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TElCustomFileSystemAdapter     See also     

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Lists the directory contents.


    int EnumDirectoryEntries(string Path, string Mask, bool Recursive, out TElVFSEntryInformationList EntryInfos);

    Function EnumDirectoryEntries(ByVal Path As String, ByVal Mask As String, ByVal Recursive As Boolean, Out EntryInfos As TElVFSEntryInformationList) As Integer

    function EnumDirectoryEntries(const Path : string; const Mask : string; Recursive : boolean; var EntryInfos : TElVFSEntryInformationList) : integer; virtual;

    int32_t EnumDirectoryEntries(const std::string &Path, const std::string &Mask, bool Recursive, TElVFSEntryInformationList &EntryInfos);

    integer EnumDirectoryEntries(string $Path, string $Mask, bool $Recursive, TElVFSEntryInformationList &$EntryInfos)

    int enumDirectoryEntries(String Path, String Mask, boolean Recursive, TElVFSEntryInformationList EntryInfos);


  • Path - path to the directory to read.
  • Mask - specifies the mask (wildcards) to select the entry names. Only the entries which names match the mask will be listed.
  • Recursive - specifies whether to recursively list the contents of the subdirectories.
  • EntryInfos - the resulting entry info list will be stored here.

Return value

    Returns a VFS error code.

Possible values:


    Call this method to list the contents of the directory.

See also:     DirectoryExists     DirectoryMake     DirectoryRemove    

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