SubmitTo Method
Post current data to the URL specified by the 'URL' parameter.
void __fastcall SubmitTo(String URL);Remarks
A post request is sent to the URL with the specified variables and values. The response is given via the Transfer event, or the TransferredData property. Please refer to the FormVars properties for more information on form variables and how they are managed.
Example (Submit Post)
WebFormControl.Reset() WebFormControl.AddFormVar("formvarname1", "formvarvalue1") WebFormControl.AddFormVar("formvarname2", "formvarvalue2") WebFormControl.Submit()Example (Submit Post using FormVar Arrays)
WebFormControl.Reset() WebFormControl.FormVarCount = 2 WebFormControl.FormVarName(0) = "formvarname1" WebFormControl.FormVarValue(0) = "formvarvalue1" WebFormControl.FormVarName(1) = "formvarname2" WebFormControl.FormVarValue(1) = "formvarvalue2" WebFormControl.SubmitTo(url)