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TElSftpClient     See also     

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This event is fired when the block of data is received from the server


    event TSBSftpDataEvent OnData;
    delegate void TSBSftpDataEvent(Object Sender, byte[] Buffer);

    Event OnData As TSBSftpDataEvent
    Delegate Sub TSBSftpDataEvent(ByVal Sender As Object, ByVal Buffer As Byte())

    property OnData : TSBSftpDataEvent;
    TSBSftpDataEvent = procedure (Sender: TObject; Buffer : pointer; Size : integer) of object;

    void get_OnData(TSBSftpDataEvent &pMethodOutResult, void * &pDataOutResult);
    void set_OnData(TSBSftpDataEvent pMethodValue, void * pDataValue);
    typedef void (SB_CALLBACK *TSBSftpDataEvent)(void * _ObjectData, TObjectHandle Sender, void * Buffer, int32_t Size);

    TSBSftpDataEvent|callable|NULL get_OnData()
    void set_OnData(TSBSftpDataEvent|callable|NULL $Value)
    callable TSBSftpDataEvent(TObject $Sender, TSBPointer|NULL $Buffer, integer $Size)

    TSBSftpDataEvent getOnData();
    void setOnData(TSBSftpDataEvent Value);
    TSBSftpDataEvent.Callback OnData = new TSBSftpDataEvent.Callback() {
        public void TSBSftpDataEventCallback(TObject arg0, byte[] arg1) {


  • Buffer - reference to received data
  • Size - the size of Buffer in bytes


    This event is fired by TElSftpClient when new data are received and decrypted.

See also:     OnDirectoryListing     Read     SBB3Compatible    

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