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TElX509CertificateValidator     See also     

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Adds the storage with CRLs to the list of known CRLs.


    void AddKnownCRLs(TElCustomCRLStorage Storage);

    Sub AddKnownCRLs(ByVal Storage As TElCustomCRLStorage)

    procedure AddKnownCRLs(Storage : TElCustomCertStorage);

    void AddKnownCRLs(TElCustomCRLStorage &Storage);
    void AddKnownCRLs(TElCustomCRLStorage *Storage);

    void AddKnownCRLs(TElCustomCRLStorage $Storage)

    void addKnownCRLs(TElCustomCRLStorage Storage);


  • Storage - the storage to be added


    Use this method to add the storage with CRLs to the list of known CRLs. This list is used to locate the CRLs before they are requested from the remote location. You can treat this list as a CRL cache: if the CRL is found in the list of known CRLs, and the CRL is valid, then it is not downloaded from remote location.

See also:     CheckCRL     ClearKnownCRLs    

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