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TElKeyMaterial     See also     

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Compares two instances of TElKeyMaterial.


    bool Equals(TElKeyMaterial Source, bool PublicOnly);
    bool Equals(Object obj);

    Function Equals(ByVal Source As TElKeyMaterial, ByVal PublicOnly As Boolean) As Boolean
    Function Equals(ByVal obj As Object) As Boolean

    function Equals(Source : TElKeyMaterial; PublicOnly : boolean): boolean; virtual;

    bool Equals(TElKeyMaterial &Source, bool PublicOnly);
    bool Equals(TElKeyMaterial *Source, bool PublicOnly);

    bool Equals(TElKeyMaterial $Source, bool $PublicOnly)

    boolean equals(TElKeyMaterial Source, boolean PublicOnly);


  • Source - Key material to be compared with the current one
  • PublicOnly - Set this parameter to True to compare only public parts of the keys
  • obj -

Return value

    Returns True if the keys are equal,
    and False otherwise.


    Use this method to compare two instances of TElKeyMaterial class.

See also:     Assign    

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