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TElX509CertificateValidator     See also     

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Clears validation cache.


    static void ClearOutdatedCacheRecords(DateTime ClearMoment, int CacheValidityTime);

    Shared Sub ClearOutdatedCacheRecords(ByVal ClearMoment As DateTime, ByVal CacheValidityTime As Integer)

    class procedure ClearOutdatedCacheRecords(ClearMoment: DateTime; CacheValidityTime: integer);

    static void ClearOutdatedCacheRecords(int64_t ClearMoment, int32_t CacheValidityTime);

    void ClearOutdatedCacheRecords(DateTime $ClearMoment, integer $CacheValidityTime)

    static void clearOutdatedCacheRecords(Date ClearMoment, int CacheValidityTime);


  • ClearMoment - the records with validity periods, that have expired before ClearMoment, will be removed.
  • CacheValidityTime - cache validity time in milliseconds. After this time the validation record is considered as outdated.


    This method clears all cached validation results which validity period (specified by CacheValidityTime) has expired before the time specified by ClearMoment.

See also:     CacheValidationResults    

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