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TElPGPWriter     See also     

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Makes cleartext-signature over incoming data.


    void ClearTextSign(System.IO.Stream ASourceStream, System.IO.Stream ADestStream, long Count);

    Sub ClearTextSign(ByVal ASourceStream As System.IO.Stream, ByVal ADestStream As System.IO.Stream, ByVal Count As Long)

    procedure ClearTextSign(ASourceStream, ADestStream : TStream; Count : integer = 0);

    void ClearTextSign(TStream &ASourceStream, TStream &ADestStream, int64_t Count);
    void ClearTextSign(TStream *ASourceStream, TStream *ADestStream, int64_t Count);

    void ClearTextSign(TStream $ASourceStream, TStream $ADestStream, integer $Count)

    void clearTextSign(TElStream ASourceStream, TElStream ADestStream, long Count);


  • ASourceStream (InStream) - stream to be signed. This stream MUST contain text data.
  • ADestStream (OutStream) - resulting stream.
  • InFile - file to be encrypted.
  • OutFile - resulting file.
  • Count - number of bytes to be read from ASourceStream. If this parameter is 0data is read till the end of the stream.
    Default value is 0.


    This method signs data from ASourceStream with cleartext-signature and returns result at ADestStream parameter.
     Note, ASourceStream MUST contain text data.
    Use Count parameter to read specified number of bytes from ASourceStream. Set this parameter value to 0 in order to read all data till the stream end.

    Note: in the Delphi versions older than 7, works only with streams of sizes smaller than 2GB (because of TStream limitation). Use ClearTextSignFile instead.

See also:     Armor     SymmetricKeyAlgorithm     Encrypt     Sign     ClearTextSignFile    

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