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TElPGPTrustSignatureSubpacket class

Properties     Methods     Declared in     

TElPGPTrustSignatureSubpacket is a descendant of TElPGPSignatureSubpacket class.


        The following paragraph is taken from RFC 2440 - OpenPGP messages format, part

    «(1 octet "level" (depth), 1 octet of trust amount)
    Signer asserts that the key is not only valid, but also trustworthy, at the specified level. Level 0 has the same meaning as an ordinary validity signature. Level 1 means that the signed key is asserted to be a valid trusted introducer, with the 2nd octet of the body specifying the degree of trust. Level 2 means that the signed key is asserted to be trusted to issue level 1 trust signatures, i.e. that it is a "meta introducer". Generally, a level n trust signature asserts that a key is trusted to issue level n-1 trust signatures. The trust amount is in a range from 0-255, interpreted such that values less than 120 indicate partial trust and values of 120 or greater indicate complete trust. »


Inherited from TElPGPSignatureSubpacket


Declared in

  • Namespace: SBPGPEntities
  • Assembly: SecureBlackbox.PGP
  • Unit: SBPGPEntities
  • Package: SecureBlackbox.PGP.jar
  • sbpgpentities.h

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