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TElMessage     See also     

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Specifies contents of "In-Reply-To:" header field.


    string InReplyTo;

    Property InReplyTo As String

    property InReplyTo : TString;
    function SetInReplyTo(const InReplyTo: TString): TElMessageHeaderField;

    void get_InReplyTo(sb_u16string &OutResult);
    void get_InReplyTo(std::wstring &OutResult);

    string get_InReplyTo()

    String getInReplyTo();
    TElMessageHeaderField setInReplyTo(String AInReplyTo);


  • InReplyTo - message identifier of the original message.
  • AInReplyTo -


    Reply message should have "In-Reply-To:" header field, which may be used to identify the message (or messages) to which the new message is a reply.
     Note, this property is read-only. Use SetInReplyTo method to set its value.

See also:     References     MessageID    

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