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TElPGPWriter     See also     

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Specifies the keyring with keys which must be used for data encryption.


    TElPGPKeyring EncryptingKeys;

    Property EncryptingKeys As TElPGPKeyring

    property EncryptingKeys : TElPGPKeyring;

    TElPGPKeyring* get_EncryptingKeys();
    void set_EncryptingKeys(TElPGPKeyring &Value);
    void set_EncryptingKeys(TElPGPKeyring *Value);

    TElPGPKeyring get_EncryptingKeys()
    void set_EncryptingKeys(TElPGPKeyring $Value)

    TElPGPKeyring getEncryptingKeys();
    void setEncryptingKeys(TElPGPKeyring Value);


    Use this property to get or set the keyring with keys for data encryption.

See also:     SigningKeys    

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