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TElIdSSHServerIOHandler     See also     

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This event is fired when client requests server forwarding.


    not available

    not available

    property OnServerForwardingRequest: TSSHServerForwardingRequestEvent;
    TSSHServerForwardingRequestEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Address: string; Port : integer; var Accept : boolean; var RealPort: integer) of object;

    not available

    not available

    not available


  • Address - address where port must be reserved (for instance "")
  • Port - port to be reserved
  • Accept - specifies if this forwarding should be allowed
  • RealPort - not implemented


    This event is fired on client's request for server forwarding. If Accept parameter is set to True the server allows this forwarding and undertakes to:
    open the Port for listening;

See also:     OnServerForwardingCancel     OnServerForwardingFailed    

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