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MailboxList Event

Fired for each mailbox received through the ListMailboxes and ListSubscribedMailboxes methods.


typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TipwIMAPMailboxListEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TipwIMAPMailboxListEventParams *e);

__property TipwIMAPMailboxListEvent OnMailboxList = {read=FOnMailboxList, write=FOnMailboxList};

typedef struct {
     String Mailbox;
     String Separator;
     String Flags;
} TipwIMAPMailboxListEventParams;


This method is fired for each mailbox received through the ListMailboxes and ListSubscribedMailboxes methods. The Separator parameter contains the character that separates the different parts in the mailbox path hierarchy.

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Build 9.0.6635.0