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TElCustomFileSystemAdapter     See also     

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Writes a block of bytes to the specified file.


    int FileWrite(Object FileHandle, byte[] Buffer, int Index, int Size, ref int ErrorCode);

    Function FileWrite(ByVal FileHandle As Object, ByVal Buffer As Byte(), ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal Size As Integer, ByRef ErrorCode As Integer) As Integer

    function FileWrite(FileHandle : TObject; Buffer : ByteArray; Index, Size : integer) : integer; virtual; abstract;

    int32_t FileWrite(TObject &FileHandle, const std::vector<uint8_t> &Buffer, int32_t Index, int32_t Size, int32_t &ErrorCode);
    int32_t FileWrite(TObject *FileHandle, const std::vector<uint8_t> &Buffer, int32_t Index, int32_t Size, int32_t &ErrorCode);

    integer FileWrite(TObject $FileHandle, array of byte|string|NULL $Buffer, integer $Index, integer $Size, integer &$ErrorCode)

    int fileWrite(TObject arg0, byte[] arg1, int arg2, int arg3, TSBInteger arg4);


  • FileHandle - the handle to the file where to write the data.
  • Buffer - buffer containing the data to be written.
  • Index - the byte offset of the data to be written in the Buffer.
  • Size - the maximum number of bytes to write.
  • ErrorCode -

Return value

    Returns a VFS error code.

Possible values:


    Call this method to write data to the file.

See also:     FileOpen     FileRead    

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