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TElPGPCustomSecretKey     See also     

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Changes protection level and/or secret key password.


    void ChangeProtection(string NewPassphrase, TSBPGPProtectionType PrType, int EncAlgorithm, int HshAlgorithm);

    Sub ChangeProtection(ByVal NewPassphrase As String, ByVal PrType As TSBPGPProtectionType, ByVal EncAlgorithm As Integer, ByVal HshAlgorithm As Integer)

    procedure ChangeProtection(const NewPassphrase : string; PrType : TSBPGPProtectionType; EncAlgorithm : integer = SB_PGP_ALGORITHM_SK_CAST5; HshAlgorithm : TSBPGPHashAlgorithm = SB_PGP_ALGORITHM_MD_SHA1);

    void ChangeProtection(const std::string &NewPassphrase, TSBPGPProtectionType PrType, int32_t EncAlgorithm, int32_t HshAlgorithm);

    void ChangeProtection(string $NewPassphrase, integer $PrType, integer $EncAlgorithm, integer $HshAlgorithm)

    void changeProtection(String NewPassphrase, TSBPGPProtectionType PrType, int EncAlgorithm, int HshAlgorithm);


  • NewPassphrase - new password.
  • ProtectionType - type of the protection.
  • EncAlgorithm - encryption algorithm
  • HshAlgorithm - hash algorithm
  • PrType - ...

Protection type values

Encryption algorithm values

Hash algorithm values


    Use this method to change protection type and/or key password.

See also:     Protection     ChangePassphrase    

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