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TElX509Certificate     See also     

Filter: C#  VB.NET  Pascal  C++  PHP  Java  

Loads the certificate from file.


    int LoadFromFileAuto(string Filename, string Password);

    Function LoadFromFileAuto(ByVal Filename As String, ByVal Password As String) As Integer

    function LoadFromFileAuto(const Filename : string; const Password : string) : integer;

    int32_t LoadFromFileAuto(const std::string &Filename, const std::string &Password);

    integer LoadFromFileAuto(string $Filename, string $Password)

    int loadFromFileAuto(String Filename, String Password);


  • Filename - name of the file containing certificate
  • Password - password to access the certificate

Return value

    0 on success.
    Error code otherwise.
    If the format of the certificate is not recognized, SB_X509_ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_FORMAT (0x5009) error is reported.


    This method attempts to read the certificate from the file. It recognizes the format automatically; if the format is not recognized, SB_X509_ERROR_UNRECOGNIZED_FORMAT (0x5009) error is reported. The supported formats are DER, PEM, PFX, SPC.

See also:     LoadFromBufferAuto     LoadFromStreamAuto    

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