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TElMemoryCertStorage     See also     

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Adds the certificate to storage


    void Add(TElX509Certificate X509Certificate, bool CopyPrivateKey);

    Sub Add(ByVal X509Certificate As TElX509Certificate, ByVal CopyPrivateKey As Boolean)

    procedure Add(Certificate : TElX509Certificate; CopyPrivateKey: boolean = true);

    void Add(TElX509Certificate &X509Certificate, bool CopyPrivateKey);
    void Add(TElX509Certificate *X509Certificate, bool CopyPrivateKey);

    void Add(TElX509Certificate $X509Certificate, bool $CopyPrivateKey)

    void add(TElX509Certificate X509Certificate, boolean CopyPrivateKey);


  • X509Certificate - Certificate object, initialized by LoadFromBuffer method
  • CopyPrivateKey - True - private key will be copied when certificate is added.
    False - private key will not be copied.


    Use this method to add certificate to certificate storage.

See also:     Remove    

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