list operation. |
BeforeObtainLease | Notifies the application about the client requesting an object lease. |
BeforeReadObject | Notifies the application about the start of the object reading request. |
BeforeReCertify | Notifies the application about a re-certification request. |
BeforeReKey | Notifies the application about a re-key request received. |
BeforeRekeyKeyPair | Notifies the application about a keypair re-key request received. |
BeforeRemoveObject | Notifies the application about an incoming Remove Object request. |
BeforeSign | Notifies the application about the initiation of a signing operation. |
BeforeVerify | Notifies the application about the initiation of the verify operation. |
BeforeVerifyHash | Notifies the application about the initiation of the hash verification operation. |
Cancel | Reports a cancellation request received from the client. |
Check | Notifies the application about a Check request received. |
Connect | Reports an accepted connection. |
Decrypt | Instructs the application to decrypt a chunk of data. |
DeleteAttribute | Instructs the application to delete an object attribute. |
DeriveKey | Notifies the application of key derivation request. |
Disconnect | Fires to report a disconnected client. |
Encrypt | Instructs the application to encrypt a chunk of data. |
Error | Information about errors during data delivery. |
ExternalSign | Handles remote or external signing initiated by the server protocol. |
Generate | Notifies the application about an incoming Generate request. |
GenerateKey | Notifies the application about an incoming Generate request. |
GenerateKeyPair | Notifies the application about an incoming Generate request. |
GetUsageAllocation | Notifies the application about an incoming Get Usage Allocation request. |
Hash | Instructs the application to update the current hashing operation. |
HeadersPrepared | Fires when the response headers have been formed and are ready to be sent to the server. |
KMIPAuthAttempt | Fires when a connected client makes an authentication attempt. |
List | Instructs the application to return the list of objects that match the specified criteria. |
ListAttributes | Requests a list of object attribute names from the application. |
Notification | This event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event. |
ObtainLease | Lets the application handle the lease request. |
OperationAttempt | Fires when a request is received from the client. |
Poll | Notifies the application about the received Poll request. |
ReadAttribute | Requests an object attribute value from the application. |
ReadObject | Requests the details of the object from the application. |
ReCertify | Notifies the application about an incoming re-certification request. |
RecoverObject | Notifies the application about an incoming Recover Object request. |
ReKey | Notifies the application about an incoming re-key request. |
RekeyKeyPair | Notifies the application about an incoming re-key request. |
RemoveObject | Notifies the application about the object deletion request. |
Request | Notifies the application about KMIP requests being received. |
Response | Notifies the application about KMIP responses being sent back. |
RevokeObject | Instructs the application to revoke an object. |
RNGGenerate | Asks the application for another block of random numbers. |
RNGSeed | Tells the application to seed the random number generator. |
SetAttribute | Passes a set-attribute request to the application. |
Sign | Instructs the application to sign data with a private key. |
TLSCertValidate | Fires when a client certificate needs to be validated. |
TLSEstablished | Reports the setup of a TLS session. |
TLSHandshake | Fires when a newly established client connection initiates a TLS handshake. |
TLSPSK | Requests a pre-shared key for TLS-PSK. |
TLSShutdown | Reports closure of a TLS session. |
ValidateChain | Passes the chain validation request to the application. |
Verify | KMIPServer fires this event to notify the application about a verification operation request, and expects the application to perform it. |
VerifyHash | Delegates the hash verification operation to a custom handler. |
Config Settings
The following is a list of config settings for the module with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
AllowKeepAlive | Enables or disables keep-alive mode. |
AllowOptionsResponseWithoutAuth | Enables unauthenticated responses to OPTIONS requests. |
AuthBasic | Turns on/off the basic authentication. |
AuthDigest | Turns on/off the digest authentication. |
AuthDigestExpire | Specifies digest expiration time for digest authentication. |
AuthRealm | Specifies authentication realm for digest and NTLM authentication. |
CompressionLevel | The default compression level to use. |
DualStack | Allows the use of ip4 and ip6 simultaneously. |
HomePage | Specifies the home page resource name. |
MajorProtocolVersion | Major protocol version on the KMIP server. |
MinorProtocolVersion | Minor protocol version on the KMIP server. |
RequestFilter | The request string modifier. |
SSLMode | Whether to establish a TLS-secured connection. |
UseChunkedTransfer | Whether to use chunked encoding of the data. |
UseChunkedTransfer | Enables chunked transfer. |
UseCompression | Whether to use GZip compression. |
UseCompression | Enables or disables server-side compression. |
ASN1UseGlobalTagCache | Controls whether ASN.1 module should use a global object cache. |
AssignSystemSmartCardPins | Specifies whether CSP-level PINs should be assigned to CNG keys. |
CheckKeyIntegrityBeforeUse | Enables or disable private key integrity check before use. |
CookieCaching | Specifies whether a cookie cache should be used for HTTP(S) transports. |
Cookies | Gets or sets local cookies for the module. |
DefDeriveKeyIterations | Specifies the default key derivation algorithm iteration count. |
DNSLocalSuffix | The suffix to assign for TLD names. |
EnableClientSideSSLFFDHE | Enables or disables finite field DHE key exchange support in TLS clients. |
GlobalCookies | Gets or sets global cookies for all the HTTP transports. |
HardwareCryptoUsePolicy | The hardware crypto usage policy. |
HttpUserAgent | Specifies the user agent name to be used by all HTTP clients. |
HttpVersion | The HTTP version to use in any inner HTTP client modules created. |
IgnoreExpiredMSCTLSigningCert | Whether to tolerate the expired Windows Update signing certificate. |
ListDelimiter | The delimiter character for multi-element lists. |
LogDestination | Specifies the debug log destination. |
LogDetails | Specifies the debug log details to dump. |
LogFile | Specifies the debug log filename. |
LogFilters | Specifies the debug log filters. |
LogFlushMode | Specifies the log flush mode. |
LogLevel | Specifies the debug log level. |
LogMaxEventCount | Specifies the maximum number of events to cache before further action is taken. |
LogRotationMode | Specifies the log rotation mode. |
MaxASN1BufferLength | Specifies the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 primitive tag data. |
MaxASN1TreeDepth | Specifies the maximal depth for processed ASN.1 trees. |
OCSPHashAlgorithm | Specifies the hash algorithm to be used to identify certificates in OCSP requests. |
OldClientSideRSAFallback | Specifies whether the SSH client should use a SHA1 fallback. |
PKICache | Specifies which PKI elements (certificates, CRLs, OCSP responses) should be cached. |
PKICachePath | Specifies the file system path where cached PKI data is stored. |
ProductVersion | Returns the version of the SecureBlackbox library. |
ServerSSLDHKeyLength | Sets the size of the TLS DHE key exchange group. |
StaticDNS | Specifies whether static DNS rules should be used. |
StaticIPAddress[domain] | Gets or sets an IP address for the specified domain name. |
StaticIPAddresses | Gets or sets all the static DNS rules. |
Tag | Allows to store any custom data. |
TLSSessionGroup | Specifies the group name of TLS sessions to be used for session resumption. |
TLSSessionLifetime | Specifies lifetime in seconds of the cached TLS session. |
TLSSessionPurgeInterval | Specifies how often the session cache should remove the expired TLS sessions. |
UseCRLObjectCaching | Specifies whether reuse of loaded CRL objects is enabled. |
UseInternalRandom | Switches between SecureBlackbox-own and platform PRNGs. |
UseLegacyAdESValidation | Enables legacy AdES validation mode. |
UseOCSPResponseObjectCaching | Specifies whether reuse of loaded OCSP response objects is enabled. |
UseOwnDNSResolver | Specifies whether the client modules should use own DNS resolver. |
UseSharedSystemStorages | Specifies whether the validation engine should use a global per-process copy of the system certificate stores. |
UseSystemNativeSizeCalculation | An internal CryptoAPI access tweak. |
UseSystemOAEPAndPSS | Enforces or disables the use of system-driven RSA OAEP and PSS computations. |
UseSystemRandom | Enables or disables the use of the OS PRNG. |
XMLRDNDescriptorName[OID] | Defines an OID mapping to descriptor names for the certificate's IssuerRDN or SubjectRDN. |
XMLRDNDescriptorPriority[OID] | Specifies the priority of descriptor names associated with a specific OID. |
XMLRDNDescriptorReverseOrder | Specifies whether to reverse the order of descriptors in RDN. |
XMLRDNDescriptorSeparator | Specifies the separator used between descriptors in RDN. |
Active Property (KMIPServer Module)
Indicates if the KMIP server is active and listening to incoming connections.
public var active: Bool { get {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=active) BOOL active; - (BOOL)active;
Default Value
Check this property to find out if the KMIP server is in an active state. Use Start and Stop methods to launch and stop the server.
This property is read-only.
AllowKeepAlive Property (KMIPServer Module)
Enables or disables keep-alive mode.
public var allowKeepAlive: Bool { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=allowKeepAlive,setter=setAllowKeepAlive:) BOOL allowKeepAlive; - (BOOL)allowKeepAlive; - (void)setAllowKeepAlive :(BOOL)newAllowKeepAlive;
Default Value
Use this property to enable or disable the keep-alive connection mode. If keep-alive is enabled, clients that choose to use it may stay connected for a while.
AuthRealm Property (KMIPServer Module)
Specifies authentication realm for digest and NTLM authentication.
public var authRealm: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=authRealm,setter=setAuthRealm:) NSString* authRealm; - (NSString*)authRealm; - (void)setAuthRealm :(NSString*)newAuthRealm;
Default Value
Specifies authentication realm for digest and NTLM authentication types.
AuthTypes Property (KMIPServer Module)
Defines allowed HTTP authentication types.
public var authTypes: Int32 { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=authTypes,setter=setAuthTypes:) int authTypes; - (int)authTypes; - (void)setAuthTypes :(int)newAuthTypes;
Default Value
Use this property to define which authentication types the component should support or attempt to use by enabling the relevant bitmask flags:
haBasic | 0x01 | Basic authentication |
haDigest | 0x02 | Digest authentication (RFC 2617) |
haNTLM | 0x04 | Windows NTLM authentication |
haKerberos | 0x08 | Kerberos (Negotiate) authentication |
haOAuth2 | 0x10 | OAuth2 authentication |
BoundPort Property (KMIPServer Module)
Indicates the bound listening port.
public var boundPort: Int32 { get {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=boundPort) int boundPort; - (int)boundPort;
Default Value
Check this property to find out the port that has been allocated to the server by the system. The bound port always equals Port if it is provided, or is allocated dynamically if configured to fall in the range between PortRangeFrom and PortRangeTo constraints.
This property is read-only.
CACertificate Property (KMIPServer Module)
The default CA certificate.
public var caCertificate: Certificate { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=CACertBytes) NSData* CACertBytes; - (NSData*)CACertBytes; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=CACertHandle,setter=setCACertHandle:) long long CACertHandle; - (long long)CACertHandle; - (void)setCACertHandle :(long long)newCACertHandle;
Default Value
KMIP server uses this certificate to sign incoming certificate requests. All certificates generated by the KMIP server will be signed by this CA.
Certificate Property (KMIPServer Module)
Contains the certificate that has just been generated or added.
public var certificate: Certificate { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=certificateBytes) NSData* certificateBytes; - (NSData*)certificateBytes; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=certificateHandle,setter=setCertificateHandle:) long long certificateHandle; - (long long)certificateHandle; - (void)setCertificateHandle :(long long)newCertificateHandle;
Default Value
Use this property to access the certificate that has just been generated or added.
CompressionLevel Property (KMIPServer Module)
The default compression level to use.
public var compressionLevel: Int32 { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=compressionLevel,setter=setCompressionLevel:) int compressionLevel; - (int)compressionLevel; - (void)setCompressionLevel :(int)newCompressionLevel;
Default Value
Assign this property with the compression level (1 to 9) to apply for gzipped responses. 1 stands for the lightest but fastest compression, and 9 for the best but the slowest.
ExternalCrypto Property (KMIPServer Module)
Provides access to external signing and DC parameters.
public var externalCrypto: ExternalCrypto { get {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=externalCryptoAsyncDocumentID,setter=setExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID:) NSString* externalCryptoAsyncDocumentID; - (NSString*)externalCryptoAsyncDocumentID; - (void)setExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID :(NSString*)newExternalCryptoAsyncDocumentID; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=externalCryptoCustomParams,setter=setExternalCryptoCustomParams:) NSString* externalCryptoCustomParams; - (NSString*)externalCryptoCustomParams; - (void)setExternalCryptoCustomParams :(NSString*)newExternalCryptoCustomParams; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=externalCryptoData,setter=setExternalCryptoData:) NSString* externalCryptoData; - (NSString*)externalCryptoData; - (void)setExternalCryptoData :(NSString*)newExternalCryptoData; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=externalCryptoExternalHashCalculation,setter=setExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation:) BOOL externalCryptoExternalHashCalculation; - (BOOL)externalCryptoExternalHashCalculation; - (void)setExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation :(BOOL)newExternalCryptoExternalHashCalculation; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=externalCryptoHashAlgorithm,setter=setExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm:) NSString* externalCryptoHashAlgorithm; - (NSString*)externalCryptoHashAlgorithm; - (void)setExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm :(NSString*)newExternalCryptoHashAlgorithm; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=externalCryptoKeyID,setter=setExternalCryptoKeyID:) NSString* externalCryptoKeyID; - (NSString*)externalCryptoKeyID; - (void)setExternalCryptoKeyID :(NSString*)newExternalCryptoKeyID; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=externalCryptoKeySecret,setter=setExternalCryptoKeySecret:) NSString* externalCryptoKeySecret; - (NSString*)externalCryptoKeySecret; - (void)setExternalCryptoKeySecret :(NSString*)newExternalCryptoKeySecret; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=externalCryptoMethod,setter=setExternalCryptoMethod:) int externalCryptoMethod; - (int)externalCryptoMethod; - (void)setExternalCryptoMethod :(int)newExternalCryptoMethod; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=externalCryptoMode,setter=setExternalCryptoMode:) int externalCryptoMode; - (int)externalCryptoMode; - (void)setExternalCryptoMode :(int)newExternalCryptoMode; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=externalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm,setter=setExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm:) NSString* externalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm; - (NSString*)externalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm; - (void)setExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm :(NSString*)newExternalCryptoPublicKeyAlgorithm;
Default Value
Use this property to tune-up remote cryptography settings. SecureBlackbox supports two independent types of external cryptography: synchronous (based on the ExternalSign event) and asynchronous (based on the DC protocol and the DCAuth signing component).
FIPSMode Property (KMIPServer Module)
public var fipsMode: Bool { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=FIPSMode,setter=setFIPSMode:) BOOL FIPSMode; - (BOOL)FIPSMode; - (void)setFIPSMode :(BOOL)newFIPSMode;
Default Value
This property is reserved for future use.
HandshakeTimeout Property (KMIPServer Module)
Specifies the handshake timeout in milliseconds.
public var handshakeTimeout: Int32 { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=handshakeTimeout,setter=setHandshakeTimeout:) int handshakeTimeout; - (int)handshakeTimeout; - (void)setHandshakeTimeout :(int)newHandshakeTimeout;
Default Value
Use this property to set the TLS handshake timeout.
Host Property (KMIPServer Module)
Specifies the host name of the KMIP server.
public var host: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=host,setter=setHost:) NSString* host; - (NSString*)host; - (void)setHost :(NSString*)newHost;
Default Value
Use this property to specify the address of the KMIP server.
Key Property (KMIPServer Module)
Contains the key that has just been generated or added.
public var key: CryptoKey { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=keyAlgorithm,setter=setKeyAlgorithm:) NSString* keyAlgorithm; - (NSString*)keyAlgorithm; - (void)setKeyAlgorithm :(NSString*)newKeyAlgorithm; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=keyBits) int keyBits; - (int)keyBits; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=keyCurve,setter=setKeyCurve:) NSString* keyCurve; - (NSString*)keyCurve; - (void)setKeyCurve :(NSString*)newKeyCurve; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=keyExportable) BOOL keyExportable; - (BOOL)keyExportable; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=keyFingerprint) NSString* keyFingerprint; - (NSString*)keyFingerprint; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=keyHandle,setter=setKeyHandle:) long long keyHandle; - (long long)keyHandle; - (void)setKeyHandle :(long long)newKeyHandle; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=keyID,setter=setKeyID:) NSData* keyID; - (NSData*)keyID; - (void)setKeyID :(NSData*)newKeyID; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=keyIV,setter=setKeyIV:) NSData* keyIV; - (NSData*)keyIV; - (void)setKeyIV :(NSData*)newKeyIV; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=keyKey) NSData* keyKey; - (NSData*)keyKey; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=keyNonce,setter=setKeyNonce:) NSData* keyNonce; - (NSData*)keyNonce; - (void)setKeyNonce :(NSData*)newKeyNonce; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=keyPrivate) BOOL keyPrivate; - (BOOL)keyPrivate; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=keyPublic) BOOL keyPublic; - (BOOL)keyPublic; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=keySubject,setter=setKeySubject:) NSData* keySubject; - (NSData*)keySubject; - (void)setKeySubject :(NSData*)newKeySubject; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=keySymmetric) BOOL keySymmetric; - (BOOL)keySymmetric; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=keyValid) BOOL keyValid; - (BOOL)keyValid;
Default Value
Use this property to access the key that has just been generated or added.
PinnedClient Property (KMIPServer Module)
Populates the pinned client details.
public var pinnedClient: TLSConnectionInfo { get {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientAEADCipher) BOOL pinnedClientAEADCipher; - (BOOL)pinnedClientAEADCipher; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientChainValidationDetails) int pinnedClientChainValidationDetails; - (int)pinnedClientChainValidationDetails; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientChainValidationResult) int pinnedClientChainValidationResult; - (int)pinnedClientChainValidationResult; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientCiphersuite) NSString* pinnedClientCiphersuite; - (NSString*)pinnedClientCiphersuite; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientClientAuthenticated) BOOL pinnedClientClientAuthenticated; - (BOOL)pinnedClientClientAuthenticated; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientClientAuthRequested) BOOL pinnedClientClientAuthRequested; - (BOOL)pinnedClientClientAuthRequested; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientConnectionEstablished) BOOL pinnedClientConnectionEstablished; - (BOOL)pinnedClientConnectionEstablished; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientConnectionID) NSData* pinnedClientConnectionID; - (NSData*)pinnedClientConnectionID; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientDigestAlgorithm) NSString* pinnedClientDigestAlgorithm; - (NSString*)pinnedClientDigestAlgorithm; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientEncryptionAlgorithm) NSString* pinnedClientEncryptionAlgorithm; - (NSString*)pinnedClientEncryptionAlgorithm; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientExportable) BOOL pinnedClientExportable; - (BOOL)pinnedClientExportable; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientID) long long pinnedClientID; - (long long)pinnedClientID; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientKeyExchangeAlgorithm) NSString* pinnedClientKeyExchangeAlgorithm; - (NSString*)pinnedClientKeyExchangeAlgorithm; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientKeyExchangeKeyBits) int pinnedClientKeyExchangeKeyBits; - (int)pinnedClientKeyExchangeKeyBits; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientNamedECCurve) NSString* pinnedClientNamedECCurve; - (NSString*)pinnedClientNamedECCurve; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientPFSCipher) BOOL pinnedClientPFSCipher; - (BOOL)pinnedClientPFSCipher; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientPreSharedIdentity) NSString* pinnedClientPreSharedIdentity; - (NSString*)pinnedClientPreSharedIdentity; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientPreSharedIdentityHint) NSString* pinnedClientPreSharedIdentityHint; - (NSString*)pinnedClientPreSharedIdentityHint; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientPublicKeyBits) int pinnedClientPublicKeyBits; - (int)pinnedClientPublicKeyBits; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientRemoteAddress) NSString* pinnedClientRemoteAddress; - (NSString*)pinnedClientRemoteAddress; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientRemotePort) int pinnedClientRemotePort; - (int)pinnedClientRemotePort; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientResumedSession) BOOL pinnedClientResumedSession; - (BOOL)pinnedClientResumedSession; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientSecureConnection) BOOL pinnedClientSecureConnection; - (BOOL)pinnedClientSecureConnection; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientServerAuthenticated) BOOL pinnedClientServerAuthenticated; - (BOOL)pinnedClientServerAuthenticated; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientSignatureAlgorithm) NSString* pinnedClientSignatureAlgorithm; - (NSString*)pinnedClientSignatureAlgorithm; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientSymmetricBlockSize) int pinnedClientSymmetricBlockSize; - (int)pinnedClientSymmetricBlockSize; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientSymmetricKeyBits) int pinnedClientSymmetricKeyBits; - (int)pinnedClientSymmetricKeyBits; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientTotalBytesReceived) long long pinnedClientTotalBytesReceived; - (long long)pinnedClientTotalBytesReceived; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientTotalBytesSent) long long pinnedClientTotalBytesSent; - (long long)pinnedClientTotalBytesSent; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientValidationLog) NSString* pinnedClientValidationLog; - (NSString*)pinnedClientValidationLog; @property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientVersion) NSString* pinnedClientVersion; - (NSString*)pinnedClientVersion;
Default Value
Use this property to access the details of the client connection previously pinned with PinClient method.
PinnedClientChain Property (KMIPServer Module)
Contains the certificate chain of the pinned client.
public var pinnedClientChain: Array<Certificate> { get {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readonly,assign,getter=pinnedClientCertCount) int pinnedClientCertCount; - (int)pinnedClientCertCount; - (NSData*)pinnedClientCertBytes:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (NSData*)pinnedClientCertCAKeyID:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (NSString*)pinnedClientCertFingerprint:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (long long)pinnedClientCertHandle:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (NSString*)pinnedClientCertIssuer:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (NSString*)pinnedClientCertIssuerRDN:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (NSString*)pinnedClientCertKeyAlgorithm:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (int)pinnedClientCertKeyBits:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (NSString*)pinnedClientCertKeyFingerprint:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (int)pinnedClientCertKeyUsage:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (NSData*)pinnedClientCertPublicKeyBytes:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (BOOL)pinnedClientCertSelfSigned:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (NSData*)pinnedClientCertSerialNumber:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (NSString*)pinnedClientCertSigAlgorithm:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (NSString*)pinnedClientCertSubject:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (NSData*)pinnedClientCertSubjectKeyID:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (NSString*)pinnedClientCertSubjectRDN:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (NSString*)pinnedClientCertValidFrom:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex; - (NSString*)pinnedClientCertValidTo:(int)pinnedClientCertIndex;
Default Value
Use this property to access the certificate chain of the client connection pinned previously with a PinClient call.
Port Property (KMIPServer Module)
A port to listen for connections on.
public var port: Int32 { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=port,setter=setPort:) int port; - (int)port; - (void)setPort :(int)newPort;
Default Value
Use this property to specify the listening port.
ReadOnly Property (KMIPServer Module)
Controls whether the server works in read-only mode.
public var readOnly: Bool { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=readOnly,setter=setReadOnly:) BOOL readOnly; - (BOOL)readOnly; - (void)setReadOnly :(BOOL)newReadOnly;
Default Value
Use this property to enable or disable read-only mode on the server. It is an easy way to prevent connecting users from adding or removing objects managed by the server.
SessionTimeout Property (KMIPServer Module)
Specifies the default session timeout value in milliseconds.
public var sessionTimeout: Int32 { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=sessionTimeout,setter=setSessionTimeout:) int sessionTimeout; - (int)sessionTimeout; - (void)setSessionTimeout :(int)newSessionTimeout;
Default Value
Specifies the period of inactivity (in milliseconds) after which the connection will be terminated by the server.
SocketSettings Property (KMIPServer Module)
Manages network connection settings.
public var socketSettings: SocketSettings { get {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=socketIncomingSpeedLimit,setter=setSocketIncomingSpeedLimit:) int socketIncomingSpeedLimit; - (int)socketIncomingSpeedLimit; - (void)setSocketIncomingSpeedLimit :(int)newSocketIncomingSpeedLimit; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=socketLocalAddress,setter=setSocketLocalAddress:) NSString* socketLocalAddress; - (NSString*)socketLocalAddress; - (void)setSocketLocalAddress :(NSString*)newSocketLocalAddress; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=socketLocalPort,setter=setSocketLocalPort:) int socketLocalPort; - (int)socketLocalPort; - (void)setSocketLocalPort :(int)newSocketLocalPort; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=socketOutgoingSpeedLimit,setter=setSocketOutgoingSpeedLimit:) int socketOutgoingSpeedLimit; - (int)socketOutgoingSpeedLimit; - (void)setSocketOutgoingSpeedLimit :(int)newSocketOutgoingSpeedLimit; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=socketTimeout,setter=setSocketTimeout:) int socketTimeout; - (int)socketTimeout; - (void)setSocketTimeout :(int)newSocketTimeout; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=socketUseIPv6,setter=setSocketUseIPv6:) BOOL socketUseIPv6; - (BOOL)socketUseIPv6; - (void)setSocketUseIPv6 :(BOOL)newSocketUseIPv6;
Default Value
Use this property to tune up network connection parameters.
StorageFileName Property (KMIPServer Module)
A path to the KMIP object database.
public var storageFileName: String { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=storageFileName,setter=setStorageFileName:) NSString* storageFileName; - (NSString*)storageFileName; - (void)setStorageFileName :(NSString*)newStorageFileName;
Default Value
Assign the path to the database of objects managed by the KMIP server to this property.
TLSServerChain Property (KMIPServer Module)
The server's TLS certificates.
public var tlsServerChain: Array<Certificate> { get {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSServerCertCount,setter=setTLSServerCertCount:) int TLSServerCertCount; - (int)TLSServerCertCount; - (void)setTLSServerCertCount :(int)newTLSServerCertCount; - (NSData*)TLSServerCertBytes:(int)tLSServerCertIndex; - (long long)TLSServerCertHandle:(int)tLSServerCertIndex; - (void)setTLSServerCertHandle:(int)tLSServerCertIndex :(long long)newTLSServerCertHandle;
Default Value
Use this property to provide a list of TLS certificates for the server endpoint.
A TLS endpoint needs a certificate to be able to accept TLS connections. At least one of the certificates in the collection - the endpoint certificate - must have a private key associated with it.
The collection may include more than one endpoint certificate, and more than one chain. A typical usage scenario is to include two chains (ECDSA and RSA), to cater for clients with different cipher suite preferences.
TLSSettings Property (KMIPServer Module)
Manages TLS layer settings.
public var tlsSettings: TLSSettings { get {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSAutoValidateCertificates,setter=setTLSAutoValidateCertificates:) BOOL TLSAutoValidateCertificates; - (BOOL)TLSAutoValidateCertificates; - (void)setTLSAutoValidateCertificates :(BOOL)newTLSAutoValidateCertificates; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSBaseConfiguration,setter=setTLSBaseConfiguration:) int TLSBaseConfiguration; - (int)TLSBaseConfiguration; - (void)setTLSBaseConfiguration :(int)newTLSBaseConfiguration; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSCiphersuites,setter=setTLSCiphersuites:) NSString* TLSCiphersuites; - (NSString*)TLSCiphersuites; - (void)setTLSCiphersuites :(NSString*)newTLSCiphersuites; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSClientAuth,setter=setTLSClientAuth:) int TLSClientAuth; - (int)TLSClientAuth; - (void)setTLSClientAuth :(int)newTLSClientAuth; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSECCurves,setter=setTLSECCurves:) NSString* TLSECCurves; - (NSString*)TLSECCurves; - (void)setTLSECCurves :(NSString*)newTLSECCurves; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSExtensions,setter=setTLSExtensions:) NSString* TLSExtensions; - (NSString*)TLSExtensions; - (void)setTLSExtensions :(NSString*)newTLSExtensions; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSForceResumeIfDestinationChanges,setter=setTLSForceResumeIfDestinationChanges:) BOOL TLSForceResumeIfDestinationChanges; - (BOOL)TLSForceResumeIfDestinationChanges; - (void)setTLSForceResumeIfDestinationChanges :(BOOL)newTLSForceResumeIfDestinationChanges; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSPreSharedIdentity,setter=setTLSPreSharedIdentity:) NSString* TLSPreSharedIdentity; - (NSString*)TLSPreSharedIdentity; - (void)setTLSPreSharedIdentity :(NSString*)newTLSPreSharedIdentity; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSPreSharedKey,setter=setTLSPreSharedKey:) NSString* TLSPreSharedKey; - (NSString*)TLSPreSharedKey; - (void)setTLSPreSharedKey :(NSString*)newTLSPreSharedKey; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSPreSharedKeyCiphersuite,setter=setTLSPreSharedKeyCiphersuite:) NSString* TLSPreSharedKeyCiphersuite; - (NSString*)TLSPreSharedKeyCiphersuite; - (void)setTLSPreSharedKeyCiphersuite :(NSString*)newTLSPreSharedKeyCiphersuite; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSRenegotiationAttackPreventionMode,setter=setTLSRenegotiationAttackPreventionMode:) int TLSRenegotiationAttackPreventionMode; - (int)TLSRenegotiationAttackPreventionMode; - (void)setTLSRenegotiationAttackPreventionMode :(int)newTLSRenegotiationAttackPreventionMode; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSRevocationCheck,setter=setTLSRevocationCheck:) int TLSRevocationCheck; - (int)TLSRevocationCheck; - (void)setTLSRevocationCheck :(int)newTLSRevocationCheck; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSSSLOptions,setter=setTLSSSLOptions:) int TLSSSLOptions; - (int)TLSSSLOptions; - (void)setTLSSSLOptions :(int)newTLSSSLOptions; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSTLSMode,setter=setTLSTLSMode:) int TLSTLSMode; - (int)TLSTLSMode; - (void)setTLSTLSMode :(int)newTLSTLSMode; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSUseExtendedMasterSecret,setter=setTLSUseExtendedMasterSecret:) BOOL TLSUseExtendedMasterSecret; - (BOOL)TLSUseExtendedMasterSecret; - (void)setTLSUseExtendedMasterSecret :(BOOL)newTLSUseExtendedMasterSecret; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSUseSessionResumption,setter=setTLSUseSessionResumption:) BOOL TLSUseSessionResumption; - (BOOL)TLSUseSessionResumption; - (void)setTLSUseSessionResumption :(BOOL)newTLSUseSessionResumption; @property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=TLSVersions,setter=setTLSVersions:) int TLSVersions; - (int)TLSVersions; - (void)setTLSVersions :(int)newTLSVersions;
Default Value
Use this property to tune up the TLS layer parameters.
UseChunkedTransfer Property (KMIPServer Module)
Enables chunked transfer.
public var useChunkedTransfer: Bool { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=useChunkedTransfer,setter=setUseChunkedTransfer:) BOOL useChunkedTransfer; - (BOOL)useChunkedTransfer; - (void)setUseChunkedTransfer :(BOOL)newUseChunkedTransfer;
Default Value
Use this property to enable chunked content encoding.
UseCompression Property (KMIPServer Module)
Enables or disables server-side compression.
public var useCompression: Bool { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=useCompression,setter=setUseCompression:) BOOL useCompression; - (BOOL)useCompression; - (void)setUseCompression :(BOOL)newUseCompression;
Default Value
Use this property to enable or disable server-side content compression.
UseHTTP Property (KMIPServer Module)
Specifies whether the server should use HTTP instead of KMIP-over-TCP/TLS.
public var useHTTP: Bool { get {...} set {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=useHTTP,setter=setUseHTTP:) BOOL useHTTP; - (BOOL)useHTTP; - (void)setUseHTTP :(BOOL)newUseHTTP;
Default Value
Set this property to true to tell the server to expect HTTP(S) connections instead of TCP-based KMIP requests.
Users Property (KMIPServer Module)
A database of registered users.
public var users: Array<UserAccount> { get {...} }
@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=userCount,setter=setUserCount:) int userCount; - (int)userCount; - (void)setUserCount :(int)newUserCount; - (NSData*)userAssociatedData:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserAssociatedData:(int)userIndex :(NSData*)newUserAssociatedData; - (NSString*)userBasePath:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserBasePath:(int)userIndex :(NSString*)newUserBasePath; - (NSData*)userCertificate:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserCertificate:(int)userIndex :(NSData*)newUserCertificate; - (NSString*)userData:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserData:(int)userIndex :(NSString*)newUserData; - (NSString*)userEmail:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserEmail:(int)userIndex :(NSString*)newUserEmail; - (long long)userHandle:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserHandle:(int)userIndex :(long long)newUserHandle; - (NSString*)userHashAlgorithm:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserHashAlgorithm:(int)userIndex :(NSString*)newUserHashAlgorithm; - (int)userIncomingSpeedLimit:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserIncomingSpeedLimit:(int)userIndex :(int)newUserIncomingSpeedLimit; - (int)userOtpAlgorithm:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserOtpAlgorithm:(int)userIndex :(int)newUserOtpAlgorithm; - (int)userOTPLen:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserOTPLen:(int)userIndex :(int)newUserOTPLen; - (int)userOtpValue:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserOtpValue:(int)userIndex :(int)newUserOtpValue; - (int)userOutgoingSpeedLimit:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserOutgoingSpeedLimit:(int)userIndex :(int)newUserOutgoingSpeedLimit; - (NSString*)userPassword:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserPassword:(int)userIndex :(NSString*)newUserPassword; - (NSData*)userSharedSecret:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserSharedSecret:(int)userIndex :(NSData*)newUserSharedSecret; - (NSData*)userSSHKey:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserSSHKey:(int)userIndex :(NSData*)newUserSSHKey; - (NSString*)userUsername:(int)userIndex; - (void)setUserUsername:(int)userIndex :(NSString*)newUserUsername;
Default Value
Use this property to configure user authentication on the KMIP server.
Cleanup Method (KMIPServer Module)
Cleans up the server environment by purging expired sessions and cleaning caches.
public func cleanup() throws -> Void
- (void)cleanup;
Call this method while the server is active to clean up the environment allocated for the server by releasing unused resources and cleaning caches.
Config Method (KMIPServer Module)
Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.
- (NSString*)config:(NSString*)configurationString;
Config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.
These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the Config method.
To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).
To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.
DoAction Method (KMIPServer Module)
Performs an additional action.
- (NSString*)doAction:(NSString*)actionID :(NSString*)actionParams;
DoAction is a generic method available in every class. It is used to perform an additional action introduced after the product major release. The list of actions is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.
The unique identifier (case insensitive) of the action is provided in the ActionID parameter.
ActionParams contains the value of a single parameter, or a list of multiple parameters for the action in the form of PARAM1=VALUE1;PARAM2=VALUE2;....
Common ActionIDs:
Action | Parameters | Returned value | Description |
ResetTrustedListCache | none | none | Clears the cached list of trusted lists. |
ResetCertificateCache | none | none | Clears the cached certificates. |
ResetCRLCache | none | none | Clears the cached CRLs. |
ResetOCSPResponseCache | none | none | Clears the cached OCSP responses. |
DropClient Method (KMIPServer Module)
Terminates a client connection.
- (void)dropClient:(long long)connectionId :(BOOL)forced;
Call this method to shut down a connected client. Forced indicates whether the connection should be closed in a graceful manner.
GetClientCert Method (KMIPServer Module)
Populates the per-connection certificate object.
- (void)getClientCert:(long long)connectionID;
This method populates the certificate template/object received with the certificate generation request in Certificate property.
Call this method from your BeforeGenerate event handler to populate the certificate template, as received in the request. It is still not late to alter the details of the certificate on this stage.
Call it from your AfterGenerate event handler to populate the certificate that has been generated.
GetClientKey Method (KMIPServer Module)
Populates the per-connection key object.
- (void)getClientKey:(long long)connectionID;
This method populates the key template/object received with the key generation request in Key property.
Call this method from your BeforeGenerateKey event handler to populate the key template, as received in the request. It is still not late to alter the details of the key on this stage.
Call it from your AfterGenerateKey event handler to populate the key that has been generated.
GetRequestHeader Method (KMIPServer Module)
Returns a request header value.
- (NSString*)getRequestHeader:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)headerName;
Use this method to get the value of a request header. A good place to call this method is a request-marking event, such as GetRequest or PostRequest.
GetResponseHeader Method (KMIPServer Module)
Returns a response header value.
- (NSString*)getResponseHeader:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)headerName;
Use this method to get the value of a response header. A good place to call this method is HeadersPrepared event. Call the method with empty HeaderName to get the whole response header.
ListClients Method (KMIPServer Module)
Enumerates the connected clients.
public func listClients() throws -> String
- (NSString*)listClients;
This method enumerates the connected clients. It returns a list of strings, with each string being of 'ConnectionID|Address|Port' format, and representing a single connection.
PinClient Method (KMIPServer Module)
Takes a snapshot of the connection's properties.
- (void)pinClient:(long long)connectionId;
Use this method to take a snapshot of a connected client. The captured properties are populated in PinnedClient and PinnedClientChain properties.
ProcessGenericRequest Method (KMIPServer Module)
Processes a generic HTTP request.
- (NSData*)processGenericRequest:(long long)connectionId :(NSData*)requestBytes;
This method processes a generic HTTP request and produces a response. Use it to generate HTTP responses for requests obtained externally, out of the default HTTP channel.
This method respects all current settings of the server object, and invokes the corresponding events to consult about the request and response details with the application. ConnectionId allows to identify the request in the events.
The method returns the complete HTTP response including HTTP headers.
Reset Method (KMIPServer Module)
Resets the component settings.
public func reset() throws -> Void
- (void)reset;
Reset is a generic method available in every class.
SetClientBytes Method (KMIPServer Module)
Commits a data buffer to the connection.
- (void)setClientBytes:(long long)connectionID :(NSData*)value;
Use this method from your Response Encrypt AfterEncrypt Decrypt AfterDecrypt Sign AfterSign events handler to commit a new data to the server component.
SetClientCert Method (KMIPServer Module)
Commits the per-connection certificate object to the connection context.
- (void)setClientCert:(long long)connectionID;
This method commits the certificate object stored in Certificate to the connection context.
SetClientKey Method (KMIPServer Module)
Commits the per-connection key object to the connection context.
- (void)setClientKey:(long long)connectionID;
This method commits the key object stored in Key to the connection context.
SetResponseHeader Method (KMIPServer Module)
Sets a response header.
public func setResponseHeader(connectionId: Int64, headerName: String, value: String) throws -> Void
- (void)setResponseHeader:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)headerName :(NSString*)value;
Use this method to set a response header. A good place to call this method is a request-marking event, such as GetRequest or PostRequest.
Start Method (KMIPServer Module)
Start the KMIP server.
public func start() throws -> Void
- (void)start;
Call this method to activate the KMIP server and start listening to incoming connections.
Stop Method (KMIPServer Module)
Stops the KMIP server.
public func stop() throws -> Void
- (void)stop;
Call this method to stop the KMIP server.
Accept Event (KMIPServer Module)
Reports an incoming connection.
func onAccept(remoteAddress: String, remotePort: Int32, accept: inout Bool)
- (void)onAccept:(NSString*)remoteAddress :(int)remotePort :(int*)accept;
This event is fired when a new connection from RemoteAddress:RemotePort is ready to be accepted. Use the Accept parameter to accept or decline it.
Subscribe to Connect event to be notified of every connection that has been set up.
ActivateObject Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the object activation request.
func onActivateObject(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onActivateObject:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)operationStatus;
Subscribe to this event to get notified about object activation requests. The ObjectId parameter contain the unique identifier of the object being activated.
Object activation requests are handled in a simplified way, without using the three-step virtualization approach.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
Add Event (KMIPServer Module)
Passes the certificate import request to the application.
func onAdd(connectionId: Int64, group: inout String, certId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAdd:(long long)connectionId :(NSString**)group :(NSString**)certId :(int*)operationStatus;
The server uses this event to allow the application to customize a certificate import request. This request fires after BeforeAdd if the Action parameter passed back to it was set to fraCustom.
The Group parameter indicates the shared name for the certificate elements (public key, private key, certificate). The CertId provides a unique identifier for the certificate object. Both can be adjusted by the application as required. Use the Certificate object to access the certificate parameters.
Upon completion of the processing, set the value of OperationStatus to match the result of the operation.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AddKey Event (KMIPServer Module)
Expects the application to handle the key import request.
func onAddKey(connectionId: Int64, group: inout String, keyId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAddKey:(long long)connectionId :(NSString**)group :(NSString**)keyId :(int*)operationStatus;
Application uses this event to wiretap into the key import procedure. For this event to be invoked, the fraCustom action needs to be previously returned from the BeforeAddKey event.
The handler of this event should process the key data provided via the Key property, typically by storing the key object in a local database. The handler also should set the KeyId and, optionally, Group parameters to match the properties of the new key object. The result of the operation should be returned via the OperationStatus parameter.
See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterAdd Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about completion of the certificate import operation.
func onAfterAdd(connectionId: Int64, group: inout String, certId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterAdd:(long long)connectionId :(NSString**)group :(NSString**)certId :(int*)operationStatus;
The class fires this event upon completion of certificate import routine. The certificate object that has been generated can be read from the Certificate property.
The Group and CertId parameters contain the name of the group and the unique identifier assigned to the new certificate. The OperationStatus parameter contains the result of the operation. The application can adjust them as required.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterAddKey Event (KMIPServer Module)
Reports the completion of the key import procedure.
func onAfterAddKey(connectionId: Int64, group: inout String, keyId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterAddKey:(long long)connectionId :(NSString**)group :(NSString**)keyId :(int*)operationStatus;
The component uses the AfterAddKey event to notify the application about completion of the key import processing. The OperationStatus parameter returns the operation result. The KeyId and Group parameters are set to match the properties of the newly created key. The application can change them if required.
This event fires both for "normal" and "virtualized" requests, independently of the value of the Action parameter returned from the BeforeAddKey event. See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterBrowse Event (KMIPServer Module)
KMIP server uses this event to notify the application about the completion of the browsing (attribute request) operation.
func onAfterBrowse(connectionID: Int64, objectId: String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterBrowse:(long long)connectionID :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)operationStatus;
The ConnectionID parameter identifies the client connection, and the ObjectId parameter specifies the unique ID of the object the attributes of which are being requested.
This event follows the three-step virtualization approach, and fires after the preceding BeforeBrowse and ReadAttribute events.
Check the operation status, and alter it, if needed, through the OperationStatus parameter:
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterDecrypt Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about completion of the decryption call.
func onAfterDecrypt(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, decryptedData: Data, correlationValue: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterDecrypt:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSData*)decryptedData :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)operationStatus;
The component uses this event to notify the application about completion of the decrypt request. The event parameters provide the details of the decryption operation. This event fires independently of whether the build-in or virtualized decryption is used.
The ObjectId parameter contains the unique identifier of the decryption key. DecryptedData contains the decryption result. The CorrelationValue string is a linking token that allows to associate several pieces of a multi-step decryption operation together. The OperationStatus contains the result of the operation.
See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterDeriveKey Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about completion of the key derivation request.
func onAfterDeriveKey(connectionId: Int64, newKeyId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterDeriveKey:(long long)connectionId :(NSString**)newKeyId :(int*)operationStatus;
Use this event to get notified about completion of key derivation requests. The OperationStatus parameter specifies the result of the key derivation operation. The NewKeyId contains the unique identifier of the new key. You can change both parameters if required.
See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterEdit Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application of completion of the object editing operation.
func onAfterEdit(connectionID: Int64, objectId: String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterEdit:(long long)connectionID :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)operationStatus;
The component fires this event to notify the application about completion of an edit operation. An edit operation consists of a number of individual attribute update requests.
The ObjectId parameter contains the unique identifier of the object that was edited. Use the OperationStatus parameter to check or update the result of the operation.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterEncrypt Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the completion of the encryption call.
func onAfterEncrypt(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, encryptedData: Data, correlationValue: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterEncrypt:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSData*)encryptedData :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)operationStatus;
The component uses this event to notify the application about completion of the encrypt request. The event parameters provide the details of the encryption operation. This event fires independently of whether the build-in or virtualized decryption is used.
The ObjectId parameter contains the unique identifier of the encryption key. EncryptedData contains the encryption result. The CorrelationValue string is a linking token that allows to associate several pieces of a multi-step encryption operation together. The OperationStatus contains the result of the operation.
See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterGenerate Event (KMIPServer Module)
Signifies completion of certificate generation.
func onAfterGenerate(connectionId: Int64, certId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterGenerate:(long long)connectionId :(NSString**)certId :(int*)operationStatus;
The class fires this event upon completion of certificate generation routine. The generated certificate can be read from Certificate.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterGenerateKey Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application of the completion of key generation procedure.
func onAfterGenerateKey(connectionId: Int64, keyId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterGenerateKey:(long long)connectionId :(NSString**)keyId :(int*)operationStatus;
The component uses this event to notify the application about the completion of the key generation procedure. The KeyId parameter contains the ID of the new key object (and can be changed by the user code if required). The OperationStatus parameter reports the result of the operation.
This event is the third and conclusive in the sequence of BeforeGenerateKey, GenerateKey, and the AfterGenerateKey events. See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterGenerateKeyPair Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application of the completion of keypair generation.
func onAfterGenerateKeyPair(connectionId: Int64, privateKeyId: inout String, publicKeyId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterGenerateKeyPair:(long long)connectionId :(NSString**)privateKeyId :(NSString**)publicKeyId :(int*)operationStatus;
The component uses this event to notify the application about the completion of the keypair generation operation. The PrivateKeyId and PublicKeyId parameters contain the IDs of the new private and public keys respectively. The OperationStatus parameter returns the result of the operation.
See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterHash Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about completion of the hashing call.
func onAfterHash(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, hashData: Data, correlationValue: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterHash:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSData*)hashData :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)operationStatus;
Subscribe to this event to be notified about completion of the hashing request processing. The DataHash parameter contains the hash that has been calculated. The OperationStatus parameter contains the operation result. If the hashing operation was a MAC (keyed) operation, the ID of the key is passed to the ObjectId parameter.
See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterList Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about completion of the list command.
func onAfterList(connectionId: Int64, objectType: Int32, objectStatus: Int32, onlyFreshObjects: Bool, objectIds: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterList:(long long)connectionId :(int)objectType :(int)objectStatus :(BOOL)onlyFreshObjects :(NSString**)objectIds :(int*)operationStatus;
The component uses this event to notify the application about the completion of the list command. The ObjectType, ObjectStatus, and OnlyFreshObjects contain the listing criteria. The ObjectIds contains a list of object unique identifiers, separated by newlines.
See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterObtainLease Event (KMIPServer Module)
Reports the completion of lease allocation operation.
func onAfterObtainLease(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, leaseTime: inout Int32, lastChangeDate: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterObtainLease:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)leaseTime :(NSString**)lastChangeDate :(int*)operationStatus;
The component uses this event to notify the application about the completion of lease allocation operation. The ObjectId parameter specifies the identifier of the object a lease for each is allocated. The LeaseTime and LastChangeDate parameters specify parameters of the lease.
See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterReadObject Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application of the completion of the read operation on the object.
func onAfterReadObject(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, objectType: Int32, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterReadObject:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(int)objectType :(int*)operationStatus;
Use this event to be notified about completion of the read operation.
See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterReCertify Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the completion of the re-certify operation.
func onAfterReCertify(connectionId: Int64, newCertId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterReCertify:(long long)connectionId :(NSString**)newCertId :(int*)operationStatus;
The server component uses this event to notify the application about the completion of the re-certification (certificate renewal) operation. The NewCertId contains the unique ID of the new certificate object. You can adjust it if required.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterReKey Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the completion of the re-key operation.
func onAfterReKey(connectionId: Int64, newKeyId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterReKey:(long long)connectionId :(NSString**)newKeyId :(int*)operationStatus;
The server component uses this event to notify the application about the completion of the re-key (key renewal) operation. The NewKeyId contains the unique ID of the new key object. You can adjust it if required.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterRekeyKeyPair Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the completion of the re-key keypair operation.
func onAfterRekeyKeyPair(connectionId: Int64, newPrivateKeyId: inout String, newPublicKeyId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterRekeyKeyPair:(long long)connectionId :(NSString**)newPrivateKeyId :(NSString**)newPublicKeyId :(int*)operationStatus;
The server component uses this event to notify the application about the completion of the re-key (asymmetric key renewal) operation. The NewPrivateKeyId and NewPublicKeyId parameters contains the unique ID of the new key objects. You can adjust them if required.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterRemoveObject Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about completion of the object removal request.
func onAfterRemoveObject(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterRemoveObject:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)operationStatus;
Subscribe to this event to be notified about completion of an object removal request. The OperationStatus parameter contains the result of the operation.
See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterSign Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application of completion of a signing operation.
func onAfterSign(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, inputIsHash: Bool, signatureData: Data, correlationValue: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterSign:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(BOOL)inputIsHash :(NSData*)signatureData :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)operationStatus;
The component uses this event to notify the application about the completion of a signing operation.
The ObjectId parameter contains the unique identifier of the signing key. SignatureData contains the signing result. The CorrelationValue string is a linking token that allows to associate several pieces of a multi-step signing operation together. The OperationStatus contains the result of the operation.
See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterVerify Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about completion of the Verify operation.
func onAfterVerify(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, inputIsHash: Bool, validationResult: inout Int32, correlationValue: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterVerify:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(BOOL)inputIsHash :(int*)validationResult :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)operationStatus;
The component fires this event to notify the application of a completion of a verification operation. The ValidationResult parameter contains the validity status of the signature.
The ObjectId parameter contains the unique identifier of the verifying key. The OperationStatus parameter contains the result of the operation.
See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AfterVerifyHash Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about completion of the hash verification.
func onAfterVerifyHash(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, isValid: inout Bool, correlationValue: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onAfterVerifyHash:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)isValid :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)operationStatus;
The component uses this event to notify the application about hash verification result. The optional ObjectId parameter contains the unique identifier of the key object if HMAC algorithm is used.
The IsValid parameter contains the validity factor of the hash.
See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
ArchiveObject Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the received object archival request.
func onArchiveObject(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onArchiveObject:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)operationStatus;
The component fires this event when it receives an object archival request from a connected client. The archival procedure go through a simplified handling route, without the three-step flow.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
AuthAttempt Event (KMIPServer Module)
Fires when a connected client makes an authentication attempt.
func onAuthAttempt(connectionID: Int64, httpMethod: String, uri: String, authMethod: String, username: String, password: String, allow: inout Bool)
- (void)onAuthAttempt:(long long)connectionID :(NSString*)HTTPMethod :(NSString*)URI :(NSString*)authMethod :(NSString*)username :(NSString*)password :(int*)allow;
The class fires this event whenever a client attempts to authenticate itself. Use the Allow parameter to let the client through.
ConnectionID contains the unique session identifier for that client, HTTPMethod specifies the HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) used to access the URI resource, AuthMethod specifies the authentication method, and Username and Password contain the professed credentials.
BeforeAdd Event (KMIPServer Module)
Fires when a certificate import request is received from a client.
func onBeforeAdd(connectionId: Int64, group: inout String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeAdd:(long long)connectionId :(NSString**)group :(int*)action;
The class fires this event when it receives a request from the client to import a certificate on to the server. The supplied certificate is available in Certificate object.
The Group parameter specifies a common identifier for objects related to the certificate being imported: the certificate, its public key, and its private key.
BeforeAddKey Event (KMIPServer Module)
Fires when a key import request is received from the client.
func onBeforeAddKey(connectionId: Int64, group: inout String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeAddKey:(long long)connectionId :(NSString**)group :(int*)action;
The class fires this event when it receives a request from the client to import a key on to the server. The supplied key is available in the Key parameter.
For keypairs, the Group parameter contains a common label that will be applied to both parts of that keypair (the public key object and the private key object).
BeforeBrowse Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the browse request being received.
func onBeforeBrowse(connectionID: Int64, objectId: String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeBrowse:(long long)connectionID :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)action;
The component uses this event to notify the application about a browse request received for an object ObjectId.
BeforeDecrypt Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the initiation of the decryption operation.
func onBeforeDecrypt(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, correlationValue: inout String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeDecrypt:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)action;
The component fires this event to notify the application about the initiation of the decryption operation. The ObjectId parameter contains a reference to the decryption key. The optional CorrelationValue parameter can be used to link consecutive steps of multi-part decryption operation together.
Use the Action parameter to indicate the procedure you want to use for this request. See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
BeforeDeriveKey Event (KMIPServer Module)
Fires when a derive key request is received.
func onBeforeDeriveKey(connectionId: Int64, objectType: Int32, objectIds: String, derivationMethod: String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeDeriveKey:(long long)connectionId :(int)objectType :(NSString*)objectIds :(NSString*)derivationMethod :(int*)action;
The class fires this event when it receives a request from the client to derive a key. The supplied certificate is available in Key.
BeforeEdit Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the start of the object editing operation.
func onBeforeEdit(connectionID: Int64, objectId: String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeEdit:(long long)connectionID :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)action;
The editing operation consists of a sequence of attribute update requests. Each attribute is provided to the application via an individual SetAttribute call. When the list of supplied attributes has been exhausted, the AfterEdit event call follows.
The ObjectId parameter specifies the identifier of the object being edited.
BeforeEncrypt Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the initiation of an encryption operation.
func onBeforeEncrypt(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, correlationValue: inout String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeEncrypt:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)action;
The component fires this event to notify the application about the initiation of an encryption operation. The ObjectId parameter contains a reference to the encryption key. The optional CorrelationValue parameter can be used to link consecutive steps of multi-part encryption operation together.
Use the Action parameter to indicate the procedure you want to use for this request. See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
BeforeGenerate Event (KMIPServer Module)
Fires when a certificate generation request is received.
func onBeforeGenerate(connectionId: Int64, publicKeyId: String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeGenerate:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)publicKeyId :(int*)action;
The class fires this event when it receives a request from the client to generate a certificate. The supplied certificate template is available in Certificate.
BeforeGenerateKey Event (KMIPServer Module)
Fires when a key generation request is received.
func onBeforeGenerateKey(connectionId: Int64, keyAlgorithm: inout String, keyLength: inout Int32, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeGenerateKey:(long long)connectionId :(NSString**)keyAlgorithm :(int*)keyLength :(int*)action;
The class fires this event when it receives a request from the client to generate a key. KeyAlgorithm and KeyLength parameters specify the requested key properties.
BeforeGenerateKeyPair Event (KMIPServer Module)
Fires when a key generation request is received.
func onBeforeGenerateKeyPair(connectionId: Int64, keyAlgorithm: inout String, keyLength: inout Int32, scheme: inout String, schemeParams: inout String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeGenerateKeyPair:(long long)connectionId :(NSString**)keyAlgorithm :(int*)keyLength :(NSString**)scheme :(NSString**)schemeParams :(int*)action;
The class fires this event when it receives a request from the client to generate a keypair. KeyAlgorithm, KeyLength, Scheme and SchemeParams parameters specify the requested key properties.
BeforeHash Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the initiation of the hashing operation.
func onBeforeHash(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, hashAlgorithm: String, correlationValue: inout String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeHash:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSString*)hashAlgorithm :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)action;
The component fires this event to notify the application about the initiation of a hashing operation. The optional ObjectId parameter contains a reference to the hashing key if HMAC-based hashing is used. The optional CorrelationValue parameter can be used to link consecutive steps of multi-part hash operation together.
Use the Action parameter to indicate the procedure you want to use for this request. See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
BeforeList Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the initiation of the list operation.
func onBeforeList(connectionId: Int64, objectType: Int32, objectStatus: Int32, onlyFreshObjects: Bool, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeList:(long long)connectionId :(int)objectType :(int)objectStatus :(BOOL)onlyFreshObjects :(int*)action;
The component uses this event to notify the application of the received list call. The ObjectType, ObjectStatus, and OnlyFreshObjects parameters provide the listing criteria.
BeforeObtainLease Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the client requesting an object lease.
func onBeforeObtainLease(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeObtainLease:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)action;
Use this event to get notified about the connected client requesting an object lease.
BeforeReadObject Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the start of the object reading request.
func onBeforeReadObject(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeReadObject:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)action;
Object "reading" consists of a number of individual attribute requests. If fraCustom action is returned from this event handler, the component will fire ReadObject and ReadAttribute events repeatedly to request information about the object from your code.
BeforeReCertify Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about a re-certification request.
func onBeforeReCertify(connectionId: Int64, oldCertId: String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeReCertify:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)oldCertId :(int*)action;
The component uses this event to notify the application about a re-certification request (a request to re-issue an existing certificate).
The OldCertId parameter indicates the unique identifier of the certificate object that needs to be re-issued.
This event provides a pre-notification for the operation. If your code sets the Action parameter to fraCustom, this event will be followed by a ReCertify call that will let you handle the actual request as required.
BeforeReKey Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about a re-key request received.
func onBeforeReKey(connectionId: Int64, oldKeyId: String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeReKey:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)oldKeyId :(int*)action;
The component uses this event to notify the application about a key re-issue request received from the client. The OldKeyId parameter contains the unique identifier of the old key object.
BeforeRekeyKeyPair Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about a keypair re-key request received.
func onBeforeRekeyKeyPair(connectionId: Int64, oldPrivateKeyId: String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeRekeyKeyPair:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)oldPrivateKeyId :(int*)action;
The component uses this event to notify the application about a keypair re-issue request received from the client. The OldPrivateKeyId parameter contains the unique identifier of the old private key object.
BeforeRemoveObject Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about an incoming Remove Object request.
func onBeforeRemoveObject(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeRemoveObject:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)action;
Subscribe to this event to choose the operation flow (automated/custom) for the object removal operation.
BeforeSign Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the initiation of a signing operation.
func onBeforeSign(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, algorithm: String, hashAlgorithm: String, inputIsHash: Bool, correlationValue: inout String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeSign:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSString*)algorithm :(NSString*)hashAlgorithm :(BOOL)inputIsHash :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)action;
The component fires this event to notify the application about the initiation of the signing operation. The ObjectId parameter contains a reference to the signing key. The optional CorrelationValue parameter can be used to link consecutive steps of multi-part signing operation together.
Use the Action parameter to indicate the procedure you want to use for this request. See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
BeforeVerify Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the initiation of the verify operation.
func onBeforeVerify(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, hashAlgorithm: String, inputIsHash: Bool, correlationValue: inout String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeVerify:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSString*)hashAlgorithm :(BOOL)inputIsHash :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)action;
The component fires this event to notify the application about the initiation of the verification operation. The ObjectId parameter contains a reference to the verification key.
Use the Action parameter to indicate the procedure you want to use for this request. See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
BeforeVerifyHash Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the initiation of the hash verification operation.
func onBeforeVerifyHash(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, hashAlgorithm: String, correlationValue: inout String, action: inout Int32)
- (void)onBeforeVerifyHash:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSString*)hashAlgorithm :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)action;
The component fires this event to notify the application about the initiation of the hash verification operation. The ObjectId parameter contains a reference to the HMAC key, if MAC algorithm is used.
Use the Action parameter to indicate the procedure you want to use for this request. See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
Cancel Event (KMIPServer Module)
Reports a cancellation request received from the client.
func onCancel(connectionId: Int64, asyncCorrelationValue: String, cancellationResult: inout Int32, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onCancel:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)asyncCorrelationValue :(int*)cancellationResult :(int*)operationStatus;
The component uses this event to notify the application about the cancellation request received. The application should handle the cancellation request and set CancellationResult and OperationStatus to one of the following values:
kccCancelled | 0x01 | |
kccUnableToCancel | 0x02 | |
kccCompleted | 0x03 | |
kccFailed | 0x04 | |
kccUnavailable | 0x05 |
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
Check Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about a Check request received.
func onCheck(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, usageLimitsCount: inout Int64, cryptographicUsageMask: inout Int32, leaseTime: inout Int32, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onCheck:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(long long*)usageLimitsCount :(int*)cryptographicUsageMask :(int*)leaseTime :(int*)operationStatus;
The component fires this event to notify the application about the Check request received from the client side. Applications working in virtual mode should implement the relevant logic in their event handlers.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
Connect Event (KMIPServer Module)
Reports an accepted connection.
- (void)onConnect:(long long)connectionID :(NSString*)remoteAddress :(int)remotePort;
The class fires this event to report that a new connection has been established. ConnectionId indicates the unique ID assigned to this connection. The same ID will be supplied to any other events related to this connection, such as GetRequest or AuthAttempt.
Decrypt Event (KMIPServer Module)
Instructs the application to decrypt a chunk of data.
func onDecrypt(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, data: Data, iv: String, initIndicator: Bool, finalIndicator: Bool, blockCipherMode: String, tagLength: Int32, paddingMethod: String, correlationValue: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onDecrypt:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSData*)data :(NSString*)IV :(BOOL)initIndicator :(BOOL)finalIndicator :(NSString*)blockCipherMode :(int)tagLength :(NSString*)paddingMethod :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)operationStatus;
The server uses this event to inform the application of a decryption request submitted by the client and, optionally, request the application to decrypt the data block with the provided set of parameters. The decryption logic only needs to be implemented if the application uses the virtual storage mode.
In the event handler, use the parameters provided to decrypt Data with the key identified with ObjectId. The InitIndicator and FinalIndicator tell whether the provided block is first and/or last in a sequence of blocks forming a multi-step decryption operation. If the block is not the last one, set CorrelationValue to a random string to preserve continuity between consecutive block decryptions.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
DeleteAttribute Event (KMIPServer Module)
Instructs the application to delete an object attribute.
func onDeleteAttribute(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, attributeName: String, attributeValue: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onDeleteAttribute:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSString*)attributeName :(NSString**)attributeValue :(int*)operationStatus;
The server fires this event to relay the KMIP client's Delete Attribute request to the application if the application chose to use custom flow in the preceding BeforeEdit event.
The event handler is expected to delete the AttributeName from the ObjectId's attribute set, and return the (now deleted) AttributeValue and the OperationStatus back to the server.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
DeriveKey Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application of key derivation request.
func onDeriveKey(connectionId: Int64, objectType: Int32, objectIds: String, derivationMethod: String, initializationVector: Data, derivationData: Data, newKeyId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onDeriveKey:(long long)connectionId :(int)objectType :(NSString*)objectIds :(NSString*)derivationMethod :(NSData*)initializationVector :(NSData*)derivationData :(NSString**)newKeyId :(int*)operationStatus;
The server fires this event to notify the application of a received key derivation request. Applications working in virtual mode should react to this event by performing the requested operation and returning the ID of the new key via the NewKeyId parameter.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
Disconnect Event (KMIPServer Module)
Fires to report a disconnected client.
func onDisconnect(connectionID: Int64)
- (void)onDisconnect:(long long)connectionID;
The class fires this event when a connected client disconnects.
Encrypt Event (KMIPServer Module)
Instructs the application to encrypt a chunk of data.
func onEncrypt(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, data: Data, initIndicator: Bool, finalIndicator: Bool, blockCipherMode: String, tagLength: Int32, paddingMethod: String, randomIV: Bool, iv: inout String, correlationValue: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onEncrypt:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSData*)data :(BOOL)initIndicator :(BOOL)finalIndicator :(NSString*)blockCipherMode :(int)tagLength :(NSString*)paddingMethod :(BOOL)randomIV :(NSString**)IV :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)operationStatus;
The server uses this event to request the application to encrypt a data block with the provided set of parameters. This event is only fired if the application chose to use a custom encryption flow in the preceding BeforeEncrypt call.
In the event handler, use the parameters provided to encrypt Data with the key identified with ObjectId. The InitIndicator and FinalIndicator tell whether the provided block is first and/or last in a sequence of blocks forming a multi-step encryption operation. If the block is not last, set CorrelationValue to a random string to preserve continuity between consecutive block encryptions.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
Error Event (KMIPServer Module)
Information about errors during data delivery.
- (void)onError:(long long)connectionID :(int)errorCode :(BOOL)fatal :(BOOL)remote :(NSString*)description;
The event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during message processing.
ErrorCode contains an error code and Description contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the HTTPS section.
ExternalSign Event (KMIPServer Module)
Handles remote or external signing initiated by the server protocol.
func onExternalSign(connectionID: Int64, operationId: String, hashAlgorithm: String, pars: String, data: String, signedData: inout String)
- (void)onExternalSign:(long long)connectionID :(NSString*)operationId :(NSString*)hashAlgorithm :(NSString*)pars :(NSString*)data :(NSString**)signedData;
Assign a handler to this event if you need to delegate a low-level signing operation to an external, remote, or custom signing engine. Depending on the settings, the handler will receive a hashed or unhashed value to be signed.
The event handler must pass the value of Data to the signer, obtain the signature, and pass it back to the class via the SignedData parameter.
OperationId provides a comment about the operation and its origin. It depends on the exact class being used, and may be empty. HashAlgorithm specifies the hash algorithm being used for the operation, and Pars contains algorithm-dependent parameters.
The class uses base16 (hex) encoding for the Data, SignedData, and Pars parameters. If your signing engine uses a different input and output encoding, you may need to decode and/or encode the data before and/or after the signing.
A sample MD5 hash encoded in base16: a0dee2a0382afbb09120ffa7ccd8a152 - lower case base16 A0DEE2A0382AFBB09120FFA7CCD8A152 - upper case base16
A sample event handler that uses the .NET RSACryptoServiceProvider class may look like the following:
signer.OnExternalSign += (s, e) =>
var cert = new X509Certificate2("cert.pfx", "", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable);
var key = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)cert.PrivateKey;
var dataToSign = e.Data.FromBase16String();
var signedData = key.SignHash(dataToSign, "2.16.840.");
e.SignedData = signedData.ToBase16String();
Generate Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about an incoming Generate request.
func onGenerate(connectionId: Int64, publicKeyId: String, certId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onGenerate:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)publicKeyId :(NSString**)certId :(int*)operationStatus;
Subscribe to this event to get notified about incoming certificate generate requests. The PublicKeyId parameter specifies the public key that the new certificate should be generated over.
Applications using the server in virtual storage mode should implement the generation logic in the event handler and return the new CertId back along with OperationStatus.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
GenerateKey Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about an incoming Generate request.
func onGenerateKey(connectionId: Int64, keyAlgorithm: String, keyLength: Int32, group: String, keyId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onGenerateKey:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)keyAlgorithm :(int)keyLength :(NSString*)group :(NSString**)keyId :(int*)operationStatus;
Subscribe to this event to get notified about incoming key generation requests. The KeyAlgorithm and KeyLength parameters specify the parameters of the key to be generated. Use the Group parameter to arrange together keys belonging to the same set, such as private and public parts of a keypair.
Applications using the server in virtual storage mode should implement the generation logic in the event handler and return the new KeyId back along with OperationStatus.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
GenerateKeyPair Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about an incoming Generate request.
func onGenerateKeyPair(connectionId: Int64, keyAlgorithm: String, keyLength: Int32, scheme: String, schemeParams: String, group: String, privateKeyId: inout String, publicKeyId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onGenerateKeyPair:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)keyAlgorithm :(int)keyLength :(NSString*)scheme :(NSString*)schemeParams :(NSString*)group :(NSString**)privateKeyId :(NSString**)publicKeyId :(int*)operationStatus;
Subscribe to this event to get notified about incoming keypair generation requests. The KeyAlgorithm, KeyLength, Scheme and SchemeParams parameters specify the parameters of the keypair to be generated. Use the Group parameter to put together keys belonging to the same set, such as private and public parts of a keypair.
Applications using the server in virtual storage mode should implement the generation logic in the event handler and return the new PrivateKeyId and PublicKeyId back along with OperationStatus.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
GetUsageAllocation Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about an incoming Get Usage Allocation request.
func onGetUsageAllocation(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, usageLimitsCount: Int32, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onGetUsageAllocation:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(int)usageLimitsCount :(int*)operationStatus;
The component uses this event to tell the application about a Get Usage Allocation request received.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
Hash Event (KMIPServer Module)
Instructs the application to update the current hashing operation.
func onHash(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, hashAlgorithm: String, data: Data, initIndicator: Bool, finalIndicator: Bool, correlationValue: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onHash:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSString*)hashAlgorithm :(NSData*)data :(BOOL)initIndicator :(BOOL)finalIndicator :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)operationStatus;
The server fires this event to pass a new chunk of data to the application for inclusion in the hash. This event is only fired if the application chose to process the hashing operation manually in the preceding BeforeHash event.
The ObjectId specifies the key object for Hash+MAC operations. The Data parameters contains the data buffer that needs to be added to the hash, with InitIndicator and FinalIndicator specifying the very first and very last data blocks respectively.
Return a unique CorrelationValue to chain pieces of a multi-block hashing operation together.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
HeadersPrepared Event (KMIPServer Module)
Fires when the response headers have been formed and are ready to be sent to the server.
func onHeadersPrepared(connectionID: Int64)
- (void)onHeadersPrepared:(long long)connectionID;
The class fires this event when the response headers are ready to be sent to the server. ConnectionID indicates the connection that processed the request.
Use GetResponseHeader method with an empty header name to get the whole response header.
KMIPAuthAttempt Event (KMIPServer Module)
Fires when a connected client makes an authentication attempt.
func onKMIPAuthAttempt(connectionId: Int64, username: String, password: String, accept: inout Bool)
- (void)onKMIPAuthAttempt:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)username :(NSString*)password :(int*)accept;
The class fires this event whenever a client attempts to authenticate itself. Use the Accept parameter to let the client through.
Username and Password contain the professed credentials.
List Event (KMIPServer Module)
Instructs the application to return the list of objects that match the specified criteria.
func onList(connectionId: Int64, objectType: Int32, objectStatus: Int32, onlyFreshObjects: Bool, offsetItems: Int32, maximumItems: Int32, objectIds: inout String, locatedItems: inout Int32, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onList:(long long)connectionId :(int)objectType :(int)objectStatus :(BOOL)onlyFreshObjects :(int)offsetItems :(int)maximumItems :(NSString**)objectIds :(int*)locatedItems :(int*)operationStatus;
The server uses this event to request a list of objects in accordance with the List call received from a KMIP client. This event only fires if the application chose to follow a custom listing flow in the preceding BeforeList event.
The event handler should use the filtering parameters provided to form the list of IDs and return it via the ObjectIds parameters. Note that ObjectType contains a bit mask of the object types that need to be returned. If that mask is set to zero, objects of all types must be considered.
The OnlyFreshObjects modifier tells the server to only return the objects that were not previously exported to the client.
otUnknown | 0x00 | |
otCertificate | 0x01 | |
otSymmetricKey | 0x02 | |
otPublicKey | 0x04 | |
otPrivateKey | 0x08 |
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
ListAttributes Event (KMIPServer Module)
Requests a list of object attribute names from the application.
func onListAttributes(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, attributeNames: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onListAttributes:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSString**)attributeNames :(int*)operationStatus;
The server fires this event to request a list of names of attributes defined for the object. This event is only fired if the application chose to use a custom flow for attribute listing in the preceding BeforeBrowse event call.
Following completion of this event, the server will call the ReadAttribute event for each attribute name to request the respective values.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
Notification Event (KMIPServer Module)
This event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.
- (void)onNotification:(NSString*)eventID :(NSString*)eventParam;
The class fires this event to let the application know about some event, occurrence, or milestone in the class. For example, it may fire to report completion of the document processing. The list of events being reported is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.
The unique identifier of the event is provided in the EventID parameter. EventParam contains any parameters accompanying the occurrence. Depending on the type of the class, the exact action it is performing, or the document being processed, one or both may be omitted.
This class can fire this event with the following EventID values:
ListeningStarted | Notifies the application that the server has started listening for incoming connections. |
ListeningStopped | Notifies the application that the server has stopped listening to incoming connections. |
ObtainLease Event (KMIPServer Module)
Lets the application handle the lease request.
func onObtainLease(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, leaseTime: inout Int32, lastChangeDate: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onObtainLease:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)leaseTime :(NSString**)lastChangeDate :(int*)operationStatus;
Subscribe to this event to react to object lease requests in virtualized mode.
The ObjectId parameter indicates the object a lease for which is requested. The LeaseTime and LastChangeDate specify the requested parameters of the lease. You can adjust them as required.
Set OperationStatus to indicate the intended operation result to the client.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
OperationAttempt Event (KMIPServer Module)
Fires when a request is received from the client.
func onOperationAttempt(connectionId: Int64, operation: String, username: String, reject: inout Bool)
- (void)onOperationAttempt:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)operation :(NSString*)username :(int*)reject;
The Operation parameter specifies the operation to perform, and Username the originator of the request. Use the Reject parameter to reject the request.
Poll Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the received Poll request.
func onPoll(connectionId: Int64, asyncCorrelationValue: String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onPoll:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)asyncCorrelationValue :(int*)operationStatus;
KMIP clients may use Poll requests to check with the server asynchronously about the progress of an operation they started earlier. Use the handler of this event to return the OperationStatus for the operation identified with the AsyncCorrelationValue parameter.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
ReadAttribute Event (KMIPServer Module)
Requests an object attribute value from the application.
func onReadAttribute(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, attributeName: String, attributeValue: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onReadAttribute:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSString*)attributeName :(NSString**)attributeValue :(int*)operationStatus;
The server uses this event to request an attribute value from the application. This event is only fired if the application chose the custom object browsing flow in the preceding BeforeBrowse event.
This event is fired for every AttributeName in the list returned by the application from a preceding ListAttributes event call.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
ReadObject Event (KMIPServer Module)
Requests the details of the object from the application.
func onReadObject(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, objectType: inout Int32, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onReadObject:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)objectType :(int*)operationStatus;
The server fires this event to request the details of the object from the application. This event is only invoked if the application chose to use custom operation handling in the preceding BeforeReadObject event call.
The event handler should set the ObjectType and OperationStatus as required, and provide the relevant object via the Certificate or Key property and commiting it using SetClientCert or SetClientKey respectively.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
ReCertify Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about an incoming re-certification request.
func onReCertify(connectionId: Int64, oldCertId: String, offset: Int32, group: String, newCertId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onReCertify:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)oldCertId :(int)offset :(NSString*)group :(NSString**)newCertId :(int*)operationStatus;
The server uses this event to notify the application about the incoming re-certification request.
If the application uses the component in virtual mode, it should perform the requested re-certification operation in the event handler and return the identifier of the new certificate via the NewCertId parameter.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
RecoverObject Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about an incoming Recover Object request.
func onRecoverObject(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onRecoverObject:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)operationStatus;
Subscribe to this event to get notified about the Recover Object request. Applications that use the component in the virtual mode should handle the request in their event handler and set OperationStatus in accordance with the operation result.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
ReKey Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about an incoming re-key request.
func onReKey(connectionId: Int64, oldKeyId: String, offset: Int32, group: String, newKeyId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onReKey:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)oldKeyId :(int)offset :(NSString*)group :(NSString**)newKeyId :(int*)operationStatus;
The server uses this event to notify the application about the incoming re-keying request.
If the application uses the component in virtual mode, it should perform the requested re-key operation in the event handler and return the identifier of the new key via the NewKeyId parameter.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
RekeyKeyPair Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about an incoming re-key request.
func onRekeyKeyPair(connectionId: Int64, oldPrivateKeyId: String, offset: Int32, group: String, newPrivateKeyId: inout String, newPublicKeyId: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onRekeyKeyPair:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)oldPrivateKeyId :(int)offset :(NSString*)group :(NSString**)newPrivateKeyId :(NSString**)newPublicKeyId :(int*)operationStatus;
The server uses this event to notify the application about the incoming asymmetric re-keying request.
If the application uses the component in virtual mode, it should perform the requested re-certification operation in the event handler and return the identifiers of the new public and private keys via the NewPublicKeyId and NewPrivateKeyId parameters.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
RemoveObject Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about the object deletion request.
func onRemoveObject(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onRemoveObject:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(int*)operationStatus;
The server uses this event to notify the application about the incoming object removal request. Applications working in virtual mode should perform the requested operation in the event handler and set OperationStatus according to the outcome of the operation.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
Request Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about KMIP requests being received.
- (void)onRequest:(long long)connectionId :(NSData*)requestData;
Subscribe to this event to get notified about incoming KMIP requests. The RequestData parameter contains the serialized KMIP request object.
Response Event (KMIPServer Module)
Notifies the application about KMIP responses being sent back.
- (void)onResponse:(long long)connectionId :(NSData*)responseData;
Subscribe to this event to get notified about KMIP protocol responses being sent back to KMIP clients.
RevokeObject Event (KMIPServer Module)
Instructs the application to revoke an object.
func onRevokeObject(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, reasonCode: Int32, reasonMessage: String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onRevokeObject:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(int)reasonCode :(NSString*)reasonMessage :(int*)operationStatus;
The server uses this event to relay a client's Revoke Object request to the application.
The application must mark the requested object (ObjectId) as revoked, providing ReasonCode and ReasonMessage as evidence.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
RNGGenerate Event (KMIPServer Module)
Asks the application for another block of random numbers.
func onRNGGenerate(connectionId: Int64, dataLength: Int32, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onRNGGenerate:(long long)connectionId :(int)dataLength :(int*)operationStatus;
The server uses this event to request another chunk of random data from the application, following a client's PRNG Generate request.
An application that handles this event must use its PRNG to generate DataLength bytes of data and pass that data buffer back to the server via the SetClientBytes method.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
RNGSeed Event (KMIPServer Module)
Tells the application to seed the random number generator.
func onRNGSeed(connectionId: Int64, data: Data, bytesUsed: inout Int32, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onRNGSeed:(long long)connectionId :(NSData*)data :(int*)bytesUsed :(int*)operationStatus;
The server component uses this event to notify the application about the client's RNG Seed call. The application that handles this event must seed the provided data to its PRNG and return the number of BytesUsed along with the OperationStatus.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
SetAttribute Event (KMIPServer Module)
Passes a set-attribute request to the application.
func onSetAttribute(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, attributeName: String, attributeValue: String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onSetAttribute:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSString*)attributeName :(NSString*)attributeValue :(int*)operationStatus;
The server component uses this event to tell the application that a certain attribute on an object should be set. This event only fires if the application chose to handle the edit operation manually in BeforeEdit event handler.
The handler of this event should attempt to set the AttributeName attribute of the respective object as requested and return the operation result in the OperationStatus parameter.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
Sign Event (KMIPServer Module)
Instructs the application to sign data with a private key.
func onSign(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, algorithm: String, hashAlgorithm: String, inputIsHash: Bool, data: Data, initIndicator: Bool, finalIndicator: Bool, correlationValue: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onSign:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSString*)algorithm :(NSString*)hashAlgorithm :(BOOL)inputIsHash :(NSData*)data :(BOOL)initIndicator :(BOOL)finalIndicator :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)operationStatus;
The server used this event to request the application to sign the provided Data (or the hash of the data, subject to InputIsHash) with the private key identified by the ObjectId parameter. This event is only fired if the application chose to proceed with the custom signing flow in the preceding BeforeSign event.
The InitIndicator and FinalIndicator provide guidance as to whether the data block is the first or last in a sequence of blocks. For blocks that are not last, generate a unique CorrelationValue to ensure continuity between consecutive data blocks.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
TLSCertValidate Event (KMIPServer Module)
Fires when a client certificate needs to be validated.
func onTLSCertValidate(connectionID: Int64, accept: inout Bool)
- (void)onTLSCertValidate:(long long)connectionID :(int*)accept;
The class fires this event to notify the application of an authenticating client. Use the event handler to validate the certificate and pass your decision back to the server component via the Accept parameter.
TLSEstablished Event (KMIPServer Module)
Reports the setup of a TLS session.
func onTLSEstablished(connectionID: Int64)
- (void)onTLSEstablished:(long long)connectionID;
Subscribe to this event to be notified about the setup of a TLS connection by a connected client.
TLSHandshake Event (KMIPServer Module)
Fires when a newly established client connection initiates a TLS handshake.
func onTLSHandshake(connectionID: Int64, serverName: String, abort: inout Bool)
- (void)onTLSHandshake:(long long)connectionID :(NSString*)serverName :(int*)abort;
Use this event to get notified about the initiation of the TLS handshake by the remote client. The ServerName parameter specifies the requested host from the client hello message.
TLSPSK Event (KMIPServer Module)
Requests a pre-shared key for TLS-PSK.
func onTLSPSK(connectionID: Int64, identity: String, psk: inout String, ciphersuite: inout String)
- (void)onTLSPSK:(long long)connectionID :(NSString*)identity :(NSString**)PSK :(NSString**)ciphersuite;
The class fires this event to report that a client has requested a TLS-PSK negotiation. ConnectionId indicates the unique connection ID that requested the PSK handshake.
Use Identity to look up for the corresponding pre-shared key in the server's database, then assign the key to the PSK parameter. If TLS 1.3 PSK is used, you will also need to assign the Ciphersuite parameter with the cipher suite associated with that identity and their key.
TLSShutdown Event (KMIPServer Module)
Reports closure of a TLS session.
func onTLSShutdown(connectionID: Int64)
- (void)onTLSShutdown:(long long)connectionID;
The class fires this event when a connected client closes their TLS session gracefully. This event is typically followed by a Disconnect, which marks the closure of the underlying TCP session.
ValidateChain Event (KMIPServer Module)
Passes the chain validation request to the application.
func onValidateChain(connectionId: Int64, objectIds: String, validity: inout Int32, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onValidateChain:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectIds :(int*)validity :(int*)operationStatus;
The server fires this event to notify the application about the received chain validation request. The application needs to build a chain out of certificates contained in the ObjectIds list, validate it, and return the validation result via the Validity parameter, which can take one of the following values:
cvtValid | 0 | The chain is valid |
cvtValidButUntrusted | 1 | The chain is valid, but the root certificate is not trusted |
cvtInvalid | 2 | The chain is not valid (some of certificates are revoked, expired, or contain an invalid signature) |
cvtCantBeEstablished | 3 | The validity of the chain cannot be established because of missing or unavailable validation information (certificates, CRLs, or OCSP responses) |
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
Verify Event (KMIPServer Module)
KMIPServer fires this event to notify the application about a verification operation request, and expects the application to perform it.
func onVerify(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, hashAlgorithm: String, inputIsHash: Bool, data: Data, signatureData: Data, initIndicator: Bool, finalIndicator: Bool, validationResult: inout Int32, correlationValue: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onVerify:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSString*)hashAlgorithm :(BOOL)inputIsHash :(NSData*)data :(NSData*)signatureData :(BOOL)initIndicator :(BOOL)finalIndicator :(int*)validationResult :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)operationStatus;
Subscribe to this event to be notified about public key signature verification operations. For this event to be invoked, the fraCustom action needs to be previously returned from the BeforeVerify event.
The parameters of this event provide the details of the verification request:
- ObjectId: the key object to verify the signature with.
- HashAlgorithm: the hash algorithm to use for verification.
- InputIsHash: specifies whether Data contains the hash of the signed object or the object itself.
- Data: the signed data that needs to be verified.
- SignatureData: the signature data.
- InitIndicator: whether the provided data block starts a sequence of blocks.
- FinalIndicator: whether the provided data block ends a sequence of blocks.
Upon processing, set the ValidationResult and OperationStatus in accordance with the operation result.
See the
Handling and overriding server operations using the Three-Step Virtualization
Most of the server components shipped with SecureBlackbox are highly customizable, allowing the user to override or alter the way the clients' requests are handled by default. The customization feature paves the way for creation of bespoke or virtualized server solutions that work over standardized protocols.
The possibility of customization is typically offered through a three-step virtualization model. Every customizable operation or request that can be handled by the server - say, RenameFile - is represented with a triple of events:
- BeforeRenameFile
- RenameFile
- AfterRenameFile
The first event fires right after the respective request has been received from a client. It provides the details of the operation, such as the original and target file names, and, importantly, a by-reference (writable) Action parameter. The event handler can set the Action parameter to one of the three settings given below. The setting chosen defines the further operation flow:
- fraAuto: the operation shall be handled automatically by the server: in this case, a file will be searched in the provided local directory and renamed.
- fraCustom: indicates that the user wants to take care of the operation by themselves. If this setting is chosen, the server takes no action, and instead fires the RenameFile event shortly after BeforeRenameFile completes. The user is expected to handle RenameFile and perform the requested action - that is, rename the file - manually.
- fraAbort: the operation should be aborted as not supported/allowed. Neither the server nor the user are expected to perform it.
The second event (RenameFile) only fires if Action was set to fraCustom in the earlier call to BeforeRenameFile. It lets the user handle the requested operation in the way they want. The user code must fulfil the operation (for example, rename a database entry, if building a virtualized server), and return the operation result as the event's OperationResult parameter.
If the Action parameter was set to fraAuto, RenameFile is not called. The server performs the operation automatically.
The third event, AfterRenameFile, fires upon completion of the operation, either in automatic or custom mode. The user code can check and/or adjust the result to be returned to the client.
To summarize:
- If Action is set to fraAuto, the next call about this operation will be to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraCustom, the next call about the operation will be to RenameFile, and after that to AfterRenameFile.
- If Action is set to fraAbort, the operation is rejected and no further calls about it are performed.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
VerifyHash Event (KMIPServer Module)
Delegates the hash verification operation to a custom handler.
func onVerifyHash(connectionId: Int64, objectId: String, hashAlgorithm: String, data: Data, hash: Data, initIndicator: Bool, finalIndicator: Bool, isValid: inout Bool, correlationValue: inout String, operationStatus: inout Int32)
- (void)onVerifyHash:(long long)connectionId :(NSString*)objectId :(NSString*)hashAlgorithm :(NSData*)data :(NSData*)hash :(BOOL)initIndicator :(BOOL)finalIndicator :(int*)isValid :(NSString**)correlationValue :(int*)operationStatus;
This event allows the application to wiretap into the server's verification procedure. It is invoked if the Action parameter in the preceding BeforeVerify hash call was set to fraCustom.
KMIPServer uses this event to delegate both hash and MAC (keyed hash) verifications.
The ObjectId parameter contains the identifier of the key object that should be used to calculate the MAC code. This parameter is empty if a simple hashing operation is requested. The Data parameter contains the data that should be verified against the hash.
The Hash parameter contains the hash or MAC record. The Algorithm parameter specifies the hash algorithm.
In this handler, the application should calculate an Algorithm hash over Data, and verify that the result matches Hash. If the result does match, it should set the IsValid parameter to true. If the hashes do not match, or if any of the call parameters are malformed or not understood by the application, it should set IsValid to false.
ostOk | 1 | |
ostNoSuchFile | 2 | |
ostAccessDenied | 3 | |
ostWriteProtect | 4 | |
ostUnsupported | 5 | |
ostInvalidParameter | 6 | |
ostEOF | 7 |
Certificate Type
Encapsulates an individual X.509 certificate.
This type keeps and provides access to X.509 certificate details.
- Bytes
- CA
- CertType
- CRLDistributionPoints
- Curve
- Fingerprint
- FriendlyName
- Handle
- HashAlgorithm
- Issuer
- IssuerRDN
- KeyAlgorithm
- KeyBits
- KeyFingerprint
- KeyUsage
- KeyValid
- OCSPLocations
- OCSPNoCheck
- Origin
- PolicyIDs
- PrivateKeyBytes
- PrivateKeyExists
- PrivateKeyExtractable
- PublicKeyBytes
- Qualified
- QualifiedStatements
- Qualifiers
- SelfSigned
- SerialNumber
- SigAlgorithm
- Source
- Subject
- SubjectAlternativeName
- SubjectKeyID
- SubjectRDN
- Valid
- ValidFrom
- ValidTo
Data (read-only)
Default Value: ""
Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.
Default Value: False
Indicates whether the certificate has a CA capability. For the certificate to be considered a CA, it must have its Basic Constraints extension set with the CA indicator enabled.
Set this property when generating a new certificate to have its Basic Constraints extension generated automatically.
Data (read-only)
Default Value: ""
A unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's cryptographic key.
Authority Key Identifier is a certificate extension which allows identification of certificates belonging to the same issuer, but with different public keys. It is a de-facto standard to include this extension in all certificates to facilitate chain building.
This setting cannot be set when generating a certificate as it always derives from another certificate property. CertificateManager generates this setting automatically if enough information is available to it: for self-signed certificates, this value is copied from the setting, and for lower-level certificates, from the parent certificate's subject key ID extension.
CertTypes (read-only)
Default Value: 0
Returns the type of the entity contained in the Certificate object.
A Certificate object can contain two types of cryptographic objects: a ready-to-use X.509 certificate, or a certificate request ("an unsigned certificate"). Certificate requests can be upgraded to full certificates by signing them with a CA certificate.
Use the CertificateManager class to load or create new certificate and certificate requests objects.