SSLStatus Event

Shows the progress of the secure connection.


ANSI (Cross Platform)
virtual int FireSSLStatus(SysLogSSLStatusEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
const char *RemoteAddress;
int RemotePort;
const char *Message; int reserved; } SysLogSSLStatusEventParams; Unicode (Windows) virtual INT FireSSLStatus(SysLogSSLStatusEventParams *e);
typedef struct {
LPCWSTR RemoteAddress;
INT RemotePort;
LPCWSTR Message; INT reserved; } SysLogSSLStatusEventParams;
- (void)onSSLStatus:(NSString*)remoteAddress :(int)remotePort :(NSString*)message;

virtual INT IPWORKS_CALL FireSSLStatus(LPSTR &lpszRemoteAddress, INT &iRemotePort, LPSTR &lpszMessage);


The event is fired for informational and logging purposes only. It is used to track the progress of the connection.

RemoteAddress is the IP address of the remote machine.

RemotePort is the port of the remote machine.

Message is the log message.

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IPWorks 2020 C++ Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8307]