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TElPublicKeyMaterial     See also     

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Saves public part of the key


    void SavePublic(ref byte[] Buffer, int Index, ref int Size);
    void SavePublic(System.IO.Stream Stream);

    Sub SavePublic(ByRef Buffer As Byte(), ByVal Index As Integer, ByRef Size As Integer)
    Sub SavePublic(ByVal Stream As System.IO.Stream)

    procedure SavePublic(Buffer: pointer; var Size: integer); virtual;
    procedure SavePublic(Stream : TStream); virtual;

    void SavePublic(void * Buffer, int32_t &Size);
    void SavePublic(TStream &Stream);
    void SavePublic(TStream *Stream);

    void SavePublic(TSBPointer|array of byte|string|NULL $Buffer, integer &$Size)
    void SavePublic(TStream $Stream)

    void savePublic(OutputStream Stream);
    void savePublic(byte[] Buffer, int Index, TSBInteger Size);


  • Buffer - The buffer where key material should be saved
  • Index - Start offset of the key material in buffer
  • Size - The length of the buffer where to save the key material. When the method returns, Size parameter contains the number of bytes actually written, or, if the buffer was too small, the size of the buffer enough to hold the data.
  • Stream - The stream to which the key is written.


    Use this method to save public part of the key.

See also:     Load     LoadPublic     LoadSecret     Save     SaveSecret     PublicKey     SecretKey    

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