RESTClient Class

Properties   Methods   Events   Config Settings   Errors  

The RESTClient class implements client-side functionality for the REST protocol.


class secureblackbox.RESTClient


RESTClient allows you to send requests to a REST server and receive server responses. It supports both plain (HTTP) and secure (HTTPS) modes.

Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

auth_typesDefines allowed HTTP authentication types.
blocked_cert_countThe number of records in the BlockedCert arrays.
blocked_cert_bytesReturns the raw certificate data in DER format.
blocked_cert_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
conn_info_aead_cipherIndicates whether the encryption algorithm used is an AEAD cipher.
conn_info_chain_validation_detailsThe details of a certificate chain validation outcome.
conn_info_chain_validation_resultThe outcome of a certificate chain validation routine.
conn_info_ciphersuiteThe cipher suite employed by this connection.
conn_info_client_authenticatedSpecifies whether client authentication was performed during this connection.
conn_info_client_auth_requestedSpecifies whether client authentication was requested during this connection.
conn_info_connection_establishedIndicates whether the connection has been established fully.
conn_info_connection_idThe unique identifier assigned to this connection.
conn_info_digest_algorithmThe digest algorithm used in a TLS-enabled connection.
conn_info_encryption_algorithmThe symmetric encryption algorithm used in a TLS-enabled connection.
conn_info_exportableIndicates whether a TLS connection uses a reduced-strength exportable cipher.
conn_info_idThe client connection's unique identifier.
conn_info_key_exchange_algorithmThe key exchange algorithm used in a TLS-enabled connection.
conn_info_key_exchange_key_bitsThe length of the key exchange key of a TLS-enabled connection.
conn_info_named_ec_curveThe elliptic curve used in this connection.
conn_info_pfs_cipherIndicates whether the chosen ciphersuite provides perfect forward secrecy (PFS).
conn_info_pre_shared_identitySpecifies the identity used when the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) key-exchange mechanism is negotiated.
conn_info_pre_shared_identity_hintA hint professed by the server to help the client select the PSK identity to use.
conn_info_public_key_bitsThe length of the public key.
conn_info_remote_addressThe client's IP address.
conn_info_remote_portThe remote port of the client connection.
conn_info_resumed_sessionIndicates whether a TLS-enabled connection was spawned from another TLS connection.
conn_info_secure_connectionIndicates whether TLS or SSL is enabled for this connection.
conn_info_server_authenticatedIndicates whether server authentication was performed during a TLS-enabled connection.
conn_info_signature_algorithmThe signature algorithm used in a TLS handshake.
conn_info_symmetric_block_sizeThe block size of the symmetric algorithm used.
conn_info_symmetric_key_bitsThe key length of the symmetric algorithm used.
conn_info_total_bytes_receivedThe total number of bytes received over this connection.
conn_info_total_bytes_sentThe total number of bytes sent over this connection.
conn_info_validation_logContains the server certificate's chain validation log.
conn_info_versionIndicates the version of SSL/TLS protocol negotiated during this connection.
custom_requestSpecifies a custom request verb.
dynamic_dataTakes a piece of data to be sent to the server within a dynamic POST or PUT request.
external_crypto_async_document_idSpecifies an optional document ID for SignAsyncBegin() and SignAsyncEnd() calls.
external_crypto_custom_paramsCustom parameters to be passed to the signing service (uninterpreted).
external_crypto_dataAdditional data to be included in the async state and mirrored back by the requestor.
external_crypto_external_hash_calculationSpecifies whether the message hash is to be calculated at the external endpoint.
external_crypto_hash_algorithmSpecifies the request's signature hash algorithm.
external_crypto_key_idThe ID of the pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.
external_crypto_key_secretThe pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.
external_crypto_methodSpecifies the asynchronous signing method.
external_crypto_modeSpecifies the external cryptography mode.
external_crypto_public_key_algorithmProvide the public key algorithm here if the certificate is not available on the pre-signing stage.
keep_alive_policyDefines the keep-alive handling policy.
known_cert_countThe number of records in the KnownCert arrays.
known_cert_bytesReturns the raw certificate data in DER format.
known_cert_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
known_crl_countThe number of records in the KnownCRL arrays.
known_crl_bytesReturns the raw CRL data in DER format.
known_crl_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
known_ocsp_countThe number of records in the KnownOCSP arrays.
known_ocsp_bytesA buffer containing the raw OCSP response data.
known_ocsp_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
output_bytesContains the response content.
output_fileA path to the output file.
output_stringContains the response content.
proxy_addressThe IP address of the proxy server.
proxy_authenticationThe authentication type used by the proxy server.
proxy_passwordThe password to authenticate to the proxy server.
proxy_portThe port on the proxy server to connect to.
proxy_proxy_typeThe type of the proxy server.
proxy_request_headersContains HTTP request headers for WebTunnel and HTTP proxy.
proxy_response_bodyContains the HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy response body.
proxy_response_headersContains response headers received from an HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy server.
proxy_use_ipv6Specifies whether IPv6 should be used when connecting through the proxy.
proxy_usernameSpecifies the username credential for proxy authentication.
reason_phraseContains the Reason Phrase element of the server's response.
req_header_countThe number of records in the ReqHeader arrays.
req_header_categorySpecifies the string category of the contained value.
req_header_formatSpecifies the format (encoding) of the value contained in the Value property.
req_header_nameThe name element in a (name, value) pair.
req_header_valueThe value element in a (name, value) pair.
req_params_acceptSpecifies the Accept header property of the HTTP request.
req_params_accept_charsetSpecifies the Accept-Charset header property of the HTTP request.
req_params_accept_languageSpecifies the Accept-Language header property of the HTTP request.
req_params_accept_range_endThis property, in combination with AcceptRangeStart, defines the media-range of the HTTP request.
req_params_accept_range_startThis property, in combination with AcceptRangeEnd, defines the media-range of the HTTP request.
req_params_authorizationSpecifies the Authorization header of the HTTP request.
req_params_connectionSpecifies the value to pass to the Connection header property of HTTP request.
req_params_content_lengthSpecifies the size of the entity-body of the HTTP request.
req_params_content_range_endSpecifies the upper bound used in the Content-Range header of the HTTP request.
req_params_content_range_full_sizeSpecifies the total length of the full entity-body of the HTTP request.
req_params_content_range_startSpecifies the lower bound used in the Content-Range header of the HTTP request.
req_params_content_typeThe Content-Type header property of the HTTP request.
req_params_cookieThis header is expected to be assigned with cookies previously received from the server and stored by the client.
req_params_custom_headersAssign any custom HTTP headers to be passed to the server to this property.
req_params_dateThe date and time of the request.
req_params_fromContains the From header property of the HTTP request.
req_params_hostThis property contains the Host header property of the HTTP request.
req_params_http_versionSpecifies the version of HTTP protocol to use: 1.
req_params_if_matchContains the If-Match request header property.
req_params_if_modified_sinceContains the If-Modified-Since request header property.
req_params_if_none_matchContains the If-None-Match request header property.
req_params_if_unmodified_sinceContains the If-Unmodified-Since request header property.
req_params_passwordAssign this property with the user's password.
req_params_refererThe Referer property of the HTTP request header specifies the address of the resource from which the Request-URI was obtained (the referrer).
req_params_user_agentThe User-Agent property of the HTTP request provides information about the software that initiates the request.
req_params_usernameAssign this property with the user's login name.
resp_header_countThe number of records in the RespHeader arrays.
resp_header_categorySpecifies the string category of the contained value.
resp_header_formatSpecifies the format (encoding) of the value contained in the Value property.
resp_header_nameThe name element in a (name, value) pair.
resp_header_valueThe value element in a (name, value) pair.
resp_params_content_lengthIndicates the length of the response content in bytes.
resp_params_dateThe date and time at which the response was generated, in server time, in UTC.
resp_params_reason_phraseContains the reason phrase (a human-readable comment) of the request processing status, which corresponds to, and complements, the staus code.
resp_params_status_codeThe server-generated status code of the request processing status.
socket_dns_modeSelects the DNS resolver to use: the class's (secure) built-in one, or the one provided by the system.
socket_dns_portSpecifies the port number to be used for sending queries to the DNS server.
socket_dns_query_timeoutThe timeout (in milliseconds) for each DNS query.
socket_dns_serversThe addresses of DNS servers to use for address resolution, separated by commas or semicolons.
socket_dns_total_timeoutThe timeout (in milliseconds) for the whole resolution process.
socket_incoming_speed_limitThe maximum number of bytes to read from the socket, per second.
socket_local_addressThe local network interface to bind the socket to.
socket_local_portThe local port number to bind the socket to.
socket_outgoing_speed_limitThe maximum number of bytes to write to the socket, per second.
socket_timeoutThe maximum period of waiting, in milliseconds, after which the socket operation is considered unsuccessful.
socket_use_ipv6Enables or disables IP protocol version 6.
status_codeContains the Status Code element of the server's response.
tls_client_cert_countThe number of records in the TLSClientCert arrays.
tls_client_cert_bytesReturns the raw certificate data in DER format.
tls_client_cert_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
tls_server_cert_countThe number of records in the TLSServerCert arrays.
tls_server_cert_bytesReturns the raw certificate data in DER format.
tls_server_cert_fingerprintContains the fingerprint (a hash imprint) of this certificate.
tls_server_cert_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.
tls_server_cert_issuerThe common name of the certificate issuer (CA), typically a company name.
tls_server_cert_issuer_rdnA list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate issuer.
tls_server_cert_key_algorithmSpecifies the public key algorithm of this certificate.
tls_server_cert_key_bitsReturns the length of the public key in bits.
tls_server_cert_key_usageIndicates the purposes of the key contained in the certificate, in the form of an OR'ed flag set.
tls_server_cert_self_signedIndicates whether the certificate is self-signed (root) or signed by an external CA.
tls_server_cert_serial_numberReturns the certificate's serial number.
tls_server_cert_sig_algorithmIndicates the algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this certificate.
tls_server_cert_subjectThe common name of the certificate holder, typically an individual's name, a URL, an e-mail address, or a company name.
tls_server_cert_subject_rdnA list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate holder (subject).
tls_server_cert_valid_fromThe time point at which the certificate becomes valid, in UTC.
tls_server_cert_valid_toThe time point at which the certificate expires, in UTC.
tls_auto_validate_certificatesSpecifies whether server-side TLS certificates should be validated automatically using internal validation rules.
tls_base_configurationSelects the base configuration for the TLS settings.
tls_ciphersuitesA list of ciphersuites separated with commas or semicolons.
tls_client_authEnables or disables certificate-based client authentication.
tls_ec_curvesDefines the elliptic curves to enable.
tls_extensionsProvides access to TLS extensions.
tls_force_resume_if_destination_changesWhether to force TLS session resumption when the destination address changes.
tls_pre_shared_identityDefines the identity used when the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) key-exchange mechanism is negotiated.
tls_pre_shared_keyContains the pre-shared key for the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) key-exchange mechanism, encoded with base16.
tls_pre_shared_key_ciphersuiteDefines the ciphersuite used for PSK (Pre-Shared Key) negotiation.
tls_renegotiation_attack_prevention_modeSelects the renegotiation attack prevention mechanism.
tls_revocation_checkSpecifies the kind(s) of revocation check to perform.
tls_ssl_optionsVarious SSL (TLS) protocol options, set of cssloExpectShutdownMessage 0x001 Wait for the close-notify message when shutting down the connection cssloOpenSSLDTLSWorkaround 0x002 (DEPRECATED) Use a DTLS version workaround when talking to very old OpenSSL versions cssloDisableKexLengthAlignment 0x004 Do not align the client-side PMS by the RSA modulus size.
tls_tls_modeSpecifies the TLS mode to use.
tls_use_extended_master_secretEnables the Extended Master Secret Extension, as defined in RFC 7627.
tls_use_session_resumptionEnables or disables the TLS session resumption capability.
tls_versionsThe SSL/TLS versions to enable by default.
trusted_cert_countThe number of records in the TrustedCert arrays.
trusted_cert_bytesReturns the raw certificate data in DER format.
trusted_cert_handleAllows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.

Method List

The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

configSets or retrieves a configuration setting.
deleteSends a DELETE request to the server.
do_actionPerforms an additional action.
getSends a GET request to the server.
headSends a HEAD request to the server.
optionsSends an OPTIONS request to the server.
postSends a POST request to the server.
post_bytesSends a POST request to the server.
post_fileSends a file to the server using a POST request.
post_jsonSends a JSON POST request to the server.
post_web_formPosts a web form data to the server.
post_xmlPosts an XML request to the server.
putSends a PUT request to the server.
put_bytesSends a PUT request to the server.
put_fileSends a file to the server using a PUT request.
put_jsonPUTs a JSON to the server.
put_xmlPUTs an XML to the server.
resetResets the class settings.
traceSends a TRACE request to the server.

Event List

The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

on_cookieFired to report a received cookie.
on_document_beginMarks the start of the incoming HTML document or file.
on_document_endMarks the successful receipt of the incoming HTML document or file.
on_dynamic_data_neededRequests a portion of data to be uploaded from the application.
on_errorInformation about errors during data delivery.
on_external_signHandles remote or external signing initiated by the SignExternal method or other source.
on_headers_preparedFires when the request headers have been formed and are about to be sent to the server.
on_headers_receivedFires when the HTTP response headers have just been received from the server.
on_notificationThis event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.
on_progressFires periodically during the data transfer.
on_redirectionFires when the server suggests a redirect.
on_tls_cert_neededFires when a remote TLS party requests a client certificate.
on_tls_cert_validateThis event is fired upon receipt of the TLS server's certificate, allowing the user to control its acceptance.
on_tls_establishedFires when a TLS handshake with Host successfully completes.
on_tls_handshakeFires when a new TLS handshake is initiated, before the handshake commences.
on_tls_pskNotifies the application about the PSK key exchange.
on_tls_shutdownReports the graceful closure of a TLS connection.

Config Settings

The following is a list of config settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

CacheStreamOutputTells the class whether to cache stream- and file-bound responses in the class.
ForceNTLMAuthActivates and enforces NTLM authentication.
IgnoreSystemTrustWhether trusted Windows Certificate Stores should be treated as trusted.
IgnoreUnknownTransferEncodingsAll incoming responses with unknown transfer encodings are ignored if this property is true.
MaxRedirectionsThe maximum number of HTTP redirects.
OutputFileSpecifies the file where the received content should be saved to.
PersistentAuthHeaderWhether to resend NTLM negotiation on every request.
RequestCompressionGZipAsk server to enforce GZip compression.
RequestCompressionLevelAsk server to use the specified compression level.
SendBufferSizeSize of send buffer in bytes.
StaticDNSSpecifies whether static DNS rules should be used.
StaticIPAddress[domain]Gets or sets an IP address for the specified domain name.
StaticIPAddressesGets or sets all the static DNS rules.
SuppressRedirectionContentWhether to suppress the redirection content.
TempPathPath for storing temporary files.
TLSSessionGroupSpecifies the group name of TLS sessions to be used for session resumption.
TLSSessionLifetimeSpecifies lifetime in seconds of the cached TLS session.
TLSSessionPurgeIntervalSpecifies how often the session cache should remove the expired TLS sessions.
TolerateMinorChainIssuesWhether to tolerate minor chain issues.
Use100ContinueWhether to use 100-continue for POST and PUT commands.
UseCompressionEnables compression capability.
UseMicrosoftCTLEnables or disables the automatic use of the Microsoft online certificate trust list.
UseSystemCertificatesEnables or disables the use of the system certificates.
ASN1UseGlobalTagCacheControls whether ASN.1 module should use a global object cache.
AssignSystemSmartCardPinsSpecifies whether CSP-level PINs should be assigned to CNG keys.
CheckKeyIntegrityBeforeUseEnables or disable private key integrity check before use.
CookieCachingSpecifies whether a cookie cache should be used for HTTP(S) transports.
CookiesGets or sets local cookies for the class.
DefDeriveKeyIterationsSpecifies the default key derivation algorithm iteration count.
DNSLocalSuffixThe suffix to assign for TLD names.
EnableClientSideSSLFFDHEEnables or disables finite field DHE key exchange support in TLS clients.
GlobalCookiesGets or sets global cookies for all the HTTP transports.
HardwareCryptoUsePolicyThe hardware crypto usage policy.
HttpUserAgentSpecifies the user agent name to be used by all HTTP clients.
HttpVersionThe HTTP version to use in any inner HTTP client classes created.
IgnoreExpiredMSCTLSigningCertWhether to tolerate the expired Windows Update signing certificate.
ListDelimiterThe delimiter character for multi-element lists.
LogDestinationSpecifies the debug log destination.
LogDetailsSpecifies the debug log details to dump.
LogFileSpecifies the debug log filename.
LogFiltersSpecifies the debug log filters.
LogFlushModeSpecifies the log flush mode.
LogLevelSpecifies the debug log level.
LogMaxEventCountSpecifies the maximum number of events to cache before further action is taken.
LogRotationModeSpecifies the log rotation mode.
MaxASN1BufferLengthSpecifies the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 primitive tag data.
MaxASN1TreeDepthSpecifies the maximal depth for processed ASN.1 trees.
OCSPHashAlgorithmSpecifies the hash algorithm to be used to identify certificates in OCSP requests.
OldClientSideRSAFallbackSpecifies whether the SSH client should use a SHA1 fallback.
PKICacheSpecifies which PKI elements (certificates, CRLs, OCSP responses) should be cached.
PKICachePathSpecifies the file system path where cached PKI data is stored.
ProductVersionReturns the version of the SecureBlackbox library.
ServerSSLDHKeyLengthSets the size of the TLS DHE key exchange group.
StaticDNSSpecifies whether static DNS rules should be used.
StaticIPAddress[domain]Gets or sets an IP address for the specified domain name.
StaticIPAddressesGets or sets all the static DNS rules.
TagAllows to store any custom data.
TLSSessionGroupSpecifies the group name of TLS sessions to be used for session resumption.
TLSSessionLifetimeSpecifies lifetime in seconds of the cached TLS session.
TLSSessionPurgeIntervalSpecifies how often the session cache should remove the expired TLS sessions.
UseCRLObjectCachingSpecifies whether reuse of loaded CRL objects is enabled.
UseInternalRandomSwitches between SecureBlackbox-own and platform PRNGs.
UseLegacyAdESValidationEnables legacy AdES validation mode.
UseOCSPResponseObjectCachingSpecifies whether reuse of loaded OCSP response objects is enabled.
UseOwnDNSResolverSpecifies whether the client classes should use own DNS resolver.
UseSharedSystemStoragesSpecifies whether the validation engine should use a global per-process copy of the system certificate stores.
UseSystemNativeSizeCalculationAn internal CryptoAPI access tweak.
UseSystemOAEPAndPSSEnforces or disables the use of system-driven RSA OAEP and PSS computations.
UseSystemRandomEnables or disables the use of the OS PRNG.
XMLRDNDescriptorName[OID]Defines an OID mapping to descriptor names for the certificate's IssuerRDN or SubjectRDN.
XMLRDNDescriptorPriority[OID]Specifies the priority of descriptor names associated with a specific OID.
XMLRDNDescriptorReverseOrderSpecifies whether to reverse the order of descriptors in RDN.
XMLRDNDescriptorSeparatorSpecifies the separator used between descriptors in RDN.

auth_types Property

Defines allowed HTTP authentication types.


def get_auth_types() -> int: ...
def set_auth_types(value: int) -> None: ...

auth_types = property(get_auth_types, set_auth_types)

Default Value



Use this property to define which authentication types the component should support or attempt to use by enabling the relevant bitmask flags:

haBasic0x01Basic authentication

haDigest0x02Digest authentication (RFC 2617)

haNTLM0x04Windows NTLM authentication

haKerberos0x08Kerberos (Negotiate) authentication

haOAuth20x10OAuth2 authentication

blocked_cert_count Property

The number of records in the BlockedCert arrays.


def get_blocked_cert_count() -> int: ...
def set_blocked_cert_count(value: int) -> None: ...

blocked_cert_count = property(get_blocked_cert_count, set_blocked_cert_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at blocked_cert_count - 1.

blocked_cert_bytes Property

Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_blocked_cert_bytes(blocked_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.

The blocked_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the blocked_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

blocked_cert_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_blocked_cert_handle(blocked_cert_index: int) -> int: ...
def set_blocked_cert_handle(blocked_cert_index: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The blocked_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the blocked_cert_count property.

conn_info_aead_cipher Property

Indicates whether the encryption algorithm used is an AEAD cipher.


def get_conn_info_aead_cipher() -> bool: ...

conn_info_aead_cipher = property(get_conn_info_aead_cipher, None)

Default Value



Indicates whether the encryption algorithm used is an AEAD cipher.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_chain_validation_details Property

The details of a certificate chain validation outcome.


def get_conn_info_chain_validation_details() -> int: ...

conn_info_chain_validation_details = property(get_conn_info_chain_validation_details, None)

Default Value



The details of a certificate chain validation outcome. They may often suggest the reasons that contributed to the overall validation result.

Returns a bit mask of the following options:

cvrBadData0x0001One or more certificates in the validation path are malformed

cvrRevoked0x0002One or more certificates are revoked

cvrNotYetValid0x0004One or more certificates are not yet valid

cvrExpired0x0008One or more certificates are expired

cvrInvalidSignature0x0010A certificate contains a non-valid digital signature

cvrUnknownCA0x0020A CA certificate for one or more certificates has not been found (chain incomplete)

cvrCAUnauthorized0x0040One of the CA certificates are not authorized to act as CA

cvrCRLNotVerified0x0080One or more CRLs could not be verified

cvrOCSPNotVerified0x0100One or more OCSP responses could not be verified

cvrIdentityMismatch0x0200The identity protected by the certificate (a TLS endpoint or an e-mail addressee) does not match what is recorded in the certificate

cvrNoKeyUsage0x0400A mandatory key usage is not enabled in one of the chain certificates

cvrBlocked0x0800One or more certificates are blocked

cvrFailure0x1000General validation failure

cvrChainLoop0x2000Chain loop: one of the CA certificates recursively signs itself

cvrWeakAlgorithm0x4000A weak algorithm is used in one of certificates or revocation elements

cvrUserEnforced0x8000The chain was considered invalid following intervention from a user code

This property is read-only.

conn_info_chain_validation_result Property

The outcome of a certificate chain validation routine.


def get_conn_info_chain_validation_result() -> int: ...

conn_info_chain_validation_result = property(get_conn_info_chain_validation_result, None)

Possible Values

0   # Valid
1 # ValidButUntrusted
2 # Invalid
3 # CantBeEstablished

Default Value



The outcome of a certificate chain validation routine.

Available options:

cvtValid0The chain is valid

cvtValidButUntrusted1The chain is valid, but the root certificate is not trusted

cvtInvalid2The chain is not valid (some of certificates are revoked, expired, or contain an invalid signature)

cvtCantBeEstablished3The validity of the chain cannot be established because of missing or unavailable validation information (certificates, CRLs, or OCSP responses)

Use the ValidationLog property to access the detailed validation log.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_ciphersuite Property

The cipher suite employed by this connection.


def get_conn_info_ciphersuite() -> str: ...

conn_info_ciphersuite = property(get_conn_info_ciphersuite, None)

Default Value



The cipher suite employed by this connection.

For TLS connections, this property returns the ciphersuite that was/is employed by the connection.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_client_authenticated Property

Specifies whether client authentication was performed during this connection.


def get_conn_info_client_authenticated() -> bool: ...

conn_info_client_authenticated = property(get_conn_info_client_authenticated, None)

Default Value



Specifies whether client authentication was performed during this connection.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_client_auth_requested Property

Specifies whether client authentication was requested during this connection.


def get_conn_info_client_auth_requested() -> bool: ...

conn_info_client_auth_requested = property(get_conn_info_client_auth_requested, None)

Default Value



Specifies whether client authentication was requested during this connection.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_connection_established Property

Indicates whether the connection has been established fully.


def get_conn_info_connection_established() -> bool: ...

conn_info_connection_established = property(get_conn_info_connection_established, None)

Default Value



Indicates whether the connection has been established fully.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_connection_id Property

The unique identifier assigned to this connection.


def get_conn_info_connection_id() -> bytes: ...

conn_info_connection_id = property(get_conn_info_connection_id, None)


The unique identifier assigned to this connection.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_digest_algorithm Property

The digest algorithm used in a TLS-enabled connection.


def get_conn_info_digest_algorithm() -> str: ...

conn_info_digest_algorithm = property(get_conn_info_digest_algorithm, None)

Default Value



The digest algorithm used in a TLS-enabled connection.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_encryption_algorithm Property

The symmetric encryption algorithm used in a TLS-enabled connection.


def get_conn_info_encryption_algorithm() -> str: ...

conn_info_encryption_algorithm = property(get_conn_info_encryption_algorithm, None)

Default Value



The symmetric encryption algorithm used in a TLS-enabled connection.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_exportable Property

Indicates whether a TLS connection uses a reduced-strength exportable cipher.


def get_conn_info_exportable() -> bool: ...

conn_info_exportable = property(get_conn_info_exportable, None)

Default Value



Indicates whether a TLS connection uses a reduced-strength exportable cipher.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_id Property

The client connection's unique identifier.


def get_conn_info_id() -> int: ...

conn_info_id = property(get_conn_info_id, None)

Default Value



The client connection's unique identifier. This value is used throughout to refer to a particular client connection.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_key_exchange_algorithm Property

The key exchange algorithm used in a TLS-enabled connection.


def get_conn_info_key_exchange_algorithm() -> str: ...

conn_info_key_exchange_algorithm = property(get_conn_info_key_exchange_algorithm, None)

Default Value



The key exchange algorithm used in a TLS-enabled connection.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_key_exchange_key_bits Property

The length of the key exchange key of a TLS-enabled connection.


def get_conn_info_key_exchange_key_bits() -> int: ...

conn_info_key_exchange_key_bits = property(get_conn_info_key_exchange_key_bits, None)

Default Value



The length of the key exchange key of a TLS-enabled connection.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_named_ec_curve Property

The elliptic curve used in this connection.


def get_conn_info_named_ec_curve() -> str: ...

conn_info_named_ec_curve = property(get_conn_info_named_ec_curve, None)

Default Value



The elliptic curve used in this connection.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_pfs_cipher Property

Indicates whether the chosen ciphersuite provides perfect forward secrecy (PFS).


def get_conn_info_pfs_cipher() -> bool: ...

conn_info_pfs_cipher = property(get_conn_info_pfs_cipher, None)

Default Value



Indicates whether the chosen ciphersuite provides perfect forward secrecy (PFS).

This property is read-only.

conn_info_pre_shared_identity Property

Specifies the identity used when the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) key-exchange mechanism is negotiated.


def get_conn_info_pre_shared_identity() -> str: ...

conn_info_pre_shared_identity = property(get_conn_info_pre_shared_identity, None)

Default Value



Specifies the identity used when the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) key-exchange mechanism is negotiated.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_pre_shared_identity_hint Property

A hint professed by the server to help the client select the PSK identity to use.


def get_conn_info_pre_shared_identity_hint() -> str: ...

conn_info_pre_shared_identity_hint = property(get_conn_info_pre_shared_identity_hint, None)

Default Value



A hint professed by the server to help the client select the PSK identity to use.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_public_key_bits Property

The length of the public key.


def get_conn_info_public_key_bits() -> int: ...

conn_info_public_key_bits = property(get_conn_info_public_key_bits, None)

Default Value



The length of the public key.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_remote_address Property

The client's IP address.


def get_conn_info_remote_address() -> str: ...

conn_info_remote_address = property(get_conn_info_remote_address, None)

Default Value



The client's IP address.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_remote_port Property

The remote port of the client connection.


def get_conn_info_remote_port() -> int: ...

conn_info_remote_port = property(get_conn_info_remote_port, None)

Default Value



The remote port of the client connection.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_resumed_session Property

Indicates whether a TLS-enabled connection was spawned from another TLS connection.


def get_conn_info_resumed_session() -> bool: ...

conn_info_resumed_session = property(get_conn_info_resumed_session, None)

Default Value



Indicates whether a TLS-enabled connection was spawned from another TLS connection

This property is read-only.

conn_info_secure_connection Property

Indicates whether TLS or SSL is enabled for this connection.


def get_conn_info_secure_connection() -> bool: ...

conn_info_secure_connection = property(get_conn_info_secure_connection, None)

Default Value



Indicates whether TLS or SSL is enabled for this connection.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_server_authenticated Property

Indicates whether server authentication was performed during a TLS-enabled connection.


def get_conn_info_server_authenticated() -> bool: ...

conn_info_server_authenticated = property(get_conn_info_server_authenticated, None)

Default Value



Indicates whether server authentication was performed during a TLS-enabled connection.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_signature_algorithm Property

The signature algorithm used in a TLS handshake.


def get_conn_info_signature_algorithm() -> str: ...

conn_info_signature_algorithm = property(get_conn_info_signature_algorithm, None)

Default Value



The signature algorithm used in a TLS handshake.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_symmetric_block_size Property

The block size of the symmetric algorithm used.


def get_conn_info_symmetric_block_size() -> int: ...

conn_info_symmetric_block_size = property(get_conn_info_symmetric_block_size, None)

Default Value



The block size of the symmetric algorithm used.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_symmetric_key_bits Property

The key length of the symmetric algorithm used.


def get_conn_info_symmetric_key_bits() -> int: ...

conn_info_symmetric_key_bits = property(get_conn_info_symmetric_key_bits, None)

Default Value



The key length of the symmetric algorithm used.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_total_bytes_received Property

The total number of bytes received over this connection.


def get_conn_info_total_bytes_received() -> int: ...

conn_info_total_bytes_received = property(get_conn_info_total_bytes_received, None)

Default Value



The total number of bytes received over this connection.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_total_bytes_sent Property

The total number of bytes sent over this connection.


def get_conn_info_total_bytes_sent() -> int: ...

conn_info_total_bytes_sent = property(get_conn_info_total_bytes_sent, None)

Default Value



The total number of bytes sent over this connection.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_validation_log Property

Contains the server certificate's chain validation log.


def get_conn_info_validation_log() -> str: ...

conn_info_validation_log = property(get_conn_info_validation_log, None)

Default Value



Contains the server certificate's chain validation log. This information may be very useful in investigating chain validation failures.

This property is read-only.

conn_info_version Property

Indicates the version of SSL/TLS protocol negotiated during this connection.


def get_conn_info_version() -> str: ...

conn_info_version = property(get_conn_info_version, None)

Default Value



Indicates the version of SSL/TLS protocol negotiated during this connection.

This property is read-only.

custom_request Property

Specifies a custom request verb.


def get_custom_request() -> str: ...
def set_custom_request(value: str) -> None: ...

custom_request = property(get_custom_request, set_custom_request)

Default Value



Use this property to specify a custom HTTP method verb to use instead of the original method. PATCH is one of the commonly used custom verbs.

dynamic_data Property

Takes a piece of data to be sent to the server within a dynamic POST or PUT request.


def get_dynamic_data() -> bytes: ...
def set_dynamic_data(value: bytes) -> None: ...

dynamic_data = property(get_dynamic_data, set_dynamic_data)


Assign the next chunk of data to this property from your on_dynamic_data_needed event handler to pass it to the server. Leave it empty to tell the component that no more data is available.

external_crypto_async_document_id Property

Specifies an optional document ID for SignAsyncBegin() and SignAsyncEnd() calls.


def get_external_crypto_async_document_id() -> str: ...
def set_external_crypto_async_document_id(value: str) -> None: ...

external_crypto_async_document_id = property(get_external_crypto_async_document_id, set_external_crypto_async_document_id)

Default Value



Specifies an optional document ID for SignAsyncBegin() and SignAsyncEnd() calls.

Use this property when working with multi-signature DCAuth requests and responses to uniquely identify documents signed within a larger batch. On the completion stage, this value helps the signing component identify the correct signature in the returned batch of responses.

If using batched requests, make sure to set this property to the same value on both the pre-signing (SignAsyncBegin) and completion (SignAsyncEnd) stages.

external_crypto_custom_params Property

Custom parameters to be passed to the signing service (uninterpreted).


def get_external_crypto_custom_params() -> str: ...
def set_external_crypto_custom_params(value: str) -> None: ...

external_crypto_custom_params = property(get_external_crypto_custom_params, set_external_crypto_custom_params)

Default Value



Custom parameters to be passed to the signing service (uninterpreted).

external_crypto_data Property

Additional data to be included in the async state and mirrored back by the requestor.


def get_external_crypto_data() -> str: ...
def set_external_crypto_data(value: str) -> None: ...

external_crypto_data = property(get_external_crypto_data, set_external_crypto_data)

Default Value



Additional data to be included in the async state and mirrored back by the requestor.

external_crypto_external_hash_calculation Property

Specifies whether the message hash is to be calculated at the external endpoint.


def get_external_crypto_external_hash_calculation() -> bool: ...
def set_external_crypto_external_hash_calculation(value: bool) -> None: ...

external_crypto_external_hash_calculation = property(get_external_crypto_external_hash_calculation, set_external_crypto_external_hash_calculation)

Default Value



Specifies whether the message hash is to be calculated at the external endpoint. Please note that this mode is not supported by the DCAuth class.

If set to true, the class will pass a few kilobytes of to-be-signed data from the document to the OnExternalSign event. This only applies when SignExternal() is called.

external_crypto_hash_algorithm Property

Specifies the request's signature hash algorithm.


def get_external_crypto_hash_algorithm() -> str: ...
def set_external_crypto_hash_algorithm(value: str) -> None: ...

external_crypto_hash_algorithm = property(get_external_crypto_hash_algorithm, set_external_crypto_hash_algorithm)

Default Value



Specifies the request's signature hash algorithm.


external_crypto_key_id Property

The ID of the pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.


def get_external_crypto_key_id() -> str: ...
def set_external_crypto_key_id(value: str) -> None: ...

external_crypto_key_id = property(get_external_crypto_key_id, set_external_crypto_key_id)

Default Value



The ID of the pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.

Asynchronous DCAuth-driven communication requires that parties authenticate each other with a secret pre-shared cryptographic key. This provides an extra protection layer for the protocol and diminishes the risk of the private key becoming abused by foreign parties. Use this property to provide the pre-shared key identifier, and use external_crypto_key_secret to pass the key itself.

The same KeyID/KeySecret pair should be used on the DCAuth side for the signing requests to be accepted.

Note: The KeyID/KeySecret scheme is very similar to the AuthKey scheme used in various Cloud service providers to authenticate users.

Example: signer.ExternalCrypto.KeyID = "MainSigningKey"; signer.ExternalCrypto.KeySecret = "abcdef0123456789";

external_crypto_key_secret Property

The pre-shared key used for DC request authentication.


def get_external_crypto_key_secret() -> str: ...
def set_external_crypto_key_secret(value: str) -> None: ...

external_crypto_key_secret = property(get_external_crypto_key_secret, set_external_crypto_key_secret)

Default Value



The pre-shared key used for DC request authentication. This key must be set and match the key used by the DCAuth counterpart for the scheme to work.

Read more about configuring authentication in the external_crypto_key_id topic.

external_crypto_method Property

Specifies the asynchronous signing method.


def get_external_crypto_method() -> int: ...
def set_external_crypto_method(value: int) -> None: ...

external_crypto_method = property(get_external_crypto_method, set_external_crypto_method)

Possible Values

0   # PKCS1
1 # PKCS7

Default Value



Specifies the asynchronous signing method. This is typically defined by the DC server capabilities and setup.

Available options:


external_crypto_mode Property

Specifies the external cryptography mode.


def get_external_crypto_mode() -> int: ...
def set_external_crypto_mode(value: int) -> None: ...

external_crypto_mode = property(get_external_crypto_mode, set_external_crypto_mode)

Possible Values

0   # Default
1 # Disabled
2 # Generic
3 # DCAuth
4 # DCAuthJSON

Default Value



Specifies the external cryptography mode.

Available options:

ecmDefaultThe default value (0)
ecmDisabledDo not use DC or external signing (1)
ecmGenericGeneric external signing with the OnExternalSign event (2)
ecmDCAuthDCAuth signing (3)
ecmDCAuthJSONDCAuth signing in JSON format (4)

external_crypto_public_key_algorithm Property

Provide the public key algorithm here if the certificate is not available on the pre-signing stage.


def get_external_crypto_public_key_algorithm() -> str: ...
def set_external_crypto_public_key_algorithm(value: str) -> None: ...

external_crypto_public_key_algorithm = property(get_external_crypto_public_key_algorithm, set_external_crypto_public_key_algorithm)

Default Value



Provide the public key algorithm here if the certificate is not available on the pre-signing stage.


fips_mode Property



def get_fips_mode() -> bool: ...
def set_fips_mode(value: bool) -> None: ...

fips_mode = property(get_fips_mode, set_fips_mode)

Default Value



This property is reserved for future use.

keep_alive_policy Property

Defines the keep-alive handling policy.


def get_keep_alive_policy() -> int: ...
def set_keep_alive_policy(value: int) -> None: ...

keep_alive_policy = property(get_keep_alive_policy, set_keep_alive_policy)

Possible Values

0   # StandardDefined
1 # PreferKeepAlive
2 # RelyOnServer
3 # KeepAlivesDisabled

Default Value



Use this property to tune-up the keep-alive mechanism as per the needs of your application.

ckapStandardDefined0Follow the standard
ckapPreferKeepAlive1Always request a keep-alive connection
ckapRelyOnServer2Not include the "Connection" header, allowing the server to choose the keep-alive mode
ckapKeepAlivesDisabled3Disable keep-alives by including the "Connection: Close" header

known_cert_count Property

The number of records in the KnownCert arrays.


def get_known_cert_count() -> int: ...
def set_known_cert_count(value: int) -> None: ...

known_cert_count = property(get_known_cert_count, set_known_cert_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at known_cert_count - 1.

known_cert_bytes Property

Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_known_cert_bytes(known_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.

The known_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the known_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

known_cert_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_known_cert_handle(known_cert_index: int) -> int: ...
def set_known_cert_handle(known_cert_index: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The known_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the known_cert_count property.

known_crl_count Property

The number of records in the KnownCRL arrays.


def get_known_crl_count() -> int: ...
def set_known_crl_count(value: int) -> None: ...

known_crl_count = property(get_known_crl_count, set_known_crl_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at known_crl_count - 1.

known_crl_bytes Property

Returns the raw CRL data in DER format.


def get_known_crl_bytes(known_crl_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the raw CRL data in DER format.

The known_crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the known_crl_count property.

This property is read-only.

known_crl_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_known_crl_handle(known_crl_index: int) -> int: ...
def set_known_crl_handle(known_crl_index: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The known_crl_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the known_crl_count property.

known_ocsp_count Property

The number of records in the KnownOCSP arrays.


def get_known_ocsp_count() -> int: ...
def set_known_ocsp_count(value: int) -> None: ...

known_ocsp_count = property(get_known_ocsp_count, set_known_ocsp_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at known_ocsp_count - 1.

known_ocsp_bytes Property

A buffer containing the raw OCSP response data.


def get_known_ocsp_bytes(known_ocsp_index: int) -> bytes: ...


A buffer containing the raw OCSP response data.

The known_ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the known_ocsp_count property.

This property is read-only.

known_ocsp_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_known_ocsp_handle(known_ocsp_index: int) -> int: ...
def set_known_ocsp_handle(known_ocsp_index: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The known_ocsp_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the known_ocsp_count property.

output_bytes Property

Contains the response content.


def get_output_bytes() -> bytes: ...

output_bytes = property(get_output_bytes, None)


Use this property to access the content received from the server in response to a prior request.

This property is read-only.

output_file Property

A path to the output file.


def get_output_file() -> str: ...
def set_output_file(value: str) -> None: ...

output_file = property(get_output_file, set_output_file)

Default Value



Use this property to specify the file to store the content received from the server in response to a prior request.

output_string Property

Contains the response content.


def get_output_string() -> str: ...

output_string = property(get_output_string, None)

Default Value



Use this property to access the content received from the server in response to a prior request, as a string.

This property is read-only.

proxy_address Property

The IP address of the proxy server.


def get_proxy_address() -> str: ...
def set_proxy_address(value: str) -> None: ...

proxy_address = property(get_proxy_address, set_proxy_address)

Default Value



The IP address of the proxy server.

proxy_authentication Property

The authentication type used by the proxy server.


def get_proxy_authentication() -> int: ...
def set_proxy_authentication(value: int) -> None: ...

proxy_authentication = property(get_proxy_authentication, set_proxy_authentication)

Possible Values

0   # NoAuthentication
1 # Basic
2 # Digest
3 # NTLM

Default Value



The authentication type used by the proxy server.


proxy_password Property

The password to authenticate to the proxy server.


def get_proxy_password() -> str: ...
def set_proxy_password(value: str) -> None: ...

proxy_password = property(get_proxy_password, set_proxy_password)

Default Value



The password to authenticate to the proxy server.

proxy_port Property

The port on the proxy server to connect to.


def get_proxy_port() -> int: ...
def set_proxy_port(value: int) -> None: ...

proxy_port = property(get_proxy_port, set_proxy_port)

Default Value



The port on the proxy server to connect to.

proxy_proxy_type Property

The type of the proxy server.


def get_proxy_proxy_type() -> int: ...
def set_proxy_proxy_type(value: int) -> None: ...

proxy_proxy_type = property(get_proxy_proxy_type, set_proxy_proxy_type)

Possible Values

0   # None
1 # Socks4
2 # Socks5
3 # WebTunnel
4 # HTTP

Default Value



The type of the proxy server.


proxy_request_headers Property

Contains HTTP request headers for WebTunnel and HTTP proxy.


def get_proxy_request_headers() -> str: ...
def set_proxy_request_headers(value: str) -> None: ...

proxy_request_headers = property(get_proxy_request_headers, set_proxy_request_headers)

Default Value



Contains HTTP request headers for WebTunnel and HTTP proxy.

proxy_response_body Property

Contains the HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy response body.


def get_proxy_response_body() -> str: ...
def set_proxy_response_body(value: str) -> None: ...

proxy_response_body = property(get_proxy_response_body, set_proxy_response_body)

Default Value



Contains the HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy response body.

proxy_response_headers Property

Contains response headers received from an HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy server.


def get_proxy_response_headers() -> str: ...
def set_proxy_response_headers(value: str) -> None: ...

proxy_response_headers = property(get_proxy_response_headers, set_proxy_response_headers)

Default Value



Contains response headers received from an HTTP or HTTPS (WebTunnel) proxy server.

proxy_use_ipv6 Property

Specifies whether IPv6 should be used when connecting through the proxy.


def get_proxy_use_ipv6() -> bool: ...
def set_proxy_use_ipv6(value: bool) -> None: ...

proxy_use_ipv6 = property(get_proxy_use_ipv6, set_proxy_use_ipv6)

Default Value



Specifies whether IPv6 should be used when connecting through the proxy.

proxy_username Property

Specifies the username credential for proxy authentication.


def get_proxy_username() -> str: ...
def set_proxy_username(value: str) -> None: ...

proxy_username = property(get_proxy_username, set_proxy_username)

Default Value



Specifies the username credential for proxy authentication.

reason_phrase Property

Contains the Reason Phrase element of the server's response.


def get_reason_phrase() -> str: ...

reason_phrase = property(get_reason_phrase, None)

Default Value



Use this property to access the reason phrase supplied by the server in its response (such as OK in HTTP 200 OK).

This property is read-only.

req_header_count Property

The number of records in the ReqHeader arrays.


def get_req_header_count() -> int: ...
def set_req_header_count(value: int) -> None: ...

req_header_count = property(get_req_header_count, set_req_header_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at req_header_count - 1.

req_header_category Property

Specifies the string category of the contained value.


def get_req_header_category(req_header_index: int) -> str: ...
def set_req_header_category(req_header_index: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



Specifies the string category of the contained value.

This property allows to check or set the category (or type) associated with the contained value. Depending on the format used to load or save the string, the category parameter may or may not be used.

For example, for ASN.1 property lists the category contains the ASN.1 tag of the contained data (OCTETSTRING, UTF8STRING, INTEGER, ...). For basic (name, value) pairs, such as HTTP headers, the category parameter is not used.

The req_header_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the req_header_count property.

req_header_format Property

Specifies the format (encoding) of the value contained in the Value property.


def get_req_header_format(req_header_index: int) -> int: ...
def set_req_header_format(req_header_index: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Specifies the format (encoding) of the value contained in the req_header_value property.

Use this property to check or set the format of the contained value. Remember to provide the actual value in the appropriate format that matches this setting: utils.NameValuePairs[0].Name = "key"; utils.NameValuePairs[0].Format = svfBinary; utils.NameValuePairs[0].Name = "0a1b2c3d4e5f6071";

The following formats are currently supported:

svfText0The property contains text

svfBinary1The property contains binary data. The Value property contains a hex encoding of it.

The req_header_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the req_header_count property.

req_header_name Property

The name element in a (name, value) pair.


def get_req_header_name(req_header_index: int) -> str: ...
def set_req_header_name(req_header_index: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



The name element in a (name, value) pair.

The req_header_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the req_header_count property.

req_header_value Property

The value element in a (name, value) pair.


def get_req_header_value(req_header_index: int) -> str: ...
def set_req_header_value(req_header_index: int, value: str) -> None: ...

Default Value



The value element in a (name, value) pair.

The req_header_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the req_header_count property.

req_params_accept Property

Specifies the Accept header property of the HTTP request.


def get_req_params_accept() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_accept(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_accept = property(get_req_params_accept, set_req_params_accept)

Default Value



Specifies the Accept header field of the HTTP request. The Accept field defines which media types are accepted in the response.

req_params_accept_charset Property

Specifies the Accept-Charset header property of the HTTP request.


def get_req_params_accept_charset() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_accept_charset(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_accept_charset = property(get_req_params_accept_charset, set_req_params_accept_charset)

Default Value



Specifies the Accept-Charset header field of the HTTP request. The Accept-Charset field specifies the character set which the client can understand.

req_params_accept_language Property

Specifies the Accept-Language header property of the HTTP request.


def get_req_params_accept_language() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_accept_language(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_accept_language = property(get_req_params_accept_language, set_req_params_accept_language)

Default Value



Specifies the Accept-Language header field of the HTTP request. The Accept-Language field specifies the language (and locale) which the client can understand.

req_params_accept_range_end Property

This property, in combination with AcceptRangeStart, defines the media-range of the HTTP request.


def get_req_params_accept_range_end() -> int: ...
def set_req_params_accept_range_end(value: int) -> None: ...

req_params_accept_range_end = property(get_req_params_accept_range_end, set_req_params_accept_range_end)

Default Value



This property, in combination with AcceptRangeStart, defines the media-range of the HTTP request.

req_params_accept_range_start Property

This property, in combination with AcceptRangeEnd, defines the media-range of the HTTP request.


def get_req_params_accept_range_start() -> int: ...
def set_req_params_accept_range_start(value: int) -> None: ...

req_params_accept_range_start = property(get_req_params_accept_range_start, set_req_params_accept_range_start)

Default Value



This property, in combination with AcceptRangeEnd, defines the media-range of the HTTP request.

req_params_authorization Property

Specifies the Authorization header of the HTTP request.


def get_req_params_authorization() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_authorization(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_authorization = property(get_req_params_authorization, set_req_params_authorization)

Default Value



Specifies the Authorization header of the HTTP request. This header contains the credentials to authenticate a user with a server.

req_params_connection Property

Specifies the value to pass to the Connection header property of HTTP request.


def get_req_params_connection() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_connection(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_connection = property(get_req_params_connection, set_req_params_connection)

Default Value



Specifies the value to pass to the Connection header field of HTTP request.

req_params_content_length Property

Specifies the size of the entity-body of the HTTP request.


def get_req_params_content_length() -> int: ...
def set_req_params_content_length(value: int) -> None: ...

req_params_content_length = property(get_req_params_content_length, set_req_params_content_length)

Default Value



Specifies the size of the entity-body of the HTTP request. Leave this field set to 0 to make the class calculate it automatically.

req_params_content_range_end Property

Specifies the upper bound used in the Content-Range header of the HTTP request.


def get_req_params_content_range_end() -> int: ...
def set_req_params_content_range_end(value: int) -> None: ...

req_params_content_range_end = property(get_req_params_content_range_end, set_req_params_content_range_end)

Default Value



Specifies the upper bound used in the Content-Range header of the HTTP request.

req_params_content_range_full_size Property

Specifies the total length of the full entity-body of the HTTP request.


def get_req_params_content_range_full_size() -> int: ...
def set_req_params_content_range_full_size(value: int) -> None: ...

req_params_content_range_full_size = property(get_req_params_content_range_full_size, set_req_params_content_range_full_size)

Default Value



Specifies the total length of the full entity-body of the HTTP request.

req_params_content_range_start Property

Specifies the lower bound used in the Content-Range header of the HTTP request.


def get_req_params_content_range_start() -> int: ...
def set_req_params_content_range_start(value: int) -> None: ...

req_params_content_range_start = property(get_req_params_content_range_start, set_req_params_content_range_start)

Default Value



Specifies the lower bound used in the Content-Range header of the HTTP request.

req_params_content_type Property

The Content-Type header property of the HTTP request.


def get_req_params_content_type() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_content_type(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_content_type = property(get_req_params_content_type, set_req_params_content_type)

Default Value



The Content-Type header field of the HTTP request.

req_params_cookie Property

This header is expected to be assigned with cookies previously received from the server and stored by the client.


def get_req_params_cookie() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_cookie(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_cookie = property(get_req_params_cookie, set_req_params_cookie)

Default Value



This header is expected to be assigned with cookies previously received from the server and stored by the client.

req_params_custom_headers Property

Assign any custom HTTP headers to be passed to the server to this property.


def get_req_params_custom_headers() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_custom_headers(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_custom_headers = property(get_req_params_custom_headers, set_req_params_custom_headers)

Default Value



Assign any custom HTTP headers to be passed to the server to this property.

req_params_date Property

The date and time of the request.


def get_req_params_date() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_date(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_date = property(get_req_params_date, set_req_params_date)

Default Value



The date and time of the request.

req_params_from Property

Contains the From header property of the HTTP request.


def get_req_params_from() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_from(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_from = property(get_req_params_from, set_req_params_from)

Default Value



Contains the From header field of the HTTP request. It specifies the e-mail address for the human user who controls the requesting user agent.

req_params_host Property

This property contains the Host header property of the HTTP request.


def get_req_params_host() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_host(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_host = property(get_req_params_host, set_req_params_host)

Default Value



This property contains the Host header field of the HTTP request. It specifies the host and port number of the resource being requested.

req_params_http_version Property

Specifies the version of HTTP protocol to use: 1.


def get_req_params_http_version() -> int: ...
def set_req_params_http_version(value: int) -> None: ...

req_params_http_version = property(get_req_params_http_version, set_req_params_http_version)

Possible Values

0   # HTTP10
1 # HTTP11

Default Value



Specifies the version of HTTP protocol to use: 1.0 or 1.1.

chvHTTP10HTTP/1.0 (0)
chvHTTP11HTTP/1.1 (1)

req_params_if_match Property

Contains the If-Match request header property.


def get_req_params_if_match() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_if_match(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_if_match = property(get_req_params_if_match, set_req_params_if_match)

Default Value



Contains the If-Match request header field. This property makes the requested method conditional: when If-Match field is set, only the entities matching the included entity tags will be returned by the server.

req_params_if_modified_since Property

Contains the If-Modified-Since request header property.


def get_req_params_if_modified_since() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_if_modified_since(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_if_modified_since = property(get_req_params_if_modified_since, set_req_params_if_modified_since)

Default Value



Contains the If-Modified-Since request header field. This property makes the requested method conditional: when If-Modified-Since field is set, only the modified entities will be returned by the server.

req_params_if_none_match Property

Contains the If-None-Match request header property.


def get_req_params_if_none_match() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_if_none_match(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_if_none_match = property(get_req_params_if_none_match, set_req_params_if_none_match)

Default Value



Contains the If-None-Match request header field. This property makes the requested method conditional: when If-None-Match field is set, only the entities which doesn't match the included entity tags will be returned by the server.

req_params_if_unmodified_since Property

Contains the If-Unmodified-Since request header property.


def get_req_params_if_unmodified_since() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_if_unmodified_since(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_if_unmodified_since = property(get_req_params_if_unmodified_since, set_req_params_if_unmodified_since)

Default Value



Contains the If-Unmodified-Since request header field. This property makes the requested method conditional: when If-Unmodified-Since field is set, only the unmodified entities will be returned by the server.

req_params_password Property

Assign this property with the user's password.


def get_req_params_password() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_password(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_password = property(get_req_params_password, set_req_params_password)

Default Value



Assign this property with the user's password.

req_params_referer Property

The Referer property of the HTTP request header specifies the address of the resource from which the Request-URI was obtained (the referrer).


def get_req_params_referer() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_referer(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_referer = property(get_req_params_referer, set_req_params_referer)

Default Value



The Referer field of the HTTP request header specifies the address of the resource from which the Request-URI was obtained (the referrer).

req_params_user_agent Property

The User-Agent property of the HTTP request provides information about the software that initiates the request.


def get_req_params_user_agent() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_user_agent(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_user_agent = property(get_req_params_user_agent, set_req_params_user_agent)

Default Value



The User-Agent field of the HTTP request provides information about the software that initiates the request.

req_params_username Property

Assign this property with the user's login name.


def get_req_params_username() -> str: ...
def set_req_params_username(value: str) -> None: ...

req_params_username = property(get_req_params_username, set_req_params_username)

Default Value



Assign this property with the user's login name.

resp_header_count Property

The number of records in the RespHeader arrays.


def get_resp_header_count() -> int: ...

resp_header_count = property(get_resp_header_count, None)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at resp_header_count - 1.

This property is read-only.

resp_header_category Property

Specifies the string category of the contained value.


def get_resp_header_category(resp_header_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the string category of the contained value.

This property allows to check or set the category (or type) associated with the contained value. Depending on the format used to load or save the string, the category parameter may or may not be used.

For example, for ASN.1 property lists the category contains the ASN.1 tag of the contained data (OCTETSTRING, UTF8STRING, INTEGER, ...). For basic (name, value) pairs, such as HTTP headers, the category parameter is not used.

The resp_header_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the resp_header_count property.

This property is read-only.

resp_header_format Property

Specifies the format (encoding) of the value contained in the Value property.


def get_resp_header_format(resp_header_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Specifies the format (encoding) of the value contained in the resp_header_value property.

Use this property to check or set the format of the contained value. Remember to provide the actual value in the appropriate format that matches this setting: utils.NameValuePairs[0].Name = "key"; utils.NameValuePairs[0].Format = svfBinary; utils.NameValuePairs[0].Name = "0a1b2c3d4e5f6071";

The following formats are currently supported:

svfText0The property contains text

svfBinary1The property contains binary data. The Value property contains a hex encoding of it.

The resp_header_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the resp_header_count property.

This property is read-only.

resp_header_name Property

The name element in a (name, value) pair.


def get_resp_header_name(resp_header_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The name element in a (name, value) pair.

The resp_header_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the resp_header_count property.

This property is read-only.

resp_header_value Property

The value element in a (name, value) pair.


def get_resp_header_value(resp_header_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The value element in a (name, value) pair.

The resp_header_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the resp_header_count property.

This property is read-only.

resp_params_content_length Property

Indicates the length of the response content in bytes.


def get_resp_params_content_length() -> int: ...

resp_params_content_length = property(get_resp_params_content_length, None)

Default Value



Indicates the length of the response content in bytes.

This property is read-only.

resp_params_date Property

The date and time at which the response was generated, in server time, in UTC.


def get_resp_params_date() -> str: ...

resp_params_date = property(get_resp_params_date, None)

Default Value



The date and time at which the response was generated, in server time, in UTC.

This property is read-only.

resp_params_reason_phrase Property

Contains the reason phrase (a human-readable comment) of the request processing status, which corresponds to, and complements, the staus code.


def get_resp_params_reason_phrase() -> str: ...

resp_params_reason_phrase = property(get_resp_params_reason_phrase, None)

Default Value



Contains the reason phrase (a human-readable comment) of the request processing status, which corresponds to, and complements, the staus code.

This property is read-only.

resp_params_status_code Property

The server-generated status code of the request processing status.


def get_resp_params_status_code() -> int: ...

resp_params_status_code = property(get_resp_params_status_code, None)

Default Value



The server-generated status code of the request processing status.

The code is a 3-digit integer where the first digit defines the class of the response:

4Client Error
5Server Error

Common examples are 200 (page served succesfully), 404 (page not found), 302 (redirect), and 500 (internal server error).

This property is read-only.

socket_dns_mode Property

Selects the DNS resolver to use: the class's (secure) built-in one, or the one provided by the system.


def get_socket_dns_mode() -> int: ...
def set_socket_dns_mode(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_dns_mode = property(get_socket_dns_mode, set_socket_dns_mode)

Possible Values

0   # Auto
1 # Platform
2 # Own
3 # OwnSecure

Default Value



Selects the DNS resolver to use: the component's (secure) built-in one, or the one provided by the system.


socket_dns_port Property

Specifies the port number to be used for sending queries to the DNS server.


def get_socket_dns_port() -> int: ...
def set_socket_dns_port(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_dns_port = property(get_socket_dns_port, set_socket_dns_port)

Default Value



Specifies the port number to be used for sending queries to the DNS server.

socket_dns_query_timeout Property

The timeout (in milliseconds) for each DNS query.


def get_socket_dns_query_timeout() -> int: ...
def set_socket_dns_query_timeout(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_dns_query_timeout = property(get_socket_dns_query_timeout, set_socket_dns_query_timeout)

Default Value



The timeout (in milliseconds) for each DNS query. The value of 0 indicates an infinite timeout.

socket_dns_servers Property

The addresses of DNS servers to use for address resolution, separated by commas or semicolons.


def get_socket_dns_servers() -> str: ...
def set_socket_dns_servers(value: str) -> None: ...

socket_dns_servers = property(get_socket_dns_servers, set_socket_dns_servers)

Default Value



The addresses of DNS servers to use for address resolution, separated by commas or semicolons.

socket_dns_total_timeout Property

The timeout (in milliseconds) for the whole resolution process.


def get_socket_dns_total_timeout() -> int: ...
def set_socket_dns_total_timeout(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_dns_total_timeout = property(get_socket_dns_total_timeout, set_socket_dns_total_timeout)

Default Value



The timeout (in milliseconds) for the whole resolution process. The value of 0 indicates an infinite timeout.

socket_incoming_speed_limit Property

The maximum number of bytes to read from the socket, per second.


def get_socket_incoming_speed_limit() -> int: ...
def set_socket_incoming_speed_limit(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_incoming_speed_limit = property(get_socket_incoming_speed_limit, set_socket_incoming_speed_limit)

Default Value



The maximum number of bytes to read from the socket, per second.

socket_local_address Property

The local network interface to bind the socket to.


def get_socket_local_address() -> str: ...
def set_socket_local_address(value: str) -> None: ...

socket_local_address = property(get_socket_local_address, set_socket_local_address)

Default Value



The local network interface to bind the socket to.

socket_local_port Property

The local port number to bind the socket to.


def get_socket_local_port() -> int: ...
def set_socket_local_port(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_local_port = property(get_socket_local_port, set_socket_local_port)

Default Value



The local port number to bind the socket to.

socket_outgoing_speed_limit Property

The maximum number of bytes to write to the socket, per second.


def get_socket_outgoing_speed_limit() -> int: ...
def set_socket_outgoing_speed_limit(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_outgoing_speed_limit = property(get_socket_outgoing_speed_limit, set_socket_outgoing_speed_limit)

Default Value



The maximum number of bytes to write to the socket, per second.

socket_timeout Property

The maximum period of waiting, in milliseconds, after which the socket operation is considered unsuccessful.


def get_socket_timeout() -> int: ...
def set_socket_timeout(value: int) -> None: ...

socket_timeout = property(get_socket_timeout, set_socket_timeout)

Default Value



The maximum period of waiting, in milliseconds, after which the socket operation is considered unsuccessful.

If Timeout is set to 0, a socket operation will expire after the system-default timeout (2 hrs 8 min for TCP stack).

socket_use_ipv6 Property

Enables or disables IP protocol version 6.


def get_socket_use_ipv6() -> bool: ...
def set_socket_use_ipv6(value: bool) -> None: ...

socket_use_ipv6 = property(get_socket_use_ipv6, set_socket_use_ipv6)

Default Value



Enables or disables IP protocol version 6.

status_code Property

Contains the Status Code element of the server's response.


def get_status_code() -> int: ...

status_code = property(get_status_code, None)

Default Value



Use this property to access the status code supplied by the server in its response (such as 200 in HTTP 200 OK).

This property is read-only.

tls_client_cert_count Property

The number of records in the TLSClientCert arrays.


def get_tls_client_cert_count() -> int: ...
def set_tls_client_cert_count(value: int) -> None: ...

tls_client_cert_count = property(get_tls_client_cert_count, set_tls_client_cert_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at tls_client_cert_count - 1.

tls_client_cert_bytes Property

Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_tls_client_cert_bytes(tls_client_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.

The tls_client_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_client_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_client_cert_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_tls_client_cert_handle(tls_client_cert_index: int) -> int: ...
def set_tls_client_cert_handle(tls_client_cert_index: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The tls_client_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_client_cert_count property.

tls_server_cert_count Property

The number of records in the TLSServerCert arrays.


def get_tls_server_cert_count() -> int: ...

tls_server_cert_count = property(get_tls_server_cert_count, None)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at tls_server_cert_count - 1.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_bytes Property

Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_tls_server_cert_bytes(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_fingerprint Property

Contains the fingerprint (a hash imprint) of this certificate.


def get_tls_server_cert_fingerprint(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Contains the fingerprint (a hash imprint) of this certificate.

While there is no formal standard defining what a fingerprint is, a SHA1 hash of the certificate's DER-encoded body is typically used.

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_tls_server_cert_handle(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_issuer Property

The common name of the certificate issuer (CA), typically a company name.


def get_tls_server_cert_issuer(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The common name of the certificate issuer (CA), typically a company name. This is part of a larger set of credentials available via tls_issuer_rdn.

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_issuer_rdn Property

A list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate issuer.


def get_tls_server_cert_issuer_rdn(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



A list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate issuer.

Example: /C=US/O=Nationwide CA/CN=Web Certification Authority

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_key_algorithm Property

Specifies the public key algorithm of this certificate.


def get_tls_server_cert_key_algorithm(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Specifies the public key algorithm of this certificate.


Use the tls_key_bits, tls_curve, and tls_public_key_bytes properties to get more details about the key the certificate contains.

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_key_bits Property

Returns the length of the public key in bits.


def get_tls_server_cert_key_bits(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Returns the length of the public key in bits.

This value indicates the length of the principal cryptographic parameter of the key, such as the length of the RSA modulus or ECDSA field. The key data returned by the tls_public_key_bytes or tls_private_key_bytes property would typically contain auxiliary values, and therefore be longer.

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_key_usage Property

Indicates the purposes of the key contained in the certificate, in the form of an OR'ed flag set.


def get_tls_server_cert_key_usage(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> int: ...

Default Value



Indicates the purposes of the key contained in the certificate, in the form of an OR'ed flag set.

This value is a bit mask of the following values:

ckuUnknown0x00000Unknown key usage

ckuDigitalSignature0x00001Digital signature


ckuKeyEncipherment0x00004Key encipherment

ckuDataEncipherment0x00008Data encipherment

ckuKeyAgreement0x00010Key agreement

ckuKeyCertSign0x00020Certificate signing

ckuCRLSign0x00040Revocation signing

ckuEncipherOnly0x00080Encipher only

ckuDecipherOnly0x00100Decipher only

ckuServerAuthentication0x00200Server authentication

ckuClientAuthentication0x00400Client authentication

ckuCodeSigning0x00800Code signing

ckuEmailProtection0x01000Email protection


ckuOCSPSigning0x04000OCSP signing

ckuSmartCardLogon0x08000Smartcard logon

ckuKeyPurposeClientAuth0x10000Kerberos - client authentication

ckuKeyPurposeKDC0x20000Kerberos - KDC

Set this property before generating the certificate to propagate the key usage flags to the new certificate.

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_self_signed Property

Indicates whether the certificate is self-signed (root) or signed by an external CA.


def get_tls_server_cert_self_signed(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> bool: ...

Default Value



Indicates whether the certificate is self-signed (root) or signed by an external CA.

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_serial_number Property

Returns the certificate's serial number.


def get_tls_server_cert_serial_number(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the certificate's serial number.

The serial number is a binary string that uniquely identifies a certificate among others issued by the same CA. According to the X.509 standard, the (issuer, serial number) pair should be globally unique to facilitate chain building.

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_sig_algorithm Property

Indicates the algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this certificate.


def get_tls_server_cert_sig_algorithm(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



Indicates the algorithm that was used by the CA to sign this certificate.

A signature algorithm typically combines hash and public key algorithms together, such as sha256WithRSAEncryption or ecdsa-with-SHA256.

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_subject Property

The common name of the certificate holder, typically an individual's name, a URL, an e-mail address, or a company name.


def get_tls_server_cert_subject(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The common name of the certificate holder, typically an individual's name, a URL, an e-mail address, or a company name. This is part of a larger set of credentials available via tls_subject_rdn.

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_subject_rdn Property

A list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate holder (subject).


def get_tls_server_cert_subject_rdn(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



A list of Property=Value pairs that uniquely identify the certificate holder (subject).

Depending on the purpose of the certificate and the policies of the CA that issued it, the values included in the subject record may differ drastically and contain business or personal names, web URLs, email addresses, and other data.

Example: /C=US/O=Oranges and Apples, Inc./OU=Accounts Receivable/ with unknown OID/CN=Margaret Watkins.

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_valid_from Property

The time point at which the certificate becomes valid, in UTC.


def get_tls_server_cert_valid_from(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The time point at which the certificate becomes valid, in UTC.

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_server_cert_valid_to Property

The time point at which the certificate expires, in UTC.


def get_tls_server_cert_valid_to(tls_server_cert_index: int) -> str: ...

Default Value



The time point at which the certificate expires, in UTC.

The tls_server_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the tls_server_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

tls_auto_validate_certificates Property

Specifies whether server-side TLS certificates should be validated automatically using internal validation rules.


def get_tls_auto_validate_certificates() -> bool: ...
def set_tls_auto_validate_certificates(value: bool) -> None: ...

tls_auto_validate_certificates = property(get_tls_auto_validate_certificates, set_tls_auto_validate_certificates)

Default Value



Specifies whether server-side TLS certificates should be validated automatically using internal validation rules.

tls_base_configuration Property

Selects the base configuration for the TLS settings.


def get_tls_base_configuration() -> int: ...
def set_tls_base_configuration(value: int) -> None: ...

tls_base_configuration = property(get_tls_base_configuration, set_tls_base_configuration)

Possible Values

0   # Default
1 # Compatible
2 # ComprehensiveInsecure
3 # HighlySecure

Default Value



Selects the base configuration for the TLS settings. Several profiles are offered and tuned up for different purposes, such as high security or higher compatibility.


tls_ciphersuites Property

A list of ciphersuites separated with commas or semicolons.


def get_tls_ciphersuites() -> str: ...
def set_tls_ciphersuites(value: str) -> None: ...

tls_ciphersuites = property(get_tls_ciphersuites, set_tls_ciphersuites)

Default Value



A list of ciphersuites separated with commas or semicolons. Each ciphersuite in the list may be prefixed with a minus sign (-) to indicate that the ciphersuite should be disabled rather than enabled. Besides the specific ciphersuite modifiers, this property supports the all (and -all) aliases, allowing all ciphersuites to be blanketly enabled or disabled at once.

Note: the list of ciphersuites provided to this property alters the baseline list of ciphersuites as defined by tls_base_configuration. Remember to start your ciphersuite string with -all; if you need to only enable a specific fixed set of ciphersuites. The list of supported ciphersuites is provided below:

  • RSA_RC4_MD5
  • RSA_RC2_MD5
  • RSA_3DES_MD5
  • RSA_AES128_SHA
  • RSA_AES256_SHA
  • PSK_AES128_SHA
  • PSK_AES256_SHA
  • RSA_AES128_SHA256
  • RSA_AES256_SHA256
  • DH_DSS_AES128_SHA256
  • DH_RSA_AES128_SHA256
  • DHE_DSS_AES128_SHA256
  • DHE_RSA_AES128_SHA256
  • DH_DSS_AES256_SHA256
  • DH_RSA_AES256_SHA256
  • DHE_DSS_AES256_SHA256
  • DHE_RSA_AES256_SHA256
  • DH_ANON_AES128_SHA256
  • DH_ANON_AES256_SHA256
  • RSA_AES128_GCM_SHA256
  • RSA_AES256_GCM_SHA384
  • DH_RSA_AES128_GCM_SHA256
  • DH_RSA_AES256_GCM_SHA384
  • DH_DSS_AES128_GCM_SHA256
  • DH_DSS_AES256_GCM_SHA384
  • ECDH_RSA_AES128_SHA256
  • ECDH_RSA_AES256_SHA384
  • PSK_AES128_GCM_SHA256
  • PSK_AES256_GCM_SHA384
  • PSK_AES128_SHA256
  • PSK_AES256_SHA384
  • DHE_PSK_AES128_SHA256
  • DHE_PSK_AES256_SHA384
  • RSA_PSK_AES128_SHA256
  • RSA_PSK_AES256_SHA384
  • DH_anon_CAMELLIA128_GCM_SHA256
  • DH_anon_CAMELLIA256_GCM_SHA384
  • PSK_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
  • AES128_GCM_SHA256
  • AES256_GCM_SHA384
  • CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256
  • AES128_CCM_SHA256
  • AES128_CCM8_SHA256

tls_client_auth Property

Enables or disables certificate-based client authentication.


def get_tls_client_auth() -> int: ...
def set_tls_client_auth(value: int) -> None: ...

tls_client_auth = property(get_tls_client_auth, set_tls_client_auth)

Possible Values

0   # NoAuth
1 # RequestCert
2 # RequireCert

Default Value



Enables or disables certificate-based client authentication.

Set this property to true to tune up the client authentication type:


tls_ec_curves Property

Defines the elliptic curves to enable.


def get_tls_ec_curves() -> str: ...
def set_tls_ec_curves(value: str) -> None: ...

tls_ec_curves = property(get_tls_ec_curves, set_tls_ec_curves)

Default Value



Defines the elliptic curves to enable.

tls_extensions Property

Provides access to TLS extensions.


def get_tls_extensions() -> str: ...
def set_tls_extensions(value: str) -> None: ...

tls_extensions = property(get_tls_extensions, set_tls_extensions)

Default Value



Provides access to TLS extensions.

tls_force_resume_if_destination_changes Property

Whether to force TLS session resumption when the destination address changes.


def get_tls_force_resume_if_destination_changes() -> bool: ...
def set_tls_force_resume_if_destination_changes(value: bool) -> None: ...

tls_force_resume_if_destination_changes = property(get_tls_force_resume_if_destination_changes, set_tls_force_resume_if_destination_changes)

Default Value



Whether to force TLS session resumption when the destination address changes.

tls_pre_shared_identity Property

Defines the identity used when the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) key-exchange mechanism is negotiated.


def get_tls_pre_shared_identity() -> str: ...
def set_tls_pre_shared_identity(value: str) -> None: ...

tls_pre_shared_identity = property(get_tls_pre_shared_identity, set_tls_pre_shared_identity)

Default Value



Defines the identity used when the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) key-exchange mechanism is negotiated.

tls_pre_shared_key Property

Contains the pre-shared key for the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) key-exchange mechanism, encoded with base16.


def get_tls_pre_shared_key() -> str: ...
def set_tls_pre_shared_key(value: str) -> None: ...

tls_pre_shared_key = property(get_tls_pre_shared_key, set_tls_pre_shared_key)

Default Value



Contains the pre-shared key for the PSK (Pre-Shared Key) key-exchange mechanism, encoded with base16.

tls_pre_shared_key_ciphersuite Property

Defines the ciphersuite used for PSK (Pre-Shared Key) negotiation.


def get_tls_pre_shared_key_ciphersuite() -> str: ...
def set_tls_pre_shared_key_ciphersuite(value: str) -> None: ...

tls_pre_shared_key_ciphersuite = property(get_tls_pre_shared_key_ciphersuite, set_tls_pre_shared_key_ciphersuite)

Default Value



Defines the ciphersuite used for PSK (Pre-Shared Key) negotiation.

tls_renegotiation_attack_prevention_mode Property

Selects the renegotiation attack prevention mechanism.


def get_tls_renegotiation_attack_prevention_mode() -> int: ...
def set_tls_renegotiation_attack_prevention_mode(value: int) -> None: ...

tls_renegotiation_attack_prevention_mode = property(get_tls_renegotiation_attack_prevention_mode, set_tls_renegotiation_attack_prevention_mode)

Possible Values

0   # Compatible
1 # Strict
2 # Auto

Default Value



Selects the renegotiation attack prevention mechanism.

The following options are available:

crapmCompatible0TLS 1.0 and 1.1 compatibility mode (renegotiation indication extension is disabled).
crapmStrict1Renegotiation attack prevention is enabled and enforced.
crapmAuto2Automatically choose whether to enable or disable renegotiation attack prevention.

tls_revocation_check Property

Specifies the kind(s) of revocation check to perform.


def get_tls_revocation_check() -> int: ...
def set_tls_revocation_check(value: int) -> None: ...

tls_revocation_check = property(get_tls_revocation_check, set_tls_revocation_check)

Possible Values

0   # None
1 # Auto
2 # AllCRL
3 # AllOCSP
5 # AnyCRL
6 # AnyOCSP

Default Value



Specifies the kind(s) of revocation check to perform.

Revocation checking is necessary to ensure the integrity of the chain and obtain up-to-date certificate validity and trustworthiness information.

crcNone0No revocation checking.
crcAuto1Automatic mode selection. Currently this maps to crcAnyOCSPOrCRL, but it may change in the future.
crcAllCRL2All provided CRL endpoints will be checked, and all checks must succeed.
crcAllOCSP3All provided OCSP endpoints will be checked, and all checks must succeed.
crcAllCRLAndOCSP4All provided CRL and OCSP endpoints will be checked, and all checks must succeed.
crcAnyCRL5All provided CRL endpoints will be checked, and at least one check must succeed.
crcAnyOCSP6All provided OCSP endpoints will be checked, and at least one check must succeed.
crcAnyCRLOrOCSP7All provided CRL and OCSP endpoints will be checked, and at least one check must succeed. CRL endpoints are checked first.
crcAnyOCSPOrCRL8All provided CRL and OCSP endpoints will be checked, and at least one check must succeed. OCSP endpoints are checked first.

This setting controls the way the revocation checks are performed for every certificate in the chain. Typically certificates come with two types of revocation information sources: CRL (certificate revocation lists) and OCSP responders. CRLs are static objects periodically published by the CA at some online location. OCSP responders are active online services maintained by the CA that can provide up-to-date information on certificate statuses in near real time.

There are some conceptual differences between the two. CRLs are normally larger in size. Their use involves some latency because there is normally some delay between the time when a certificate was revoked and the time the subsequent CRL mentioning that is published. The benefits of CRL is that the same object can provide statuses for all certificates issued by a particular CA, and that the whole technology is much simpler than OCSP (and thus is supported by more CAs).

This setting lets you adjust the validation course by including or excluding certain types of revocation sources from the validation process. The crcAnyOCSPOrCRL setting (give preference to the faster OCSP route and only demand one source to succeed) is a good choice for most typical validation environments. The "crcAll*" modes are much stricter, and may be used in scenarios where bulletproof validity information is essential.

Note: If no CRL or OCSP endpoints are provided by the CA, the revocation check will be considered successful. This is because the CA chose not to supply revocation information for its certificates, meaning they are considered irrevocable.

Note: Within each of the above settings, if any retrieved CRL or OCSP response indicates that the certificate has been revoked, the revocation check fails.

tls_ssl_options Property

Various SSL (TLS) protocol options, set of cssloExpectShutdownMessage 0x001 Wait for the close-notify message when shutting down the connection cssloOpenSSLDTLSWorkaround 0x002 (DEPRECATED) Use a DTLS version workaround when talking to very old OpenSSL versions cssloDisableKexLengthAlignment 0x004 Do not align the client-side PMS by the RSA modulus size.


def get_tls_ssl_options() -> int: ...
def set_tls_ssl_options(value: int) -> None: ...

tls_ssl_options = property(get_tls_ssl_options, set_tls_ssl_options)

Default Value



Various SSL (TLS) protocol options, set of

cssloExpectShutdownMessage0x001Wait for the close-notify message when shutting down the connection

cssloOpenSSLDTLSWorkaround0x002(DEPRECATED) Use a DTLS version workaround when talking to very old OpenSSL versions

cssloDisableKexLengthAlignment0x004Do not align the client-side PMS by the RSA modulus size. It is unlikely that you will ever need to adjust it.

cssloForceUseOfClientCertHashAlg0x008Enforce the use of the client certificate hash algorithm. It is unlikely that you will ever need to adjust it.

cssloAutoAddServerNameExtension0x010Automatically add the server name extension when known

cssloAcceptTrustedSRPPrimesOnly0x020Accept trusted SRP primes only

cssloDisableSignatureAlgorithmsExtension0x040Disable (do not send) the signature algorithms extension. It is unlikely that you will ever need to adjust it.

cssloIntolerateHigherProtocolVersions0x080(server option) Do not allow fallback from TLS versions higher than currently enabled

cssloStickToPrefCertHashAlg0x100Stick to preferred certificate hash algorithms

cssloNoImplicitTLS12Fallback0x200Disable implicit TLS 1.3 to 1.2 fallbacks

cssloUseHandshakeBatches0x400Send the handshake message as large batches rather than individually

tls_tls_mode Property

Specifies the TLS mode to use.


def get_tls_tls_mode() -> int: ...
def set_tls_tls_mode(value: int) -> None: ...

tls_tls_mode = property(get_tls_tls_mode, set_tls_tls_mode)

Possible Values

0   # Default
1 # NoTLS
2 # ExplicitTLS
3 # ImplicitTLS
4 # MixedTLS

Default Value



Specifies the TLS mode to use.

smNoTLS1Do not use TLS
smExplicitTLS2Connect to the server without any encryption and then request an SSL session.
smImplicitTLS3Connect to the specified port, and establish the SSL session at once.
smMixedTLS4Connect to the specified port, and establish the SSL session at once, but allow plain data.

tls_use_extended_master_secret Property

Enables the Extended Master Secret Extension, as defined in RFC 7627.


def get_tls_use_extended_master_secret() -> bool: ...
def set_tls_use_extended_master_secret(value: bool) -> None: ...

tls_use_extended_master_secret = property(get_tls_use_extended_master_secret, set_tls_use_extended_master_secret)

Default Value



Enables the Extended Master Secret Extension, as defined in RFC 7627.

tls_use_session_resumption Property

Enables or disables the TLS session resumption capability.


def get_tls_use_session_resumption() -> bool: ...
def set_tls_use_session_resumption(value: bool) -> None: ...

tls_use_session_resumption = property(get_tls_use_session_resumption, set_tls_use_session_resumption)

Default Value



Enables or disables the TLS session resumption capability.

tls_versions Property

The SSL/TLS versions to enable by default.


def get_tls_versions() -> int: ...
def set_tls_versions(value: int) -> None: ...

tls_versions = property(get_tls_versions, set_tls_versions)

Default Value



The SSL/TLS versions to enable by default.

csbSSL20x01SSL 2

csbSSL30x02SSL 3

csbTLS10x04TLS 1.0

csbTLS110x08TLS 1.1

csbTLS120x10TLS 1.2

csbTLS130x20TLS 1.3

trusted_cert_count Property

The number of records in the TrustedCert arrays.


def get_trusted_cert_count() -> int: ...
def set_trusted_cert_count(value: int) -> None: ...

trusted_cert_count = property(get_trusted_cert_count, set_trusted_cert_count)

Default Value



This property controls the size of the following arrays:

The array indices start at 0 and end at trusted_cert_count - 1.

trusted_cert_bytes Property

Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.


def get_trusted_cert_bytes(trusted_cert_index: int) -> bytes: ...


Returns the raw certificate data in DER format.

The trusted_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the trusted_cert_count property.

This property is read-only.

trusted_cert_handle Property

Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object.


def get_trusted_cert_handle(trusted_cert_index: int) -> int: ...
def set_trusted_cert_handle(trusted_cert_index: int, value: int) -> None: ...

Default Value



Allows to get or set a 'handle', a unique identifier of the underlying property object. Use this property to assign objects of the same type in a quicker manner, without copying them fieldwise.

When you pass a handle of one object to another, the source object is copied to the destination rather than assigned. It is safe to get rid of the original object after such operation. pdfSigner.setSigningCertHandle(certMgr.getCertHandle());

The trusted_cert_index parameter specifies the index of the item in the array. The size of the array is controlled by the trusted_cert_count property.

config Method

Sets or retrieves a configuration setting.


def config(configuration_string: str) -> str: ...


config is a generic method available in every class. It is used to set and retrieve configuration settings for the class.

These settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the config method.

To set a configuration setting named PROPERTY, you must call Config("PROPERTY=VALUE"), where VALUE is the value of the setting expressed as a string. For boolean values, use the strings "True", "False", "0", "1", "Yes", or "No" (case does not matter).

To read (query) the value of a configuration setting, you must call Config("PROPERTY"). The value will be returned as a string.

delete Method

Sends a DELETE request to the server.


def delete(url: str) -> None: ...


Use this method to send a DELETE request to server. In response to this request, the server may (without any guarantees) delete the resource specified in Url. Most of the servers disable DELETE requests.

If this request fails, an exception will be thrown, and the error details published in status_code and reason_phrase properties.

Note that any parameters you intend to pass to this method should be properly encoded before this method is called.

do_action Method

Performs an additional action.


def do_action(action_id: str, action_params: str) -> str: ...


do_action is a generic method available in every class. It is used to perform an additional action introduced after the product major release. The list of actions is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.

The unique identifier (case insensitive) of the action is provided in the ActionID parameter.

ActionParams contains the value of a single parameter, or a list of multiple parameters for the action in the form of PARAM1=VALUE1;PARAM2=VALUE2;....

Common ActionIDs:

ActionParametersReturned valueDescription
ResetTrustedListCachenonenoneClears the cached list of trusted lists.
ResetCertificateCachenonenoneClears the cached certificates.
ResetCRLCachenonenoneClears the cached CRLs.
ResetOCSPResponseCachenonenoneClears the cached OCSP responses.

get Method

Sends a GET request to the server.


def get(url: str) -> None: ...


GET is one of the most widely used HTTP requests. The server responds with the content of the resource specified in Url.

If the request is successful, the received content will be available in output_bytes and output_string properties. Otherwise an exception will be thrown, and the error details published in status_code and reason_phrase properties.

Note that any parameters you intend to pass to this method should be properly encoded before this method is called.

head Method

Sends a HEAD request to the server.


def head(url: str) -> None: ...


HEAD is very similar to GET, with the only difference being that only the headers (but not the content) is returned.

HEAD is often use to retrieve the parameters of the resource, such as its size and modification date. If the request is successful, those details will be available via response_parameters and response_headers properties. Otherwise, an exception will be thrown, and the error details published in status_code and reason_phrase properties.

Note that any parameters you intend to pass to this method should be properly encoded before this method is called.

options Method

Sends an OPTIONS request to the server.


def options(url: str) -> None: ...


This request gets various information about the server such as supported HTTP methods. No content is included in the response.

post Method

Sends a POST request to the server.


def post(url: str, content: str) -> None: ...


POST is used to send data to the remote HTTP endpoint/script.

Provide the data you need to send via the Content parameter. If Content is omitted, and only Url is set, the data will be streamed dynamically using the on_dynamic_data_needed event.

To post a web form's data (including file attachments to the form) use post_web_form method.

Note that any parameters you intend to pass to this method should be properly encoded before this method is called.

post_bytes Method

Sends a POST request to the server.


def post_bytes(url: str, content_bytes: bytes) -> None: ...


POST is used to send data to the remote HTTP endpoint/script.

Provide the data you need to send via the ContentBytes parameter. If content is omitted, and only Url is set, the data will be streamed dynamically using the on_dynamic_data_needed event.

To post a web form's data (including file attachments to the form) use post_web_form method.

Note that any parameters you intend to pass to this method should be properly encoded before this method is called.

post_file Method

Sends a file to the server using a POST request.


def post_file(url: str, file_name: str) -> None: ...


POST is used to send data to the remote HTTP endpoint/script. The content to send will be taken from FileName.

To post a web form's data (including file attachments to the form) use post_web_form method.

Note that any parameters you intend to pass to this method should be properly encoded before this method is called.

post_json Method

Sends a JSON POST request to the server.


def post_json(url: str, content: str) -> None: ...


POST is used to send data to the remote HTTP endpoint/script.

Provide the JSON data you need to send via the Content parameter. If Content is omitted, and only Url is set, the data will be streamed dynamically using the on_dynamic_data_needed event.

To post a regular (non-JSON) data, use post method. To post a web form's data (including file attachments to the form) use post_web_form method.

Note that any parameters you intend to pass to this method should be properly encoded before this method is called.

post_web_form Method

Posts a web form data to the server.


def post_web_form(url: str, fields: str, file_field: str, file_name: str, content_type: str) -> None: ...


This variant of the POST method provides means to submit a form (as in a web browser) with an optional file attachment. Fields are expected to contain a list of field names and values in "Name=Value" format separated with EOLs. This list can be empty.

If including a file with your request, use the FileField and FileName properties to specify the file field name and the local filename for the uploaded file. Use ContentType to override the default content type chosen by the client, e.g., "application/x-www-form-urlencoded".

Note that any parameters you intend to pass to this method should be properly encoded before this method is called.

post_xml Method

Posts an XML request to the server.


def post_xml(url: str, content: str) -> None: ...


POST is used to send data to the remote HTTP endpoint/script.

Provide the XML data you need to send via the Content parameter. If Content is omitted, and only Url is set, the data will be streamed dynamically using the on_dynamic_data_needed event.

To post a regular (non-XML) data, use post method. To post a web form's data (including file attachments to the form) use post_web_form method.

Note that any parameters you intend to pass to this method should be properly encoded before this method is called.

put Method

Sends a PUT request to the server.


def put(url: str, content: str) -> None: ...


PUT method is used to write data to the server. This method is optional to support and is disabled on most of HTTP servers.

If Content is not present, and only Url is set, the data will be streamed dynamically using the on_dynamic_data_needed event. Note that some servers do not support streaming.

Note that any parameters you intend to pass to this method should be properly encoded before this method is called.

put_bytes Method

Sends a PUT request to the server.


def put_bytes(url: str, content_bytes: bytes) -> None: ...


PUT method is used to write data to the server. This method is optional to support and is disabled on most of HTTP servers.

If ContentBytes is not present, and only Url is set, the data will be streamed dynamically using the on_dynamic_data_needed event. Note that some servers do not support streaming.

Note that any parameters you intend to pass to this method should be properly encoded before this method is called.

put_file Method

Sends a file to the server using a PUT request.


def put_file(url: str, file_name: str) -> None: ...


PUT is an alternative to POST and is used to send data to the remote HTTP endpoint/script. Many servers have this method switched off. The content to send will be taken from FileName.

Note that any parameters you intend to pass to this method should be properly encoded before this method is called.

put_json Method

PUTs a JSON to the server.


def put_json(url: str, content: str) -> None: ...


PUT method is used to write data to the server.

If Content is not present, and only Url is set, the data will be streamed dynamically using the on_dynamic_data_needed event. Note that some servers do not support streaming.

To PUT a regular (non-JSON) data, use put method. To post JSON data, use post_json method.

Note that any parameters you intend to pass to this method should be properly encoded before this method is called.

put_xml Method

PUTs an XML to the server.


def put_xml(url: str, content: str) -> None: ...


PUT method is used to write data to the server.

If Content is not present, and only Url is set, the data will be streamed dynamically using the on_dynamic_data_needed event. Note that some servers do not support streaming.

To PUT a regular (non-XML) data, use put method. To post XML data, use post_xml method.

Note that any parameters you intend to pass to this method should be properly encoded before this method is called.

reset Method

Resets the class settings.


def reset() -> None: ...


reset is a generic method available in every class.

trace Method

Sends a TRACE request to the server.


def trace(url: str) -> None: ...


TRACE is a debug command and is typically switched off and/or not supported by web servers.

on_cookie Event

Fired to report a received cookie.

class RESTClientCookieEventParams(object):
  def cookie_text() -> str: ...

# In class RESTClient:
def on_cookie() -> Callable[[RESTClientCookieEventParams], None]: ...
def on_cookie(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientCookieEventParams], None]) -> None: ...

The CookieText parameter contains the text of the cookie.

on_document_begin Event

Marks the start of the incoming HTML document or file.


class RESTClientDocumentBeginEventParams(object):
# In class RESTClient:
def on_document_begin() -> Callable[[RESTClientDocumentBeginEventParams], None]: ...
def on_document_begin(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientDocumentBeginEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event is followed by one or more on_progress calls. When the document has been received in full, the on_document_end event is fired.

on_document_end Event

Marks the successful receipt of the incoming HTML document or file.


class RESTClientDocumentEndEventParams(object):
# In class RESTClient:
def on_document_end() -> Callable[[RESTClientDocumentEndEventParams], None]: ...
def on_document_end(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientDocumentEndEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event fires when the document has been received in full.

on_dynamic_data_needed Event

Requests a portion of data to be uploaded from the application.


class RESTClientDynamicDataNeededEventParams(object):
  def bytes_needed() -> int: ...

# In class RESTClient:
def on_dynamic_data_needed() -> Callable[[RESTClientDynamicDataNeededEventParams], None]: ...
def on_dynamic_data_needed(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientDynamicDataNeededEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


If dynamic ('streaming') variants of PUT or POST methods are used, this event is fired periodically to request portions of data to be sent to the server.

When handling this event, assign the next portion of data of BytesNeeded length (or less) to dynamic_data. If no more data is available to upload (the whole document has been sent), leave dynamic_data empty.

on_error Event

Information about errors during data delivery.


class RESTClientErrorEventParams(object):
  def error_code() -> int: ...

  def description() -> str: ...

# In class RESTClient:
def on_error() -> Callable[[RESTClientErrorEventParams], None]: ...
def on_error(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientErrorEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The event is fired in case of exceptional conditions during message processing.

ErrorCode contains an error code and Description contains a textual description of the error. For a list of valid error codes and their descriptions, please refer to the HTTPS section.

on_external_sign Event

Handles remote or external signing initiated by the SignExternal method or other source.


class RESTClientExternalSignEventParams(object):
  def operation_id() -> str: ...

  def hash_algorithm() -> str: ...

  def pars() -> str: ...

  def data() -> str: ...

  def signed_data() -> str: ...
  def signed_data(value) -> None: ...

# In class RESTClient:
def on_external_sign() -> Callable[[RESTClientExternalSignEventParams], None]: ...
def on_external_sign(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientExternalSignEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


Assign a handler to this event if you need to delegate a low-level signing operation to an external, remote, or custom signing engine. Depending on the settings, the handler will receive a hashed or unhashed value to be signed.

The event handler must pass the value of Data to the signer, obtain the signature, and pass it back to the class via the SignedData parameter.

OperationId provides a comment about the operation and its origin. It depends on the exact class being used, and may be empty. HashAlgorithm specifies the hash algorithm being used for the operation, and Pars contains algorithm-dependent parameters.

The class uses base16 (hex) encoding for the Data, SignedData, and Pars parameters. If your signing engine uses a different input and output encoding, you may need to decode and/or encode the data before and/or after the signing.

A sample MD5 hash encoded in base16: a0dee2a0382afbb09120ffa7ccd8a152 - lower case base16 A0DEE2A0382AFBB09120FFA7CCD8A152 - upper case base16

A sample event handler that uses the .NET RSACryptoServiceProvider class may look like the following: signer.OnExternalSign += (s, e) => { var cert = new X509Certificate2("cert.pfx", "", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable); var key = (RSACryptoServiceProvider)cert.PrivateKey; var dataToSign = e.Data.FromBase16String(); var signedData = key.SignHash(dataToSign, "2.16.840."); e.SignedData = signedData.ToBase16String(); };

on_headers_prepared Event

Fires when the request headers have been formed and are about to be sent to the server.


class RESTClientHeadersPreparedEventParams(object):
# In class RESTClient:
def on_headers_prepared() -> Callable[[RESTClientHeadersPreparedEventParams], None]: ...
def on_headers_prepared(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientHeadersPreparedEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The prepared headers are available in request_headers property. This event provides you the last chance to review/alter them.

on_headers_received Event

Fires when the HTTP response headers have just been received from the server.


class RESTClientHeadersReceivedEventParams(object):
# In class RESTClient:
def on_headers_received() -> Callable[[RESTClientHeadersReceivedEventParams], None]: ...
def on_headers_received(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientHeadersReceivedEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The received headers are available via the response_headers property.

on_notification Event

This event notifies the application about an underlying control flow event.


class RESTClientNotificationEventParams(object):
  def event_id() -> str: ...

  def event_param() -> str: ...

# In class RESTClient:
def on_notification() -> Callable[[RESTClientNotificationEventParams], None]: ...
def on_notification(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientNotificationEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The class fires this event to let the application know about some event, occurrence, or milestone in the class. For example, it may fire to report completion of the document processing. The list of events being reported is not fixed, and may be flexibly extended over time.

The unique identifier of the event is provided in the EventID parameter. EventParam contains any parameters accompanying the occurrence. Depending on the type of the class, the exact action it is performing, or the document being processed, one or both may be omitted.

on_progress Event

Fires periodically during the data transfer.


class RESTClientProgressEventParams(object):
  def total() -> int: ...

  def current() -> int: ...

  def cancel() -> bool: ...
  def cancel(value) -> None: ...

# In class RESTClient:
def on_progress() -> Callable[[RESTClientProgressEventParams], None]: ...
def on_progress(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientProgressEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


Use this event to check the progress of an upload or download operation. Total indicates the total number of bytes to be transferred; Current specifies how much data has been transferred so far, and Cancel gives you a chance to cancel the operation.

on_redirection Event

Fires when the server suggests a redirect.


class RESTClientRedirectionEventParams(object):
  def old_url() -> str: ...

  def new_url() -> str: ...
  def new_url(value) -> None: ...

  def allow_redirection() -> bool: ...
  def allow_redirection(value) -> None: ...

# In class RESTClient:
def on_redirection() -> Callable[[RESTClientRedirectionEventParams], None]: ...
def on_redirection(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientRedirectionEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event is fired when the server suggests a redirection request (typically via a 301 or 302 response). OldURL indicates the 'from' page, and NewURL indicates the 'to' one. The destination page can be altered by the application if needed. Use AllowRedirection to block undesirable redirects.

Generally, this is a notification event: the component handles redirections automatically. Use the MaxRedirections config property to limit the number of redirection hops.

on_tls_cert_needed Event

Fires when a remote TLS party requests a client certificate.


class RESTClientTLSCertNeededEventParams(object):
  def host() -> str: ...

  def ca_names() -> str: ...

# In class RESTClient:
def on_tls_cert_needed() -> Callable[[RESTClientTLSCertNeededEventParams], None]: ...
def on_tls_cert_needed(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientTLSCertNeededEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event fires to notify the implementation that a remote TLS server has requested a client certificate. The Host parameter identifies the host that makes a request, and the CANames parameter (optional, according to the TLS spec) advises on the accepted issuing CAs.

Use the tls_client_chain property in response to this event to provide the requested certificate. Please make sure the client certificate includes the associated private key. Note that you may set the certificates before the connection without waiting for this event to fire.

This event is preceded by the on_tls_handshake event for the given host and, if the certificate was accepted, succeeded by the on_tls_established event.

on_tls_cert_validate Event

This event is fired upon receipt of the TLS server's certificate, allowing the user to control its acceptance.


class RESTClientTLSCertValidateEventParams(object):
  def server_host() -> str: ...

  def server_ip() -> str: ...

  def accept() -> bool: ...
  def accept(value) -> None: ...

# In class RESTClient:
def on_tls_cert_validate() -> Callable[[RESTClientTLSCertValidateEventParams], None]: ...
def on_tls_cert_validate(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientTLSCertValidateEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event is fired during a TLS handshake. Use the tls_server_chain property to access the certificate chain. In general, classes may contact a number of TLS endpoints during their work, depending on their configuration.

Accept is assigned in accordance with the outcome of the internal validation check performed by the class, and can be adjusted if needed.

on_tls_established Event

Fires when a TLS handshake with Host successfully completes.


class RESTClientTLSEstablishedEventParams(object):
  def host() -> str: ...

  def version() -> str: ...

  def ciphersuite() -> str: ...

  def connection_id() -> bytes: ...

  def abort() -> bool: ...
  def abort(value) -> None: ...

# In class RESTClient:
def on_tls_established() -> Callable[[RESTClientTLSEstablishedEventParams], None]: ...
def on_tls_established(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientTLSEstablishedEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The class uses this event to notify the application about a successful completion of a TLS handshake.

The Version, Ciphersuite, and ConnectionId parameters indicate the security parameters of the new connection. Use the Abort parameter if you need to terminate the connection at this stage.

on_tls_handshake Event

Fires when a new TLS handshake is initiated, before the handshake commences.


class RESTClientTLSHandshakeEventParams(object):
  def host() -> str: ...

  def abort() -> bool: ...
  def abort(value) -> None: ...

# In class RESTClient:
def on_tls_handshake() -> Callable[[RESTClientTLSHandshakeEventParams], None]: ...
def on_tls_handshake(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientTLSHandshakeEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The class uses this event to notify the application about the start of a new TLS handshake to Host. If the handshake is successful, this event will be followed by the on_tls_established event. If the server chooses to request a client certificate, the on_tls_cert_needed event will also be fired.

on_tls_psk Event

Notifies the application about the PSK key exchange.


class RESTClientTLSPSKEventParams(object):
  def host() -> str: ...

  def hint() -> str: ...

# In class RESTClient:
def on_tls_psk() -> Callable[[RESTClientTLSPSKEventParams], None]: ...
def on_tls_psk(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientTLSPSKEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


The class fires this event to notify the application about the beginning of TLS-PSK key exchange with Host. The Hint parameter may be used by the server to identify the key or service to use. Use the PreSharedKey field of tls_settings to provide the pre-shared key to the component.

on_tls_shutdown Event

Reports the graceful closure of a TLS connection.


class RESTClientTLSShutdownEventParams(object):
  def host() -> str: ...

# In class RESTClient:
def on_tls_shutdown() -> Callable[[RESTClientTLSShutdownEventParams], None]: ...
def on_tls_shutdown(event_hook: Callable[[RESTClientTLSShutdownEventParams], None]) -> None: ...


This event notifies the application about the closure of an earlier established TLS connection. Note that only graceful connection closures are reported.

RESTClient Config Settings

The class accepts one or more of the following configuration settings. Configuration settings are similar in functionality to properties, but they are rarely used. In order to avoid "polluting" the property namespace of the class, access to these internal properties is provided through the config method.

RESTClient Config Settings

AuthStickToLastURL:   TBD.


CacheStreamOutput:   Tells the component whether to cache stream- and file-bound responses in the component.

Set this property to true to enable caching of potentially long responses obtained with Get method. If the response is cached, it will be available via OutputBytes and OutputString properties after the request is completed, but may occupy extra memory resources.

Cookies:   TBD.


DefClientCookieFmt:   TBD.


ForceNTLMAuth:   Activates and enforces NTLM authentication.

Set this property to True to force NTLM (Windows Integrated) authentication.

IgnoreSystemTrust:   Whether trusted Windows Certificate Stores should be treated as trusted.

Specifies whether, during chain validation, the class should respect the trust to CA certificates as configured in the operating system. In Windows this effectively defines whether the class should trust the certificates residing in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store.

If IgnoreSystemTrust is True, certificates residing in the trusted root store are treated as if they are known, rather than trusted. Only certificates provided via other means (such as the trusted_certificates property) are considered trusted.

IgnoreUnknownTransferEncodings:   All incoming responses with unknown transfer encodings are ignored if this property is true.

All incoming responses with unknown transfer encodings are ignored if this property is true.

KeepConnectionOpen:   TBD.


MaxRedirections:   The maximum number of HTTP redirects.

Specifies the maximum number of HTTP redirects. Value 0 prevents any redirections, and -1 allows unlimited redirections.

OutputFile:   Specifies the file where the received content should be saved to.

This is a backward-compatibility duplicate of the OutputFile property. Use OutputFile instead.

PersistentAuthHeader:   Whether to resend NTLM negotiation on every request.

Specifies whether to resend NTLM negotiation on every request.

RequestCompressionGZip:   Ask server to enforce GZip compression.

Ask the server to use GZip compression instead of Deflate. This setting only makes sense when UseCompression is set to true. Most modern servers support both Deflate and GZip, so primary use case for this setting is the need to communicate to an older server.

RequestCompressionLevel:   Ask server to use the specified compression level.

Ask server to use the specified compression level.

SendBufferSize:   Size of send buffer in bytes.

The size of blocks used to send data to the server.

StaticDNS:   Specifies whether static DNS rules should be used.

Set this property to enable or disable static DNS rules for the class. Works only if UseOwnDNSResolver is set to true.

Supported values are:

noneNo static DNS rules (default)
localLocal static DNS rules
globalGlobal static DNS rules

StaticIPAddress[domain]:   Gets or sets an IP address for the specified domain name.

Use this property to get or set an IP address for the specified domain name in the internal (of the class) or global DNS rules storage depending on the StaticDNS value. The type of the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) is determined automatically. If both addresses are available, they are devided by the | (pipe) character.

StaticIPAddresses:   Gets or sets all the static DNS rules.

Use this property to get static DNS rules from the current rules storage or restore them back between application sessions. If StaticDNS of the class is set to "local", the property returns/restores the rules from/to the internal storage of the class. If StaticDNS of the class is set to "global", the property returns/restores the rules from/to the GLOBAL storage. The rules list is returned and accepted in JSON format.

SuppressRedirectionContent:   Whether to suppress the redirection content.

If this property is set to True, the redirection content will be silently suppressed by the class. Otherwise the message containing a redirection code will be processed as usual, the on_redirection event will be fired, and the data will be written to output_string or output_bytes.

TempPath:   Path for storing temporary files.

This setting specifies an absolute path to the location on disk where temporary files are stored. This setting is supported only in the Java edition for all applicable signing components except PDFSigner, where this limitation does not apply.

TLSExtensions:   TBD.


TLSPeerExtensions:   TBD.


TLSSessionGroup:   Specifies the group name of TLS sessions to be used for session resumption.

Use this property to limit the search of chached TLS sessions to the specified group. Sessions from other groups will be ignored. By default, all sessions are cached with an empty group name and available to all the classes.

TLSSessionLifetime:   Specifies lifetime in seconds of the cached TLS session.

Use this property to specify how much time the TLS session should be kept in the session cache. After this time, the session expires and will be automatically removed from the cache. Default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

TLSSessionPurgeInterval:   Specifies how often the session cache should remove the expired TLS sessions.

Use this property to specify the time interval of purging the expired TLS sessions from the session cache. Default value is 60 seconds (1 minute).

TolerateMinorChainIssues:   Whether to tolerate minor chain issues.

This parameter controls whether the chain validator should tolerate minor technical issues when validating the chain. Those are:

  • CA, revocation source, TLS key usage requirements are not mandated
  • Violation of OCSP issuer requirements are ignored
  • The AuthorityKeyID extension in CRL- and certificate-issuing CAs are ignored (helps with incorrectly renewed certificates)
  • Basic constraints and name constraints of CA certificates are ignored
  • Some weaker algorithms are tolerated
Use100Continue:   Whether to use 100-continue for POST and PUT commands.

Set this property to True to use the 100-continue approach for POST and PUT commands. In this approach, prior to sending the request body, the client sends a request message asking the server whether it is willing to accept the request body. The request body is sent only if the server accepts it.

UseCompression:   Enables compression capability.

Use this property to tell the server that it can compress the response data if it wants to. Deflate mechanism is requested by default; use RequestCompressionGZip to change that to GZip.

UseKerberosAuth:   TBD.


UseMicrosoftCTL:   Enables or disables the automatic use of the Microsoft online certificate trust list.

Enable this property to make the chain validation module automatically look up missing CA certificates in the public Windows Update repository.

UseSystemCertificates:   Enables or disables the use of the system certificates.

Use this property to tell the chain validation module to automatically look up missing CA certificates in the system certificates. In many cases it is beneficial to switch this property on, as the operating system certificate configuration provides a representative trust framework.

Base Config Settings

ASN1UseGlobalTagCache:   Controls whether ASN.1 module should use a global object cache.

This is a performance setting. It is unlikely that you will ever need to adjust it.

AssignSystemSmartCardPins:   Specifies whether CSP-level PINs should be assigned to CNG keys.

This is a low-level tweak for certain cryptographic providers. It is unlikely that you will ever need to adjust it.

CheckKeyIntegrityBeforeUse:   Enables or disable private key integrity check before use.

This global property enables or disables private key material check before each signing operation. This slows down performance a bit, but prevents a selection of attacks on RSA keys where keys with unknown origins are used.

You can switch this property off to improve performance if your project only uses known, good private keys.

CookieCaching:   Specifies whether a cookie cache should be used for HTTP(S) transports.

Set this property to enable or disable cookies caching for the class.

Supported values are:

offNo caching (default)
localLocal caching
globalGlobal caching

Cookies:   Gets or sets local cookies for the class.

Use this property to get cookies from the internal cookie storage of the class and/or restore them back between application sessions.

DefDeriveKeyIterations:   Specifies the default key derivation algorithm iteration count.

This global property sets the default number of iterations for all supported key derivation algorithms. Note that you can provide the required number of iterations by using properties of the relevant key generation component; this global setting is used in scenarios where specific iteration count is not or cannot be provided.

DNSLocalSuffix:   The suffix to assign for TLD names.

Use this global setting to adjust the default suffix to assign to top-level domain names. The default is .local.

EnableClientSideSSLFFDHE:   Enables or disables finite field DHE key exchange support in TLS clients.

This global property enables or disables support for finite field DHE key exchange methods in TLS clients. FF DHE is a slower algorithm if compared to EC DHE; enabling it may result in slower connections.

This setting only applies to sessions negotiated with TLS version 1.3.

GlobalCookies:   Gets or sets global cookies for all the HTTP transports.

Use this property to get cookies from the GLOBAL cookie storage or restore them back between application sessions. These cookies will be used by all the classes that have its CookieCaching property set to "global".

HardwareCryptoUsePolicy:   The hardware crypto usage policy.

This global setting controls the hardware cryptography usage policy: auto, enable, or disable.

HttpUserAgent:   Specifies the user agent name to be used by all HTTP clients.

This global setting defines the User-Agent field of the HTTP request provides information about the software that initiates the request. This value will be used by all the HTTP clients including the ones used internally in other classes.

HttpVersion:   The HTTP version to use in any inner HTTP client components created.

Set this property to 1.0 or 1.1 to indicate the HTTP version that any internal HTTP clients should use.

IgnoreExpiredMSCTLSigningCert:   Whether to tolerate the expired Windows Update signing certificate.

It is not uncommon for Microsoft Windows Update Certificate Trust List to be signed with an expired Microsoft certificate. Setting this global property to true makes SBB ignore the expired factor and take the Trust List into account.

ListDelimiter:   The delimiter character for multi-element lists.

Allows to set the delimiter for any multi-entry values returned by the component as a string object, such as file lists. For most of the components, this property is set to a newline sequence.

LogDestination:   Specifies the debug log destination.

Contains a comma-separated list of values that specifies where debug log should be dumped.

Supported values are:

systemlogSystem Log (supported for Android only)
debuggerDebugger (supported for VCL for Windows and .Net)

LogDetails:   Specifies the debug log details to dump.

Contains a comma-separated list of values that specifies which debug log details to dump.

Supported values are:

timeCurrent time
packagePackage name
moduleModule name
classClass name
methodMethod name
threadidThread Id
contenttypeContent type
allAll details

LogFile:   Specifies the debug log filename.

Use this property to provide a path to the log file.

LogFilters:   Specifies the debug log filters.

Contains a comma-separated list of value pairs ("name:value") that describe filters.

Supported filter names are:

exclude-packageExclude a package specified in the value
exclude-moduleExclude a module specified in the value
exclude-classExclude a class specified in the value
exclude-methodExclude a method specified in the value
include-packageInclude a package specified in the value
include-moduleInclude a module specified in the value
include-classInclude a class specified in the value
include-methodInclude a method specified in the value

LogFlushMode:   Specifies the log flush mode.

Use this property to set the log flush mode. The following values are defined:

noneNo flush (caching only)
immediateImmediate flush (real-time logging)
maxcountFlush cached entries upon reaching LogMaxEventCount entries in the cache.

LogLevel:   Specifies the debug log level.

Use this property to provide the desired debug log level.

Supported values are:

noneNone (by default)
fatalSevere errors that cause premature termination.
errorOther runtime errors or unexpected conditions.
warningUse of deprecated APIs, poor use of API, 'almost' errors, other runtime situations that are undesirable or unexpected, but not necessarily "wrong".
infoInteresting runtime events (startup/shutdown).
debugDetailed information on flow of through the system.
traceMore detailed information.

LogMaxEventCount:   Specifies the maximum number of events to cache before further action is taken.

Use this property to specify the log event number threshold. This threshold may have different effects, depending on the rotation setting and/or the flush mode.

The default value of this setting is 100.

LogRotationMode:   Specifies the log rotation mode.

Use this property to set the log rotation mode. The following values are defined:

noneNo rotation
deleteolderDelete older entries from the cache upon reaching LogMaxEventCount
keepolderKeep older entries in the cache upon reaching LogMaxEventCount (newer entries are discarded)

MaxASN1BufferLength:   Specifies the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 primitive tag data.

This global property limits the maximal allowed length for ASN.1 tag data for non-content-carrying structures, such as certificates, CRLs, or timestamps. It does not affect structures that can carry content, such as CMS/CAdES messages. This is a security property aiming at preventing DoS attacks.

MaxASN1TreeDepth:   Specifies the maximal depth for processed ASN.1 trees.

This global property limits the maximal depth of ASN.1 trees that the component can handle without throwing an error. This is a security property aiming at preventing DoS attacks.

OCSPHashAlgorithm:   Specifies the hash algorithm to be used to identify certificates in OCSP requests.

This global setting defines the hash algorithm to use in OCSP requests during chain validation. Some OCSP responders can only use older algorithms, in which case setting this property to SHA1 may be helpful.

OldClientSideRSAFallback:   Specifies whether the SSH client should use a SHA1 fallback.

Tells the SSH client to use a legacy ssh-rsa authentication even if the server indicates support for newer algorithms, such as rsa-sha-256. This is a backward-compatibility tweak.

PKICache:   Specifies which PKI elements (certificates, CRLs, OCSP responses) should be cached.

The PKICache setting specifies which Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) elements should be cached to optimize performance and reduce retrieval times. It supports comma-separated values to indicate the specific types of PKI data that should be cached.

Supported Values:

certificateEnables caching of certificates.
crlEnables caching of Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs).
ocspEnables caching of OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) responses.

Example (default value): PKICache=certificate,crl,ocsp In this example, the component caches certificates, CRLs, and OCSP responses.

PKICachePath:   Specifies the file system path where cached PKI data is stored.

The PKICachePath setting defines the file system path where cached PKI data (e.g., certificates, CRLs, OCSP responses and Trusted Lists) will be stored. This allows the system to persistently save and retrieve PKI cache data, even across application restarts.

The default value is an empty string - no cached PKI data is stored on disk.

Example: PKICachePath=C:\Temp\cache In this example, the cached PKI data is stored in the C:\Temp\cache directory.

ProductVersion:   Returns the version of the SecureBlackbox library.

This property returns the long version string of the SecureBlackbox library being used (

ServerSSLDHKeyLength:   Sets the size of the TLS DHE key exchange group.

Use this property to adjust the length, in bits, of the DHE prime to be used by the TLS server.

StaticDNS:   Specifies whether static DNS rules should be used.

Set this property to enable or disable static DNS rules for the class. Works only if UseOwnDNSResolver is set to true.

Supported values are:

noneNo static DNS rules (default)
localLocal static DNS rules
globalGlobal static DNS rules

StaticIPAddress[domain]:   Gets or sets an IP address for the specified domain name.

Use this property to get or set an IP address for the specified domain name in the internal (of the class) or global DNS rules storage depending on the StaticDNS value. The type of the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6) is determined automatically. If both addresses are available, they are devided by the | (pipe) character.

StaticIPAddresses:   Gets or sets all the static DNS rules.

Use this property to get static DNS rules from the current rules storage or restore them back between application sessions. If StaticDNS of the class is set to "local", the property returns/restores the rules from/to the internal storage of the class. If StaticDNS of the class is set to "global", the property returns/restores the rules from/to the GLOBAL storage. The rules list is returned and accepted in JSON format.

Tag:   Allows to store any custom data.

Use this config property to store any custom data.

TLSSessionGroup:   Specifies the group name of TLS sessions to be used for session resumption.

Use this property to limit the search of chached TLS sessions to the specified group. Sessions from other groups will be ignored. By default, all sessions are cached with an empty group name and available to all the classes.

TLSSessionLifetime:   Specifies lifetime in seconds of the cached TLS session.

Use this property to specify how much time the TLS session should be kept in the session cache. After this time, the session expires and will be automatically removed from the cache. Default value is 300 seconds (5 minutes).

TLSSessionPurgeInterval:   Specifies how often the session cache should remove the expired TLS sessions.

Use this property to specify the time interval of purging the expired TLS sessions from the session cache. Default value is 60 seconds (1 minute).

UseCRLObjectCaching:   Specifies whether reuse of loaded CRL objects is enabled.

This setting enables or disables the caching of CRL objects. When set to true (the default value), the system checks if a CRL object is already loaded in memory before attempting to load a new instance. If the object is found, the existing instance is reused, and its reference count is incremented to track its usage. When the reference count reaches zero, indicating that no references to the object remain, the system will free the object from memory. This setting enhances performance by minimizing unnecessary object instantiation and promotes efficient memory management, particularly in scenarios where CRL objects are frequently used.

UseInternalRandom:   Switches between SecureBlackbox-own and platform PRNGs.

Allows to switch between internal/native PRNG implementation and the one provided by the platform.

UseLegacyAdESValidation:   Enables legacy AdES validation mode.

Use this setting to switch the AdES component to the validation approach that was used in SBB 2020/SBB 2022 (less attention to temporal details).

UseOCSPResponseObjectCaching:   Specifies whether reuse of loaded OCSP response objects is enabled.

This setting enables or disables the caching of OCSP response objects. When set to true (the default value), the system checks if a OCSP response object is already loaded in memory before attempting to load a new instance. If the object is found, the existing instance is reused, and its reference count is incremented to track its usage. When the reference count reaches zero, indicating that no references to the object remain, the system will free the object from memory. This setting enhances performance by minimizing unnecessary object instantiation and promotes efficient memory management, particularly in scenarios where OCSP response objects are frequently used.

UseOwnDNSResolver:   Specifies whether the client components should use own DNS resolver.

Set this global property to false to force all the client components to use the DNS resolver provided by the target OS instead of using own one.

UseSharedSystemStorages:   Specifies whether the validation engine should use a global per-process copy of the system certificate stores.

Set this global property to false to make each validation run use its own copy of system certificate stores.

UseSystemNativeSizeCalculation:   An internal CryptoAPI access tweak.

This is an internal setting. Please do not use it unless instructed by the support team.

UseSystemOAEPAndPSS:   Enforces or disables the use of system-driven RSA OAEP and PSS computations.

This global setting defines who is responsible for performing RSA-OAEP and RSA-PSS computations where the private key is stored in a Windows system store and is exportable. If set to true, SBB will delegate the computations to Windows via a CryptoAPI call. Otherwise, it will export the key material and perform the computations using its own OAEP/PSS implementation.

This setting only applies to certificates originating from a Windows system store.

UseSystemRandom:   Enables or disables the use of the OS PRNG.

Use this global property to enable or disable the use of operating system-driven pseudorandom number generation.

XMLRDNDescriptorName[OID]:   Defines an OID mapping to descriptor names for the certificate's IssuerRDN or SubjectRDN.

This property defines custom mappings between Object Identifiers (OIDs) and descriptor names. This mapping specifies how the certificate's issuer and subject information (ds:IssuerRDN and ds:SubjectRDN elements respectively) are represented in XML signatures.

The property accepts comma-separated values where the first descriptor name is used when the OID is mapped, and subsequent values act as aliases for parsing.

Syntax: Config("XMLRDNDescriptorName[OID]=PrimaryName,Alias1,Alias2");


OID: The Object Identifier from the certificate's IssuerRDN or SubjectRDN that you want to map.

PrimaryName: The main descriptor name used in the XML signature when the OID is encountered.

Alias1, Alias2, ...: Optional alternative names recognized during parsing.

Usage Examples:


Map OID 1.2.840.113549.1.9.1 to E, with aliases EMAIL and EMAILADDRESS: Config("XMLRDNDescriptorName[1.2.840.113549.1.9.1]=E,EMAIL,EMAILADDRESS");

XMLRDNDescriptorPriority[OID]:   Specifies the priority of descriptor names associated with a specific OID.

This property specifies the priority of descriptor names associated with a specific OID that allows to reorder descriptors in the ds:IssuerRDN and ds:SubjectRDN elements during signing.

XMLRDNDescriptorReverseOrder:   Specifies whether to reverse the order of descriptors in RDN.

Specifies whether to reverse the order of descriptors in the ds:IssuerRDN and ds:SubjectRDN elements during XML signing. By default, this property is set to true (as specified in RFC 2253, 2.1).

XMLRDNDescriptorSeparator:   Specifies the separator used between descriptors in RDN.

Specifies the separator used between descriptors in the ds:IssuerRDN and ds:SubjectRDN elements during XML signing. By default, this property is set to ", " value.

RESTClient Errors

HTTPClient Errors

1048577   Invalid parameter (SB_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)
1048578   Invalid configuration (SB_ERROR_INVALID_SETUP)
1048579   Invalid state (SB_ERROR_INVALID_STATE)
1048580   Invalid value (SB_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE)
1048581   Private key not found (SB_ERROR_NO_PRIVATE_KEY)
1048582   Cancelled by the user (SB_ERROR_CANCELLED_BY_USER)
1048583   The file was not found (SB_ERROR_NO_SUCH_FILE)
1048584   Unsupported feature or operation (SB_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FEATURE)
1048585   General error (SB_ERROR_GENERAL_ERROR)
19922945   Unsupported keep-alive policy (SB_ERROR_HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_KEEPALIVEPOLICY)
19922946   Wrong request filter string format (SB_ERROR_HTTP_WRONG_REQUEST_FILTER_FORMAT)