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TElMessage     See also     

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Specifies contents of "Sender:" header field.


    TElMailAddressList Sender;

    Property Sender As TElMailAddressList

    property Sender : TElMailAddressList;

    TElMailAddressList* get_Sender();
    void set_Sender(TElMailAddressList &Value);
    void set_Sender(TElMailAddressList *Value);

    TElMailAddressList get_Sender()
    void set_Sender(TElMailAddressList $Value)

    TElMailAddressList getSender();
    void setSender(TElMailAddressList Addresses);


  • Addresses -


    This property specifies the mailbox of the agent responsible for the actual transmission of the message. If the originator of the message can be indicated by a single mailbox and the author and transmitter are identical, the "Sender:" field SHOULD NOT be used.

See also:     From     ReplyTo    

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