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TElSSHPublicKeyClient provides client-side functionality for public keys remote managing.
TElSSHPublicKeyClient provides methods for public keys remote managing on server.
There are 4 commands for interaction with server, provided with
ListAttributes methods.
This class is asynchronous so each method returns control to the user immediately.
After request finished
OnStatus event notifies about it.
Only one request can be processed at any moment of time, so you have to wait for the
OnStatus event corresponding
to the previous request before performing the next one.
To add public-key subsystem support to your application you have to
bind TElSSHPublicKeyClient object to
TElSubsystemSSHTunnel object (see
Tunnel property)
which in turn binds to the
TElSSHClient object.
Note that however standard supposes 'publickey' as subsystem name, some existing implementations use
'publickey@vandyke.com' as its name. You can set subsystem name via
Subsystem property.
Note, public-key subsystem manages keys independently for
each user, thus a particular user cannot access keys added by other ones.
To use this class in the development and distribution of your software projects, you need to purchase one of the following licenses:
SecureBlackbox Professional, SecureBlackbox Standard, SecureBlackbox Lite