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TElIMAPClient     See also     

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Performs search in the mailbox.


    TElIMAPFetchResponse Search(bool UID, string Criteria);
    TElIMAPFetchResponse Search(bool UID, string Criteria, string Charset);

    Function Search(ByVal UID As Boolean, ByVal Criteria As String) As TElIMAPFetchResponse
    Function Search(ByVal UID As Boolean, ByVal Criteria As String, ByVal Charset As String) As TElIMAPFetchResponse

    function Search(UID : Boolean; Criteria : TWideString) : TElIMAPFetchResponse;
    function Search(UID : Boolean; Criteria, Charset : string) : TElIMAPFetchResponse;

    TElIMAPFetchResponseHandle Search(bool UID, const sb_u16string &Criteria);
    TElIMAPFetchResponseHandle Search(bool UID, const std::wstring &Criteria);
    TElIMAPFetchResponseHandle Search(bool UID, const std::string &Criteria, const std::string &Charset);

    TElIMAPFetchResponse Search(bool $UID, string $Criteria)
    TElIMAPFetchResponse Search(bool $UID, string $Criteria, string $Charset)

    TElIMAPFetchResponse search(boolean UID, String Criteria, String Charset);
    TElIMAPFetchResponse search(boolean UID, String Criteria);


  • UID - defines whether messages are referenced by their UIDs (true) or by their sequence numbers in the mailbox (false).
  • Criteria - search criteria as defined in [RFC 3501].
  • Charset - message charset.

Return value

    Returns TElIMAPFetchResponse object which provides access to all response lines.


    Use this method to search for messages in the active mailbox.

See also:     MailBox    

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