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TElMessage Constructor

TElMessage     See also     

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Creates an instance of TElMessage class and returns a reference to newly created instance.


    TElMessage(bool bCreateMainPart, string XMailer);
    TElMessage(TElMessagePart AMainPart, string XMailer);
    TElMessage(string XMailer);

    Sub New(ByVal bCreateMainPart As Boolean, ByVal XMailer As String)
    Sub New(ByVal AMainPart As TElMessagePart, ByVal XMailer As String)
    Sub New(ByVal XMailer As String)

    constructor Create(bCreateMainPart: Boolean = True; XMailer: TString = '');
    constructor Create(AMainPartClass: TElMessagePartClass; XMailer: TWideString = '');
    constructor Create(AMainPart: TElMessagePart; XMailer: TString = '');
    constructor Create(XMailer: TString);

    not available

    not available

    public TElMessage(boolean bCreateMainPart, String XMailer);
    public TElMessage();
    public TElMessage(TElMessagePart AMainPart, String XMailer);
    public TElMessage(String XMailer);


  • bCreateMainPart - indicates if main part for the message is created.
    Default value is True.
  • AMainPartClass - Specifies the class type that will become the main part of the message. This part can be of non-standard type.
  • AMainPart - existing part that will become main part of the message.
  • XMailer - name and version of the program that created this message. Its value will be added to 'x-mailer' Header Field.


    Use this method to create a new instance ofElMessage class.
     Note, if you use existing part instance as the main part of the message, the message takes ownership of this message part and destroys the part automatically when disposed.

See also:     Destructor    

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