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TElPGPCustomSecretKey     See also     

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Completes asynchronous generation of a new key pair.


    void EndGenerate(string Password, bool UseOldFormat, int Expires);

    Sub EndGenerate(ByVal Password As String, ByVal UseOldFormat As Boolean, ByVal Expires As Integer)

    procedure EndGenerate(Password : string; UseOldFormat : boolean = true; Expires : integer = 0);
    TSBPGPPublicKeyAlgorithm = integer;

    void EndGenerate(const std::string &Password, bool UseOldFormat, int32_t Expires);

    void EndGenerate(string $Password, bool $UseOldFormat, integer $Expires)

    void endGenerate(String Password, boolean UseOldFormat, int Expires);


  • Password - Password to protect the new key.
  • UseOldFormat - use old (PGP 2.x) or new format for the key.
  • Expires - time in days when the key expires. 0 - no expiration.



    Use this method to complete asynchronous generation of a new key pair.

    Call this method only if AsyncOperationFinished() returns true.

See also:     EncryptionAlgorithm     AsyncOperationFinished     BeginGenerate     CancelGeneration     Generate    

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