CertificateStorage Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Config Settings   Errors  

The CertificateStorage class works with collections of certificates.


class secureblackbox.CertificateStorage


CertificateStorage can work with certificates residing on a variety of media. Among others, it can access certificates residing in files, Windows and macOS system stores, and PKCS#11 devices. All such kinds of media can be accessed via a simple, unified interface, which makes CertificateStorage a handy certificate access option. Most users of SecureBlackbox use this component to access certificates residing on hardware devices. CertificateStorage is also a good alternative to CertificateManager where the certificate file contains more than one certificate.

To access certificates stored on certain type of media, start with the open method. Provide the location of your certificates via a uniform URI-like specifier. Once the storage has been opened, you can access the certificates contained in it via the certificates property.

Iterate over certificates by using the certificates property, or use filtering facilities such as select and select_chain. You can add certificates to the storage with the import_bytes, import_from_file, and import_pinned methods. In the latter case please assign the certificate object to be imported to the pinned_cert property.

Use create_new method to create a new storage. Note that not all storage kinds can be created.

When you have finished working with the certificate storage, close it with the close method.

Certain types of stores must be kept open for the certificates to continue to be usable. This means that while you can copy a certificate to a different storage, or assign it to a different component, you still must keep the storage it originates from open for as long as you intend to use that certificate in your code. This is because the storage is often a bridge between a certificate and its private key, and by closing the storage early you are destroying this bridge prematurely. See the code example below: // This code, although syntactically correct, will fail because the storage is closed too early: storage.Open("pkcs11://user:12345@localhost/C:/Windows/System32/asepkcs.dll"); pdfSigner.SigningCertificate = storage.Certificates[0]; storage.Close(false); // the private key of the SigningCertificate gets lost after this call pdfSigner.Sign(); // returns an error // This code will work as expected storage.Open("pkcs11://user:12345@localhost/C:/Windows/System32/asepkcs.dll"); pdfSigner.SigningCertificate = storage.Certificates[0]; pdfSigner.Sign(); storage.Close(false);

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

cert_countThe number of records in the Cert arrays.
cert_bytesReturns the raw certificate data in DER format.
cert_caIndicates whether the certificate has a CA capability.
cert_ca_key_idA unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's cryptographic key.
cert_cert_typeReturns the type of the entity contained in the Certificate object.
cert_crl_distribution_pointsContains a list of locations of CRL distribution points used to check this certificate's validity.
cert_curveSpecifies the elliptic curve associated with the certificate's public key.
cert_fingerprintContains the fingerprint (a hash imprint) of this certificate.
cert_friendly_nameContains an associated alias (friendly name) of the certificate.
cert_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
cert_hash_algorithmProvides means to set the hash algorithm to be used in the subsequent operation on the certificate (such as generation or key signing).
cert_issuerThe common name of the certificate issuer (CA), typically a company name.
cert_issuer_rdnA list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate issuer.
cert_key_algorithmSpecifies the public key algorithm of this certificate.
cert_key_bitsReturns the length of the public key in bits.
cert_key_fingerprintReturns a SHA1 fingerprint of the public key contained in the certificate.
cert_key_usageIndicates the purposes of the key contained in the certificate, in the form of an OR'ed flag set.
cert_key_validReturns True if the certificate's key is cryptographically valid, and False otherwise.
cert_ocsp_locationsLocations of OCSP services that can be used to check this certificate's validity in real time, as recorded by the CA.
cert_ocsp_no_checkAccessor to the value of the certificate's ocsp-no-check extension.
cert_originReturns the location that the certificate was taken or loaded from.
cert_policy_i_dsContains identifiers (OIDs) of the applicable certificate policies.
cert_private_key_bytesReturns the certificate's private key in DER-encoded format.
cert_private_key_existsIndicates whether the certificate has a usable private key associated with it.
cert_private_key_extractableIndicates whether the private key is extractable (exportable).
cert_public_key_bytesContains the certificate's public key in DER format.
cert_qualifiedIndicates whether the certificate is qualified.
cert_qualified_statementsReturns a simplified qualified status of the certificate.
cert_qualifiersA list of qualifiers.
cert_self_signedIndicates whether the certificate is self-signed (root) or signed by an external CA.
cert_serial_numberReturns the certificate's serial number.
cert_sig_algorithmIndicates the algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this certificate.
cert_sourceReturns the source (location or disposition) of a cryptographic primitive entity, such as a certificate, CRL, or OCSP response.
cert_subjectThe common name of the certificate holder, typically an individual's name, a URL, an e-mail address, or a company name.
cert_subject_alternative_nameReturns or sets the value of the Subject Alternative Name extension of the certificate.
cert_subject_key_idContains a unique identifier of the certificate's cryptographic key.
cert_subject_rdnA list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate holder (subject).
cert_validIndicates whether or not the signature over the certificate or the request is valid and matches the public key contained in the CA certificate/request.
cert_valid_fromThe time point at which the certificate becomes valid, in UTC.
cert_valid_toThe time point at which the certificate expires, in UTC.
crl_countThe number of records in the CRL arrays.
crl_bytesReturns the raw CRL data in DER format.
crlca_key_idA unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's private key, if present in the CRL.
crl_entry_countReturns the number of certificate status entries in the CRL.
crl_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
crl_issuerThe common name of the CRL issuer (CA), typically a company name.
crl_issuer_rdnA collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, uniquely identifying the CRL issuer.
crl_locationThe URL that the CRL was downloaded from.
crl_next_updateThe planned time and date of the next version of this CRL to be published.
crl_sig_algorithmThe public key algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this CRL.
crl_sourceReturns the source (location or disposition) of a cryptographic primitive entity, such as a certificate, CRL, or OCSP response.
crltbsThe to-be-signed part of the CRL (the CRL without the signature part).
crl_this_updateThe date and time at which this version of the CRL was published.
ocsp_countThe number of records in the OCSP arrays.
ocsp_bytesA buffer containing the raw OCSP response data.
ocsp_entry_countThe number of SingleResponse elements contained in this OCSP response.
ocsp_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
ocsp_issuerIndicates the issuer of this response (a CA or its authorized representative).
ocsp_issuer_rdnIndicates the RDN of the issuer of this response (a CA or its authorized representative).
ocsp_locationThe location of the OCSP responder.
ocsp_produced_atSpecifies the time when the response was produced, in UTC.
ocsp_sig_algorithmThe public key algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this OCSP response.
ocsp_sourceReturns the source (location or disposition) of a cryptographic primitive entity, such as a certificate, CRL, or OCSP response.
openedIndicates whether the storage is in the open state.
pinned_cert_bytesReturns the raw certificate data in DER format.
pinned_cert_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
pinned_crl_bytesReturns the raw CRL data in DER format.
pinned_crl_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
pinned_ocsp_bytesA buffer containing the raw OCSP response data.
pinned_ocsp_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
selected_cert_countThe number of records in the SelectedCert arrays.
selected_cert_bytesReturns the raw certificate data in DER format.
selected_cert_caIndicates whether the certificate has a CA capability.
selected_cert_ca_key_idA unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's cryptographic key.
selected_cert_cert_typeReturns the type of the entity contained in the Certificate object.
selected_cert_crl_distribution_pointsContains a list of locations of CRL distribution points used to check this certificate's validity.
selected_cert_curveSpecifies the elliptic curve associated with the certificate's public key.
selected_cert_fingerprintContains the fingerprint (a hash imprint) of this certificate.
selected_cert_friendly_nameContains an associated alias (friendly name) of the certificate.
selected_cert_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
selected_cert_hash_algorithmProvides means to set the hash algorithm to be used in the subsequent operation on the certificate (such as generation or key signing).
selected_cert_issuerThe common name of the certificate issuer (CA), typically a company name.
selected_cert_issuer_rdnA list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate issuer.
selected_cert_key_algorithmSpecifies the public key algorithm of this certificate.
selected_cert_key_bitsReturns the length of the public key in bits.
selected_cert_key_fingerprintReturns a SHA1 fingerprint of the public key contained in the certificate.
selected_cert_key_usageIndicates the purposes of the key contained in the certificate, in the form of an OR'ed flag set.
selected_cert_key_validReturns True if the certificate's key is cryptographically valid, and False otherwise.
selected_cert_ocsp_locationsLocations of OCSP services that can be used to check this certificate's validity in real time, as recorded by the CA.
selected_cert_ocsp_no_checkAccessor to the value of the certificate's ocsp-no-check extension.
selected_cert_originReturns the location that the certificate was taken or loaded from.
selected_cert_policy_i_dsContains identifiers (OIDs) of the applicable certificate policies.
selected_cert_private_key_bytesReturns the certificate's private key in DER-encoded format.
selected_cert_private_key_existsIndicates whether the certificate has a usable private key associated with it.
selected_cert_private_key_extractableIndicates whether the private key is extractable (exportable).
selected_cert_public_key_bytesContains the certificate's public key in DER format.
selected_cert_qualifiedIndicates whether the certificate is qualified.
selected_cert_qualified_statementsReturns a simplified qualified status of the certificate.
selected_cert_qualifiersA list of qualifiers.
selected_cert_self_signedIndicates whether the certificate is self-signed (root) or signed by an external CA.
selected_cert_serial_numberReturns the certificate's serial number.
selected_cert_sig_algorithmIndicates the algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this certificate.
selected_cert_sourceReturns the source (location or disposition) of a cryptographic primitive entity, such as a certificate, CRL, or OCSP response.
selected_cert_subjectThe common name of the certificate holder, typically an individual's name, a URL, an e-mail address, or a company name.
selected_cert_subject_alternative_nameReturns or sets the value of the Subject Alternative Name extension of the certificate.
selected_cert_subject_key_idContains a unique identifier of the certificate's cryptographic key.
selected_cert_subject_rdnA list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate holder (subject).
selected_cert_validIndicates whether or not the signature over the certificate or the request is valid and matches the public key contained in the CA certificate/request.
selected_cert_valid_fromThe time point at which the certificate becomes valid, in UTC.
selected_cert_valid_toThe time point at which the certificate expires, in UTC.
storage_idA unique identifier of this storage.
storage_locationSpecifies the location of the currently opened storage.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

clearRemoves all certificates from the storage.
closeCloses the certificate storage.
configSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
create_newCreates a new storage.
do_actionPerforms an additional action.
export_bytesExports the certificates in the chosen format.
export_to_fileExports the certificates to a file.
get_storage_propertyReturns the value of a custom certificate storage property.
import_bytesImports a certificate.
import_from_fileLoads a certificate from a file.
import_pinnedAdds the pinned certificate to the storage.
list_storesReturns a list of individual stores available within the storage.
loginSigns in to a session or elevates the session rights.
logoutSigns out of an opened session.
openOpens existing storage or creates one in memory.
refreshRefreshes all storage keychains.
removeRemoves a certificate from the storage.
remove_crlRemoves a CRL from the storage.
remove_ocspRemoves an OCSP response from the storage.
resetResets the class settings.
selectAllows the selection of certificates from the system store.
select_chainSelects a chain of certificates given its index.
set_storage_propertySets the value of a custom certificate storage property.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

on_errorInformation about errors during certificate loading or saving.
on_notificationThis event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.
on_password_neededThis event is fired when a decryption password is needed.

Config Settings

The following is a list of config settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AuthAttemptsThe number of auth/login attempts to try.
ContainerNameSpecifies the key container name for the imported certificate.
FriendlyNameGets or sets the certificate friendly name.
KeyExportableSpecifies the Exportable setting for the imported key.
KeyProtectedSpecifies the Protected setting for the imported key.
PfxAlgorithmSets the PFX encryption algorithm.
PKCS11ActiveSlotThe index of the slot that the class is working with.
PKCS11LabelReturns the HSM label.
PKCS11LoginGets or sets the current PKCS#11 login type.
PKCS11NewPINChanges the current user's PIN.
PKCS11NewUserPINRegisters a new user PIN.
PKCS11PINSets the operation PIN.
PKCS11SlotControls the number of a PKCS#11 slot to be opened.
PKCS11SlotCountThe number of slots exposed in the storage.
PKCS11SlotDescription[i]A human-readable description of the slot.
PKCS11SlotLoggedIn[i]Whether slot i has an active session associated with it.
PKCS11SlotLoginRequired[i]Specifies whether the token expects the user to sign in.
PKCS11SlotPinNeeded[i]Whether slot i requires you to provide a PIN to log in or sign.
PKCS11SlotReadOnly[i]Whether slot i only supports read-only access.
PKCS11SlotTokenFlags[i]The capabilities flags of the inserted token.
PKCS11SlotTokenLabel[i]The label assigned to the token.
PKCS11SlotTokenModel[i]The token model.
PKCS11SlotTokenPresent[i]Indicates whether there is a token in the slot.
PKCS11SlotTokenSerial[i]The serial number of the token.
PKCS11SlotTokenVendorID[i]The manufacturer ID of the inserted token.
PKCS11SlotVendorID[i]Returns the manufacturer ID of the slot.
PKCS11TextEncodingModeThe encoding mode to apply to non-ASCII text strings.
StoreNameSpecifies the name of the system store to import the certificate to.
TempPathPath for storing temporary files.
ASN1UseGlobalTagCacheControls whether ASN.1 module should use a global object cache.
AssignSystemSmartCardPinsSpecifies whether CSP-level PINs should be assigned to CNG keys.
CheckKeyIntegrityBeforeUseEnables or disable private key integrity check before use.
CookieCachingSpecifies whether a cookie cache should be used for HTTP(S) transports.
CookiesGets or sets local cookies for the class.
DefDeriveKeyIterationsSpecifies the default key derivation algorithm iteration count.
DNSLocalSuffixThe suffix to assign for TLD names.
EnableClientSideSSLFFDHEEnables or disables finite field DHE key exchange support in TLS clients.
GlobalCookiesGets or sets global cookies for all the HTTP transports.
HardwareCryptoUsePolicyThe hardware crypto usage policy.
HttpUserAgentSpecifies the user agent name to be used by all HTTP clients.
HttpVersionThe HTTP version to use in any inner HTTP client classes created.
IgnoreExpiredMSCTLSigningCertWhether to tolerate the expired Windows Update signing certificate.
ListDelimiterThe delimiter character for multi-element lists.
LogDestinationSpecifies the debug log destination.
LogDetailsSpecifies the debug log details to dump.
LogFileSpecifies the debug log filename.
LogFiltersSpecifies the debug log filters.
LogFlushModeSpecifies the log flush mode.
LogLevelSpecifies the debug log level.
LogMaxEventCountSpecifies the maximum number of events to cache before further action is taken.
LogRotationModeSpecifies the log rotation mode.
MaxASN1BufferLengthSpecifies the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 primitive tag data.
MaxASN1TreeDepthSpecifies the maximal depth for processed ASN.1 trees.
OCSPHashAlgorithmSpecifies the hash algorithm to be used to identify certificates in OCSP requests.
OldClientSideRSAFallbackSpecifies whether the SSH client should use a SHA1 fallback.
ProductVersionReturns the version of the SecureBlackbox library.
ServerSSLDHKeyLengthSets the size of the TLS DHE key exchange group.
StaticDNSSpecifies whether static DNS rules should be used.
StaticIPAddress[domain]Gets or sets an IP address for the specified domain name.
StaticIPAddressesGets or sets all the static DNS rules.
TagAllows to store any custom data.
TLSSessionGroupSpecifies the group name of TLS sessions to be used for session resumption.
TLSSessionLifetimeSpecifies lifetime in seconds of the cached TLS session.
TLSSessionPurgeIntervalSpecifies how often the session cache should remove the expired TLS sessions.
UseInternalRandomSwitches between SecureBlackbox-own and platform PRNGs.
UseLegacyAdESValidationEnables legacy AdES validation mode.
UseOwnDNSResolverSpecifies whether the client classes should use own DNS resolver.
UseSharedSystemStoragesSpecifies whether the validation engine should use a global per-process copy of the system certificate stores.
UseSystemNativeSizeCalculationAn internal CryptoAPI access tweak.
UseSystemOAEPAndPSSEnforces or disables the use of system-driven RSA OAEP and PSS computations.
UseSystemRandomEnables or disables the use of the OS PRNG.

cert_count Property

The number of records in the Cert arrays.


def get_cert_count() -> int: ...

cert_count = property(get_cert_count, None)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at cert_count - 1.

This property is read-only.

cert_bytes Property

Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_cert_bytes(cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_ca Property

Indicates whether the certificate has a CA capability.


def get_cert_ca(cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether the certificate has a CA capability. For the certificate to be considered a CA, it must have its Basic Constraints extension set with the CA indicator enabled.

Set this property when generating a new certificate to have its Basic Constraints extension generated automatically.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_ca_key_id Property

A unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's cryptographic key.


def get_cert_ca_key_id(cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


A unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's cryptographic key.

Authority Key Identifier is a certificate extension which allows identification of certificates belonging to the same issuer, but with different public keys. It is a de-facto standard to include this extension in all certificates to facilitate chain building.

This setting cannot be set when generating a certificate as it always derives from another certificate property. CertificateManager generates this setting automatically if enough information is available to it: for self-signed certificates, this value is copied from the cert_subject_key_id setting, and for lower-level certificates, from the parent certificate's subject key ID extension.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_cert_type Property

Returns the type of the entity contained in the Certificate object.


def get_cert_cert_type(cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the type of the entity contained in the Certificate object.

A Certificate object can contain two types of cryptographic objects: a ready-to-use X.509 certificate, or a certificate request ("an unsigned certificate"). Certificate requests can be upgraded to full certificates by signing them with a CA certificate.

Use the CertificateManager class to load or create new certificate and certificate requests objects.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_crl_distribution_points Property

Contains a list of locations of CRL distribution points used to check this certificate's validity.


def get_cert_crl_distribution_points(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains a list of locations of CRL distribution points used to check this certificate's validity. The list is taken from the respective certificate extension.

Use this property when generating a certificate to provide a list of CRL endpoints that should be made part of the new certificate.

The endpoints are provided as a list of CRLF-separated URLs. Note that this differs from the behaviour used in earlier product versions, where the "|" character was used as the location separator.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_curve Property

Specifies the elliptic curve associated with the certificate's public key.


def get_cert_curve(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the elliptic curve associated with the certificate's public key. This setting only applies to certificates containing EC keys.


The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_fingerprint Property

Contains the fingerprint (a hash imprint) of this certificate.


def get_cert_fingerprint(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains the fingerprint (a hash imprint) of this certificate.

While there is no formal standard defining what a fingerprint is, a SHA1 hash of the certificate's DER-encoded body is typically used.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_friendly_name Property

Contains an associated alias (friendly name) of the certificate.


def get_cert_friendly_name(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains an associated alias (friendly name) of the certificate. The friendly name is not a property of a certificate: it is maintained by the certificate media rather than being included in its DER representation. Windows certificate stores are one example of media that does support friendly names.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_cert_handle(cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_hash_algorithm Property

Provides means to set the hash algorithm to be used in the subsequent operation on the certificate (such as generation or key signing).


def get_cert_hash_algorithm(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Provides means to set the hash algorithm to be used in the subsequent operation on the certificate (such as generation or key signing). It is not a property of a certificate; use cert_sig_algorithm to find out the hash algorithm that is part of the certificate signature.


The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_issuer Property

The common name of the certificate issuer (CA), typically a company name.


def get_cert_issuer(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The common name of the certificate issuer (CA), typically a company name. This is part of a larger set of credentials available via cert_issuer_rdn.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_issuer_rdn Property

A list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate issuer.


def get_cert_issuer_rdn(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



A list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate issuer.

Example: /C=US/O=Nationwide CA/CN=Web Certification Authority

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_key_algorithm Property

Specifies the public key algorithm of this certificate.


def get_cert_key_algorithm(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the public key algorithm of this certificate.


Use the cert_key_bits, cert_curve, and cert_public_key_bytes properties to get more details about the key the certificate contains.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_key_bits Property

Returns the length of the public key in bits.


def get_cert_key_bits(cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the length of the public key in bits.

This value indicates the length of the principal cryptographic parameter of the key, such as the length of the RSA modulus or ECDSA field. The key data returned by the cert_public_key_bytes or cert_private_key_bytes property would typically contain auxiliary values, and therefore be longer.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_key_fingerprint Property

Returns a SHA1 fingerprint of the public key contained in the certificate.


def get_cert_key_fingerprint(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Returns a SHA1 fingerprint of the public key contained in the certificate.

Note that the key fingerprint is different from the certificate fingerprint accessible via the cert_fingerprint property. The key fingeprint uniquely identifies the public key, and so can be the same for multiple certificates containing the same key.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_key_usage Property

Indicates the purposes of the key contained in the certificate, in the form of an OR'ed flag set.


def get_cert_key_usage(cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Indicates the purposes of the key contained in the certificate, in the form of an OR'ed flag set.

This value is a bit mask of the following values:

ckuUnknown0x00000Unknown key usage

ckuDigitalSignature0x00001Digital signature


ckuKeyEncipherment0x00004Key encipherment

ckuDataEncipherment0x00008Data encipherment

ckuKeyAgreement0x00010Key agreement

ckuKeyCertSign0x00020Certificate signing

ckuCRLSign0x00040Revocation signing

ckuEncipherOnly0x00080Encipher only

ckuDecipherOnly0x00100Decipher only

ckuServerAuthentication0x00200Server authentication

ckuClientAuthentication0x00400Client authentication

ckuCodeSigning0x00800Code signing

ckuEmailProtection0x01000Email protection


ckuOCSPSigning0x04000OCSP signing

ckuSmartCardLogon0x08000Smartcard logon

ckuKeyPurposeClientAuth0x10000Kerberos - client authentication

ckuKeyPurposeKDC0x20000Kerberos - KDC

Set this property before generating the certificate to propagate the key usage flags to the new certificate.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_key_valid Property

Returns True if the certificate's key is cryptographically valid, and False otherwise.


def get_cert_key_valid(cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Returns True if the certificate's key is cryptographically valid, and False otherwise.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_ocsp_locations Property

Locations of OCSP services that can be used to check this certificate's validity in real time, as recorded by the CA.


def get_cert_ocsp_locations(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Locations of OCSP services that can be used to check this certificate's validity in real time, as recorded by the CA.

Set this property before calling the certificate manager's generate method to propagate it to the new certificate.

The OCSP locations are provided as a list of CRLF-separated URLs. Note that this differs from the behaviour used in earlier product versions, where the "|" character was used as the location separator.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_ocsp_no_check Property

Accessor to the value of the certificate's ocsp-no-check extension.


def get_cert_ocsp_no_check(cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Accessor to the value of the certificate's ocsp-no-check extension.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_origin Property

Returns the location that the certificate was taken or loaded from.


def get_cert_origin(cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the location that the certificate was taken or loaded from.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_policy_i_ds Property

Contains identifiers (OIDs) of the applicable certificate policies.


def get_cert_policy_i_ds(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains identifiers (OIDs) of the applicable certificate policies.

The Certificate Policies extension identifies a sequence of policies under which the certificate has been issued, and which regulate its usage.

Set this property when generating a certificate to propagate the policies information to the new certificate.

The policies are provided as a list of CRLF-separated entries. Note that this differs from the behaviour used in earlier product versions, where the "|" character was used as the policy element separator.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_private_key_bytes Property

Returns the certificate's private key in DER-encoded format.


def get_cert_private_key_bytes(cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the certificate's private key in DER-encoded format. It is normal for this property to be empty if the private key is non-exportable, which, for example, is typical for certificates originating from hardware security devices.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_private_key_exists Property

Indicates whether the certificate has a usable private key associated with it.


def get_cert_private_key_exists(cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether the certificate has a usable private key associated with it. If it is set to True, the certificate can be used for private key operations, such as signing or decryption.

This property is independent from cert_private_key_bytes, and can be set to True even if the former is empty. This would imply that the private key is non-exportable, but still can be used for cryptographic operations.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_private_key_extractable Property

Indicates whether the private key is extractable (exportable).


def get_cert_private_key_extractable(cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether the private key is extractable (exportable).

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_public_key_bytes Property

Contains the certificate's public key in DER format.


def get_cert_public_key_bytes(cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Contains the certificate's public key in DER format.

This typically would contain an ASN.1-encoded public key value. The exact format depends on the type of the public key contained in the certificate.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_qualified Property

Indicates whether the certificate is qualified.


def get_cert_qualified(cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether the certificate is qualified.

This property is set to True if the certificate is confirmed by a Trusted List to be qualified.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_qualified_statements Property

Returns a simplified qualified status of the certificate.


def get_cert_qualified_statements(cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns a simplified qualified status of the certificate.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_qualifiers Property

A list of qualifiers.


def get_cert_qualifiers(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



A list of qualifiers.

Contains a comma-separated list of qualifier aliases for the certificate, for example QCP-n-qscd,QCWithSSCD.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_self_signed Property

Indicates whether the certificate is self-signed (root) or signed by an external CA.


def get_cert_self_signed(cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether the certificate is self-signed (root) or signed by an external CA.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_serial_number Property

Returns the certificate's serial number.


def get_cert_serial_number(cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the certificate's serial number.

The serial number is a binary string that uniquely identifies a certificate among others issued by the same CA. According to the X.509 standard, the (issuer, serial number) pair should be globally unique to facilitate chain building.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_sig_algorithm Property

Indicates the algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this certificate.


def get_cert_sig_algorithm(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Indicates the algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this certificate.

A signature algorithm typically combines hash and public key algorithms together, such as sha256WithRSAEncryption or ecdsa-with-SHA256.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_source Property

Returns the source (location or disposition) of a cryptographic primitive entity, such as a certificate, CRL, or OCSP response.


def get_cert_source(cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the source (location or disposition) of a cryptographic primitive entity, such as a certificate, CRL, or OCSP response.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_subject Property

The common name of the certificate holder, typically an individual's name, a URL, an e-mail address, or a company name.


def get_cert_subject(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The common name of the certificate holder, typically an individual's name, a URL, an e-mail address, or a company name. This is part of a larger set of credentials available via cert_subject_rdn.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_subject_alternative_name Property

Returns or sets the value of the Subject Alternative Name extension of the certificate.


def get_cert_subject_alternative_name(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Returns or sets the value of the Subject Alternative Name extension of the certificate.

Subject alternative names are used to provide additional names that are impractical to store in the main cert_subject_rdn field. For example, it is often used to store all the domain names that a TLS certificate is authorized to protect.

The alternative names are provided as a list of CRLF-separated entries. Note that this differs from the behaviour used in earlier product versions, where the "|" character was used as the element separator.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_subject_key_id Property

Contains a unique identifier of the certificate's cryptographic key.


def get_cert_subject_key_id(cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Contains a unique identifier of the certificate's cryptographic key.

Subject Key Identifier is a certificate extension which allows a specific public key to be associated with a certificate holder. Typically, subject key identifiers of CA certificates are recorded as respective CA key identifiers in the subordinate certificates that they issue, which facilitates chain building.

The cert_subject_key_id and cert_ca_key_id properties of self-signed certificates typically contain identical values, as in that specific case, the issuer and the subject are the same entity.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_subject_rdn Property

A list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate holder (subject).


def get_cert_subject_rdn(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



A list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate holder (subject).

Depending on the purpose of the certificate and the policies of the CA that issued it, the values included in the subject record may differ drastically and contain business or personal names, web URLs, email addresses, and other data.

Example: /C=US/O=Oranges and Apples, Inc./OU=Accounts Receivable/ with unknown OID/CN=Margaret Watkins.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_valid Property

Indicates whether or not the signature over the certificate or the request is valid and matches the public key contained in the CA certificate/request.


def get_cert_valid(cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether or not the signature over the certificate or the request is valid and matches the public key contained in the CA certificate/request.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_valid_from Property

The time point at which the certificate becomes valid, in UTC.


def get_cert_valid_from(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The time point at which the certificate becomes valid, in UTC.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

cert_valid_to Property

The time point at which the certificate expires, in UTC.


def get_cert_valid_to(cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The time point at which the certificate expires, in UTC.

The cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_count Property

The number of records in the CRL arrays.


def get_crl_count() -> int: ...

crl_count = property(get_crl_count, None)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at crl_count - 1.

This property is read-only.

crl_bytes Property

Returns the raw CRL data in DER format.


def get_crl_bytes(crl_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the raw CRL data in DER format.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crlca_key_id Property

A unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's private key, if present in the CRL.


def get_crlca_key_id(crl_index: int) -> bytes: ...


A unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's private key, if present in the CRL.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_entry_count Property

Returns the number of certificate status entries in the CRL.


def get_crl_entry_count(crl_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the number of certificate status entries in the CRL.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_crl_handle(crl_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_issuer Property

The common name of the CRL issuer (CA), typically a company name.


def get_crl_issuer(crl_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The common name of the CRL issuer (CA), typically a company name.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_issuer_rdn Property

A collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, uniquely identifying the CRL issuer.


def get_crl_issuer_rdn(crl_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



A collection of information, in the form of [OID, Value] pairs, uniquely identifying the CRL issuer.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_location Property

The URL that the CRL was downloaded from.


def get_crl_location(crl_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The URL that the CRL was downloaded from.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_next_update Property

The planned time and date of the next version of this CRL to be published.


def get_crl_next_update(crl_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The planned time and date of the next version of this CRL to be published.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_sig_algorithm Property

The public key algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this CRL.


def get_crl_sig_algorithm(crl_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The public key algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this CRL.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_source Property

Returns the source (location or disposition) of a cryptographic primitive entity, such as a certificate, CRL, or OCSP response.


def get_crl_source(crl_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the source (location or disposition) of a cryptographic primitive entity, such as a certificate, CRL, or OCSP response.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crltbs Property

The to-be-signed part of the CRL (the CRL without the signature part).


def get_crltbs(crl_index: int) -> bytes: ...


The to-be-signed part of the CRL (the CRL without the signature part).

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

crl_this_update Property

The date and time at which this version of the CRL was published.


def get_crl_this_update(crl_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The date and time at which this version of the CRL was published.

The crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

fips_mode Property



def get_fips_mode() -> bool: ...
def set_fips_mode(value: bool) -> None: ...

fips_mode = property(get_fips_mode, set_fips_mode)

Default Value



This property is reserved for future use.

ocsp_count Property

The number of records in the OCSP arrays.


def get_ocsp_count() -> int: ...

ocsp_count = property(get_ocsp_count, None)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at ocsp_count - 1.

This property is read-only.

ocsp_bytes Property

A buffer containing the raw OCSP response data.


def get_ocsp_bytes(ocsp_index: int) -> bytes: ...


A buffer containing the raw OCSP response data.

The ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

ocsp_entry_count Property

The number of SingleResponse elements contained in this OCSP response.


def get_ocsp_entry_count(ocsp_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



The number of SingleResponse elements contained in this OCSP response. Each SingleResponse element corresponds to a certificate status.

The ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

ocsp_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_ocsp_handle(ocsp_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

ocsp_issuer Property

Indicates the issuer of this response (a CA or its authorized representative).


def get_ocsp_issuer(ocsp_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Indicates the issuer of this response (a CA or its authorized representative).

The ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

ocsp_issuer_rdn Property

Indicates the RDN of the issuer of this response (a CA or its authorized representative).


def get_ocsp_issuer_rdn(ocsp_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Indicates the RDN of the issuer of this response (a CA or its authorized representative).

The ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

ocsp_location Property

The location of the OCSP responder.


def get_ocsp_location(ocsp_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The location of the OCSP responder.

The ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

ocsp_produced_at Property

Specifies the time when the response was produced, in UTC.


def get_ocsp_produced_at(ocsp_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the time when the response was produced, in UTC.

The ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

ocsp_sig_algorithm Property

The public key algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this OCSP response.


def get_ocsp_sig_algorithm(ocsp_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The public key algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this OCSP response.

The ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

ocsp_source Property

Returns the source (location or disposition) of a cryptographic primitive entity, such as a certificate, CRL, or OCSP response.


def get_ocsp_source(ocsp_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the source (location or disposition) of a cryptographic primitive entity, such as a certificate, CRL, or OCSP response.

The ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

opened Property

Indicates whether the storage is in the open state.


def get_opened() -> bool: ...

opened = property(get_opened, None)

Default Value



Use this property to check if the storage has been 'opened.' Different kinds of certificate storages imply different meanings for 'being opened', but generally a storage is open if it is available for operations.

Use open method to open a storage.

This property is read-only.

pinned_cert_bytes Property

Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_pinned_cert_bytes() -> bytes: ...

pinned_cert_bytes = property(get_pinned_cert_bytes, None)


Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.

This property is read-only.

pinned_cert_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_pinned_cert_handle() -> int: ...
def set_pinned_cert_handle(value: int) -> None: ...

pinned_cert_handle = property(get_pinned_cert_handle, set_pinned_cert_handle)

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

pinned_crl_bytes Property

Returns the raw CRL data in DER format.


def get_pinned_crl_bytes() -> bytes: ...

pinned_crl_bytes = property(get_pinned_crl_bytes, None)


Returns the raw CRL data in DER format.

This property is read-only.

pinned_crl_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_pinned_crl_handle() -> int: ...
def set_pinned_crl_handle(value: int) -> None: ...

pinned_crl_handle = property(get_pinned_crl_handle, set_pinned_crl_handle)

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

pinned_ocsp_bytes Property

A buffer containing the raw OCSP response data.


def get_pinned_ocsp_bytes() -> bytes: ...

pinned_ocsp_bytes = property(get_pinned_ocsp_bytes, None)


A buffer containing the raw OCSP response data.

This property is read-only.

pinned_ocsp_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_pinned_ocsp_handle() -> int: ...
def set_pinned_ocsp_handle(value: int) -> None: ...

pinned_ocsp_handle = property(get_pinned_ocsp_handle, set_pinned_ocsp_handle)

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

selected_cert_count Property

The number of records in the SelectedCert arrays.


def get_selected_cert_count() -> int: ...

selected_cert_count = property(get_selected_cert_count, None)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at selected_cert_count - 1.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_bytes Property

Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_selected_cert_bytes(selected_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_ca Property

Indicates whether the certificate has a CA capability.


def get_selected_cert_ca(selected_cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether the certificate has a CA capability. For the certificate to be considered a CA, it must have its Basic Constraints extension set with the CA indicator enabled.

Set this property when generating a new certificate to have its Basic Constraints extension generated automatically.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_ca_key_id Property

A unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's cryptographic key.


def get_selected_cert_ca_key_id(selected_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


A unique identifier (fingerprint) of the CA certificate's cryptographic key.

Authority Key Identifier is a certificate extension which allows identification of certificates belonging to the same issuer, but with different public keys. It is a de-facto standard to include this extension in all certificates to facilitate chain building.

This setting cannot be set when generating a certificate as it always derives from another certificate property. CertificateManager generates this setting automatically if enough information is available to it: for self-signed certificates, this value is copied from the selected_cert_subject_key_id setting, and for lower-level certificates, from the parent certificate's subject key ID extension.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_cert_type Property

Returns the type of the entity contained in the Certificate object.


def get_selected_cert_cert_type(selected_cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the type of the entity contained in the Certificate object.

A Certificate object can contain two types of cryptographic objects: a ready-to-use X.509 certificate, or a certificate request ("an unsigned certificate"). Certificate requests can be upgraded to full certificates by signing them with a CA certificate.

Use the CertificateManager class to load or create new certificate and certificate requests objects.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_crl_distribution_points Property

Contains a list of locations of CRL distribution points used to check this certificate's validity.


def get_selected_cert_crl_distribution_points(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains a list of locations of CRL distribution points used to check this certificate's validity. The list is taken from the respective certificate extension.

Use this property when generating a certificate to provide a list of CRL endpoints that should be made part of the new certificate.

The endpoints are provided as a list of CRLF-separated URLs. Note that this differs from the behaviour used in earlier product versions, where the "|" character was used as the location separator.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_curve Property

Specifies the elliptic curve associated with the certificate's public key.


def get_selected_cert_curve(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the elliptic curve associated with the certificate's public key. This setting only applies to certificates containing EC keys.


The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_fingerprint Property

Contains the fingerprint (a hash imprint) of this certificate.


def get_selected_cert_fingerprint(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains the fingerprint (a hash imprint) of this certificate.

While there is no formal standard defining what a fingerprint is, a SHA1 hash of the certificate's DER-encoded body is typically used.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_friendly_name Property

Contains an associated alias (friendly name) of the certificate.


def get_selected_cert_friendly_name(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains an associated alias (friendly name) of the certificate. The friendly name is not a property of a certificate: it is maintained by the certificate media rather than being included in its DER representation. Windows certificate stores are one example of media that does support friendly names.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_selected_cert_handle(selected_cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_hash_algorithm Property

Provides means to set the hash algorithm to be used in the subsequent operation on the certificate (such as generation or key signing).


def get_selected_cert_hash_algorithm(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Provides means to set the hash algorithm to be used in the subsequent operation on the certificate (such as generation or key signing). It is not a property of a certificate; use selected_cert_sig_algorithm to find out the hash algorithm that is part of the certificate signature.


The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_issuer Property

The common name of the certificate issuer (CA), typically a company name.


def get_selected_cert_issuer(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The common name of the certificate issuer (CA), typically a company name. This is part of a larger set of credentials available via selected_cert_issuer_rdn.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_issuer_rdn Property

A list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate issuer.


def get_selected_cert_issuer_rdn(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



A list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate issuer.

Example: /C=US/O=Nationwide CA/CN=Web Certification Authority

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_key_algorithm Property

Specifies the public key algorithm of this certificate.


def get_selected_cert_key_algorithm(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the public key algorithm of this certificate.


Use the selected_cert_key_bits, selected_cert_curve, and selected_cert_public_key_bytes properties to get more details about the key the certificate contains.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_key_bits Property

Returns the length of the public key in bits.


def get_selected_cert_key_bits(selected_cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the length of the public key in bits.

This value indicates the length of the principal cryptographic parameter of the key, such as the length of the RSA modulus or ECDSA field. The key data returned by the selected_cert_public_key_bytes or selected_cert_private_key_bytes property would typically contain auxiliary values, and therefore be longer.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_key_fingerprint Property

Returns a SHA1 fingerprint of the public key contained in the certificate.


def get_selected_cert_key_fingerprint(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Returns a SHA1 fingerprint of the public key contained in the certificate.

Note that the key fingerprint is different from the certificate fingerprint accessible via the selected_cert_fingerprint property. The key fingeprint uniquely identifies the public key, and so can be the same for multiple certificates containing the same key.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_key_usage Property

Indicates the purposes of the key contained in the certificate, in the form of an OR'ed flag set.


def get_selected_cert_key_usage(selected_cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Indicates the purposes of the key contained in the certificate, in the form of an OR'ed flag set.

This value is a bit mask of the following values:

ckuUnknown0x00000Unknown key usage

ckuDigitalSignature0x00001Digital signature


ckuKeyEncipherment0x00004Key encipherment

ckuDataEncipherment0x00008Data encipherment

ckuKeyAgreement0x00010Key agreement

ckuKeyCertSign0x00020Certificate signing

ckuCRLSign0x00040Revocation signing

ckuEncipherOnly0x00080Encipher only

ckuDecipherOnly0x00100Decipher only

ckuServerAuthentication0x00200Server authentication

ckuClientAuthentication0x00400Client authentication

ckuCodeSigning0x00800Code signing

ckuEmailProtection0x01000Email protection


ckuOCSPSigning0x04000OCSP signing

ckuSmartCardLogon0x08000Smartcard logon

ckuKeyPurposeClientAuth0x10000Kerberos - client authentication

ckuKeyPurposeKDC0x20000Kerberos - KDC

Set this property before generating the certificate to propagate the key usage flags to the new certificate.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_key_valid Property

Returns True if the certificate's key is cryptographically valid, and False otherwise.


def get_selected_cert_key_valid(selected_cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Returns True if the certificate's key is cryptographically valid, and False otherwise.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_ocsp_locations Property

Locations of OCSP services that can be used to check this certificate's validity in real time, as recorded by the CA.


def get_selected_cert_ocsp_locations(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Locations of OCSP services that can be used to check this certificate's validity in real time, as recorded by the CA.

Set this property before calling the certificate manager's generate method to propagate it to the new certificate.

The OCSP locations are provided as a list of CRLF-separated URLs. Note that this differs from the behaviour used in earlier product versions, where the "|" character was used as the location separator.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_ocsp_no_check Property

Accessor to the value of the certificate's ocsp-no-check extension.


def get_selected_cert_ocsp_no_check(selected_cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Accessor to the value of the certificate's ocsp-no-check extension.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_origin Property

Returns the location that the certificate was taken or loaded from.


def get_selected_cert_origin(selected_cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the location that the certificate was taken or loaded from.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_policy_i_ds Property

Contains identifiers (OIDs) of the applicable certificate policies.


def get_selected_cert_policy_i_ds(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains identifiers (OIDs) of the applicable certificate policies.

The Certificate Policies extension identifies a sequence of policies under which the certificate has been issued, and which regulate its usage.

Set this property when generating a certificate to propagate the policies information to the new certificate.

The policies are provided as a list of CRLF-separated entries. Note that this differs from the behaviour used in earlier product versions, where the "|" character was used as the policy element separator.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_private_key_bytes Property

Returns the certificate's private key in DER-encoded format.


def get_selected_cert_private_key_bytes(selected_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the certificate's private key in DER-encoded format. It is normal for this property to be empty if the private key is non-exportable, which, for example, is typical for certificates originating from hardware security devices.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_private_key_exists Property

Indicates whether the certificate has a usable private key associated with it.


def get_selected_cert_private_key_exists(selected_cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether the certificate has a usable private key associated with it. If it is set to True, the certificate can be used for private key operations, such as signing or decryption.

This property is independent from selected_cert_private_key_bytes, and can be set to True even if the former is empty. This would imply that the private key is non-exportable, but still can be used for cryptographic operations.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_private_key_extractable Property

Indicates whether the private key is extractable (exportable).


def get_selected_cert_private_key_extractable(selected_cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether the private key is extractable (exportable).

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_public_key_bytes Property

Contains the certificate's public key in DER format.


def get_selected_cert_public_key_bytes(selected_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Contains the certificate's public key in DER format.

This typically would contain an ASN.1-encoded public key value. The exact format depends on the type of the public key contained in the certificate.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_qualified Property

Indicates whether the certificate is qualified.


def get_selected_cert_qualified(selected_cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether the certificate is qualified.

This property is set to True if the certificate is confirmed by a Trusted List to be qualified.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_qualified_statements Property

Returns a simplified qualified status of the certificate.


def get_selected_cert_qualified_statements(selected_cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns a simplified qualified status of the certificate.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_qualifiers Property

A list of qualifiers.


def get_selected_cert_qualifiers(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



A list of qualifiers.

Contains a comma-separated list of qualifier aliases for the certificate, for example QCP-n-qscd,QCWithSSCD.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_self_signed Property

Indicates whether the certificate is self-signed (root) or signed by an external CA.


def get_selected_cert_self_signed(selected_cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether the certificate is self-signed (root) or signed by an external CA.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_serial_number Property

Returns the certificate's serial number.


def get_selected_cert_serial_number(selected_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the certificate's serial number.

The serial number is a binary string that uniquely identifies a certificate among others issued by the same CA. According to the X.509 standard, the (issuer, serial number) pair should be globally unique to facilitate chain building.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_sig_algorithm Property

Indicates the algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this certificate.


def get_selected_cert_sig_algorithm(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Indicates the algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this certificate.

A signature algorithm typically combines hash and public key algorithms together, such as sha256WithRSAEncryption or ecdsa-with-SHA256.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_source Property

Returns the source (location or disposition) of a cryptographic primitive entity, such as a certificate, CRL, or OCSP response.


def get_selected_cert_source(selected_cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the source (location or disposition) of a cryptographic primitive entity, such as a certificate, CRL, or OCSP response.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_subject Property

The common name of the certificate holder, typically an individual's name, a URL, an e-mail address, or a company name.


def get_selected_cert_subject(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The common name of the certificate holder, typically an individual's name, a URL, an e-mail address, or a company name. This is part of a larger set of credentials available via selected_cert_subject_rdn.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_subject_alternative_name Property

Returns or sets the value of the Subject Alternative Name extension of the certificate.


def get_selected_cert_subject_alternative_name(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Returns or sets the value of the Subject Alternative Name extension of the certificate.

Subject alternative names are used to provide additional names that are impractical to store in the main selected_cert_subject_rdn field. For example, it is often used to store all the domain names that a TLS certificate is authorized to protect.

The alternative names are provided as a list of CRLF-separated entries. Note that this differs from the behaviour used in earlier product versions, where the "|" character was used as the element separator.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_subject_key_id Property

Contains a unique identifier of the certificate's cryptographic key.


def get_selected_cert_subject_key_id(selected_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Contains a unique identifier of the certificate's cryptographic key.

Subject Key Identifier is a certificate extension which allows a specific public key to be associated with a certificate holder. Typically, subject key identifiers of CA certificates are recorded as respective CA key identifiers in the subordinate certificates that they issue, which facilitates chain building.

The selected_cert_subject_key_id and selected_cert_ca_key_id properties of self-signed certificates typically contain identical values, as in that specific case, the issuer and the subject are the same entity.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_subject_rdn Property

A list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate holder (subject).


def get_selected_cert_subject_rdn(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



A list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate holder (subject).

Depending on the purpose of the certificate and the policies of the CA that issued it, the values included in the subject record may differ drastically and contain business or personal names, web URLs, email addresses, and other data.

Example: /C=US/O=Oranges and Apples, Inc./OU=Accounts Receivable/ with unknown OID/CN=Margaret Watkins.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_valid Property

Indicates whether or not the signature over the certificate or the request is valid and matches the public key contained in the CA certificate/request.


def get_selected_cert_valid(selected_cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether or not the signature over the certificate or the request is valid and matches the public key contained in the CA certificate/request.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_valid_from Property

The time point at which the certificate becomes valid, in UTC.


def get_selected_cert_valid_from(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The time point at which the certificate becomes valid, in UTC.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

selected_cert_valid_to Property

The time point at which the certificate expires, in UTC.


def get_selected_cert_valid_to(selected_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The time point at which the certificate expires, in UTC.

The selected_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the selected_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

storage_id Property

A unique identifier of this storage.


def get_storage_id() -> str: ...

storage_id = property(get_storage_id, None)

Default Value



Use this property to get a unique ID of this storage. The format of ID may differ for different kinds of certificate storages, and may range from a file path for a file storage, to a URI-like ID for a PKCS#11 storage, to an empty value for an in-memory storage.

This property is read-only.

storage_location Property

Specifies the location of the currently opened storage.


def get_storage_location() -> str: ...

storage_location = property(get_storage_location, None)

Default Value



Use this property to get the location of the active storage. The location indicates the nature of the storage and can be assigned with one of the below values (more values may be added in future):

cslMemorymemoryin-memory storage

cslFilefilefile storage

cslSystemsystemOS-specific certificate storage (e.g. CryptoAPI)

cslPKCS11pkcs11PKCS#11 compatible device

cslAppleappleApple certificates storage (macOS and iOS only)

cslJavajavajava key storage

This property is read-only.

clear Method

Removes all certificates from the storage.


def clear() -> None: ...


Use this method to empty the storage.

close Method

Closes the certificate storage.


def close(save: bool) -> None: ...


Use this method to close the storage component and clean up any resources associated with it.

This method releases all memory objects and handles associated with the certificates contained in the storage. Any certificate objects originating from the storage become invalid as soon as the storage is closed, and should not be used.

Save parameter only applies to certain types of stores, such as file stores. Set it to True to commit any changes to the underlying media. Note that PKCS#11 and Win32 storage types are of transactional nature and commit any changes immediately, so the value of the Save parameter does not make any difference with them.

config Method

Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.


def config(configuration_string: str) -> str: ...


config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.

These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the config method.

To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).

To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.

create_new Method

Creates a new storage.


def create_new(storage_location: str, storage_id: str) -> None: ...


Use this method to create new certificate storage.

StorageLocation specifies where the new storage should be created, and StorageID contains a unique storage identifier.

cslMemorymemoryin-memory storage

cslFilefilefile storage

cslSystemsystemOS-specific certificate storage (e.g. CryptoAPI)

cslPKCS11pkcs11PKCS#11 compatible device

cslAppleappleApple certificates storage (macOS and iOS only)

cslJavajavajava key storage

do_action Method

Performs an additional action.


def do_action(action_id: str, action_params: str) -> str: ...


do_action is a generic method available in every class. It is used to perform an additional action introduced after the product major release. The list of actions is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.

The unique identifier (case insensitive) of the action is provided in the ActionID parameter.

ActionParams contains the value of a single parameter, or a list of multiple parameters for the action in the form of PARAM1=VALUE1;PARAM2=VALUE2;....

export_bytes Method

Exports the certificates in the chosen format.


def export_bytes(what: int, format: int, password: str) -> bytes: ...


Use this method to save the certificates in one of the formats defined below.

Pass the encryption password via the Password parameter if needed.

cfmUnknown0Unknown certificate format

cfmDER1DER file format. Applicable to certificates, certificate requests, private keys. Encryption not supported

cfmPEM2PEM file format. Applicable to certificates, certificate requests, private keys. Encryption supported for private keys.

cfmPFX3PFX/PKCS#12 file format. Applicable to certificates. Encryption supported.

cfmSPC4SPC file format. Applicable to certificates. Encryption not supported.

cfmPVK5PVK file format. Applicable to private keys. Encryption not supported.

cfmPKCS86PKCS#8 file format. Applicable to private keys. Encryption supported.

cfmNET7NET file format. Applicable to private keys. Encryption not supported.

Note that not all formats support encryption, and some (like PEM) only support partial encryption (key only). Keep this in mind when considering which format to choose for storing your certificates.

export_to_file Method

Exports the certificates to a file.


def export_to_file(what: int, file_name: str, format: int, password: str) -> None: ...


Use this method to save the certificates to a file in one of the formats given below. Pass the encryption password via the Password parameter.

cfmUnknown0Unknown certificate format

cfmDER1DER file format. Applicable to certificates, certificate requests, private keys. Encryption not supported

cfmPEM2PEM file format. Applicable to certificates, certificate requests, private keys. Encryption supported for private keys.

cfmPFX3PFX/PKCS#12 file format. Applicable to certificates. Encryption supported.

cfmSPC4SPC file format. Applicable to certificates. Encryption not supported.

cfmPVK5PVK file format. Applicable to private keys. Encryption not supported.

cfmPKCS86PKCS#8 file format. Applicable to private keys. Encryption supported.

cfmNET7NET file format. Applicable to private keys. Encryption not supported.

Note that not all formats support encryption, and some (like PEM) only support partial encryption (key only). Keep this in mind when considering which format to choose for storing your certificates.

get_storage_property Method

Returns the value of a custom certificate storage property.


def get_storage_property(name: str) -> str: ...


This method, together with set_storage_property, provides an extensible way of managing the certificate storage's settings that are not available through the primary properties of the component. The list of settings may be extended in future, in response to emergence of new storage variants and recognition of non-obvious storage usage scenarios.

The following certificate storage properties can be read using this method:

PKCS11SlotCountReturns the number of slots available in an opened PKCS#11 storage.
PKCS11ActiveSlotReturns the index of the PKCS#11 slot that is currently being accessed.
PKCS11PINThe PIN for the storage and/or operation, previously set with set_storage_property call.
PKCS11TextEncodingModeThe string encoding mode to apply to the PIN when passing it to C_Login() method. This can be changed by passing the relevant setting to set_storage_property.
PKCS11SlotThe slot number to open, set previously with set_storage_property.
PKCS11LoginThe user account to sign in with, set previously with set_storage_property
PKCS11SlotLoggedIn[i]Returns true if there is an active session associated with slot number i.
PKCS11SlotPinNeeded[i]Returns true if you need to provide a PIN to sign in to the session for slot i.
PKCS11SlotReadOnly[i]Returns the availability of the slot for write operations.
PKCS11SlotVendorID[i]Returns the manufacturer name associated with the slot.
PKCS11SlotDescription[i]A human-readable description of the slot.
PKCS11SlotTokenPresent[i]Indicates whether there is a token in the slot.
PKCS11SlotTokenVendorID[i]The manufacturer ID of the inserted token.
PKCS11SlotTokenLabel[i]The label assigned to the token.
PKCS11SlotTokenModel[i]The token model.
PKCS11SlotTokenSerial[i]The serial number of the token.
PKCS11SlotTokenFlags[i]The value of the PKCS#11 token flags parameter.

import_bytes Method

Imports a certificate.


def import_bytes(cert_bytes: bytes, password: str, clear: bool) -> None: ...


Use this method to load a certificate or certificates from a byte array. Provide the password via the Password parameter. The Password parameter is optional. If it is omitted and it is later discovered that the certificate is password-encrypted, the on_password_needed event will be fired to request it.

This method supports certificates in DER, PEM, PFX, and SPC formats. Multi-certificate blobs certificate files are supported.

Use the Clear parameter to tell the component whether it should empty the storage before importing the new certificates.

Hint: use this method with Clear set to false to mimic the behavior of the previous version's Add() method.

import_from_file Method

Loads a certificate from a file.


def import_from_file(path: str, password: str, clear: bool) -> None: ...


This method can load certificates saved in a file in one of the following formats: DER, PEM, PFX, SPC.

Use the Path parameter to provide a path to the certificate file, and Password to specify the password.

The Password parameter is optional. If it is omitted and it is later discovered that the certificate is password-encrypted, the on_password_needed event will be fired to request it.

This method supports certificates in DER, PEM, PFX, and SPC formats. Multi-certificate blobs certificate files are supported.

Use the Clear parameter to tell the component whether it should empty the storage before importing the new certificates.

Hint: use this method with Clear set to false to mimic the behavior of the previous version's AddFromFile() method.

import_pinned Method

Adds the pinned certificate to the storage.


def import_pinned(clear: bool) -> None: ...


This method adds a certificate attached to the pinned_cert property into the storage. This method is a handy way of adding certificates generated/returned by other components.

Use the Clear parameter to tell the component whether it should empty the storage before importing the new certificate.

Hint: use this method with Clear set to false to mimic the behavior of the previous version's AddPinned() method.

list_stores Method

Returns a list of individual stores available within the storage.


def list_stores() -> str: ...


Use this method to query a list of individual stores available in the opened storage.

The contents of the list depends on the type of the store used and the parameters it is opened with. For system (CryptoAPI) stores the method returns a list of available system stores for the chosen access type, as returned by Windows (e.g. MY, ADDRESSBOOK, CA). For PKCS#11 stores the method returns a list of slot descriptions for all slots published by the driver.

The store names are separated from each other with a CRLF sequence.

login Method

Signs in to a session or elevates the session rights.


def login(session_type: int, pin: str, read_only: bool) -> None: ...


Use this method to sign in to a session with a required access type. Note that in some cases you may call this method more than one time for a specific session to elevate your access rights, for example: // open an unauthenticated session storage.Login(stUnauthenticated, "", false); // elevate the access rights for the session storage.Login(stUser, "password", false); Sessions are currently supported for PKCS#11 storage types only.


logout Method

Signs out of an opened session.


def logout(close_sesion: bool) -> None: ...


Use this method to sign out of a session. Pass true to CloseSession to shut the session down altogether.

This method is currently support for PKCS#11 storage type only.

open Method

Opens existing storage or creates one in memory.


def open(storage_id: str) -> None: ...


Use this method to open the storage with the given StorageID. Certificate storages can come from several different locations, detailed below.


A storage can be created in memory by passing an empty string ("").


A storage can be opened from a file using one of two syntaxes:

  • C:\Certs\certs.pem
  • file://C:/Certs/certs.pem

Windows System

A storage can be opened from the Windows System using this syntax: system://{user}@{host}/?{params}

user is one of these values:

  • currentuser
  • localmachine
  • currentservice
host is either "localhost", an IP address, or FQDN.

params are chosen from this list:

  • store (required), is the name of the Windows store to access (e.g. "MY")
  • readonly, whether to access the store with only read permissions. Use 0 for false, and 1 for true.
Example: system://currentuser@localhost/?store=MY&readonly=1

PKCS#11 Device

A storage can be opened from a PKCS#11 device using this syntax: pkcs11://{user}:{pin}@/{driverpath}?{params}

user is the username used to access the device; typically it's either "user" or "admin".

pin is the pin code used to access the device.

driverpath is the path to the driver used to access the device.

params are chosen from this list:

  • slot, the token slot to access on the device. If not provided, one will be chosen automatically. If set to -1, no session will be opened.
  • readonly, whether to access the device with only read permissions. Use 0 for false, and 1 for true.
  • login, whether to sign in to the device with a PIN. Use 0 or no to avoid signing in, or 1 or yes to enforce it. When not specified, the yes mode is used.
Example: pkcs11://user:1234@/c:/windows/system32/asepkcs.dll?slot=0&readonly=1


A keychain can be opened on macOS using this syntax: macos://:{password}@/{keychain}?{params}

This is the right way to perform cryptographic operations using private keys, including non-exportable private keys. By now, only certificates with RSA keys are supported, other certificates are not listed and are not used.

keychain is the path to a keychain file. If no keychain specified, the default keychain is opened.

password is the keychain access password. If no password is provided, it will be asked by macOS UI if necessary. To access a keychain in readonly mode, no password is needed usually.

params are chosen from this list:

  • readonly, whether to access the keychain with only read permissions. Use 0 for false, and 1 for true.
Example: macos://:f00Keys@/Users/test/Documents/test.keychain?readonly=0


A keychain can be opened on iOS using this syntax: ios:///?{params}

iOS doesn't support keychains located in files. By now, only certificates with RSA keys are supported, other certificates are not listed and are not used.

params are chosen from this list:

  • readonly, whether to access the keychain with only read permissions. Use 0 for false, and 1 for true.
Example: ios:///?readonly=1

KMIP Server

A storage can be opened from a KMIP server using this syntax: mailto:{password}@{remotehost}:{remoteport}/?{params}

password is the password use to authenticate to the server.

remotehost is the FQDN to the server.

remoteport is the server port to connect to.

params are chosen from this list:

  • encoder, the message encoding used to communicate with the server. Possible values are:
    • 1 (XML)
    • 2 (JSON)
    • 3 (TTLV)
Example: mailto:password@kmip.website.com:5696/?encoder=1


A storage can be opened on macOS using this syntax: apple:///{path}/?{params}

This is a legacy way to work with keychains on macOS and iOS.

path is the path for storage file.

params are chosen from this list:

  • keychainindex, key chain index. If not provided, one will be set to 0.
  • readonly, whether to access the storage with only read permissions. Use 0 for false, and 1 for true.
Example: apple:///Users/test/Documents/test.storage?readonly=1 A storage can be opened on iOS using this syntax: apple:///?{params}

params are chosen from this list:

  • readonly, whether to access the storage with only read permissions. Use 0 for false, and 1 for true.
Example: apple:///?readonly=1

In Xamarin projects for iOS keychain support should be enabled manually. To do this: 1. Double click on Entitlements.plist file, go to "Entitlements" tab and turn "Enable Keychain" option on. 2. Go to project options, select "iOS Bundle Signing", choose correct configuration and platform and set "Custom Entitlements" to "Entitlements.plist" value.

Azure Key Vault

A storage can be opened from the Azure Key Vault service using this syntax: vault://{clientid}:{clientsecret}@{vaultname}.{vaulthost}/

clientid is the client id obtained from Azure Portal when registering an app.

clientsecret is the client secret obtained from Azure Portal when registering an app.

vaultname is the name of the vault to connect to.

vaulthost is the Cloud environment where the vault is located; supported environments are:

Cloud environmentvaulthost
Azure Cloudvault.azure.net
Azure China Cloudvault.azure.cn
Azure US Governmentvault.usgovcloudapi.net
Azure German Cloudvault.microsoftazure.de
Example: vault://xxxx:yyyy@myvault.vault.azure.net/

refresh Method

Refreshes all storage keychains.


def refresh() -> None: ...


Call this method to refresh the storage.

remove Method

Removes a certificate from the storage.


def remove(index: int) -> None: ...


Use this method to remove the certificate from the storage given its index.

remove_crl Method

Removes a CRL from the storage.


def remove_crl(index: int) -> None: ...


Use this method to remove a CRL from the storage given its index.

remove_ocsp Method

Removes an OCSP response from the storage.


def remove_ocsp(index: int) -> None: ...


Use this method to remove an OCSP response from the storage given its index.

reset Method

Resets the class settings.


def reset() -> None: ...


reset is a generic method available in every class.

select Method

Allows the selection of certificates from the system store.


def select(filter: str, private_key_needed: bool, max_count: int) -> None: ...


This function allows the user to select certificates from the system store by Filter and save them to selected_certificates. PrivateKeyNeeded specifies whether the method only should consider certificates having associated private keys. MaxCount limits the number of certificates selected.

The supported filters are listed below. Split the name and value of a specific filter with colon (:). Use | separator to pass more than one filter. During the search, the filters are joined using OR logic.

  • subjectkeyid: the subject key identifier, in hexadecimal format.
  • cakeyid: the key identifier of the issuing certificate, in hexadecimal format.
  • serialnumber: the serial number of the certificate, in hexadecimal format.
  • keyusage: certificate key usage flags. Use bitwise OR to specify several key usage flags using the values shown below.
  • fingerprint: certificate fingerprint in hexadecimal format. MD5, SHA1, SHA256, and SHA512 fingerprints are supported.
  • email: the e-mail parameter of the certificate subject.
  • subject: the subject of the certificate, either as an RDN, or as its common name parameter.
  • issuer: the issuer of the certificate, either as an RDN or a common name.
  • ui (Windows system stores only): whether to use UI dialog to select a certificate. Supported values: true, false, 1, 0. All other filters are ignored if this filter is specified.
  • * (asterisk): selects all certificates. This filter should always be used as a single character, not as a name:value pair.

Examples of filters

ui:1 - use Windows certificate selection dialog to let the user select a certificate visually.

* - select all certificates.

email:user@server.com - select all certificates with subject RDNs containing this e-mail address.

fingerprint:0a1b3c4d5e6f708192a3b4c5d6e7f8091a2b3c4d - select all certificates with this SHA1 fingerprint.

subject:/C=US/O=Big Company Inc/CN=Signing Certificate - select all certificates with the specified subject RDN.

keyusage:3|email:user@server.com - select all certificates with key usages of Digital Signature or Non-Repudiation, or those having this e-mail address in their subject.

Key usage flags

ckuUnknown0x00000Unknown key usage

ckuDigitalSignature0x00001Digital signature


ckuKeyEncipherment0x00004Key encipherment

ckuDataEncipherment0x00008Data encipherment

ckuKeyAgreement0x00010Key agreement

ckuKeyCertSign0x00020Certificate signing

ckuCRLSign0x00040Revocation signing

ckuEncipherOnly0x00080Encipher only

ckuDecipherOnly0x00100Decipher only

ckuServerAuthentication0x00200Server authentication

ckuClientAuthentication0x00400Client authentication

ckuCodeSigning0x00800Code signing

ckuEmailProtection0x01000Email protection


ckuOCSPSigning0x04000OCSP signing

ckuSmartCardLogon0x08000Smartcard logon

ckuKeyPurposeClientAuth0x10000Kerberos - client authentication

ckuKeyPurposeKDC0x20000Kerberos - KDC

select_chain Method

Selects a chain of certificates given its index.


def select_chain(index: int) -> None: ...


Use this method to select a certificate chain given its index.

set_storage_property Method

Sets the value of a custom certificate storage property.


def set_storage_property(name: str, value: str) -> None: ...


This method, together with get_storage_property, provides an extensible way of managing the certificate storage's settings that are not available through the primary properties of the component. The list of settings may be extended in future, in response to emergence of new storage variants and recognition of non-obvious storage usage scenarios.

The following certificate storage properties can be read using this method:

PKCS11PINUse this property to provide your PIN on the fly for an operation requiring the private key (e.g. signing). This may be useful if the PIN was not provided on the Open stage.
PKCS11NewUserPINSetting this property will register a new PIN to the HSM user account. This property is the way to administratively reset the user's PIN, and can only be set from under the 'admin' session.
PKCS11NewPINSetting this property will change the current users's PIN to the provided value. Most HSMs require the user to be signed in to perform this operation. This is the way to change your own PIN, either for admin or regular user accounts.
PKCS11TextEncodingModeThe string encoding mode to apply to the PIN when passing it to C_Login() method. This can be changed by passing the relevant setting to set_storage_property.
PKCS11SlotSpecifies the slot number to open, from 0 to (PKCS11SlotCount - 1). Use the 'auto' value to let the component pick the slot automatically, or -1 to stop the component from opening any slots.
PKCS11LoginProvides a PKCS#11 user ID to sign in with. The following options are available: 'user' (normal user), 'so' (security officer), or 'no' (do not sign in).

on_error Event

Information about errors during certificate loading or saving.


class CertificateStorageErrorEventParams(object):
  def error_code() -> int: ...

  def description() -> str: ...

# In class CertificateStorage:
def on_error() -> Callable[[CertificateStorageErrorEventParams], None]: ...
def on_error(event_hook: Callable[[CertificateStorageErrorEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


Reports exceptional conditions during certificate loading or exporting.

ErrorCode contains an error code and Description contains a textual description of the error.

on_notification Event

This event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.


class CertificateStorageNotificationEventParams(object):
  def event_id() -> str: ...

  def event_param() -> str: ...

# In class CertificateStorage:
def on_notification() -> Callable[[CertificateStorageNotificationEventParams], None]: ...
def on_notification(event_hook: Callable[[CertificateStorageNotificationEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The class fires this event to let the application know about some event, occurrence, or milestone in the class. For example, it may fire to report completion of the document processing. The list of events being reported is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.

The unique identifier of the event is provided in the EventID parameter. EventParam contains any parameters accompanying the occurrence. Depending on the type of the class, the exact action it is performing, or the document being processed, one or both may be omitted.

This class can fire this event with the following EventID values:

PKCS11BeforeLoadDriverFires before the driver DLL is loaded.
PKCS11BeforeLoginFires before the C_Login() function is called.
PKCS11BeforeOpenSessionFires before C_OpenSession() is called.
PKCS11DriverLoadedReports that the driver has been successfully loaded.
PKCS11LoggedInNotifies about successful sign-in.
PKCS11LoginErrorNotifies about a sign-in issue.
PKCS11SessionOpenedNotifies the application that the session has been opened.

on_password_needed Event

This event is fired when a decryption password is needed.


class CertificateStoragePasswordNeededEventParams(object):
  def needed_for() -> str: ...

  def password() -> str: ...
  def password(value) -> None: ...

  def cancel() -> bool: ...
  def cancel(value) -> None: ...

# In class CertificateStorage:
def on_password_needed() -> Callable[[CertificateStoragePasswordNeededEventParams], None]: ...
def on_password_needed(event_hook: Callable[[CertificateStoragePasswordNeededEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The class fires this event when a password is needed to decrypt a certificate or a private key.

In the handler of this event, assign the password to the Password parameter, or set Cancel to true to abort the operation.

The NeededFor parameter identifies the certificate for which the password is requested.

CertificateStorage Config Settings

The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the config method.

CertificateStorage Config Settings

AuthAttempts:   The number of auth/login attempts to try.

Specifies the number of tries to authenticate to the storage (the default is 3). The control will fire PasswordNeeded event after each unsuccessful attempt. Applicable to: PKCS11.

CertValidationTimes[i]:   .

Returns the validation moments for every certificate in the store.

CertValidities[i]:   .

Returns the validity markers of the certificate objects.

CertValidityReasons[i]:   .

Returns the validation details for each of the certificate objects in the store.

ContainerName:   Specifies the key container name for the imported certificate.

This setting allows to provide a key container name for the certificate that is to be imported. This is often used when associating CA-provided certificate with a previously generated private key.

FriendlyName:   Gets or sets the certificate friendly name.

Use this read-only indexed property to obtain the friendly name of a specific certificate in the storage.

KeyExportable:   Specifies the Exportable setting for the imported key.

KeyExportable and KeyProtected configs allow the application to specify the desired private key protection parameters for certificates imported into a Windows system store.

KeyProtected:   Specifies the Protected setting for the imported key.

KeyExportable and KeyProtected configs allow the application to specify the desired private key protection parameters for certificates imported into a Windows system store. Protected keys invoke a warning UI dialog when accessed.

PfxAlgorithm:   Sets the PFX encryption algorithm.

Use this property to adjust the encryption algorithm(s) that will be used when saving the certificate to PFX format. This setting accepts a string containing either one PBE algorithm name (in which case it will be used to encrypt both the certificate and its private key), or two semicolon-separated PBE algorithm names (in which case the first will be used to encrypt the private key, and the second to encrypt the certificate).

The following values are supported for either algorithm:

  • PBES2-PBKDF2-SHA256-AES256
  • PBE-SHA1-RC4-128
  • PBE-SHA1-RC4-40
  • PBE-SHA1-RC2-128
  • PBE-SHA1-RC2-40
Apart from the above, a special legacy alias is supported that maps to PBE-SHA1-3DES when used for the private key part, or to PBE-SHA1-RC2-40 when used for the certificate part.

PKCS11ActiveSlot:   The index of the slot that the component is working with.

Returns the index of the PKCS#11 slot that is currently being accessed.

PKCS11Label:   Returns the HSM label.

Returns the label of the currently opened PKCS#11 device.

PKCS11Login:   Gets or sets the current PKCS#11 login type.

The primary purpose of this setting is to allow provision/change of the login type on a later stage (when the storage has already been opened).

The two common PKCS#11 login types are user and admin.

PKCS11NewPIN:   Changes the current user's PIN.

Setting this property will change the current users's PIN to the provided value. Most HSMs require the user to be signed in to perform this operation. This is the way to change your own PIN, either for admin or regular user accounts.

PKCS11NewUserPIN:   Registers a new user PIN.

Setting this property will register a new PIN to the HSM user account. This property is the way to administratively reset the user's PIN, and can only be set from under the 'admin' session.

PKCS11PIN:   Sets the operation PIN.

Use this property to provide your PIN on the fly for an operation requiring the private key (e.g. signing). This may be useful if the PIN was not provided on the Open stage.

PKCS11Slot:   Controls the number of a PKCS#11 slot to be opened.

Use this property to set the number of slot to be opened late into the process (after the storage has been opened). Use the auto placeholder to tell the component to select the slot automatically.

PKCS11SlotCount:   The number of slots exposed in the storage.

Returns the number of slots available in an opened PKCS#11 storage.

PKCS11SlotDescription[i]:   A human-readable description of the slot.

Returns a human-readable description of slot i.

PKCS11SlotLoggedIn[i]:   Whether slot i has an active session associated with it.

Returns true if there is an active session associated with slot number i.

PKCS11SlotLoginRequired[i]:   Specifies whether the token expects the user to sign in.

Specifies whether the token in the slot #i expects the user to sign in to perform further operations with the token.

PKCS11SlotPinNeeded[i]:   Whether slot i requires you to provide a PIN to log in or sign.

Returns true if you need to provide a PIN to sign in to the session for slot i.

PKCS11SlotReadOnly[i]:   Whether slot i only supports read-only access.

Returns the availability of the slot for write operations.

PKCS11SlotTokenFlags[i]:   The capabilities flags of the inserted token.

Returns the capabilities flags for the token inserted into slot number i.

PKCS11SlotTokenLabel[i]:   The label assigned to the token.

Returns the label assigned to the token.

PKCS11SlotTokenModel[i]:   The token model.

Returns the model of the token as provided by the driver.

PKCS11SlotTokenPresent[i]:   Indicates whether there is a token in the slot.

Returns true if slot number i has a token inserted.

PKCS11SlotTokenSerial[i]:   The serial number of the token.

Returns the serial number of the token.

PKCS11SlotTokenVendorID[i]:   The manufacturer ID of the inserted token.

Returns vendor ID string for slot number i.

PKCS11SlotVendorID[i]:   Returns the manufacturer ID of the slot.

Returns the manufacturer name associated with the slot.

PKCS11TextEncodingMode:   The encoding mode to apply to non-ASCII text strings.

Specifies the method to approach strings (e.g. PINs) containing international characters when accessing PKCS#11 devices. The following options are available:

  • standard: use UTF8, as instructed by the PKCS#11 specification.
  • ansi: use Ansi (local) code page to convert text to the byte arrays that are passed over to the driver.
  • smart: if the standard approach fails, try the ansi approach automatically
StoreName:   Specifies the name of the system store to import the certificate to.

Use this property to adjust the name of the certificate store where the certificate should be imported to.

TempPath:   Path for storing temporary files.

This setting specifies an absolute path to the location on disk where temporary files are stored.

Base Config Settings

ASN1UseGlobalTagCache:   Controls whether ASN.1 module should use a global object cache.

This is a performance setting. It is unlikely that you will ever need to adjust it.

AssignSystemSmartCardPins:   Specifies whether CSP-level PINs should be assigned to CNG keys.

This is a low-level tweak for certain cryptographic providers. It is unlikely that you will ever need to adjust it.

CheckKeyIntegrityBeforeUse:   Enables or disable private key integrity check before use.

This global property enables or disables private key material check before each signing operation. This slows down performance a bit, but prevents a selection of attacks on RSA keys where keys with unknown origins are used.

You can switch this property off to improve performance if your project only uses known, good private keys.

CookieCaching:   Specifies whether a cookie cache should be used for HTTP(S) transports.

Set this property to enable or disable cookies caching for the class.

Supported values are:

offNo caching (default)
localLocal caching
globalGlobal caching

Cookies:   Gets or sets local cookies for the class.

Use this property to get cookies from the internal cookie storage of the class and/or restore them back between application sessions.

DefDeriveKeyIterations:   Specifies the default key derivation algorithm iteration count.

This global property sets the default number of iterations for all supported key derivation algorithms. Note that you can provide the required number of iterations by using properties of the relevant key generation component; this global setting is used in scenarios where specific iteration count is not or cannot be provided.

DNSLocalSuffix:   The suffix to assign for TLD names.

Use this global setting to adjust the default suffix to assign to top-level domain names. The default is .local.

EnableClientSideSSLFFDHE:   Enables or disables finite field DHE key exchange support in TLS clients.

This global property enables or disables support for finite field DHE key exchange methods in TLS clients. FF DHE is a slower algorithm if compared to EC DHE; enabling it may result in slower connections.

This setting only applies to sessions negotiated with TLS version 1.3.

GlobalCookies:   Gets or sets global cookies for all the HTTP transports.

Use this property to get cookies from the GLOBAL cookie storage or restore them back between application sessions. These cookies will be used by all the classes that have its CookieCaching property set to "global".

HardwareCryptoUsePolicy:   The hardware crypto usage policy.

This global setting controls the hardware cryptography usage policy: auto, enable, or disable.

HttpUserAgent:   Specifies the user agent name to be used by all HTTP clients.

This global setting defines the User-Agent field of the HTTP request provides information about the software that initiates the request. This value will be used by all the HTTP clients including the ones used internally in other classes.

HttpVersion:   The HTTP version to use in any inner HTTP client components created.

Set this property to 1.0 or 1.1 to indicate the HTTP version that any internal HTTP clients should use.

IgnoreExpiredMSCTLSigningCert:   Whether to tolerate the expired Windows Update signing certificate.

It is not uncommon for Microsoft Windows Update Certificate Trust List to be signed with an expired Microsoft certificate. Setting this global property to true makes SBB ignore the expired factor and take the Trust List into account.

ListDelimiter:   The delimiter character for multi-element lists.

Allows to set the delimiter for any multi-entry values returned by the component as a string object, such as file lists. For most of the components, this property is set to a newline sequence.

LogDestination:   Specifies the debug log destination.

Contains a comma-separated list of values that specifies where debug log should be dumped.

Supported values are:

systemlogSystem Log (supported for Android only)
debuggerDebugger (supported for VCL for Windows and .Net)

LogDetails:   Specifies the debug log details to dump.

Contains a comma-separated list of values that specifies which debug log details to dump.

Supported values are:

timeCurrent time
packagePackage name
moduleModule name
classClass name
methodMethod name
threadidThread Id
contenttypeContent type
allAll details

LogFile:   Specifies the debug log filename.

Use this property to provide a path to the log file.

LogFilters:   Specifies the debug log filters.

Contains a comma-separated list of value pairs ("name:value") that describe filters.

Supported filter names are:

exclude-packageExclude a package specified in the value
exclude-moduleExclude a module specified in the value
exclude-classExclude a class specified in the value
exclude-methodExclude a method specified in the value
include-packageInclude a package specified in the value
include-moduleInclude a module specified in the value
include-classInclude a class specified in the value
include-methodInclude a method specified in the value

LogFlushMode:   Specifies the log flush mode.

Use this property to set the log flush mode. The following values are defined:

noneNo flush (caching only)
immediateImmediate flush (real-time logging)
maxcountFlush cached entries upon reaching LogMaxEventCount entries in the cache.

LogLevel:   Specifies the debug log level.

Use this property to provide the desired debug log level.

Supported values are:

noneNone (by default)
fatalSevere errors that cause premature termination.
errorOther runtime errors or unexpected conditions.
warningUse of deprecated APIs, poor use of API, 'almost' errors, other runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected, but not necessarily "wrong".
infoInteresting runtime events (startup/shutdown).
debugDetailed information on flow of through the system.
traceMore detailed information.

LogMaxEventCount:   Specifies the maximum number of events to cache before further action is taken.

Use this property to specify the log event number threshold. This threshold may have different effects, depending on the rotation setting and/or the flush mode.

The default value of this setting is 100.

LogRotationMode:   Specifies the log rotation mode.

Use this property to set the log rotation mode. The following values are defined:

noneNo rotation
deleteolderDelete older entries from the cache upon reaching LogMaxEventCount
keepolderKeep older entries in the cache upon reaching LogMaxEventCount (newer entries are discarded)

MaxASN1BufferLength:   Specifies the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 primitive tag data.

This global property limits the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 tag data for non-content-carrying structures, such as certificates, CRLs, or timestamps. It does not affect structures that can carry content, such as CMS/CAdES messages. This is a security property aiming at preventing DoS attacks.

MaxASN1TreeDepth:   Specifies the maximal depth for processed ASN.1 trees.

This global property limits the maximal depth of ASN.1 trees that the component can handle without throwing an error. This is a security property aiming at preventing DoS attacks.

OCSPHashAlgorithm:   Specifies the hash algorithm to be used to identify certificates in OCSP requests.

This global setting defines the hash algorithm to use in OCSP requests during chain validation. Some OCSP responders can only use older algorithms, in which case setting this property to SHA1 may be helpful.

OldClientSideRSAFallback:   Specifies whether the SSH client should use a SHA1 fallback.

Tells the SSH client to use a legacy ssh-rsa authentication even if the server indicates support for newer algorithms, such as rsa-sha-256. This is a backward-compatibility tweak.

ProductVersion:   Returns the version of the SecureBlackbox library.

This property returns the long version string of the SecureBlackbox library being used (major.minor.build.revision).

ServerSSLDHKeyLength:   Sets the size of the TLS DHE key exchange group.

Use this property to adjust the length, in bits, of the DHE prime to be used by the TLS server.

StaticDNS:   Specifies whether static DNS rules should be used.

Set this property to enable or disable static DNS rules for the class. Works only if UseOwnDNSResolver is set to true.

Supported values are:

noneNo static DNS rules (default)
localLocal static DNS rules
globalGlobal static DNS rules

StaticIPAddress[domain]:   Gets or sets an IP address for the specified domain name.

Use this property to get or set an IP address for the specified domain name in the internal (of the class) or global DNS rules storage depending on the StaticDNS value. The type of the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) is determined automatically. If both addresses are available, they are devided by the | (pipe) character.

StaticIPAddresses:   Gets or sets all the static DNS rules.

Use this property to get static DNS rules from the current rules storage or restore them back between application sessions. If StaticDNS of the class is set to "local", the property returns/restores the rules from/to the internal storage of the class. If StaticDNS of the class is set to "global", the property returns/restores the rules from/to the GLOBAL storage. The rules list is returned and accepted in JSON format.

Tag:   Allows to store any custom data.

Use this config property to store any custom data.

TLSSessionGroup:   Specifies the group name of TLS sessions to be used for session resumption.

Use this property to limit the search of chached TLS sessions to the specified group. Sessions from other groups will be ignored. By default, all sessions are cached with an empty group name and available to all the classes.

TLSSessionLifetime:   Specifies lifetime in seconds of the cached TLS session.

Use this property to specify how much time the TLS session should be kept in the session cache. After this time, the session expires and will be automatically removed from the cache. Default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

TLSSessionPurgeInterval:   Specifies how often the session cache should remove the expired TLS sessions.

Use this property to specify the time interval of purging the expired TLS sessions from the session cache. Default value is 60 seconds (1 minute).

UseInternalRandom:   Switches between SecureBlackbox-own and platform PRNGs.

Allows to switch between internal/native PRNG implementation and the one provided by the platform.

UseLegacyAdESValidation:   Enables legacy AdES validation mode.

Use this setting to switch the AdES component to the validation approach that was used in SBB 2020/SBB 2022 (less attention to temporal details).

UseOwnDNSResolver:   Specifies whether the client components should use own DNS resolver.

Set this global property to false to force all the client components to use the DNS resolver provided by the target OS instead of using own one.

UseSharedSystemStorages:   Specifies whether the validation engine should use a global per-process copy of the system certificate stores.

Set this global property to false to make each validation run use its own copy of system certificate stores.

UseSystemNativeSizeCalculation:   An internal CryptoAPI access tweak.

This is an internal setting. Please do not use it unless instructed by the support team.

UseSystemOAEPAndPSS:   Enforces or disables the use of system-driven RSA OAEP and PSS computations.

This global setting defines who is responsible for performing RSA-OAEP and RSA-PSS computations where the private key is stored in a Windows system store and is exportable. If set to true, SBB will delegate the computations to Windows via a CryptoAPI call. Otherwise, it will export the key material and perform the computations using its own OAEP/PSS implementation.

This setting only applies to certificates originating from a Windows system store.

UseSystemRandom:   Enables or disables the use of the OS PRNG.

Use this global property to enable or disable the use of operating system-driven pseudorandom number generation.

CertificateStorage Errors

CertificateStorage Errors

1048577   Invalid parameter (SB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
1048578   Invalid configuration (SB_ERROR_INVALID_SETUP)
1048579   Invalid state (SB_ERROR_INVALID_STATE)
1048580   Invalid value (SB_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE)
1048581   Private key not found (SB_ERROR_NO_PRIVATE_KEY)
1048582   Cancelled by the user (SB_ERROR_CANCELLED_BY_USER)
1048583   The file was not found (SB_ERROR_NO_SUCH_FILE)
1048584   Unsupported feature or operation (SB_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE)
1048585   General error (SB_ERROR_GENERAL_ERROR)