Command Event
Fired when a Telnet command comes from the Telnet server.
typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TipwTelnetCommandEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TipwTelnetCommandEventParams *e);__property TipwTelnetCommandEvent OnCommand = {read=FOnCommand, write=FOnCommand};
typedef struct {
int CommandCode;
} TipwTelnetCommandEventParams;
Codes for Telnet commands and their meanings are defined in the Telnet RFCs. Here are some examples:
241 (NOP) | No operation. |
242 (Data Mark) | The data stream portion of a Synch. This should always be accompanied by a TCP Urgent notification. |
243 (Break) | NVT character BRK. |
244 (Interrupt Process) | The function IP. |
245 (Abort Output) | The function AO. |
246 (Are You There) | The function AYT. |
247 (Erase Character) | The function EC. |
248 (Erase Line) | The function EL. |
249 (Go Ahead) | The GA signal. |