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StartTransfer Event

Fired when a file transfer begins.


typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TipwXMPPStartTransferEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TipwXMPPStartTransferEventParams *e);

__property TipwXMPPStartTransferEvent OnStartTransfer = {read=FOnStartTransfer, write=FOnStartTransfer};

typedef struct {
     int Direction;
     String FileId;
     String User;
     String Domain;
     String Resource;
     String Filename;
     String Datetime;
     __int64 Size;
     bool Accept;
} TipwXMPPStartTransferEventParams;


When a file is received, the XMPP component will parse the sender's Jabber ID into the User, Domain, and Resource fields. The FileId and Filename parameters identify the current transfer. Within this event you may override the Filename by setting the Filename parameter. At this time you may also set LocalDirectory if it is not already set.

When a sending a file, the XMPP component will parse the receiver's Jabber ID into the User, Domain, and Resource fields.

The Direction parameter shows whether the client (0) or the server (1) is sending the data.

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Build 9.0.6635.0