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TElCustomTSPServer     See also     

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Contains certificates to be included to the signature.


    TElCustomCertStorage Certificates;

    Property Certificates As TElCustomCertStorage

    property Certificates : TElCustomCertStorage;

    TElCustomCertStorage* get_Certificates();
    void set_Certificates(TElCustomCertStorage &Value);
    void set_Certificates(TElCustomCertStorage *Value);

    TElCustomCertStorage get_Certificates()
    void set_Certificates(TElCustomCertStorage $Value)

    TElCustomCertStorage getCertificates();
    void setCertificates(TElCustomCertStorage Value);


    Use this property to access certificates to be used for signing. At least one of the certificates must contain the private key.

See also:     TSPInfo    

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