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TElIMAPClient     See also     

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Updates message statuses on the server.


    Sub Store(ByVal First As Integer, ByVal Last As Integer, ByVal UID As Boolean, ByVal Operation As TSBIMAPStoreFlagsOperation, ByVal Flags As TSBIMAPMessageFlags, ByVal Silent As Boolean, ByVal Response As TElIMAPFetchResponse)
    Sub Store(ByVal Sequence As TElIMAPFetchResponse, ByVal Operation As TSBIMAPStoreFlagsOperation, ByVal Flags As TSBIMAPMessageFlags, ByVal Silent As Boolean, ByVal Response As TElIMAPFetchResponse)

    procedure Store(First : Integer; Last : Integer; UID : Boolean; Operation : TSBIMAPStoreFlagsOperation; Flags : TSBIMAPMessageFlags; Silent : Boolean; Response : TElIMAPFetchResponse);
    procedure Store(Sequence : TElIMAPFetchResponse; Operation : TSBIMAPStoreFlagsOperation; Flags : TSBIMAPMessageFlags; Silent : Boolean; Response : TElIMAPFetchResponse);

    void Store(integer $First, integer $Last, bool $UID, integer $Operation, integer $Flags, bool $Silent, TElIMAPFetchResponse $Response)
    void Store(TElIMAPFetchResponse $Sequence, integer $Operation, integer $Flags, bool $Silent, TElIMAPFetchResponse $Response)


  • First - specifies the first message to be retrieved.
  • Last - specifies the last message to be retrieved.
  • UID - defines whether parameters First and Last specify message sequence numbers (UID is false) or message UIDs (UID is true).
  • Operation - the operation to be applied to message flags.
  • Flags - defines which flags should be updated.
  • Silent - set this parameter to true if the server should omit any response (sends a ".SILENT" STORE command and do not fetch the updated message list).
  • Response - server's response (if any) will be saved into this parameter.
  • Sequence - defines the sequence of messages to be updated.

TSBIMAPStoreFlagsOperation values

TSBIMAPMessageFlags values


    Use this method to update message statuses on the server. In particular, you can use this method to mark messages as "deleted". After this call Expunge() to remove the message on the server side.

See also:     Expunge     Fetch    

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