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Retrieves the message from the server
Return value
The overloaded method which reads the data into the buffer returns the number of bytes copied to the buffer.
The overloaded method which parses the message returns 0 (EL_OK) on success, 1 (EL_WARNING) if source data contains byte sequences illegal for given charsets and error code in other cases.
TELMessageParsingOptions values
TElMessageParsingOptions values
Call this method to retrieve the message from the server and optionally parse it.
The simplest method overload (which has only Index as a parameter) passes message data via OnMessageLine event. Other overloads eiter let you provide a memory buffer or Stream/TStream object or parse a message for you.
Note, Options setting differs for VCL and .NET versions. To enable several options in .NET use bitwise OR operation, for example "mpoStoreStream | mpoLoadData | mpoCalcDataSize".