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TElCustomCryptoProviderManager     See also     

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Returns algorithm class.


    int GetAlgorithmClass(int Algorithm);
    int GetAlgorithmClass(byte[] AlgOID, byte[] AlgParams);

    Function GetAlgorithmClass(ByVal Algorithm As Integer) As Integer
    Function GetAlgorithmClass(ByVal AlgOID As Byte(), ByVal AlgParams As Byte()) As Integer

    function GetAlgorithmClass(Algorithm: integer; PropID: ByteArray): ByteArray;
    function GetAlgorithmClass(AlgOID, AlgParams: ByteArray; PropID: ByteArray): ByteArray;

    int32_t GetAlgorithmClass(int32_t Algorithm);
    int32_t GetAlgorithmClass(const std::vector<uint8_t> &AlgOID, const std::vector<uint8_t> &AlgParams);

    integer GetAlgorithmClass(integer $Algorithm)
    integer GetAlgorithmClass(array of byte|string|NULL $AlgOID, array of byte|string|NULL $AlgParams)

    int getAlgorithmClass(int Algorithm);
    int getAlgorithmClass(byte[] AlgOID, byte[] AlgParams);


  • Algorithm - specifies the desired algorithm
  • AlgOID - algorithm OID
  • PropID - property ID
  • AlgParams - ...

Symmetric algorithms:

Public key algorithms:

Password-based encryption algorithms:

Hash algorithms:

MAC algorithms:

Return value

    Returns one of the following algorithm classes:

Possible values:


    Use this method to get algorithm class.

See also:     GetAlgorithmProperty     IsAlgorithmSupported    

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