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TElCustomFileSystemAdapter     See also     

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Changes a file system entry information.


    int SetEntryInformation(string Path, TElVFSEntryInformation EntryInfo, int InfoFlags);

    Function SetEntryInformation(ByVal Path As String, ByVal EntryInfo As TElVFSEntryInformation, ByVal InfoFlags As Integer) As Integer

    function SetEntryInformation(const Path : string; EntryInfo : TElVFSEntryInformation; InfoFlags : integer) : integer; virtual;

    int32_t SetEntryInformation(const std::string &Path, TElVFSEntryInformation &EntryInfo, int32_t InfoFlags);
    int32_t SetEntryInformation(const std::string &Path, TElVFSEntryInformation *EntryInfo, int32_t InfoFlags);

    integer SetEntryInformation(string $Path, TElVFSEntryInformation $EntryInfo, integer $InfoFlags)

    int setEntryInformation(String Path, TElVFSEntryInformation EntryInfo, int InfoFlags);


  • Path - the path to the entry to be modified.
  • EntryInfo - the info to be set.
  • InfoFlags -

Possible info flags:

Return value

    Returns a VFS error code.

Possible values:


    Use this method to change to change certain information about the entry in the file system.

    Note, that info flags setting differs for VCL and .NET versions. To enable several modes in .NET use bitwise OR operation, for example "entryInfoModifyDate | entryInfoCreateDate | entryInfoAccessDate".

See also:     GetEntryInformation    

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