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TElPGPSignature     See also     

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Used in conjunction with trust signature packets (of level > 0) to limit the scope of trust that is extended.


    string RegularExpression[int Index];

    Property RegularExpression(ByVal Index As Integer) As String

    property RegularExpression[Index : integer] : string;

    void get_RegularExpression(int32_t Index, std::string &OutResult);
    void set_RegularExpression(int32_t Index, const std::string &Value);

    string get_RegularExpression(integer $Index)
    void set_RegularExpression(integer $Index, string $Value)

    String getRegularExpression(int Index);
    void setRegularExpression(int Index, String Value);


  • Index - ...


    This property contains regular expressions to be used to limit the scope of trust that is extended.
    This property is mapped to TElPGPRegularExpressionSignatureSubpacket for version 4 signatures.

See also:     RegulerExpressionCount    

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