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TElPublicKeyCrypto     See also     

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Decrypts a key.


    TElKeyMaterial DecryptKey(byte[] EncKey, int EncKeyStartIndex, int EncKeySize, byte[] EncKeyAlgOID, byte[] EncKeyAlgParams);

    Function DecryptKey(ByVal EncKey As Byte(), ByVal EncKeyStartIndex As Integer, ByVal EncKeySize As Integer, ByVal EncKeyAlgOID As Byte(), ByVal EncKeyAlgParams As Byte()) As TElKeyMaterial

    function DecryptKey(EncKey : pointer; EncKeySize : integer; const EncKeyAlgOID, EncKeyAlgParams : ByteArray) : TElKeyMaterial;

    TElKeyMaterialHandle DecryptKey(void * EncKey, int32_t EncKeySize, const std::vector<uint8_t> &EncKeyAlgOID, const std::vector<uint8_t> &EncKeyAlgParams);

    TElKeyMaterial DecryptKey(TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $EncKey, integer $EncKeySize, array of byte|string|NULL $EncKeyAlgOID, array of byte|string|NULL $EncKeyAlgParams)

    TElKeyMaterial decryptKey(byte[] EncKey, int EncKeyStartIndex, int EncKeySize, byte[] EncKeyAlgOID, byte[] EncKeyAlgParams);


  • EncKey - buffer or memory stream containing encrypted key
  • EncKeyStartIndex - index of the first byte of key data in the EncKey buffer
  • EncKeySize - size of the encrypted key in bytes
  • EncKeyAlgOID - OID of the encryption algorithm
  • EncKeyAlgParams - encryption parameters

Return value

    Returns an instance of TElKeyMaterial class containing decrypted key.


    Call this method to decrypt an encrypted key.

See also:     Decrypt    

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