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TElPGPSignature     See also     

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Writes the one-pass signature to the stream.


    void SaveOnePassToStream(System.IO.Stream Stream, bool Nested);

    Sub SaveOnePassToStream(ByVal Stream As System.IO.Stream, ByVal Nested As Boolean)

    procedure SaveOnePassToStream(Stream : TStream; Nested : boolean = false);

    void SaveOnePassToStream(TStream &Stream, bool Nested);
    void SaveOnePassToStream(TStream *Stream, bool Nested);

    void SaveOnePassToStream(TStream $Stream, bool $Nested)

    void saveOnePassToStream(TElStream Stream, boolean Nested);


  • Stream - The stream to which the one-pass signature is written.
  • Nested - ...


    Use this method to write the one-pass signature to stream. One-pass signature contains some information about the signature such as hash algorithm, key fingerprint, etc. And when the signature is placed after signed data it is possible to start hashing at once after one-pass, so file can be processed by one pass.

See also:     LoadFromStream     SaveToStream    

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