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TElSimpleSSHClient class

Properties     Methods     Events     Declared in     Licensing     

TElSimpleSSHClient provides client-side functionality for SSH connections.


     TElSimpleSSHClient is used to add SSH support to client side of TCP connection (the client side is the side which initiates connection). To initiate connection call Open method which returns after SSH connection is established or error happens. When there are encrypted data to be sent to the socket, TElSimpleSSHClient will fire OnSend event. When TElSimpleSSHClient needs data from the socket, it fires OnReceive event.

By default, TElSimpleSSHClient is allowed to work using both SSH1 and SSH2 versions and all encryption, public key, key exchange and MAC algorithms. You can disable or enable some versions using Versions property and disable or enable security properties with EncryptionAlgorithms, PublicKeyAlgorithms, MacAlgorithms, KexAlgorithms and CompressionAlgorithms properties.

When connection is established, connection version can be read from Version property.

To use external socket class set UseInternalSocket property to False and use OnSend/ OnReceive events. To let TElSimpleSSHClient use internal socket just set values of Address and Port properties.

This component supports FIPS compliant mode. For more information, read the corresponding article.


Inherited from TElSSHBaceClient Inherited from TElBaseSocketClient


Inherited from TElSSHBaseClient Inherited from TElBaseSocketClient


Inherited from TElSSHBaseClient Inherited from TElBaseSocketClient

Declared in

  • Namespace: SBSimpleSSH
  • Assembly: SecureBlackbox.SSHClient
  • Unit: SBSimpleSSH
  • Package: SecureBlackbox.SSHClient.jar
  • sbsimplessh.h


To use this class in the development and distribution of your software projects, you need to purchase one of the following licenses:

SecureBlackbox Professional, SecureBlackbox Standard, SecureBlackbox Lite

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