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TElX509Certificate     See also     

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Loads the certificate from the memory buffer. Buffer should contain certificate in PEM format.


    int LoadFromBufferPEM(byte[] Buffer, string PassPhrase);
    int LoadFromBufferPEM(byte[] Buffer, int StartIndex, int Count, string Passphrase);

    Function LoadFromBufferPEM(ByVal Buffer As Byte(), ByVal PassPhrase As String) As Integer
    Function LoadFromBufferPEM(ByVal Buffer As Byte(), ByVal StartIndex As Integer, ByVal Count As Integer, ByVal Passphrase As String) As Integer

    function LoadFromBufferPEM(Buffer: Pointer; Size: integer; PassPhrase : string) : integer;

    int32_t LoadFromBufferPEM(void * Buffer, int32_t Size, const std::string &PassPhrase);

    integer LoadFromBufferPEM(TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $Buffer, integer $Size, string $PassPhrase)

    int loadFromBufferPEM(byte[] Buffer, String PassPhrase);
    int loadFromBufferPEM(byte[] Buffer, int StartIndex, int Count, String Passphrase);


  • Buffer - the buffer from which the certificate is loaded.
  • Size - the size of the buffer from which the data is loaded.
  • PassPhrase - the pass phrase to decrypt the certificate data. If certificate is not encrypted, set this parameter to empty string.
  • StartIndex -
  • Count -

Return value

    0 on success.
    PEM error code otherwise.


    This method attempts to read the certificate from the provided memory location of the given size. The certificate must have been saved in PEM format. The private key may be contained with the certificate. If it is present, it be loaded too.

See also:     LoadFromBufferAuto     LoadFromBuffer     LoadFromStreamPEM     SaveToBufferPEM    

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