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Calculates the hash value.


    static byte[] Hash(int Algorithm, byte[] Buffer, int Offset, int Count);
    static byte[] Hash(int Algorithm, byte[] Buffer);
    static byte[] Hash(int Algorithm, TElHMACKeyMaterial Key, byte[] Buffer, int Offset, int Count);
    static byte[] Hash(int Algorithm, TElHMACKeyMaterial Key, byte[] Buffer);

    Shared Function Hash(ByVal Algorithm As Integer, ByVal Buffer As Byte(), ByVal Offset As Integer, ByVal Count As Integer) As Byte()
    Shared Function Hash(ByVal Algorithm As Integer, ByVal Buffer As Byte()) As Byte()
    Shared Function Hash(ByVal Algorithm As Integer, ByVal Key As TElHMACKeyMaterial, ByVal Buffer As Byte(), ByVal Offset As Integer, ByVal Count As Integer) As Byte()
    Shared Function Hash(ByVal Algorithm As Integer, ByVal Key As TElHMACKeyMaterial, ByVal Buffer As Byte()) As Byte()

    class function Hash(Algorithm : integer; Buffer : Pointer; Size : integer) : ByteArray;

    static void Hash(int32_t Algorithm, void * Buffer, int32_t Size, std::vector<uint8_t> &OutResult);
    static void Hash(int32_t Algorithm, TElHMACKeyMaterial &Key, void * Buffer, int32_t Size, std::vector<uint8_t> &OutResult);
    static void Hash(int32_t Algorithm, TElHMACKeyMaterial *Key, void * Buffer, int32_t Size, std::vector<uint8_t> &OutResult);

    string Hash(integer $Algorithm, TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $Buffer, integer $Size)
    string Hash(integer $Algorithm, TElHMACKeyMaterial $Key, TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $Buffer, integer $Size)

    static byte[] hash(TElHashFunction> this, int Algorithm, TElHMACKeyMaterial Key, byte[] Buffer);
    static byte[] hash(TElHashFunction> this, int Algorithm, byte[] Buffer, int Offset, int Count);
    static byte[] hash(TElHashFunction> this, int Algorithm, TElHMACKeyMaterial Key, byte[] Buffer, int Offset, int Count);
    static byte[] hash(TElHashFunction> this, int Algorithm, byte[] Buffer);


  • Algorithm - specifies the hash algorithm.
  • Buffer - buffer containing the data over which to calculate the hash.
  • Count - number of bytes to be read from Buffer.
  • Offset - offset of the data for hashing in Buffer.
  • Size - size of the data block over which to calculate the hash.
  • Key - ...

Possible hash algorithms:

Possible HMAC algorithms:

Return value

    Returns the hash value.


    Use this static function to quickly compute hash over some data.

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