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TElAppleCertStorage     See also     

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Adds a certificate to the storage.


    not available

    not available

    procedure Add(Certificate: TElX509Certificate; CopyPrivateKey: boolean = true);
    procedure Add(Certificate: TElX509Certificate; const keychainPath: WideString; CopyPrivateKey: boolean = false; setTrusted: boolean = true); // SB_APPLE_KEYCHAIN_iOS is not defined
    procedure Add(Certificate: TElX509Certificate; const accessGroup: WideString = ''; CopyPrivateKey: boolean = false; accessibleThisDeviceOnly: boolean = false); // SB_APPLE_KEYCHAIN_iOS is defined
    procedure Add(Certificate: TElX509Certificate; BindToExistingPrivateKey : boolean; const keychainPath: WideString; setTrusted: boolean = true); // SB_APPLE_KEYCHAIN_iOS is not defined
    procedure Add(Certificate: TElX509Certificate; BindToExistingPrivateKey : boolean; const accessGroup: WideString; accessibleThisDeviceOnly: boolean = false); // SB_APPLE_KEYCHAIN_iOS is defined

    not available

    not available

    not available


  • Certificate - the certificate object initialized by one of the LoadFrom methods.
  • CopyPrivateKey - Specifies whether to copy the certificate's private key.
  • accessGroup - specifies the keychain access group.
  • accessibleThisDeviceOnly - set this parameter to True to make the certificate accessible only on this device.
  • BindToExistingPrivateKey - set this parameter to True to bind the certificate to the existing private key.
  • keychainPath - specifies the keychain path.
  • setTrusted - set this parameter to True to always trust this certificate.


    Use this method to add certificates to the store. When the certificate is copied to the storage, the original certificate object can be disposed if necessary.

See also:     Add    

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