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TElX509CertificateValidator     See also     

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This event is fired after each time the validator has processed a CRL.


    event TSBAfterCRLUseEvent OnAfterCRLUse;
    delegate void TSBAfterCRLUseEvent(Object Sender, TElX509Certificate Certificate, TElX509Certificate CACertificate, TElCertificateRevocationList CRL);

    Event OnAfterCRLUse As TSBAfterCRLUseEvent
    Delegate Sub TSBAfterCRLUseEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Certificate As TElX509Certificate, ByVal CACertificate As TElX509Certificate, ByVal CRL As TElCertificateRevocationList)

    property OnAfterCRLUse : TSBAfterCRLUseEvent;
    TSBAfterCRLUseEvent = procedure(Sender : TObject; Certificate, CACertificate : TElX509Certificate; CRL : TElCertificaterevocationList) of object;

    void get_OnAfterCRLUse(TSBAfterCRLUseEvent &pMethodOutResult, void * &pDataOutResult);
    void set_OnAfterCRLUse(TSBAfterCRLUseEvent pMethodValue, void * pDataValue);
    typedef void (SB_CALLBACK *TSBAfterCRLUseEvent)(void * _ObjectData, TObjectHandle Sender, TElX509CertificateHandle Certificate, TElX509CertificateHandle CACertificate, TElCertificateRevocationListHandle CRL);

    TSBAfterCRLUseEvent|callable|NULL get_OnAfterCRLUse()
    void set_OnAfterCRLUse(TSBAfterCRLUseEvent|callable|NULL $Value)
    callable TSBAfterCRLUseEvent(TObject $Sender, TElX509Certificate $Certificate, TElX509Certificate $CACertificate, TElCertificateRevocationList $CRL)

    TSBAfterCRLUseEvent getOnAfterCRLUse();
    void setOnAfterCRLUse(TSBAfterCRLUseEvent Value);
    TSBAfterCRLUseEvent.Callback OnAfterCRLUse = new TSBAfterCRLUseEvent.Callback() {
        public void TSBAfterCRLUseEventCallback(TObject Sender, TElX509Certificate Certificate, TElX509Certificate CACertificate, TElCertificateRevocationList CRL) {


  • Certificate - specifies the certificate being validated.
  • CACertificate - specifies the certificate which signed the Certificate.
    Can be nil / null / Nothing, if the Certificate is self-signed.
  • CRL - contains the CRL that has been processed.


    This event is fired by TElX509CertificateValidator when it has processed a CRL during revocation check.

See also:     OnAfterOCSPResponseUse    

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