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SearchDerefAliases Property

Controls alias dereferencing during searching.


__property TipwLDAPSearchDerefAliases SearchDerefAliases = {read=FSearchDerefAliases, write=FSetSearchDerefAliases, default=0};

enum TipwLDAPSearchDerefAliases { sdaNever=0, sdaInSearching=1, sdaFindingBaseObject=2, sdaAlways=3 };

Default Value



This property controls the alias dereferencing during searching. Possible values are:

sdaNever (0) Do not dereference aliases in searching or in locating the base object of the search.
sdaInSearching (1) Dereference aliases in subordinates of the base object in searching, but not in locating the base object of the search.
sdaFindingBaseObject (2) Dereference aliases in locating the base object of the search, but not when searching subordinates of the base object.
sdaAlways (3) Dereference aliases both in searching and in locating the base object of the search.

Default is to never dereference aliases.

Data Type


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