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TElPGPSignature     See also     

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Contains trust amount in range 0-255.


    byte TrustAmount;

    Property TrustAmount As Byte

    property TrustAmount : byte;

    uint8_t get_TrustAmount();
    void set_TrustAmount(uint8_t Value);

    integer get_TrustAmount()
    void set_TrustAmount(integer $Value)

    byte getTrustAmount();
    void setTrustAmount(byte arg0);


    The trust amount is in range 0-255, interpreted such that values less than 120 indicate partial trust and values of 120 or greater indicate complete trust.
    This property is mapped to TElPGPTrustSignatureSubpacket.Amount for version 4 signatures.

See also:     TrustLevel    

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