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TElMessagePart     See also     

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Use this method to get contents of the part.


    int GetData(ref string wsData);
    int GetData(ref byte[] Buffer, ref int BufferSize);

    Function GetData(ByRef wsData As String) As Integer
    Function GetData(ByRef Buffer As Byte(), ByRef BufferSize As Integer) As Integer

    function GetData(var wsData: TString): ELMIMERESULT;
    function GetData(var Buffer: TBytes; var BufferSize: Integer): ELMIMERESULT;

    int32_t GetData(sb_u16string &wsData);
    int32_t GetData(std::wstring &wsData);
    int32_t GetData(std::vector<uint8_t> &Buffer, int32_t &BufferSize);

    integer GetData(string &$wsData)
    integer GetData(array of byte|string &$Buffer, integer &$BufferSize)

    byte[] getData();
    int getData(TSBString wsData);
    int getData(TByteArrayConst Buffer, TSBInteger BufferSize);


  • wsData - the buffer to which the data will be written.
  • Buffer - the buffer to which data will be written.
  • BufferSize - size of the Buffer

Return value

    Returns 0 (EL_OK) on success;
    Error otherwise.


    Use this method to get contents of the part.
     Note, this method will return nothing for multipart part.

See also:     SetData     GetDataSize    

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