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TElIdSSHClientServerIOHandler     See also     

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This event is fired when logical connection of a "client forwarding" type has been established.


    not available

    not available

    property OnOpenClientForwarding: TSSHOpenClientForwardingEvent;
    TSSHOpenClientForwardingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Connection: TElSSHTunnelConnection; const DestHost: string; DestPort: integer; const SrcHost : string; SrcPort: integer) of object;

    not available

    not available

    not available


  • Connection - newly created TElSSHTunnelConnection
  • DestHost - the host which server has to connect to
  • DestPort - port on the DestHost
  • SrcHost - host that connected to the client
  • SrcPort - port on the SrcHost


    This event is preceded by OnBeforeOpenClientForwarding one. The server has to establish connection with DestHost:DestPort and adjust data exchange between client ant that server (using Connection methods).
    SSHBlackbox contains classes which provide such data exchange (TElTCPForwardingSSHSubsystemHandler).

See also:     OnBeforeOpenClientForwarding     OnOpenSubsystem     OnOpenCommand     OnOpenShell     OnOpenServerForwarding     OnOpenX11Forwarding    

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