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TElPGPSecretKey     See also     

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Completes asynchronous generation of a new key pair.


    void EndGenerate(string Password, string UserName, int Expires, bool UseOldFormat);
    void EndGenerate(string Password, bool UseOldFormat, int Expires);

    Sub EndGenerate(ByVal Password As String, ByVal UserName As String, ByVal Expires As Integer, ByVal UseOldFormat As Boolean)
    Sub EndGenerate(ByVal Password As String, ByVal UseOldFormat As Boolean, ByVal Expires As Integer)

    procedure EndGenerate(const Password : string; UseOldFormat : boolean = True; Expires : integer = 0);
    procedure EndGenerate(const Password : string; const UserName : string; Expires : integer = 0);

    void EndGenerate(const std::string &Password, const std::string &UserName, int32_t Expires, bool UseOldFormat);

    void EndGenerate(string $Password, string $UserName, integer $Expires, bool $UseOldFormat)
    void EndGenerate(string $Password, bool $UseOldFormat, integer $Expires)

    void endGenerate(String Password, String UserName, int Expires, boolean UseOldFormat);


  • Password - password for the newly created key.
  • UseOldFormat - specifies if key of old format must be generated for compatibility with earlier PGP versions
  • Expires - number of days after which the key will expire. If 0 - the key will never expire.
  • UserName - the user to be bound to the key

Public key algorithm values


    Use this method to complete asynchronous generation of a new key pair.

    Call this method only if AsyncOperationFinished() returns true.

See also:     AsyncOperationFinished     BeginGenerate    

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